Medicines for cardiovascular failure


Author of the article: Marina Dmitrievna


4 368


Repeated pain in the heart area of ​​varying strength or character, irregular heart rhythm, increased blood pressure are the most striking symptoms that indicate the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The presence of each of them is a good reason to consult a doctor. If, after examination, the patient does not have any dysfunction of the organ, and the condition of the blood vessels does not require treatment, the doctor will prescribe drops for the heart to normalize health indicators. Pharmacies offer a wide list of such drugs, so you need to figure out which drugs are effective and will not harm your health.

Features of heart diseases

Both men and women of any age are susceptible to these diseases.

They manifest themselves as pain behind the sternum of a pressing or stabbing nature, sometimes radiating to the arm, under the shoulder blade or even to the jaw. There is shortness of breath, weakness and dizziness. Very often, patients experience incomprehensible anxiety and fear of death. That’s why they immediately drink the usual heart drops. The danger with this treatment is that these drugs do not treat heart disease. They simply calm, can relieve pain and anxiety, and have a slight hypnotic effect. The patient feels that he feels better, and in most cases does not go to the doctor, hoping for heart drops. The instructions for them warn against such an attitude. After all, these drugs are mainly made from herbs and do not have a serious effect on the heart. In this way, you can miss the onset of a heart attack or the development of coronary heart disease. Therefore, if angina attacks occur, you must visit a doctor who will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Medicines for shortness of breath

Difficulty breathing in heart failure causes a reduced supply of oxygen to the blood due to congestion in the lung tissue. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the excess load on the heart and increase the strength of its contractions to get rid of shortness of breath. This problem is solved by the use of diuretics, ACE inhibitors, aldosterone antagonists and cardiac glycosides.

ACE inhibitors

These drugs are indicated for all patients with systemic circulatory failure, regardless of the factor that caused this condition. Their pharmacological effects manifest themselves as:

  • improvement of well-being,
  • elimination of signs of heart failure,
  • preventing the development of decompensation,
  • improving quality of life.

Medicines in this group are indicated even at the asymptomatic stage, as well as in severe conditions. The earlier their use is started, the greater the chances of good results. The most effective drugs are:

  • Accupro,
  • Diroton,
  • Quadropril,
  • Prestarium,
  • Tritace,
  • Monopril,
  • Enap,
  • Kapoten.

Beta blockers

Eliminate excess activity of the sympathetic nervous system and the effects of the release of stress hormones. In case of circulatory failure, sympathicotonia is a sign of an unfavorable course of the disease and high mortality of patients. It has been proven that beta blockers, in addition to their direct effect on adrenaline receptors, have the following effects:

  • inhibit the increase in the activity of angiotensin 2, which constricts blood vessels;
  • protect the inner lining of the arteries;
  • prevent the death of heart cells during a heart attack;
  • improve myocardial contractility;
  • reduce heart rate;
  • slow down the hypertrophy of the heart muscle;
  • prevent ischemic processes;
  • normalize the rhythm of contractions during tachyarrhythmia.

The most justified is the prescription of selective (cardioselective) drugs - bisoprolol (Biol, Concor), metoprolol (Egilok, Vazocardin). Carvedilol (Coriol), although not considered a selective beta blocker, has antioxidant and vasodilatory properties that give it additional effectiveness.

Aldosterone receptor blockers

Indicated for cardiac decompensation, excessive accumulation of fluid in the body in addition to Furosemide and Hypothiazide. Quite high doses of Veroshpiron are prescribed - from 100 to 250 mg a day until the condition stabilizes, and then it is left for maintenance therapy in a daily amount of 25 - 50 mg. The criteria for the effectiveness of treatment with this drug are:

  • increased urine output;
  • decreased thirst, sweetish breath due to liver problems;
  • stable levels of potassium and magnesium in the blood.

Cardiac glycosides

These drugs reduce the severity of the main symptoms of circulatory failure, improve the well-being of patients, and when used, decompensation occurs less frequently, especially with concomitant atrial fibrillation. Negative properties include the fact that they do not slow down the progression of the disease and do not reduce the mortality of patients. Digoxin is most often prescribed for long-term treatment.

It is recommended to prescribe it in minimal doses if the patient has:

  • tachycardia, atrial flutter;
  • decreased cardiac output;
  • heart enlargement;
  • circulatory failure of non-ischemic origin.

Watch the video about how and how to treat heart failure:

Features of heart drops

Most of these drugs are prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs. Most often these are alcohol tinctures of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort, lily of the valley or mint. These herbs perfectly soothe, relieve spasms and dilate blood vessels. Thanks to this effect, a person experiencing heart pain feels temporary relief.

But you can’t always take heart drops during an attack. The instructions recommend using them for calming in small courses, and treating heart pain with special medications prescribed by a doctor. The danger of uncontrolled use of heart drops is that some of them can be addictive. For example, some drugs contain phenobarbital, a dangerous drug that is banned for sale in many countries. With prolonged use of drugs based on it, a state of depression, apathy and lethargy develops, and constant drowsiness and weakness are felt. In addition, heart drops are a herbal tincture in alcohol. And alcohol, even in small doses, is contraindicated for many patients.

Useful tinctures for the heart

If heart pain is not associated with organic damage (valvular defects, heart attack, myocarditis, rheumatism, atrial fibrillation), then natural drugs can be used for treatment.

The experience of their use has proven the effectiveness, relative harmlessness and accessibility of this method.

The most popular among doctors and patients are ready-made tinctures of soothing herbs because of their speed and ease of use.

How the tincture will help the heart, blood vessels, nerves

Medicinal herbs (motherwort, mint, peony, valerian, hawthorn, passionflower), which are included in alcoholic extracts for the heart, have the following effects:

  • relieve the effects of stress and fatigue;
  • dilate spasmodic vessels;
  • normalize heart rate;
  • relieve insomnia and irritability;
  • regulate blood pressure;
  • improve coronary blood flow.

Thanks to these properties, tinctures from plants can be prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system that arise and progress against the background of stressful situations: arterial hypertension, myocardial ischemia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, climacteric cardiomyopathy.

In all these cases, they are part of a complex treatment and cannot be prescribed as monotherapy.

If after the examination no changes are found in the ECG and blood tests, but there are complaints of increased heartbeat, decreased performance, anxiety, sleep disturbance, irritability, then herbal medicines can bring significant relief to the patient. They are recommended for intense mental and emotional stress, when changing weather conditions and time zones.

We recommend reading the article about motherwort for the heart. From it you will learn about the benefits and harms of motherwort for the heart, the effect of tincture on rhythm, indications and contraindications.

And here is more information about vitamins for the heart.

Cocktail or mixture of five ingredients

Each of the medicinal plants has a specific effect on the body; the advantage of herbal preparations is the possibility of their combination in the form of collections or complex tinctures. Unlike medications obtained chemically, their interaction does not produce toxic compounds, and the components do not lose their activity.


A popular recipe for strengthening the nervous and cardiovascular systems is a “cocktail of 5 herbs.” You can prepare it yourself from the following ingredients:

  • valerian rhizome,
  • peony,
  • hawthorn fruits,
  • motherwort grass,
  • mint leaves.

If you use pharmacy tinctures of 25 ml, then the first 4 components take 4 bottles each, and one bottle of mint tincture is enough. This makes 425 ml of the mixture. 10 clove buds are placed in it and placed in a dark place. The composition is completely ready in 15 days.

A single dose is 25 drops, the frequency of administration is three times. You can drop it onto a piece of sugar or into warm water. It is best to drink an herbal cocktail 20 minutes before lunch and dinner, and then half an hour before bedtime.

If increased heartbeat and heart pain bother you in the morning, you can add it before breakfast.

Reviews from patients who have undergone treatment with these tinctures indicate effectiveness in the following conditions:

  • tachycardia,
  • changes in blood pressure,
  • headaches and heart pains,
  • neurosis,
  • varicose veins,
  • cramps of the lower extremities,
  • dizziness,
  • unsteady gait,
  • general weakness in old age.

Pyaterchatka: composition of tinctures

Pyatyarchatka, or five-chain, is a composition of five tinctures for the heart. It includes the required components - alcohol extracts from hawthorn fruits, motherwort herbs, and valerian rhizomes. And the other two can change depending on the effect you want to get:

  • Corvalol – soothing, for heart pain and insomnia;
  • mint – vascular spasms, headache;
  • peony – stress, changes in blood pressure;
  • horse chestnut - for venous congestion, to thin the blood.

Most often, equal shares of all the first three tinctures are used, and the last components are taken in half the volume. For example: 25 ml each of valerian, hawthorn and motherwort and 10 ml each of peony and mint. You can mix everything equally. The composition is poured into a dark bottle and taken 25 drops 2-3 times a day with a small amount of water.

VKPB drops: indications and contraindications

Indications for taking VKPB drops (valerian, corvalol, motherwort, hawthorn) include:

  • cardioneurosis – pain in the heart after stress, overexertion, against the background of hormonal imbalance;
  • mild form of arterial hypertension, angina pectoris (often prescribed in complex treatment with medications);
  • rhythm disturbances such as tachycardia in the absence of myocardial damage;
  • anxiety, irritability, neurasthenia;
  • general weakening of the body under stress, loss of performance, sleep disturbance;
  • menopausal syndrome - sweating, hot flashes, nervousness;
  • migraine;
  • feeling of constant psychological tension;
  • chronic fatigue with a tendency to increase blood pressure;
  • enhancing the effect of drugs for insomnia, sedatives, cardiac and painkillers (only on the recommendation of a doctor).

VKPB drops are contraindicated for:

  • individual intolerance to any of the components;
  • severe kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes mellitus;
  • progressive heart failure (edema, shortness of breath, enlarged liver);
  • low blood pressure;
  • development of myocardial infarction; VCPB drops are contraindicated in myocardial infarction
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness);
  • alcoholism, medication and drug addiction.
  • bronchospasm.

Kremlin tincture: composition and effect of components

The Kremlin tincture contains herbs with a complex effect on the nervous system and heart:

Calms, relieves nervous tension, anxiety, improves sleep, relieves spasms, slows down the heart rate.
Reduces excitability, normalizes blood pressure, and helps promote healthy sleep.
Stimulates blood flow in the brain and heart muscle, increases the strength of myocardial contractions, restores normal rhythm, regulates blood pressure, stops the development of atherosclerosis, and relieves arterial spasms.

How to prepare Kremlin drops for the heart

To prepare Kremlin drops for the heart, you will need alcohol tinctures from motherwort herb, hawthorn berries and valerian root. They are purchased at the pharmacy, but it is also possible to make them yourself. For 10 g of crushed plant you will need 50 ml of 70% alcohol. You need to leave for at least a month, then strain.

It is important that the herbs should be prepared separately, and already filtered extracts are mixed. According to the original recipe, equal volumes of tinctures are combined.

Price of heart balm from tinctures

One of the important factors in the popularity of heart balm from tinctures is the price. Ready-made extracts will cost on average:

  • motherwort 25 ml – 9 rubles, 5 hryvnia;
  • hawthorn 25 ml – 11 rubles, 4 hryvnia;
  • valerian 25 ml – 10 rubles, 7 hryvnia;
  • mint 25 ml – 20 rubles, 7 hryvnia;
  • peony 100 ml – 60 rubles, 19 hryvnia.

How to store and take heart drops

Drops should be stored in a dark place and in a dark container. They retain their properties at room temperature.

If the room temperature is above 25 degrees, then it is better to place the balm on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. To take it, you need a measuring pipette or a bottle with a dropper.

For example, a teaspoon will contain 100 drops. It is difficult to measure a single dose (25 drops) by eye.

Always use clean non-carbonated water for dilution in an amount of 30-50 ml. It is recommended to drink the resulting solution with half a glass of warm water. This way the medicine will begin to act faster and will not irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system. After consuming heart drops, at least 20 minutes should pass before eating or drinking.

Drinks to strengthen your heart

In order to improve metabolic processes in the myocardium, it is recommended, along with giving up bad habits (smoking, alcohol), dosed physical activity, to review your diet.

Drinking drinks such as soda and packaged juices, energy drinks and cocktails with alcohol can change your blood glucose levels. This leads not only to disruption of carbohydrate metabolism, but also, as a consequence, to fat metabolism and contributes to the accumulation of excess body weight.

Green tea

The following natural drinks have the opposite effect on the body:

  • pomegranate juice – contains antioxidants, substances that strengthen the vascular wall, tonic, soothing compounds;
  • green tea – prevents the destruction of the inner lining of blood vessels, stabilizes blood pressure;
  • compote of dried apricots and prunes – saturates with potassium, vitamins, stimulates the removal of cholesterol from the body;
  • pumpkin juice is a source of zinc and magnesium, normalizes blood clotting, cleanses blood vessels due to its high content of vitamin E.

Watch the video about the benefits of pomegranate juice:

How to drink heart drops correctly

The instructions for use note that any drugs for the treatment of heart pain should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. You can only drink them in courses of 1-2 months, and then you should definitely take a break so that addiction does not develop. Typically, heart drops are prescribed as a sedative and mild sleeping pill for neuroses and heart failure. But in severe cases, it is necessary to take more serious medications in combination with them. The dose of the drug is prescribed by the doctor depending on the condition and age of the patient. But most often such medications are taken 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day for a month. Only then will they have any effect. Therefore, those who drink these drugs every day in the evening or in the morning only harm their health. If a person is used to taking such medications, you need to consult a doctor and he will prescribe other heart drops.

Herbion heart drops

This medicine is a combination drug; it is a dark brown aqueous-alcohol tincture. It consists of:

  • white mistletoe (leaves and stems);
  • hawthorn (leaves);
  • valerian root.

Hawthorn fruits contain glycosides and flavonoids; they contract the myocardium well and increase blood circulation.

Valerian root is characterized by the fact that it reduces irritability and anxiety, and if you slightly increase the dosage, you can get a slight hypnotic effect. Mistletoe and hawthorn give the drug a slight diuretic effect.

Gerbion drops can be prescribed for:

  • cardioneurosis;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis.

To avoid overdose, the product is dripped into a measuring spoon and diluted with water. To improve, they need to be taken for three months 3 times a day after eating.

The medicine should not be used if a person suffers from alcoholism (they contain alcohol), with liver diseases, if the patient has a history of epilepsy or had skull injuries, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Gerbion can increase the effect of sedatives and tranquilizers.

List of such drugs

1. The most famous drops, which are taken by almost all heart patients, especially the elderly, are Corvalol. The drug has almost the same composition as Validol tablets, but is known only in our country.

2. “Valocordin” is the most “ancient” drug for heart pain, it was created at the end of the 19th century. Despite the fact that phenobarbital in its composition is recognized as a dangerous drug, this medicine is still very popular in our country.

3. “Zelenin Drops” is an excellent preparation based on medicinal plants, which has an antispasmodic and calming effect.

4. Tricardin is a more modern drug, but also based on medicinal herbs. It is used as a sedative and sedative.

5. Another modern herbal medicine that is classified as homeopathic is “Pumpan”.

6. Cardomed heart drops are now being produced based on valerian, hawthorn and motherwort.

Why are such drugs popular?

Various heart drops, the list of which can be continued for a long time, are very popular among patients. People, especially older people, believe that after taking the drops they feel better. Their anxiety and pressing sensations behind the sternum go away, and it is easier for them to fall asleep.

But doctors prescribe such drugs only in the initial stages of the development of angina pectoris, for insomnia and neuroses. After all, most of the components of the drops have a calming, sedative and vasodilating effect. If the drug contains hawthorn, it can be prescribed for arrhythmia, tachycardia and cardiovascular failure. But heart drops can be purchased freely at pharmacies, so many patients buy them for themselves without a doctor’s prescription. Their popularity is also explained by their low price, as well as the small number of side effects.


The use of a diuretic for the treatment of cardiovascular failure is very effective, but must be used taking into account the electrolyte balance. The thiazide group of drugs is widely used in medical practice. The peak of action occurs after four hours, the increase in the amount of urine lasts up to 12 hours.

Chlorothiazide is a thiazide diuretic, it is prescribed every 6 hours at a dosage of up to 500 mg. Various analogues of this remedy are also used, they are not distinguished by the presence of advantages with the exception of Oxodolin, it can be used once every 24 hours.

Metozalone - has the same effect as all diuretic groups of thiazides.

Furosemide - the drug also accelerates the formation and excretion of urine, is well absorbed when taken orally in the form of tablets, and is also used for intravenous administration.

All diuretic drugs have side effects in the form of a lack of potassium, since a large amount of it is disposed of along with urine. To avoid hypokalemia, patients are additionally prescribed potassium supplements or therapy is adjusted in favor of potassium-sparing diuretics.

Triamterene, Amiloride - do not have pronounced diuretic effects, but are potassium-sparing diuretics, so they are prescribed in combination with other diuretic drugs.

Action of the main components

1. Hawthorn is included in most heart drops. After all, its beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart has long been recognized by official medicine. Hawthorn improves coronary blood circulation, reduces venous pressure, reduces heart rate, but at the same time increases their strength.

2. Valerian root has also long been used in medicine as a sedative and antispasmodic. This plant slightly slows down the heart rate and dilates the coronary vessels.

3. Motherwort, in addition to its hypnotic and calming effect, normalizes blood pressure, improves immunity and improves digestion.

4. Menthol has a mild analgesic effect, calms, dilates arteries and increases the depth of breathing.

Heart drops: indications for use and composition

Indications for taking drops may include pain in the heart area, increased anxiety, stress, insomnia, minor deviations in blood pressure from the age norm, disturbances in the rhythm and force of heartbeats. The preparations are made on the basis of plant components. It is their presence that determines the effectiveness of heart drops, which are capable of:

  • dilate blood vessels, relieve their spasm;
  • relieve signs of hypertension;
  • regulate blood composition;
  • have a sedative and mild hypnotic effect;
  • increase immune defense;
  • reduce pain.

Plant raw materials are used in the formulation of many products:

  • valerian root;
  • motherwort grass;
  • hawthorn;
  • lily of the valley;
  • hop;
  • mint;
  • Melissa.

Most heart drops are prepared with alcohol. People for whom alcohol is contraindicated should be aware of this ingredient. You need to be aware of another dangerous component of some medications - phenobarbital. This substance is classified as psychotropic and can cause addiction if used regularly.

Herbs that are included in drops to normalize heart function


Despite the fact that the drug contains phenobarbital, which is prohibited in many countries, these heart drops are very popular in our country. “Valocordin” is drunk by everyone who has insomnia, anxiety and stress. Phenobarbital has a mild hypnotic effect, so these drops are effective.

Essential oils of mint and hops additionally have an antispasmodic and calming effect. Although most doctors no longer prescribe Valocardin to patients with heart failure and angina, as before. The danger of this drug is that it can cause addiction and drug dependence.

Analogues of "Valocordin"

Russian drops “Valoserdin” are very similar to this drug. They have the same effect, but the oil of oregano included in its composition additionally has an antispasmodic and calming effect. In the 60s, Corvalol heart drops also became popular in our country.

They are often drunk without a doctor's prescription for heart pain, although they generally have a calming effect. This drug also has an antispasmodic effect and can be used not only for spasms of the heart muscles and blood vessels, but also for intestinal colic. These products are Russian analogues of Valocordin, but they are cheaper, therefore they are more popular in our country.


The combination of hawthorn fruit, valerian root and motherwort herb is very effective.

Scientists have developed a new drug - Tricardin. These heart drops are effective for vegetative-vascular dystonia or neuroses. In addition, valerian, motherwort and hawthorn have long been renowned as the best herbs for heart disease. But it’s difficult to choose the right amount when brewing them. Therefore, drops are quite popular among doctors and patients. This is also explained by the low price, as well as the absence of side effects. Several other drugs with different names are produced on this basis. The best known are Kadomed heart drops, which are also used in the complex treatment of heart failure in the initial stages.


These oral drops are a clear brown solution with a valerian odor and a bittersweet taste. During storage, sediment may form.

The drug is a combination drug consisting of the following components:

  • tinctures from valerian root;
  • tinctures from motherwort herb;
  • tinctures from hawthorn berries.

These drops will relieve heart pain and calm you down.

Valerian has an antispasmodic and calming effect. Hawthorn reduces blood pressure, dilates blood vessels in the brain, improves their functioning, and has an antisclerotic and antispasmodic effect. Motherwort lowers blood pressure and calms, has a cardiotonic effect, and reduces heart rate (heart rate).

Main indications:

  • treatment of heart failure at the initial stage;
  • therapy for nervous system disorders.

Before taking, the drops must be diluted in water. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor on an individual basis.

Kardomed is contraindicated:

  • children;
  • pregnant women in the first trimester;
  • during lactation;
  • with hypersensitivity to components;
  • with low blood pressure.

Possible side effects are:

  • skin rash, itching;
  • drowsiness, lethargy, fatigue.

An overdose of the drug may cause nausea and headache. The drops contain ethanol, so intoxication and a decrease in the speed of psychomotor reactions may occur.

Kardomed enhances the effect of antispasmodics, analgesics, sedatives, hypnotics and drugs that depress the nervous system.

Other medicines

1. A similar drug is produced by a well-known pharmaceutical company. Heart drops under this name are less known among patients, but doctors prescribe them not only for neuroses and heart failure. Thanks to the mistletoe included in the composition, the drug has the ability to lower blood pressure and improve coronary blood supply.

2. The homeopathic medicine “Pumpan” has a stronger effect on the functioning of the heart. It is also available in the form of drops, but the composition is slightly different. In addition to hawthorn, it includes arnica, lily of the valley, foxglove and potassium carbonate. Therefore, the effect of the drug on the body is broader and with its use you can quickly achieve an improvement in the condition of a patient with angina pectoris.

3. “Drops of Zelenin” are also popular among cores. They contain valerian, lily of the valley, belladonna and menthol. The effect of this drug is mainly sedative and hypnotic.

Despite the popularity of such drugs, doctors do not recommend constantly taking heart drops. The instructions, as already mentioned, allow you to drink them in courses of 1-2 months. And for heart pain or severe cases of angina, it is better to take special medications prescribed by your doctor.

What medications are needed for heart failure?

Drug therapy for decreased myocardial contractility should be aimed primarily at the cause of the development of this complication (ischemia or inflammation of the heart muscle, heart attack, hypertension). In acute and chronic conditions, drugs are indicated that normalize hemodynamics, reduce the load on the heart, and restore rhythm.

We recommend reading the article about the treatment of heart failure with folk remedies. From it you will learn about the main symptoms of chronic weakness of the heart muscle, treatment with herbs and berries, as well as vitamins and microelements for the treatment of weakness of the heart muscle. And here is more information about chronic heart failure.

For acute

Cardiac asthma and pulmonary edema require general approaches - before starting medication administration, the patient is given a sitting position with legs down, a tourniquet is applied to the thigh or bloodletting is performed, oxygen inhalation with an antifoam is connected. Complex treatment is carried out using:

  • nitroglycerin tablets (under the tongue) at the prehospital stage;
  • narcotic analgesics and neuroleptics (Morphine, Droperidol);
  • diuretics (Lasix, Trifas);
  • ganglion blockers for hypertension (Benzohexonium, Arfonad, Pentamin) and vasodilators (Naniprus);
  • vasodilators (Nitroglycerin ampoules, Isoket, Perlinganite)
  • sympathomimetic amines (Dopamine, Dobutamine) for low blood pressure.

Cardiac glycosides are not used in acute cardiac failure. If cardiogenic shock develops, it is necessary to relieve an attack of pain, so neuroleptanalgesia is performed with Fentanyl, Droperidol or Morphine. In the presence of arrhythmia, use Novocainamide, Cordarone.

If the first two groups of drugs do not lead to an increase in blood pressure, then the introduction of vasoconstrictors is started - Dopamine, Norepinephrine. Nonspecific antishock drugs include:

  • hormones (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone);
  • direct acting anticoagulant Heparin;
  • solutions of electrolytes (potassium-magnesium aspartate, sodium bicarbonate, Polyglyukin) in the absence of fluid retention in the body.

For chronic

All drugs for the treatment of circulatory failure can be divided into three groups:

  • basic (effectiveness has been proven specifically for this condition);
  • additional (there is data on effectiveness and safety, but it is not enough to recommend it to all patients);
  • auxiliary (prescribed in the presence of contraindications, for certain categories of patients, as part of therapy);

Essential medications include:

  • angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (Capoten, Lisinopril, Ramipril);
  • beta-blockers (Carvedilol, Nebilet);
  • diuretics (Hypothiazide, Trifas);
  • cardiac glycosides (Digoxin, Korglykon);
  • aldosterone receptor blockers (Veroshpiron).

Additional drugs include angiotensin 2 antagonists (Lozap, Micardis), Vanlev. Of auxiliary significance are:

  • nitrates (Olicard, Isoket);
  • calcium channel blockers (Diacordin, Amlo);
  • antiarrhythmic drugs (Isoptin, Amiodarone);
  • anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents (Aspirin, Warfarin);
  • corticosteroids (Dexamethasone);
  • statins (Liprimar, Rosucard);
  • cardioprotectors (Cytochrome, Mexicor, Cardonate, Thiotriazolin, Thiogamma).

In the elderly

Features of therapy for elderly and senile patients are a decrease in metabolic processes in the body, slow absorption and release of the drug, and a more frequent development of side effects. It should be borne in mind that patients tend to forget about taking medications; they need a simple and understandable treatment regimen, recorded in writing. The amount of medications and their dosage should be as low as possible.

Basic principles of prescribing medications for this category of patients with heart failure:

  • severe side effects most often occur with the use of cardiac glycosides, diuretics, antiarrhythmic medications, blood pressure medications and blood thinners;
  • the consequences of an overdose may be dehydration, mental disorders, severe electrolyte imbalance, thrombosis, cerebrovascular accident;
  • It is important to adjust blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol levels for effective therapy.

Impaired cerebral circulation
Therefore, it is necessary to begin treatment with short courses of low-dose diuretics (Hypothiazide, Triampur, Veroshpiron), and then nitrates and ACE inhibitors are added to therapy. When recommending cardiac glycosides, their amount must be adjusted (reduced by 1.5 - 2 times) in accordance with age. In the presence of arterial hypertension, calcium antagonists are a good choice, as they can improve cerebral circulation (Felodip, Nimotop).

It is not recommended to use for treatment:

  • hormones (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Indomethacin, Ibuprofen);
  • some antiarrhythmics (Etatsizin, Ethmozin, Rhythmodan).[/do]
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