Help of folk remedies in the treatment of aortic stenosis in children and adults

Svetlana Shcherbakova


Higher education:
Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after. HM. Berbekova, Faculty of Medicine (KBSU) Level of education – Specialist 1994-2000

Additional education:
State Educational Institution “Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians” of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Chuvashia


Signs of pathology in various organs and vessels are distinguished by a variety of manifestations and clinical signs, and the treatment of stenosis with folk remedies used by modern medicine allows us to activate the protective functions of the body. Is stenosis curable or not? The question remains somewhat open today.

Often, this very dangerous to human life acquires symptoms of a variety of organic pathologies, which significantly complicates the diagnosis and accurate determination of the causes of the pathology. The insidiousness of the disease is that the patient can assume anything but stenosis. The narrowing of the lumen of hollow organs and blood vessels cannot be called a disease of civilization; humanity has been facing this phenomenon for many hundreds of years. That is why traditional medicine has developed and preserved many recipes, where a harmonious combination of herbs, fruits, berries, oils and bee products is used as a variety of dosage forms for stenosis. However, in order to effectively use the wisdom of healers and herbalists of the past, one should know the main features of the etiology, pathogenesis and therapy of such a dangerous disease.

Features of stenosis mechanisms

The disease, which bears the official clinical name of stenosis, is essentially a huge range of pathological conditions characterized by a variety of symptoms and pathogenesis itself. They have one thing in common - stenosis is a narrowing or complete closure of the lumen or cavity of various human organs and systems due to one reason or another. There are several types of stenosis:

  • Hereditary, when stenosis is a congenital distortion of the anatomy, herbal medicine in this case practically does not bring tangible results;
  • Acquired disorders, the causes of which are metabolic disorders, infectious and inflammatory reactions, the growth of tumors of various types. Treatment with folk remedies of herbal origin for this type of stenosis can more or less improve the general condition;
  • Combined stenosis consists of a combination of the first and second factors, the ratio is different.

A wide variety of organs are susceptible to narrowing of the lumen. This may be the spinal canal, larynx, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles, the lumen of the aorta, arteries, gastric sphincter, mitral valve system.

Causes of vasoconstriction

    sedentary lifestyle; metabolic imbalance; genetic factor; the presence of endocrine diseases; bad habits (alcohol, smoking); eating large amounts of fatty foods, which increases the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
    points before the eyes; headache; noise in ears; facial redness and sweating; insomnia; increased fatigue; recurring dizziness.

    The first stage is asymptomatic; The second stage is characterized by an imbalance in the functioning of various organs, the musculoskeletal system, and the urinary system. The person develops an unsteady gait. Your arms or legs may become numb. The patient becomes nervous and irritable. These symptoms last for about a day. It is important not to miss them and consult a doctor in a timely manner. The third stage is serious dysfunction in the brain. Coordination of movements is impaired. If measures are not taken in time, the musculoskeletal system ceases to function. Speech is impaired and blindness may occur.

    smoked meats, fatty meats, rich fatty soups, offal, canned fish, pickles, confectionery, chocolates, coffee, fatty dairy products, egg yolk.

Stenosis and centuries-old practice

Today, classical stenosis refers to a pathological process based on an anomaly characterized by significant narrowing of the great vessels. The ethology of this phenomenon lies in atherosclerotic processes, which are a direct consequence of the massive formation and sedimentation of cholesterol plaques on the mucous walls of blood vessels. In this case, there is a deficiency of blood saturated with nutrients and enriched with oxygen elements in the organs, which subsequently leads to serious problems with the condition of the body.

So, to a person even approximately familiar with the specifics of medicine, it is extremely clear how dangerous and insidious this pathology is. Therefore, nowadays, almost all diagnosed forms of stenosis undergo surgical intervention as the most effective form of treatment. However, we should not discount the medicines provided to us by nature itself. Despite the fact that traditional medicine considers folk recipes as a very active auxiliary element of the treatment complex, doctors always include them in the main method of therapy.

Radical treatment methods

In advanced cases, when the disease progresses, when drug therapy does not produce the desired effect, it is recommended to treat vasoconstriction with surgical methods. For example, perform a carotid endarterectomy, during which a cholesterol plaque is removed from a dissected vessel with pathology. Restoration of the vessel wall is carried out by suturing. The operation is performed by a surgeon under local anesthesia. In most cases, the patient leaves the hospital one day after removal of the cholesterol plaque.

Modern treatment methods include angioplasty. This is an operation during which a special tube (catheter) is inserted into the artery, through which the area is expanded and blood supply is restored by pushing the plaque. It is also possible to perform stenting (carotid bypass), in which a thin wire frame is fixed between the plaque and the vessel wall. But these methods are accompanied by frequent complications, so they are used extremely rarely.

There is no general treatment regimen for atherosclerosis. In each specific case, it is assigned individually, based on the results of hardware diagnostics.

Why traditional medicine?

In the vast majority of cases, modern traditional healers recommend natural remedies as an effective means for cleaning blood vessels. Some clinicians critically consider the capabilities of plants whose active substances do not have the ability to dissolve cholesterol deposits and plaques, eliminate pathological loops of arteries, or level out congenital anatomical disorders. Thanks to numerous studies, folk recipes have still taken their rightful place in the complex treatment of stenosis.

Without in any way interfering with the effects of medication, they allow the body to receive the required amount of substances that strengthen the vascular wall, normalize metabolic functions, reduce appetite, and improve the absorption of microelements and vitamins. The recipes recommended by herbalists have another positive factor. Almost all the ingredients are available for purchase and the recipes themselves are not difficult to make in an ordinary home kitchen. There are quite a lot of advantages to resort to the recommendations of our ancestors.

The most popular recipes from the people

The statement that such complex and diverse pathologies as aortic stenosis, blockage of the lumen of great vessels with blood clots or cholesterol formations are not subject to effective treatment only with herbs does not need confirmation. At the same time, modern doctors recommend including simple, accessible recipes for various types of stenosis in the treatment course:

  1. Serious improvement in the condition and reduction of pathological signs in stenosis of cerebral vessels allows the use of a fairly simple medicine. In a glass container, mix 1 bottle of pharmaceutical tinctures - peony, hawthorn, motherwort, valerian and Corvalol. Take 1 teaspoon per 25 ml of water twice a day before lunch.
  2. Stenosis of the ducts of the digestive glands will partially eliminate the infusion of coltsfoot. To prepare it, take 1 tsp. mixture of flowers and leaves is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, after 30 - 40 minutes, the infusion is filtered and drunk 100 ml before meals.
  3. The atherosclerotic process will help slow down the use of garlic tincture. To prepare, take 80 g of crushed garlic cloves, pour in 1 glass of vodka, and leave for 10 days in an opaque glass container. Take 10 drops 3 times. / d. 90 - 95 days.
  4. Atherosclerosis of the cerebral vascular basin helps to significantly slow down the rowan bark. The decoction is prepared from 200 g of ground bark and ½ liter of boiling water, cooked in the stew mode for at least 2 - 2.5 hours. Take 3 tbsp. l. before meals three times a day, a course of 30 days is repeated three times a year.
  1. A good effect can be obtained by consuming a decoction of golden mustache. To prepare it, mix plantain juice with golden mustache juice (20/1), and honey in the same volume, bring to a boil in a steam bath, drain and store in a dark, cool place. Take exclusively after one daily meal.
  2. Manifestations of narrowing of the aortic lumen affect the activity of the entire cardiovascular system. To reduce the load on the heart, traditional healers recommend medicinal jam from hawthorn berries. The fruits, pre-steamed for 10 - 12 hours in hot water, are strained, pounded, then boiled for 5 - 10 minutes with sugar in a ratio of 1 to 2 or 1 to 3. Take 1 tbsp for no more than a week. a spoonful of jam dissolved in 200 ml of water before meals once a day. Hawthorn reduces hypertension, which simplifies the work of the heart muscle.
  3. Blockage of blood vessels by blood clots is also very relevant for traditional medicine. Here you can find a recipe for infusion of white onion juice with May honey in equal parts. The resulting mixture must be infused for 20 days - in the room, then in a cooler place. It is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals, course 5 - 8 weeks.
  4. In certain cases of stenosis of the great vessels, the effect of consuming gruel from raw grated potatoes 20-30 minutes before eating is to grate along with the peel.
  5. If not eliminated completely, then a decoction of motherwort herb will help solve problems of the cardiovascular system of various types in a certain way. To prepare, you need to take 4 tablespoons of dry crushed stems and leaves of motherwort, pour ½ liter of boiling water and simmer for no more than 5 minutes. Take 50–60 ml before meals, for a course of 25–30 days.
  6. The use of pharmaceutical herbal mixtures No. 1, 2, 3, 4 based on meadowsweet, mint, motherwort, birch leaf, nettle, lemon balm, yarrow, cudweed, elderberry and other equally useful gifts of nature will significantly complement traditional medical treatment methods and improve them efficiency.

Traditional recipes as an alternative type of therapy should not be perceived as a panacea; they are a small part of helping the body. The choice of treatment method based on the diagnosis lies solely in the competence of the doctor.

Diet therapy and prevention

Another important component of treatment is diet for stenosis. This is the correct formation of a menu using the same natural products. Replacing fats of animal origin with vegetable ones, enriching the diet with vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts and reducing the thermal effect on them during the cooking process are also included in the arsenal of traditional medicine. Including grapes and grape juice, walnuts, raisins, dried apricots, various types of cabbage, carrots, beets, pumpkins, tomatoes, and herbs in the daily menu is also the urgent advice of all folk herbalists.

The following has been recommended for decades to prevent this dangerous disease. Minimum excess weight, table salt, spicy and fatty foods, smoking and alcohol. Maximum fresh air, physical activity, a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. Preventive folk remedies for this pathology are very useful and at the same time tasty. These lemons, honey, dried fruits, buckwheat porridge, medicinal herbs and plant leaves in the form of teas for a daily alternative to coffee, energy drinks, and strong drinks. It was these familiar gifts of nature that prevented stenosis and gave health to our ancestors for centuries.

Where to start therapy?

Before starting a course of treatment using traditional medicine, consult a specialist. He will tell you how to properly check the blood vessels, then after withdrawal you can start using home remedies. Most people are interested in which doctors treat cerebral vessels. This problem is solved by a neurologist and a therapist. It is worth noting that in any treatment it is important to follow the regimen. Each therapy involves a certain number of courses. The longer the treatment goes on, the easier it is to endure. In order for the blood vessels to always be normal, it is necessary to cleanse the body several times annually.

( Video : “Cleansing brain vessels with folk remedies”)

Diet is also important, since during the course it is necessary to limit the use of animal products. Do not eat sweet, smoked, fatty and spicy foods. The best time to cleanse the vascular system is the warm season, when you can find fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, take vitamins for your body. You can add group B and its subspecies and other useful elements of the periodic table. Add seafood, veal, and buckwheat to your diet. Load up your body to avoid muscle atrophy. Do morning exercises and spend as much time as possible outdoors. If treatment proceeds in the right direction, overall health will improve and blood circulation will improve. After the body has completed the process of cleaning blood vessels, you will be able to:

  • Take control of blood pressure;
  • Head pain will decrease, dizziness will disappear;
  • Improve memory;
  • Vascular tone will increase;
  • Dependency on weather conditions will decrease.

It is worth emphasizing that it is imperative to get rid of bad habits. The presence of alcohol and nicotine in the blood has a strong negative effect on the vascular system. They play the role of poisons, so you need to get rid of them. Most people are also interested in whether coffee affects the condition of blood vessels. It is impossible to answer unequivocally, since after it the vessels narrow, however, this process normalizes the condition if the pressure drops. In this matter it is very important to know when to stop.

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