9 folk remedies for cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol

If a person wants to enjoy not only a long, but also an active, healthy life, he must monitor the condition of his body constantly, and not only when some problems and ailments arise. Then you can avoid serious complications and consequences and not think about doctors, hospitals and pills for a long time.

Prevention of any disease begins with complete cleansing of the blood. And for this it is better to use not pharmaceutical drugs or biologically active additives, but natural herbal preparations.

Symptoms of high cholesterol

Exceeding the norm of cholesterol (cholesterol) in the blood does not necessarily lead to obvious symptoms; in the early stages they are generally asymptomatic. Proceeding secretly, high cholesterol levels have a destructive effect (dysmetabolic disorders) on the human body and health.

As a rule, when undergoing a regular examination and medical examination, the patient is surprised to learn about the high level of cholesterol in the blood in the tests.

General symptoms of high cholesterol can be expressed in decreased performance, loss of strength, fatigue, and obesity.

The manifestation of high cholesterol is already detected by signs of other diseases, such as complications of metabolic disorders and lipid metabolism.

The most common diseases are: coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack.

High cholesterol leads to:

  • Decreased elasticity of vessel walls
  • Reducing the lumen of arterial vessels
  • Blood flow disturbance
  • Additional load on the heart to “pump” blood

Diagnosis of the disease

What is bad cholesterol

The indication for preventive screening for cholesterol is often reaching 40 years of age. To make sure there is no risk of plaque formation, you need to check your blood. It is enough to donate liquid from your finger for a general analysis.

In the results you can notice the separation of cholesterol:

  1. Good – HDL. Normal levels are above 1 mmol/liter.
  2. Harmful - LDL. The concentration is not more than 5.2 mmol/liter.

KA is also determined - the ratio of dangerous and necessary cholesterol for humans.

  1. When there are no problems, KA is less than 3.
  2. In the presence of diseases, for example, atherosclerosis, a value of 5.

Vascular atherosclerosis

If significant presence of LDL is detected, the patient is examined.

Diagnostics helps determine methods for getting rid of cholesterol; doctors themselves often recommend using courses of folk remedies.

Statins to lower cholesterol

Statins are a group of drugs designed to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Used for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.

Nowadays, there are several statins of different generations. Statins are the most popular pills of all groups of drugs for lowering cholesterol levels. Their action is based on the production of a special enzyme, HMG-CoA reductase. The enzyme is involved in the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver.

Latest, fourth generation statin.

Rosuvastatin – Crestor (Rosucard, Rozulip, Tevastor) Popularity rating*: 4.9

Intended for people at high risk of stroke and heart attack. People suffering from diabetes, coronary heart disease, and arterial hypertension.

To reduce cholesterol, the patient must follow a diet, review his diet, and only then start taking the drug.

Taking Rosuvastatin depends on the level of lipids in the blood and is in a standard dosage of 5 to 10 mg per day.

Atorvastatin – Liprimar (Tulip, Torvacard, Atoris) Popularity rating*: 4.8

Atorvastatin belongs to the third previous generation of statins, the main substance is atorvastatin.

The difference between fourth and third generation drugs is that in addition to reducing the level of bad LDL cholesterol, they increase the concentration of good HDL cholesterol. However, Atorvastatin is a very effective drug and has an original formula.

Fluvastatin – Leskol Forte Popularity rating*: 4.8

Fluvastatin Leskol Forte is also a very popular drug for lowering cholesterol levels. It is prescribed for high cholesterol with hereditary hypercholesterolemia, prevention of myocardial infarction, and coronary heart disease. It can be prescribed as monotherapy when other drugs are no longer needed.

Nicotinic acid (Niacin)

Nicotinic acid (niacin) is found in the food we eat and belongs to the B vitamins. If low-density lipoprotein levels are elevated, the doctor may prescribe taking Niacin in high doses.

Nicotinic acid reduces the flow of fats from subcutaneous tissue into the blood, thereby reducing LDL levels and increasing HDL levels.

It is also prescribed for atherosclerosis, it has a pronounced vasodilating effect and blocks cholesterol synthesis in the liver, reduces blood glucose levels, which is effective for diabetics, and “resolves” cholesterol plaques.

Bile acid sequestrants, agents for suppressing the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine

The medicine acts in the intestines, binding bile acids and removing them from the body. Bile acids are involved in the metabolism of cholesterol and fats and thus reduce lipid levels.

They have the disadvantage that bile acid sequestrants cause disorders in the patient's gastrointestinal tract and can cause constipation.


These are derivatives of fibric acid, a group of drugs that lower triglycerides (lipids) in the blood and increase the level of high-density lipoproteins.

This is another group of drugs that lowers the level of triglycerides in the blood and also increases the level of high-density lipoprotein HDL.

Side effects include nausea, abdominal pain, arrhythmias, liver dysfunction, and decreased libido.

Medicinal cleansing

Medicinal cleansing

To clean blood vessels and get rid of cholesterol, folk recipes are used as part of complex therapy. But the drugs must be prescribed by a doctor; independent use is strictly prohibited.

Typically, the following medications are used:

  1. Cholestyramine, cholestid - indicated for binding bile acids in the intestine.
  2. Atromid, Gevilan - reduce the production of fats.
  3. Medicines containing nicotinic acid prevent the production of cholesterol.
  4. A group of statins - inhibit lipid synthesis. These include Lovastatin, Rosuvastatin, Atorvastatin, Simvastatin.
  5. Fibrates – reduce the concentration of harmful deposits and thin the blood. These include Lipostabil, Traykor, Clofibrat.

It is necessary to undergo a diagnosis before using pharmacological agents.

Cholesterol-lowering foods

To lower blood cholesterol levels, you don’t have to take pills; some foods reduce bad cholesterol levels quite effectively and quickly.

The diet will help clean blood vessels from plaque, normalize metabolism, and reduce excess weight.

Olive oil

An excellent source of monounsaturated fatty acids (Omega-7 (ω-7) monounsaturated fatty acids) as well as oleic acid.

It lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.

It is enough to consume up to 3 tbsp. spoons per day, oil is very high in calories and you can’t eat too much, especially for overweight people.


Reduces cholesterol levels by 15% by eating just two carrots a day. In addition, it cleanses tooth enamel from food debris, masks tooth gums, and suppresses microbes that cause caries.

Carrots contain vitamins B, PP, C, E, K, and they contain carotene, a substance that is converted into vitamin A in the human body.


It has a red pigment called lycopene. Lycopene does an excellent job of removing lipids and normalizing metabolism.

To normalize cholesterol, drink only 2 glasses of tomato juice per day (25 mg of lycopene per day). Tomatoes are good for the heart muscle and contain potassium for heart function.

Doctors recommend eating tomatoes for heart and vascular diseases.

Tomatoes are a low-calorie vegetable, only 22 kcal/100 g, suppress appetite, which is very useful for the nutrition of overweight people. Nutritionists highly recommend including it in the menu.


Garlic contains a beneficial substance such as alliin, which has a pronounced anti-cholesterol effect.

This substance makes garlic with a special, bright, specific smell.

In itself, this substance does not have any beneficial properties, but after you chew garlic, press on garlic, alliin turns into allicin, which cleans blood vessels and removes cholesterol plaques.

Garlic helps build muscle mass; people who play sports love to consume it.

In addition, garlic improves blood circulation in the brain, treats the nervous system, increases the overall tone of the body, dilates blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure (blood pressure).


Total cholesterol is reduced by 5% when eating 50 grams of any nuts per day.

This was established by American researchers during experiments. Bad cholesterol was reduced by 7.5% in people studied when eating nuts.

What was especially surprising was the fact that in people with high cholesterol levels, nuts had the strongest effect in reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Nuts especially worked better for people with normal or low body weight.

Nuts contain group B, vitamins A, E, trace elements potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Beneficial for older people, reducing the risk of developing senile insanity,


The level of bad cholesterol will decrease by as much as 20% when eating 1.5 cups of boiled peas per day for 3 weeks.

The most important thing is that peas are very rich in B vitamins, especially vitamin B 12, which is not synthesized in the body and must be supplied to us with food.

Peas provide us with a strong nervous system, sound sleep, and beautiful hair.

If you want to stay young and healthy, pay attention to peas. Peas contain antioxidants - substances that slow down aging and protect the body from harmful environmental influences.

Fatty fish

Fish contains fish oil, omega-3 acids that reduce cholesterol deposits and plaques. Fish is rich in proteins, which are easier to digest and are very useful for weakened people and people with anemia (anemia).

Fish is good for overweight people to eat; it helps them lose weight and feel good. Fish contains tauric acid, which helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and nervousness.

Most tauric acids are found in ocean fish.

Fish is rich in phosphorus, good for brain function, fluoride, prevents tooth decay, potassium, selenium, for strengthening the immune system and regulating blood pressure.

List of the most fatty fish, in which the fat content is 8-20%:

  • halibut,
  • toothfish;
  • sturgeon varieties;
  • nonotenia, saury, stellate sturgeon;
  • mackerel, whitefish and eel;
  • nelma, omul;
  • ivasi, Caspian sprat;
  • Chinook;
  • silver carp, sabrefish and beluga;
  • fatty herring, burbot.

Green tea

Green tea is rich in flavonoids, which is a natural antioxidant, it is useful to drink it more often to reduce LDL.

Green tea thins the blood, prevents strokes and blood clots and premature death.

To reduce bad cholesterol levels, drink 3-4 cups of green tea a day.


Chicory is very useful for high cholesterol, contains large amounts of vitamins, microelements, amino acids and organic acids. Considered a coffee substitute.

Removes excess fats (triglycerides), cleanses the blood, helps fight excess weight, normalizing metabolism. Helps increase good cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein HDL levels.

Plaques resolve and decrease in size.

Improves blood circulation, helps to better absorb magnesium and calcium into the bones.

Normalizes blood sugar levels with the help of a special substance inulin and fiber.

Proper nutrition

Diet is one of the main directions in home cleaning of blood vessels and getting rid of cholesterol. Depending on the patient’s condition and the presence of other pathologies, the diet is adjusted.

Nutrition for cholesterol removal

The menu includes the following products for cleansing the blood and blood vessels:

  1. Boiled or steamed lean fish and meats.
  2. Light salads and lean soups are recommended.
  3. Porridge and vegetable stew are good for health.
  4. Nuts, garlic, onions, eggplants, cauliflower and beets, and lemon help rid the body of cholesterol.
  5. Legumes – beans and peas – provide a good effect.
  6. Instead of the usual desserts, berries and fresh fruit are served on the table.

Proper nutrition

For high-quality cleaning of blood vessels, remove from the diet:

  1. Smoked meats, canned food, pickles.
  2. Margarine, butter, lard.
  3. Fast food, cakes and pastries, sweets.
  4. Processed cheeses.
  5. Alcohol.
  6. Fat milk and its derivatives.

To reduce the risk of cholesterol deposits, it is worth replacing sugar with natural honey. Throughout the day you should drink pomegranate, tomato or carrot juice, mineral water, free of gas.

By adhering to a well-designed diet, you can reduce the risk of increased lipid concentrations, since the listed healthy products thin the blood and prevent the formation of plaques.

Preparing for cleaning

Freeing blood vessels from cholesterol accumulations requires preliminary cleansing of the intestines, liver and kidneys. Organs remove most of the toxins and wastes, so it is necessary to increase their functionality by resorting to dietary nutrition.


  1. The menu includes lean meat, stews and vegetable salads, fresh juices, vegetarian soups, citrus fruits, and berries.
  2. Exclude fatty foods, fried foods, pickles and smoked meats, confectionery, fast food, processed cheeses, semi-finished products, whole milk, butter, canned food.
  3. Drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day.

It is advisable to steam it or bake it in the oven with a minimum amount of fat.

They also use enemas, tubages, and wraps, which allow for high-quality cleansing of the body.

Preparing for cleansing

High cholesterol: how to treat with folk remedies

Proven folk remedies for lowering blood cholesterol have proven their effectiveness and usefulness for patients with cardiovascular system and high blood pressure.

But in any case, before using herbs, you should consult with your doctor.

Flax seed

To prepare this simple recipe, you need to take 1 teaspoon of flax seeds and pour half a glass of boiling water.

Let it all sit for half an hour and strain through a sieve, squeeze out the rest.

Take a quarter glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Drink flax seeds only fresh, do not cook too much, as the broth loses its beneficial properties.

You can add flax seeds to salads and cereals, but not a lot, about a pinch no more.

Rosehip infusion

Rosehip infusion is very useful, although you can drink a decoction. Cooking their dried fruits.

To prepare the infusion you need to take 5 tbsp. l. crushed fruits per 1 liter of water. You can insist in a thermos overnight. Strain the berries.

Drink half a glass twice a day. Can be stored for no more than 2 days

Infusion of garlic, horseradish and cherry and currant leaves

To prepare the infusion you need to take:

  • Garlic 1 kg
  • Horseradish 80 g
  • Cherry leaves 50 g
  • Currant leaves – 50 g
  • Dill inflorescence
  • A little salt

The components are placed in a glass container and filled with boiling water.

Leave for a week and consume 1 tbsp before meals. spoon

Bean decoction

Bean decoction will help restore the elasticity of blood vessels. To do this, you need to take half a glass of beans to 1 glass of water.

Soak, leaving overnight and in the morning, rinsing with fresh water and boiling with a pinch of soda.

Take the decoction 2 times a day, 2 tbsp. l. within 10 days

Linden blossom

Together with apples and choleretic herbs, linden is very useful in the fight against bad cholesterol in the blood.

The decoction is prepared as follows:

1 tbsp. Add a spoonful of dry linden blossom to 1 glass of water and cook in a water bath for 10-15 minutes.

After cooling and straining the broth, take half a glass 3 times a day.

Treatment lasts for 2 weeks, after two months you can repeat the course of treatment.

Dandelion root

Take 1 teaspoon of crushed powdered dandelion root with warm water before meals.

The course of treatment with dandelion root lasts six months.

Celery stalk

Prepare a salad from celery leaves and sesame seeds. Constant consumption of this salad reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood.


Celery is not recommended for people with low blood pressure. Consult your doctor before use.

Liquorice root

You need to take 2 tbsp. l. powder of crushed licorice root and pour 500 ml of boiling water.

Infuse licorice root decoction for high cholesterol for 10 minutes. Strain and cool to room temperature.

Drink half a glass of the decoction 4 times a day, after eating. The course of treatment lasts for 21 days. The next course of treatment can be carried out no earlier than in a month.

Why is cleansing necessary?

Home procedures restore elasticity and firmness to arteries, veins and capillaries, remove harmful substances, which has a positive effect on the human condition:

  • mood improves;
  • performance increases;
  • attacks of cephalalgia disappear;
  • blood pressure is normalized.

Preventive cleaning of blood vessels with folk remedies once a year promotes longevity, as it prevents the development of diseases characteristic of the cardiovascular system.

If high lipid levels are detected in the blood, doctors usually prescribe a course of pharmacological therapy. But medications often cause side effects that are significantly harmful to health. In contrast, home methods have a minimum of contraindications.

It is advisable to increase the efficiency of releasing cholesterol from blood vessels by first cleansing the body of accumulated waste and toxins. Otherwise, the procedure will not be effective, since harmful substances will continue to penetrate from the digestive tract.

Cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol with folk remedies

Cleansing blood vessels with garlic and lemon

Garlic perfectly cleans blood vessels from sclerotic plaques, dissolves salts and cleanses the intestines from pathogenic microflora, and increases immunity against viruses.

Garlic contains a substance called adenosine, which normalizes the number of platelets in the blood, reduces blood density, and thins the blood.

Do not use garlic immediately; wait 10 minutes after chopping to enhance the effect of garlic enzymes and the health benefits of the product.

Simply eating 3-4 cloves of garlic every day for three months helps reduce cholesterol plaques by 19-20%.

Garlic is the most popular vessel cleanser.

Honey with garlic and lemon enhance each other’s effects and cleanse blood vessels affected by atherosclerosis and increase their elasticity and flexibility.

To cleanse the vessels, take:

  • Lemon with peel – 4 pieces
  • 4 heads of garlic, peeled

Pass everything through a meat grinder and put it in a three-liter glass container, a jar and fill with warm boiled water.

Stir the mixture from time to time. Leave for 3 days at room temperature. Strain the tincture and store in the refrigerator.

Take 100 g of garlic-lemon mixture three times a day. The course of treatment is four jars of infusion. This will take about forty days of treatment.

This course of treatment is carried out once a year. As a result, blood pressure will normalize and headaches will go away. All this helps reduce blood cholesterol. This can be easily checked by taking a cholesterol blood test.

A simple way to clean blood vessels using walnuts

Another very popular method of cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol plaques is to eat nuts.

The very green part, the shell of the nut when ripe, is useful. But the core of the nut can also be used for treatment.

You need to take nuts - 1.5 kg

Grind in a meat grinder, place in a container and place in a cool place.

Eat nuts 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day, morning and evening half an hour before meals. Take 100 ml of crushed nut powder with water.

Honey-nut mass for cleaning blood vessels

Cleanses brain vessels from cholesterol plaques. Ingredients:

  • Chopped nuts
  • Honey 1 tbsp. spoon (preferably linden honey)
  • Cinnamon powder on the tip of a teaspoon
  • Ginger root powder also on the tip of a teaspoon

Mix everything and eat 1 tbsp. spoons, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Store the mixture in the refrigerator, consume after resting for a day in the refrigerator.

The course of treatment is about a month or two.

Such courses need to be held once or twice a year.

After the course of treatment, your headaches will disappear, your blood pressure will normalize, and your legs will stop hurting due to varicose veins and thrombophlebitis


Cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol using folk remedies is very effective and brings results. However, self-cleansing of blood vessels at home has a number of contraindications.

Main contraindications:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. kidney and liver diseases;
  3. epilepsy and other neurological diseases;;
  4. inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. diseases of the digestive tract and stomach (ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis);
  6. diseases of the genitourinary system;
  7. tendency to allergic reactions.
  • The use of folk remedies using garlic is not recommended for people suffering from heartburn attacks, as well as for those who have stomach problems.
  • Juice therapy is contraindicated for people suffering from type 1 diabetes. With type 2, you need to exclude sweet fruits.
  • Herbal medicine is prohibited for use by people suffering from renal failure, as well as diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Herbal folk remedies, as well as home juice therapy, can reduce cholesterol in older people and improve their health. At this age, the risk of developing atherosclerosis increases, so it is very important to carry out prevention and general cleaning of the vascular system as often as possible. We must not forget how important a proper diet and active lifestyle are at this age.


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