Medication relief of headaches with high blood pressure

Statistics regarding cardiovascular diseases are disappointing and continue to remain at extremely critical levels. About 20% of the planet's population (and this is every fifth person on Earth, including children) suffers from arterial hypertension, while approximately 95% of such patients are diagnosed with hypertension (an essential form of hypertension). It is this pathological condition that is most responsible for the occurrence of ischemic strokes, which, together with cerebral hemorrhages and myocardial infarctions, bring mortality from CVD to a confident first place.

Analgesics are used to relieve headaches due to hypertension.

The same statistics claim that every 9 out of 10 people suffer from recurrent headaches. These painful conditions do not always arise due to vascular pathologies, but the high figures given above do not allow us to doubt the presence of a clearly defined relationship between migraines and hypertension. We will try to figure out which tablets can be used for headaches with high blood pressure, because drug therapy has been and remains the most effective and affordable method of treating headaches.

Headache and blood pressure

Headache with high blood pressure spreads to certain areas. The pain can be pulsating or continuous, felt in the back of the head or temporal parts of the skull.

Headache may be combined with other symptoms:

  • very sick;
  • dizzy;
  • flickering in the eyes;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • Vomiting caused by stress may begin;
  • noise in ears;
  • redness and swelling of the face;
  • tingling in the limbs.

The discomfort most often occurs in the morning, immediately after waking up, or at other times. A person does not know what to do, it is difficult to understand why such a phenomenon arose.

The listed symptoms, including headache, are characteristic of hypertension and require seeking medical help.

With high blood pressure, the discomfort is usually localized in the frontal region, at the temples, and in the back of the head. Pain can occur anywhere there is a vessel.

It is easier to cope with any pathology at the initial stage of development. This rule also applies to high blood pressure. Ignoring deviations of parameters from the norm can lead to unpredictable consequences.

The head doesn't hurt, but the readings are high

Increasing blood pressure parameters are not always accompanied by pain in the back of the head or temples. At the initial stage of development of hypertension, it is difficult to recognize the disease. And not all symptoms appear immediately.

A person does not know what to do when his blood pressure is high and his head hurts; medications do not help. Seeing a doctor often occurs at a more advanced stage, when the manifestations of hypertension become painful and prevent normal work and rest.


If blood pressure increases, the back of the head and temples almost always suffer. The nature of the discomfort may vary. If the sensations bother you on one side, it’s a migraine.

The causes of migraine are:

  • narrowing of blood vessels and arteries, which disrupts the blood supply to the vascular part of the brain;
  • uneven expansion of blood vessels in the brain system;
  • nervous tension;
  • after alcohol;
  • high physical activity;
  • disturbances in the body due to sudden changes in weather.

Migraine is one of the main symptoms of high blood pressure. And the symptoms of migraine with high blood pressure are the following characteristics:

  • inability to concentrate;
  • flickering before the eyes;
  • nausea, often ending in vomiting;
  • pale skin;
  • redness of the eyes, accompanied by lacrimation;
  • depression;
  • photophobia.

Migraines can begin in the early morning, after waking up. The migraine increases gradually and becomes unbearable. Migraines can last a day or two days.

Headaches can be a concern not only because of elevated blood pressure parameters. A decrease in pressure also brings discomfort.

Next, we’ll figure out how a headache hurts if a person suffers from low blood pressure, and why this symptom is bothersome when the levels are normal.

When is medical help needed?

You should consult a doctor if:

  • attacks of high blood pressure have become more frequent;
  • blood pressure is higher than normal (depending on age and individual characteristics, this indicator may differ);
  • after taking an antihypertensive drug, the condition did not improve;
  • have diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Calling a doctor to your home

Even if the increase in blood pressure occurs once, you need to independently monitor it for several days. If hypertension does not resolve within this time, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication can complicate the situation and lead to complications.

How does a headache hurt with low blood pressure?

One of the symptoms of hypotension is headache. With low blood pressure, headaches can be constant, sometimes ending in dizziness and fainting.

The nature of the pain can be paroxysmal, dull, aching, and may be accompanied by spasms. Discomfortable sensations usually occur immediately after waking up, after high physical exertion or heavy mental work.

Decreased blood pressure has the following symptoms:

  • a feeling of heaviness in the frontal part or back of the head;
  • localization in different parts of the head. It may hurt only in the temples or in the forehead area, then there is a feeling that the head seems to be burning inside;
  • nausea, possible fainting.

With low blood pressure, a headache comes on unexpectedly, and its approach is complicated by the following side symptoms:

  • causeless nervousness;
  • irritability;
  • spots before the eyes, making it difficult to see even nearby objects or text in a book;
  • the skin alternately turns red and white;
  • hard to bear any sounds.

Migraines can accompany both high and low blood pressure. With low blood pressure, a migraine lasts several hours and usually goes away after sleep.

Preventing headaches

To reduce the risk of headaches caused by hypertension, arterial hypertension, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • spend more time in the fresh air;
  • do not overwork;
  • observe diet, rest and sleep;
  • conduct a professional head and cervical massage;
  • use herbal soothing teas;
  • reduce the consumption of salt and smoked products;
  • monitor your own weight;
  • carry out physical therapy with a gradual increase in load.

If you have hypertension, you should not visit the bathhouse or sauna.

Headache with normal blood pressure

High or low blood pressure is not always accompanied by headaches. Uncomfortable sensations can cause suffering even under normal conditions.

The pain begins in the back of the head and moves to the top, or vice versa.

Attacks of headaches, with normal blood pressure, can intensify the following phenomena:

  • blood flow problems;
  • overwork, decreased vitality;
  • after heavy physical exertion.

Regardless of what causes the headache, due to pressure changes, physical, mental fatigue, or illness, the phenomenon causes discomfort, can cause complications and interferes with normal life activities.

In the following chapters we will look at how to treat headaches that occur with hypertension, low blood pressure, and how blood pressure should be normalized. Let’s figure out which medications will improve your well-being, and how you can get rid of the problem using traditional health recipes.

What drugs should not be taken by hypertensive patients?

The choice of medication to eliminate headaches caused by hypertension is correlated with the composition of the drug and contraindications. Hypertensive patients should not take medications with caffeine. Although the substance potentiates the effect of the main medication, it also increases blood pressure, which contradicts the main principle of choosing a painkiller for hypertension.


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Medicines for headaches due to pressure changes

Optimal blood pressure is considered to be an upper limit of 120 and a lower limit of 80. However, ideal measurement parameters are not often found even in healthy people.

Blood pressure indicators depend on age, general condition, and the presence of diseases. Small, increasing deviations from the norm, within 130 to 90, do not pose a health hazard. If slightly increased or decreased parameters are isolated, and your health does not worsen, then there is no reason to panic.

It is better to seek medical help and subsequent recommendations if pressure changes are a frequent concern and are accompanied by other uncomfortable signs.

It is impossible to engage in independent treatment when the pressure has increased, and when blood pressure jumps. Only a doctor can prescribe certain medications to eliminate the problem.

There are many folk techniques to help cope with painful sensations in the head area. Before using them, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Let's take a closer look at what painkillers are used to eliminate headaches with high blood pressure caused by arterial hypertension and with low blood pressure, and what additional measures will help stabilize the measured parameters.

Medications for headaches due to arterial hypertension

Tablets for headaches with high blood pressure can only be prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination.

Treatment of hypertension is a complex of measures, including:

  1. drug therapy, consisting of different categories of drugs. Many medications for hypertension must be taken constantly;
  2. urgent medical measures are required when a hypertensive crisis develops;
  3. To stabilize blood pressure, you must follow your doctor’s recommendations for changing your daily routine and diet.

For attacks of headaches that occur with high blood pressure, you can take drugs from the following groups that have an analgesic effect:

  • analgesics are effective. This category includes Analgin, Sedalgin, Paracetamol, Spazmalgon, Baralgin, Pentalgin;
  • non-steroidal combination drugs. These are Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Aspirin, Indomethacin;
  • antispasmodics, which are the safest. These are Papaverine, No-Shpa, Drotaverine, Tempalgin, Dibazol.

Painkillers and non-steroidal drugs do not eliminate the reasons that caused the increase in blood pressure, but only relieve the discomfort in the head area, as one of the signs of pathology.

Traditional methods for headaches and blood pressure from 160

It is not always possible to take a pill for your head. In this case, the following health recipes will help when the upper pressure limit rises to 160:

  1. make a foot bath by heating the water to 40 degrees. Place your feet in the basin up to the ankles, and sit in this position for several minutes;
  2. You can put a mustard plaster on the back of your head and hold it for 10 minutes. If there are no mustard plasters, mustard powder poured into socks will do;
  3. put a cold compress on your forehead, close your eyes, and lie quietly for about 10 minutes. The pain will gradually subside;
  4. stand under the pressure of hot water and raise your head so that the water hits the painful areas. The improving state of receptors that affect well-being can be determined by the general condition.

When you are worried about high blood pressure, accompanied by migraines or unpleasant sensations in the back of the head, temples, and forehead, you can use the following folk recipes to relieve the problem:

  1. A good remedy for hypertension is herbal tea made from medicinal plants. You need chamomile (1 tsp), or the same amount of mint. Pour boiling water over the plant, leave for 15 minutes, cool, add lemon peel;
  2. dilute valerian tincture (30 drops) in 50 ml of water. Instead of valerian, motherwort or valerian tablets (2 pieces), which lower blood pressure, are suitable.

If you are often worried about high blood pressure, then medications can be replaced with a pre-prepared clover-based tincture, which increases the likelihood of quick improvement. Fill a liter jar with clover flowers, then pour vodka (50 ml) over them. You need to infuse the mixture for 2 weeks in the dark. Headache attacks due to arterial hypertension are relieved by 1 tbsp. l. infused mixture, washed down with water. Drink the home remedy 3 times a day, before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months.

Important: before using homemade recipes that reduce blood pressure, you should consult your doctor.

Drug therapy for headaches with low blood pressure

If your blood pressure is low, you can relieve headache attacks with the following tablets:

  • caffeine-based painkillers. These are tablets such as Askofen, Citramon with an analgesic therapeutic effect. These medicinal compositions act as pain relievers and gently increase blood pressure parameters. Pentalgin quickly eliminates the discomfort thanks to the active ingredients naproxen and drotaverine;
  • homeopathic medicines that have an analgesic and restorative effect, helping to gently increase measurement parameters. This is a tincture of eleutherococcus or ginseng.

If dizziness bothers you with low blood pressure, the painkiller Gutron will help. The medicine is used to relieve headaches and lethargy.

Medicines used for low blood pressure can be taken after medical consultation. Only a doctor can recommend the drug and give advice on how to eliminate the problem in order to exclude the occurrence of cardiac and vascular pathologies.

Symptoms requiring medication correction

Typically, a headache is provoked by blood pressure above 140/90, but if a person is accustomed to hypotension, even numbers slightly above 100/70 can cause an attack of cephalgia. In case of fluctuations in blood pressure, the question arises of using drugs to relieve headaches without significantly affecting the systolic or diastolic vascular indicator.

The selection of medications is carried out taking into account the patient’s age, individual characteristics of the body, and concomitant pathology. Tablets for headaches that do not increase blood pressure belong to different pharmacological groups and relieve pain in different ways. In addition, the drugs normalize the heart rhythm, relieve dizziness, feelings of weakness, exhaustion, chronic fatigue, help cope with irritation, improve overall well-being, block inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system, relieve pastiness, and depression.

Recommendations for taking medications

All medications must be prescribed by a doctor after examination! If there are no contraindications, then the drug for primary prevention of exacerbation of attacks is the calcium channel blocker Verapamil. For severe headache attacks, Prednisolone may be added to this drug.

Patient's conditionRecommended drugs
Headache with normal blood pressureParacetamol, Citramon, Pentalgin, Smazmalgon and any combined analgesics.
If your blood pressure is high or highCombined analgesics that do not contain caffeine (Paracetamol), antispasmodics: noshpalgin, papazole, anaprilin, captopril, nifedipine.
Pain caused by tension, stress or chronic fatigueCombined analgesics, in combination with over-the-counter tranquilizers - novopassit, persen, donormil, glycine, sonopax.
Headache due to anemia and severe fatigueIron preparations (sorbifer, fenuls, ferroplex), folic acid, B vitamins, tinctures of eleutherococcus, aralia, ginseng, meldonium.
At body temperatureParacetamol and all its combinations, combined analgesics, antibiotics.
Migrainous charactertriptans, analgesics containing caffeine and ergotamine, course of venotonics (troxevasin, detralex).
Intoxication of the bodyAlbendazole, sorbents, combined analgesics, vitamins.
Cerebrovascular accident and dizzinessVinpocetine, Piracetam, Phezam, Cinnarizine, Pentoxifylline, Meldonium, Sermion, Actovegin.

If headaches and high blood pressure are associated with fatigue, stress, insomnia, doctors recommend herbal tranquilizers (novopassit, motherwort, valerian, persen) as well as glycine and over-the-counter tranquilizers.

For hypotensive patients, it will be useful to take courses of a multivitamin complex.

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