Rating of the best rehabilitation centers after stroke in Moscow for 2020

Sanatorium-resort rehabilitation after stroke

Stroke is a severe celebrovascular disease characterized by impaired blood supply to the brain. Pathology causes damage to nerve cells that are responsible for certain functions of the body. Therefore, patients lose sensitivity and motor ability, their memory is impaired, speech becomes unclear, vision decreases, and their psyche is upset.

To return a person to normal life, a long period of rehabilitation is required. It can take several years, it all depends on the degree of brain damage. But even over a long period of time, it is not always possible to restore all body functions.

To speed up rehabilitation after a stroke and increase its effectiveness, doctors recommend that patients go to sanatorium-resort treatment. All conditions have been created there to restore the functioning of the body. The sanatorium allows patients to undergo therapy no earlier than 4 months after a stroke. The exact period is determined by the attending doctor.

The objectives of rehabilitation in sanatorium institutions are:

  1. Consolidate the results achieved in the hospital and at home.
  2. Restore motor ability, restore sensitivity, normalize blood circulation in the body.
  3. Prevent the recurrence of a stroke or the disease that caused it.
  4. Increase the patient's performance.
  5. Carry out activities aimed at improving and maintaining the patient’s psycho-emotional state.

Unfortunately, not every patient has the opportunity to undergo treatment and rehabilitation after a stroke in sanatoriums. There are some contraindications that are not accepted into such institutions. These include pronounced impairments of motor ability, speech function, the patient’s inability to care for himself independently, the presence of mental disorders, and malfunction of the pelvic organs.

It is also impossible for a patient to stay in a sanatorium-resort organization if they suffer from epilepsy, acute circulatory failure, severe arrhythmia, decompensated type of diabetes mellitus, aortic aneurysm, or thromboembolism.

Basic rehabilitation measures

The rehabilitation program after a stroke in the sanatorium is based on the same principles as in a specialized medical clinic.

Prevention of complications

Stroke is a consequence of vascular disease. Before starting drug therapy, it is necessary to do a magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and carry out other diagnostic procedures. This will prevent recurrent attacks and other complications.

Exercise therapy

Although physical exercise does not prevent it, it does significantly reduce the threat of recurrent attacks. Stroke survivors find it difficult to exercise and their movements appear clumsy. Patients are embarrassed to leave home and exercise in public. However, it is necessary to move.

When treated in a sanatorium, a person has the opportunity to play sports without experiencing excessive psychological discomfort. We are not talking about intense exercise - just casual walking is enough. Classes should be conducted systematically. In sanatorium conditions, a number of devices are used that increase the effectiveness of training: devices for passive exercises, verticalizers, devices for functional electrical stimulation of muscles.

A significant part of exercise therapy is the preparatory period, when the patient is unable to perform active movements due to health reasons. Initial therapeutic exercises, in addition to passive muscle exercises, consist of correct position treatment, breathing training and mental exercises.

Exercise therapy


Restorative massage after a stroke is a necessary measure to prevent a decrease in the patient’s motor activity.


Various physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out in the sanatorium.

  1. Balneotherapy: baths from natural mineral carbon dioxide water, pine-salt baths, hydrotherapy showers (Charcot or circular showers).
  2. Electrophoresis with drugs.
  3. Magnetotherapy.
  4. Darsonvalization of the head and collar area, paralyzed limbs, joints.


Typically, stroke patients are prescribed diets No. 5, 9, 10 according to Pevzner and taking mineral waters. Patients of the sanatorium are provided with dietary meals taking into account all the needs of a weakened body.


The patient is in dire need of psychological support and restoration of mental functions. There is no guarantee that a person will be able to fully recover after a stroke. In addition to physical limitations, the patient may experience depression, despair, and torment himself with reproaches for loss of ability to work. Communication with people who find themselves in a similar situation and conversations with a psychologist will help you cope with the emotional problems that have arisen.


Speech therapy

In the conditions of sanatorium treatment, correction of speech and swallowing disorders and speech therapy massage are carried out.

Sanatorium procedures

In sanatoriums for recovery after a stroke, patients undergo a full range of therapeutic measures aimed at returning the patient to their usual lifestyle. This requires rehabilitation of body functions and social adaptation of patients.

To achieve all the goals of spa treatment for the rehabilitation of stroke patients, a number of therapeutic procedures are carried out. After such a serious illness, recovery is accelerated by the following methods:

  • Restoring motor skills with the help of special equipment.
  • Manual therapy.
  • Massage.
  • Classes with a speech therapist to restore speech function.
  • Psychologist consultations.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Laser treatment.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Hirudotherapy.
  • Hypoxytherapy.

This list is not exhaustive. Some spas practice aromatherapy, herbal treatment and other non-traditional approaches.

What conditions in sanatoriums are necessary for rehabilitation?

The rehabilitation period is the most important part of eliminating the consequences of a stroke. In order for recovery to be faster and more efficient, it is necessary to create all the appropriate conditions in the sanatorium. The main thing is that the institution is focused on stroke patients and carries out all the procedures necessary to treat this particular disease.

Special attention is paid to the staff. It is very difficult to rehabilitate a person after a stroke. In this case, highly qualified specialists in the field of medicine are needed, as well as responsible service personnel.

In sanatoriums, all sanitation standards must be observed, and people must be provided with adequate nutrition. Stroke patients should be able to eat according to their diet. Excellent effect on the speed of recovery and the environment. Therefore, when choosing a sanatorium after a stroke, you need to pay attention to ensure that it is landscaped and in a favorable environmental environment.

Choosing a sanatorium

The body's rehabilitation potential is highest in the first three months after an attack, when health-improving measures are simply mandatory. The chances of a full restoration of motor functions reach a maximum during this period; in the subsequent period, the speed of recovery is greatly inhibited.

In addition to impaired motor skills, stroke patients also experience other problems: depression, insomnia, and problems with urination. Therefore, treatment after a stroke consists not only of physical therapy, but also involves comprehensive monitoring of the patient by several specialists who help overcome various disorders caused by the stroke.

It is necessary to devote at least one month of intensive rehabilitation therapy. Treatment in a sanatorium for rehabilitation after a stroke has a number of advantages.

  1. Compared to a simple recreation center, a medical sanatorium has a proven medical specialization. That is, a person ends up in a full-fledged health institution under the supervision of general medical specialists, including speech therapists and psychologists.
  2. Possibility of constant monitoring of the patient’s physical condition.
  3. Treatment is facilitated by staying in a pleasant and comfortable environment, fresh air, and communication with nature. Quite often, sanatoriums are located in a forest area or near a reservoir. Therefore, a country sanatorium is a much better choice of place to improve your health than a city clinic.
  4. Developed infrastructure.

Rest in a sanatorium

How to get a ticket to a sanatorium due to a stroke?

Every person who has suffered a stroke has the right to undergo treatment and rehabilitation in sanatorium-resort institutions. But for this you need to have funds. It is also possible to get a ticket for free. To do this you need to be in a preferential category.

Patients who are:

  1. Disabled people and war veterans.
  2. Combat veterans.
  3. Military personnel.
  4. Residents of besieged Leningrad.
  5. Disabled children.
  6. Liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.

To get a voucher for spa treatment, you will first need to visit a doctor. He will check for any contraindications to undergoing rehabilitation in such institutions and issue a medical certificate. It must be attached to the application, passport and contact the Social Insurance Fund. If a citizen is a beneficiary and has the right to a free trip, then he will need to confirm his status.


Free sanatorium treatment is possible only in government institutions. Private organizations can establish discounts and benefits at their discretion.

How to choose a sanatorium?

The choice of a sanatorium-resort institution for rehabilitation after a stroke must be approached with particular seriousness. Patients should give preference to those institutions that specialize specifically in stroke patients and have special programs for their recovery.

You should definitely consult your doctor about the necessary procedures. In accordance with his recommendations, you need to choose a sanatorium.

There are currently a lot of people undergoing rehabilitation in such institutions. Therefore, when choosing a sanatorium, you should also rely on visitor reviews. Patients consider the Artem Sergeev sanatorium, “Valuevo”, located in the Moscow region, “Sosnovy Bor” in the Altai Territory, and “Kolos” in the Kostroma region, to be the best treatment and rehabilitation organizations.

Which sanatorium should I go to after a stroke?

There are neurological post-stroke sanatoriums in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Israel and other countries. The choice of a rehabilitation institution depends on the financial capabilities of the person. You can get to a rehabilitation sanatorium for free after a stroke only if it is located on the territory of your native state.

Sanatoriums in Russia for stroke survivors

Throughout Russia there are specialized sanatoriums that accept disabled people and stroke patients. You can undergo a rehabilitation course in them under the social assistance program, for free, or by receiving a discount of 30 or 70%, depending on what category the victim falls under.

You can get directions to the following centers:

  • "RZD Health" - the company offers treatment in several specialized health resorts located on the Black Sea coast, regions of the North Caucasus, as well as on the Volga. Specialization: spinal pathologies and disorders.

  • “Valuevo” is located in the Moscow region. The health resort specializes in the rehabilitation of post-stroke patients. In addition to rehabilitation, services are provided for follow-up treatment of patients and adjustment of prescribed therapy.
  • “Pearl of Kamchatka” - the sanatorium is located next to the world-famous thermal mineral springs. Specializes in helping patients with mobility impairments.

Sanatoriums in Ukraine for the rehabilitation of stroke patients

Health resorts in Belarus

Russian health resort institutions

There are many sanatorium resorts in Russia that provide rehabilitation for patients who have suffered a stroke.

Sanatorium named after A. Sergeev

This organization is located in the Moscow region. It creates excellent conditions for the rehabilitation treatment of patients. The institution has three buildings for living, a room for eating, a cultural department, and gyms.

A citizen has the opportunity to choose the most suitable living conditions for himself. The sanatorium has rooms for one or two people. Amenities may also vary. In the summer there is a beach season, and in the winter there is an ice skating rink.

The organization provides a wide range of services for recovery after a stroke. The rehabilitation program includes various techniques, for example, acupuncture, therapeutic and mud baths. In the gym, patients can engage in physical therapy under the supervision of specialists.

Sanatorium named after Artem Sergeev

The price of a trip to the Artem Sergeev sanatorium is quite high and depends on what conditions the patient chooses. The approximate cost varies from 1 to 3 thousand rubles per day.

Sanatorium "Valuevo"

This sanatorium is also located in the Moscow region, and one of its main directions is the rehabilitation of patients after a stroke. Equipped with salt mines, it provides a wide range of therapeutic services to speed up the recovery of stroke patients. These include massage, herbal treatment, physiotherapy and other techniques.

Living conditions in the Valuevo sanatorium, according to visitors, are better than in the previous version. The institution has two buildings, divided into many areas for treatment, eating, taking part in cultural and entertainment events, and playing sports.

Therefore, the cost of a trip to this sanatorium is slightly higher - 2.5–5 thousand rubles per day.

Sanatorium Victoria"

This sanatorium is located near the capital. Its specialists provide a wide range of therapeutic and rehabilitation services to help people return to normal life after a stroke. This institution also has a program aimed at preventing cerebrovascular accidents.

Patients undergo in this medical organization all the necessary types of procedures for stroke patients, for example, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, laser treatment. Also, a set of physical therapy exercises is being developed for them, classes are held with psychologists and speech therapists, and three meals a day are provided, taking into account the diet.

A rehabilitation course after a stroke and paralysis will cost 1.5–4.5 thousand rubles per day at the Victoria sanatorium.


The sanatorium is located in the Kostroma region on the coast of the Volga River. The institution consists of one building designed for no more than 200 people. This treatment and rehabilitation center has mineral springs.

In the Kolos sanatorium for rehabilitation after stroke, patients can receive all the necessary therapeutic services. These include physiotherapy, physical therapy, classes to restore speech function and normalize the psycho-emotional state.


The price per day varies around 1.5–2.5 thousand rubles.

The best domestic and foreign sanatoriums for stroke survivors

The choice of a sanatorium for rehabilitation after a stroke is largely determined by the financial capabilities of the patient. There are specialized institutions in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and Israel. All of them offer their own methods and developments in the field of treatment of this disease.

Health resorts in Russia

In addition to the familiar climate and transport accessibility, an obvious advantage of choosing Russia is free sanatoriums after a stroke for certain categories of its citizens.

“Valuevo” - this sanatorium is located in the village of the same name in the Moscow region. He offers his patients to undergo a modern and varied course of rehabilitation after a stroke, including inhalations, massage, specially designed diets, mud therapy, acupuncture, balneotherapy and physical therapy. The territory has a beach, gym, swimming pools, guarded parking, and a cinema.

A specialized boarding house for elderly people “100+” is located in Sokolniki Park. It creates the most favorable conditions for the elderly, fully taking into account their physical and psychological characteristics: ramps, walkers, wheelchairs, constant care and supervision.

Sanatorium named after Vorovsky (Yaroslavl region) is known for the widespread use of local mineral waters in the treatment of post-stroke patients. They drink them and make medicinal baths from them (bromine-iodine and iodine-bromine). The sanatorium is equipped with a swimming pool, gym and diagnostic center. The course of treatment includes massage, climate therapy, inhalations, diet, laser and balneotherapy, ozokerite applications, etc.

Sanatoriums in Ukraine for stroke survivors

There are sanatoriums for post-stroke patients in Kharkov, Kyiv, Dnieper and Donetsk. The largest number of them are located in the area of ​​lakes of Slavyanogorsk and near the Carpathians, such as the Borzhava sanatorium in Transcarpathia. Here, the basis of treatment is mineral waters (there are five types), which are used externally and internally. In addition, the rehabilitation center uses herbal and hippotherapy, as well as magnetic therapy and laser therapy.

The Azov stroke rehabilitation sanatorium specializes in the treatment of patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic brain damage. It is located in Berdyansk next to a large coniferous park. Its specialists offer their patients treatment using hardware physiotherapy, mud therapy, reflexology, massages, psychotherapy, climate therapy, aero-, phyto- and speleotherapy.

Sanatoriums in Belarus for rehabilitation after a stroke

Belarusian sanatoriums for the rehabilitation of patients are located in Polesie and Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Mud therapy, herbal and paraffin therapy and inhalations are actively used here.

The Borovoe sanatorium is located in the Vitebsk region and specializes in patients who have experienced extensive hemorrhage in the base of the skull through mud therapy, mineral waters and other methods. True, on a self-service basis.

Sanatorium for patients after stroke “Alesya” in the Brest region is engaged in the rehabilitation of patients after brain damage caused by stroke or trauma.

Sanatoriums in Ukraine and Belarus have extensive experience in treating the consequences of stroke, they are equipped with all the necessary equipment, and the cost of services here is approximately three times lower than in Europe

Foreign sanatoriums for post-stroke patients

Sanatoriums located in Europe and Israel provide their clients with high-quality care and advanced stroke treatment methods.

One of the best sanatoriums in Germany is the Brenners Park-Hotel and Spa, whose specialists help post-stroke patients recover after surgery to remove hematomas.

The sanatoriums “Klimkovice” and “Imperial” are located in the Czech Republic. The first one deals with neurorehabilitation of stroke patients using climate therapy, the REA CLIM Rehabasic program. The second specializes in the treatment of disorders of the peripheral nervous system and hypertension.

The medical center named after is considered one of the best in Israel. Chaima Shiba. It is not a highly specialized institution, but it is very successful in treating neurological diseases.

Sanatoriums for bedridden patients

Bedridden patients who have suffered a stroke require special attention and care, which they can receive only in specialized institutions. For example, in the St. Petersburg sanatorium for bedridden patients after a stroke “Bekhterev”, where methods of physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, as well as microcomputer pulse therapy are used, aimed at restoring normal blood circulation.

Russian Railways Health, a network of medical centers located in the North Caucasus, the Black Sea coast and the Volga, specializes in spinal disorders and pathologies.

Belarusian also provides treatment for bedridden patients and people with limited mobility. Functional disorders of the peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal system are treated here.


Stroke is one of the most serious health threats of our time, affecting both older and younger people. This disease radically changes the patient’s life, imposing significant restrictions on his usual behavior and depriving him of basic amenities. However, timely treatment and competent rehabilitation can restore the patient’s health almost completely in a fairly short time.

Sanatoriums near and far abroad

Patients often prefer sanatoriums in foreign countries. In every foreign country you can find a good rehabilitation center for stroke patients. The following institutions can be cited as examples:

  • "Azov". Located in Ukraine in the city of Berdyansk. On its territory there is a large coniferous park, creating a favorable environment for patients. The organization provides all the necessary services for recovery after a stroke and other serious pathologies.
  • "Berestye". This sanatorium was built in Belarus. One of its directions is the rehabilitation of the body after cerebral circulatory disorders. This institution even accepts bedridden or limited mobility patients.
  • Center named after Chaim Shiba. It is located in Israel. Local medicine is considered one of the leading in the world. Therefore, a large number of sick people trust her. The specialists of this sanatorium successfully cope with recovery after a stroke.


You can only purchase a trip to a foreign sanatorium using your own funds.

Rehabilitation after a stroke in sanatorium-resort institutions is particularly effective. They have all the necessary conditions for successful restoration and employ highly qualified specialists.

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