The girl thinks about the child
blood test for Wasserman reaction during pregnancy
What is an RW blood test? A special category of medical tests includes blood for RW, or
Providing emergency care for hemorrhagic shock
Hemorrhagic shock is a form of hypovolemic shock in which severe blood loss leads to
First aid algorithm for stroke and heart failure
Among all critical conditions, stroke occupies a special place. This disease, like myocardial infarction,
Surgery to remove an abdominal aortic aneurysm is called an aneurysmectomy.
Symptoms and complications of thoracic aortic aneurysm
What is dilatation of the ascending aorta? The aorta itself is one of the
The heart of older people: causes of diseases and measures aimed at strengthening it
Brief characteristics of manifestations Special attention should be paid to combined defects. In this case, it is not affected
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“High cholesterol” does not hurt, but it can lead to the development of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis affects
What to do if your nose bleeds: causes and consequences
Classification of nosebleeds Causes Clinical signs Diagnosis How to stop nosebleeds in adults? Possible
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Table of norms for glycated hemoglobin in women and men
Glycated hemoglobin is considered, the norm for women by age, table below. Glycated hemoglobin is a specific complex
The danger of varicocele: what consequences can you encounter?
Varicocele is a pathological enlargement of the scrotum, with dilated grape-shaped veins visible through the skin.
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At what pressure is Cordaflex taken and its instructions?
Instructions for use of Cordaflex The drug is aimed at stabilizing blood pressure by blocking calcium