Ovarian cyst in old age

When women reach the age of 60, the likelihood of developing a cancerous form of ovarian cyst increases. With the development of uterine tumors in old age, it is important to carefully monitor it so as not to miss the moment of transition to the oncological form. Specialists at the “Other Gynecology” clinic in Moscow recommend surgical treatment of ovarian cysts in women after 60 years of age with the slightest symptoms of degeneration into cancer.

Risk factors in perimenopause

The menopausal period is characterized by a sharp decrease in the concentration of female sex hormones in the blood. During this period, the woman loses her reproductive function and also notices unpleasant signs of hormonal imbalance, so the development of a functional ovarian cyst is impossible.

Also, when menstruation stops, there are no corpus luteum and maturing follicles in the ovaries, so luteal and follicular cysts also do not arise. Therefore, when diagnosing a neoplasm in the uterine cavity or cervical canal after 60 years of age, there is a high probability of developing oncological pathology. The following factors often lead to this condition:

  • surgery on the ovaries;
  • absence of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • medical abortions in large numbers;
  • problems with metabolic processes (diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus);
  • high blood pressure;
  • breast tumors;
  • bad heredity (women in the family who had ovarian cancer).

With a preliminary diagnosis of “ovarian cyst” in women after 60 years of age, it is recommended to conduct a thorough examination not only of the gynecological profile, but also of the general one for the presence of possible metastases.

Frequent variants of appendage tumors in menopause

The main goal when examining a woman after 60 years of age by a gynecologist is to exclude the likelihood of developing an oncological form of the disease. In older patients, the following types of ovarian cysts are more common:

  • borderline cystoma (papillary, recurrent, mucinous);
  • cystadenoma (benign tumor that is filled with serous fluid);
  • ovarian oncology (asymptomatic or hormone-synthesizing type).

Doctors advise, regardless of the form of the pathology, to confirm or refute the malignant origin of the ovarian cyst as quickly as possible in order to remove the entire organ in time.

Treatment tactics

The main goal of therapy is timely removal of the ovary. If you completely remove an organ, the likelihood of cancer spreading to neighboring tissues decreases. To prevent death, it is important after the age of 60 to regularly visit a gynecologist every six months.

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