Why doesn't my blood pressure go down after taking medications?

If high blood pressure does not go away, what to do?

If the pills do not help reduce high blood pressure, then you need to call emergency help.
You should not exceed the dosage. This can only worsen the situation: cause disturbances in the functioning of a number of organs.

Any antihypertensive drug acts 20-60 minutes after administration. If there is no result from treatment, then only a competent doctor can help.

Taking rapid-acting antihypertensive drugs

Pharmacists offer a lot of drugs with antihypertensive effects. Such drugs reduce blood pressure by reducing peripheral vascular resistance and reducing cardiac output.

In the treatment of hypertension, doctors widely use diuretics, which reduce the volume of plasma circulating through the arteries, eliminate manifestations of tachycardia and normalize blood pressure. The most commonly prescribed are Diuver, Furosemide and Torsid.

In addition to diuretics, the following are used to quickly normalize blood pressure:

  • beta blockers . Propranolol, Bisoprolol, Nadolol, Atenolol, Metoprolol relieve stress on the heart muscle and stabilize blood pressure;
  • ACE inhibitors . These include Enalapril, Capoten, Corinfar, Captopril, Lasix. The effect is observed 30 minutes after administration.

The medicine should be given to the patient carefully and in small quantities. First, it is better to drink one fourth of the tablet and measure blood pressure after half an hour

If the pressure remains high, then another quarter of the antihypertensive drug should be given. This is continued until the condition returns to normal.

Injections to quickly reduce severely elevated blood pressure

But, if you need to bring your blood pressure back to normal as quickly as possible, then it is better to give preference to drugs for intravenous administration.

The combination of Papaverine and Dibazole effectively helps to reduce high tonometer numbers to normal levels . To relieve a hypertensive crisis, use 2 ml of Papaverine and 4 ml of Dibazol.

The injection is relevant if high blood pressure is caused by a sharp spasm of the arteries. The medicine is administered slowly, while simultaneously monitoring the pressure with a tonometer.

An injection of magnesia is also effective. For an adult, the optimal dosage is 10 ml. The drug is administered slowly over several minutes. Magnesium sulfate dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and removes excess fluid from the body. But with an overdose there is a risk of heart problems.

Folk remedies against hypertension

With a slight increase in blood pressure, it is easy to improve the patient’s condition using alternative medicine methods.

Below are recipes that are suitable for emergency use:

  • a decoction of hawthorn, pine cones, plantain, lingonberry or mint;
  • hot hibiscus tea with lemon balm leaves;
  • chokeberry tea;
  • hot drink made from water, May honey and lemon.

impossible with folk remedies. It is better to combine them with drug treatment.

What is hypertension

Hypertension is a pathology of the cardiovascular system , which develops as a result of disruption of the functioning of higher centers of vascular regulation, renal and neurohumoral mechanisms.

The disease is accompanied by a persistent increase in blood pressure; readings of 139 mmHg are considered elevated. Art. for systolic and 89 mm Hg. Art. for diastolic pressure . The disease is indicated by symptoms such as blurred vision, pain in the heart, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, tinnitus, and headaches.

As part of the examination, monitoring is carried out by echocardiography, ECG, blood pressure measurements, biochemical blood test, urine test, ultrasound examination of the arteries of the kidneys and neck. After confirmation of the diagnosis, the selection of medications taking into account risk factors is indicated.


The first classification of the disease appeared in the 20th century; over a hundred years it was expanded, which simplified diagnosis and selection of effective treatment. As part of numerous surveys according to the international WHO classification, various experimental procedures were carried out, as a result, the main aspects of the disease and optimal methods of therapy were identified.

When examining a patient, cardiologists first determine whether the disease is primary (hypertensive) or secondary (symptomatic) hypertension. There are benign and malignant hypertension.

Malignant is characterized by blood pressure values ​​exceeding 200/140 mmHg. Art . This type of disease can cause severe headaches, hemorrhages, epileptic attacks, swelling of the optic discs, vomiting, and coma.

Primary proceeds quite easily and has the following stages:

StageSBP (mmHg)DBP (mmHg)Characteristic
Stage 1140-15090-99indicators spontaneously fall and rise, return to normal and deviate from it, internal organs are not affected, a crisis does not manifest itself;
Stage 2160-179100-109the period of remission is shortened and develops less frequently than during the initial stage;
Stage 3above 180above 110at stages 2 and 3, heart failure/asthma, atherosclerosis, pulmonary edema, an acute form of hypertensive crisis, and fatal stroke may develop.

Secondary hypertension is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure caused by damage to the internal organs that take part in its regulation. There are neurogenic, endocrine, hemodynamic, and renal types of pathology.

Kidney form

This type is considered the most common and occurs as a result of impaired functioning of the kidneys or their vessels. The disease may be accompanied by a narrowing of one or two supply vessels , which leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen-enriched blood reaching the organs.

Such narrowing can be observed in newborns and lead to more serious illnesses in adulthood (if medical recommendations are not followed).

The disease occurs not only as a result of a hereditary factor, but also due to narrowing of the arteries due to amyloidosis, chronic pyelonephritis, and diffuse glomerulonephritis.

Endocrine form

The pathology is accompanied by damage to the endocrine glands , resulting in the development of pheochromocytoma, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, hyperthyroidism, and thyrotoxicosis.

Thyrotoxicosis can occur after nervous strain or mental trauma. The thyroid gland produces thyroxine, its excess in the circulatory system leads to an increase in temperature, acceleration of metabolic processes, hand tremors, rapid heartbeat, and irritability.

The release of a large amount of blood into the vessels contributes to an increase in systolic pressure with normal diastolic pressure.

Hemodynamic form

This type is accompanied by damage to the great vessels ; a striking example is aortic coarctation. As a result, there is an incorrect distribution of blood, the upper part of the extremities receives an excess amount of blood, and the lower part receives insufficient blood. The pathology is congenital, blood flows through the dilated intercostal arteries in a roundabout way.

Neurogenic form

The development of pathology leads to hemorrhages, brain tumors, inflammation, and ischemia . There is a risk of disease of blood components (leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets), with this condition an enlarged spleen, redness of the facial skin, and conjunctiva of the eyes are observed.

Why doesn't my blood pressure drop after taking the pills?

There are several reasons why the pills do not help, and in this case, patients need to constantly monitor their condition with a doctor. The specialist will figure out why your blood pressure is not falling and will evaluate your medication regimen and diet to rule out problems associated with these factors. The main reasons why blood pressure does not decrease after taking pills are:

  • alcohol abuse. Alcoholic drinks themselves can lead to increased blood pressure; almost every alcoholic is hypertensive. In order for the pressure to decrease, you need to give up alcoholic beverages completely for 1-2 months and see how the drugs work;
  • influence of stress. When you remain in a state of stress for a long time, your blood pressure does not decrease for a long time. To normalize a person’s condition, it is necessary to protect him from factors that cause psycho-emotional stress;
  • caffeine abuse. Coffee is a drink that causes cheerfulness and a surge of energy for some time, but at the same time, it increases and maintains high blood pressure. Sometimes it is enough to give up strong tea and coffee for the pressure to drop;
  • sodium is retained in the body. This condition occurs when a person takes blood pressure-lowering drugs that are not choleretic drugs. To lower blood pressure levels, such a patient is prescribed a medicine from the group of diuretics, or is prescribed tablets similar to his drug, but more potent. At the same time, the doctor will tell you that it is necessary to limit the amount of salt in the diet, since it retains fluid and provokes a rise in blood pressure;
  • smokers whose blood pressure does not decrease do not need to look for reasons for a long time; they should start by giving up the bad habit in order to improve their condition;
  • overweight (obesity). This is a major factor due to which blood pressure may remain high after taking medications. You need to reconsider your eating habits, adjust your diet and devote more time to physical activity. The loads should be feasible; hypertensive patients should not be overzealous.

Another reason why blood pressure does not drop is non-compliance with the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. More precisely, not taking all prescribed medications or even using them irregularly. Taking pills only from time to time when your blood pressure fluctuates will only increase it in the long run. If such a patient at a doctor’s appointment does not admit which of the remedies he ignored, then the doctor is forced to select other drugs and dosages, although in fact the pressure would have been lowered with the previous medications. As a result, the condition does not always improve with new pills. After all, not all medications are suitable for lowering everyone’s blood pressure; one person’s blood pressure is reduced by one medication, another’s by another.

Sometimes the reason for violating the doctor’s recommendations is the high cost of medicines, and if a person cannot buy them, he tries to normalize the condition with traditional medicine recipes

It is important that the doctor conveys to the patient that if the pressure does not decrease, something must be done, otherwise it could end in disaster.

Wrong combination of drugs

If a blood pressure medication is not effective, then it is logical to assume that its mechanism of action is suppressed by the action of another drug that is taken at the same time. Patients often forget to tell their doctor that they are taking other medications. This cannot be done.

For example, most nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs suppress the effect of antihypertensive drugs. The most common medications that older patients often take, for example, for headaches or joint pain:

  • Aspirin;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Voltaren;
  • Ortofen.

Oral hormonal contraceptives and anticongestants also have a suppressive effect. The patient will not be able to figure it out on his own and track which medications reduce the effectiveness of blood pressure pills after taking them. What to do? Collect all medications that you take regularly and take them to your doctor. He will develop a new treatment regimen taking into account the information received.

What to do with high blood pressure

The danger of hypertension lies in the fact that the initial stage of the disease is not accompanied by symptoms, so this pathology has a second name - “the silent killer.” High blood pressure seriously undermines a person's health, causing a lot of problems and leading to the development of complications such as stroke or heart attack. Only a doctor should prescribe the drug and choose a treatment regimen. There is no need to rely on the recommendations of a neighbor or colleague - each person reacts to high blood pressure differently. In addition, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist: constantly elevated pressure leads to jumps in fundus blood pressure. In addition, the patient undergoes an ultrasound of the heart and an ECG.

At the first symptoms of high blood pressure, you should immediately contact a medical facility. If necessary, the doctor will refer the patient to the hospital. There is no need to resist this. After spending a week under medical supervision, you can adjust the treatment and understand the true root causes of the disease. And inaction and arrogance are fraught with serious consequences.

Hypertension is a disease that cannot be completely cured, but there are medications that reduce blood pressure when it rises above normal.

To maintain a normal condition, hypertensive patients need to regularly lower blood pressure; for this there are a number of antihypertensive drugs.

If you do not take blood pressure pills according to the schedule recommended by your doctor, this is fraught with a hypertensive crisis and other complications. Therefore, a hypertensive person always goes on a long journey with pills in his pocket or bag.

As a rule, after a certain time (15-30 minutes) from taking the medicine, high blood pressure decreases, unless we are talking about critical indicators. But sometimes patients come to the doctor with a complaint that high blood pressure does not decrease, despite the medications they take.

What to do 4 basic studies

To find out the causes of hypertension and choose the right treatment that eliminates the source of the disease, and not the symptoms, you need to do a comprehensive examination of the body - undergo diagnostics of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, adrenal glands, and liver. It is recommended to perform the following studies and tests:

  • ECG of the heart;
  • Ultrasound of the heart and vascular diagnostics;
  • detailed blood test;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands and liver.

After determining the root cause of hypertension, the doctor selects adequate treatment aimed at eliminating the source of increased pressure and neutralizing periodically occurring negative symptoms. When choosing medications, the characteristics of the body and the compatibility of the medications with other medications taken by the patient are taken into account. Self-medication is prohibited.

Herbs and fees

Let's move on to alternative medicine. Thanks to it, you can lower your blood pressure without visiting a medical facility. To be fair, it is worth saying that if blood pressure rises too often, then it is impossible to do without a specialist. But at the initial stage of the problem, herbs for high blood pressure will help.

  • Marigold. They will save you from one-time deviations from the norm in the direction of increase. One tablespoon of plant leaves is poured into a glass of water (temperature ninety-five degrees). Infuse for sixty minutes and strain. The entire volume received is drunk immediately. The next day, the mixture is consumed in the morning and evening, half a glass.
  • Smelly dill. Take ten grams of dill seeds, add a glass of boiled water, and leave for one hour. Filtered. Take three tablespoons - morning, afternoon and evening. Duration of treatment is one month.
  • Herbs for high blood pressure include motherwort. Every day before going to bed, you should drink one glass of tea from this plant. It is prepared as follows. One teaspoon of herb is poured into a glass of boiled water and left for ten minutes.
  • The following collection will help cope with the disease. Place in the container: two parts of dill seeds, four parts of rose hips, three parts of chokeberry fruits, four parts of prickly hawthorn. Everything is poured with boiling water (five hundred milliliters), kept in the container for two and a half hours. Drink one glass in the morning and evening. Duration of treatment is one month.
  • Red beets for high blood pressure are an effective remedy. There are many recipes, this one is the simplest. Take settled beet juice and water in equal quantities. Before each meal, drink half a glass.

Other methods: how to lower blood pressure

Alternative treatment is often used to bring blood pressure back to normal. The following methods stand out in particular:

  • A cloth is soaked in apple cider vinegar and applied to the heels for 10 minutes.
  • Mustard powder is diluted in a basin, and the legs are lowered into the container.
  • Several garlic heads are crushed into a glass of milk. The resulting mixture is drunk 1 tbsp. three times a day after eating food for 2 weeks. The product is prepared every 2 days.
  • Mix 1 medium onion, 4 garlic cloves and 1 tbsp. rowan, then pour everything with cool boiled water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Next, pour 1 tbsp into the container. herbs - parsley, dried herbs, dill. The decoction sits for 1 hour, after which 1.5 tablespoons are taken 30 minutes before meals four times a day. The course is 10 days. The jar is kept refrigerated.
  • The mulberry bark is peeled, washed, chopped, and brewed over low heat. The product is infused for a day, drunk instead of water.

Sometimes hypertension is not treated with pills, so it is impossible to correct the pressure without surgery. In such cases, only surgery can alleviate the condition of the sick person.

Excess salt

According to medical statistics, salt abuse is one of the main causes of hypertension. When there is an excess of salt in the body, the functioning of the left ventricle of the heart is disrupted and it increases in size. Reducing the amount of salt consumed leads to normalization of heart function.

Ways to reduce the amount of salt in the body

The first thing a doctor prescribes to a patient with high blood pressure is to reduce the amount of salt consumed and monitor their blood pressure. How can you do this:

  1. Water: the simplest and most accessible method to help reduce the amount of salt in the body is to drink more water.
    After all, it is water that dissolves and removes it through the kidneys. Nutritionists advise drinking water in small doses, but often throughout the day, for maximum effect.
  2. Physical activity: with sweat, water and minerals are removed from the body.
    Along with water, the body also gets rid of salt. The longer you exercise or run in the park, the more salt you will lose. A few bike rides will help you avoid lowering your blood pressure with medication. Do not forget to drink water in order to replenish the body’s water and electrolyte balance and prevent a deficiency of essential microelements.
  3. Nutrition adjustments: a special diet will help limit salt intake.
    The optimal level of salt intake for an adult is 2000-2300 mg per day. Moreover, less is possible, but more is no longer recommended. If a person is prone to edema or high blood pressure, salt intake should be reduced. It is advisable that a nutritionist prescribe dietary restrictions to the patient, because the amount of salt in some foods is not obvious.
  4. Natural Remedies: Foods such as asparagus, beets, onions, and dandelion root are excellent natural diuretics.
    By consuming these foods throughout the day, you will enhance and speed up the elimination of salt from the body. Drinks containing caffeine also stimulate urine production, but you need to be careful because they also increase blood pressure. Remember to drink more water when taking these natural diuretics to replenish its balance in the body.

Adrenal diseases

There are many folk remedies for high blood pressure, but before using them, you need to undergo a thorough examination, because hypertension can be a symptom of some diseases of the adrenal glands. Among them:

  1. Hyperaldosteronism (Conn syndrome)
    is a disease caused by increased production of the hormone aldosterone by the adrenal cortex. This leads to increased leaching of potassium and accumulation of sodium in the body. Symptoms of this disease:
  • high blood pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • constant feeling of thirst;
  • frequent night urination;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • muscle pain;
  1. Pheochromocytoma
    : a tumor of part of the adrenal glands increases the production of adrenaline, dopamine and norepinephrine. The presence of pheochromocytoma may be indicated by:

  • frequent headache or heart pain;
  • frequent urination;
  • increased excitability, sweating;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure to 250/180;
  • dilated pupils.

If, despite all the measures taken, the pressure does not decrease, your doctor will tell you what to do after the examination.

Traditional therapy

How long high blood pressure can last without causing irreparable damage to internal organs depends on the person’s health condition and how soon he seeks medical help. If hypertension is at an early stage, and the increase in pressure is not significant and is not regular, you can try using traditional medicine recipes, which can be an excellent alternative to drug treatment.

Some of the most common foods to combat hypertension include bananas, green tea and nuts.

Herbal infusions of calendula, yarrow, mint, lemon balm, motherwort or hawthorn berries have an effect aimed at long-term stabilization of blood pressure levels.

Doctors recommend

For effective treatment of hypertension at home, experts advise Phytolife

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  • Normalizes blood pressure
  • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis
  • Reduces sugar and cholesterol levels
  • Eliminates the causes of hypertension and prolongs life
  • Suitable for adults and children
  • Has no contraindications

Manufacturers have received all the necessary licenses and quality certificates both in Russia and in neighboring countries.

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Scientists say that to prevent hypertension, it is enough to drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice before breakfast. You can add 20 - 30 ml of lemon juice.

With a constant increase in blood pressure, traditional healers recommend preparing a decoction of dried and ground watermelon seeds. The resulting powder (2 tsp of seeds) must be poured with 200 ml of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 50 - 60 minutes, then filtered and drunk half an hour before meals 3 times a day. The drink has a targeted diuretic effect and has a beneficial effect on kidney function. This also helps to effectively reduce blood pressure. The effect will be noticeable within 3 to 5 days. Recommended course is 1 month.

What to do if high blood pressure not only persists constantly, but also tends to increase at night? In this case, for preventive purposes, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir with the addition of 1 tsp before going to bed. cinnamon.

One of the most effective remedies used for hypertension is considered to be fresh beet juice mixed with liquid honey in a 1:1 ratio. Before use, the mixture is infused for 24 hours and taken half a glass no more than 3 times a day. Typically, this course of treatment lasts 15–20 days.

Causes of high blood pressure after taking antihypertensive drugs

If the patient takes only part of the prescribed pills and skips them, then as a result the pressure does not decrease and remains at a high level. Coming again for a consultation with the attending physician, such a person usually does not finish speaking and asks to choose another medicine. To avoid serious problems, you should strictly follow your doctor’s recommendations.

Combinations of drugs in patients are also considered factors that do not reduce blood pressure. You cannot take pills with contraceptive, analgesic, or anti-inflammatory effects at the same time. They negate the work of hypertension medications.

Insufficient effectiveness of medications

The mechanism of treatment with antihypertensive tablets is divided into two groups. Of the first, drugs are prescribed more often; after taking them, a more pronounced effect is observed. The human body is individual, so it is extremely necessary to be under the supervision of a specialist for at least 2 weeks. This will allow him to understand the dynamics of the disease and evaluate the effect of the medicine. If he deems it necessary, he will prescribe other pills.

Situations often arise when the selected medications worked well to reduce blood pressure, but now they do not help. This occurs due to the transition of hypertension to the next stage or with the development of concomitant pathology. To clarify the cause, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.


This concept is used when detecting a disease of the adrenal glands, which is accompanied by increased production of adrenaline and norepinephrine. Excess of these hormones increases blood pressure levels.

The process occurs with the following symptoms:

  • sudden fear and panic attacks;
  • increased sweat production;
  • increased heart rate;
  • dry throat;
  • headache;
  • temperature increase.

This condition is too dangerous, because hemorrhages are possible.

Wrong combination of drugs

In case of ineffective treatment, it is assumed that the therapy from the doctor is incorrect. After taking pills, the action of some neutralizes the work of others. Non-steroidal drugs that act against inflammation are not combined with. They also should not be taken together with oral contraceptives.

To prevent such problems from occurring, the doctor needs to talk about all the medications that the sick person is taking.

Salt retention in the body

All hypertensive patients need to know that consuming large amounts of salt leads to an increase in blood, which, in turn, causes swelling and a persistent increase in blood pressure. Salt retention in the body can occur as a result of kidney problems. It is these organs that are responsible for the enzyme that expels salt. When it is insufficient, fluid accumulates, which causes pathological pressure. In such cases, diuretics are prescribed.

This information is an excellent reason for a comprehensive examination of the patient. Ultrasound of the kidneys helps to identify this pathology.

Salt retention in the body

All hypertensive patients know very well: sodium retention in the body contributes to an increase in blood volume, edema and a persistent increase in pressure. Therefore, it is imperative to follow a salt-free diet. However, the reason for untreatable high blood pressure is not always that the patient does not deny himself the pleasure of eating herring or pickled cucumbers.

If, after taking two or more antihypertensive drugs simultaneously, edema occurs and the pressure does not drop, this indicates that tablets to lower blood pressure need to be supplemented with diuretics. If diuretic medications are already being taken, they should be replaced with a stronger one.

Another reason is kidney dysfunction. It is the kidneys that produce the enzyme that removes sodium from the body. If there is not enough of it, excess fluid is retained in the body, blood volume increases, and so does blood pressure. Antihypertensive drugs simply cannot work here, since the ability of blood vessels to dilate is blocked.

If the renal arteries are narrowed due to dysplasia or atherosclerosis, approximately the same thing happens. To compensate for the insufficient blood supply to the kidneys, the body begins to increase blood flow, and this leads to an increase in blood pressure.

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