Psychosomatics of low and high blood pressure in women

How to treat psychological causes of pressure

It is better to entrust the treatment of a disease based on psychosomatics to a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist. The psychologist relies on conversational methods, trying to achieve the patient’s critical thinking and make his logic work for recovery. The psychotherapist uses dialogue techniques and specific techniques aimed at relaxation, harmonization of the body’s internal systems and finding the right solution. The specialist tries to pull out from the depths of the subconscious the real cause of the patient’s worries. After several sessions there is improvement. If this does not happen, resort to the help of a psychiatrist. He recommends the use of tranquilizers from the benzodiazepine group. In parallel with sedatives, the patient is encouraged to take mild antihypertensive drugs to reduce high blood pressure if necessary.

How to normalize blood pressure

According to L. Hay, any disease must be treated by determining the cause that caused it, that is, using psychosomatics. Then you need to realize it. After all, people often at the subconscious level strive for illness. This is due to their rejection of themselves and their imaginary problems. For healing, it is important to forgive yourself - this is how self-healing from high and low pressure is achieved psychosomatically.

It is simply necessary to treat hypotension, as it brings a lot of inconvenience and limitations, such as:

  • Reluctance to act, to strive for something.
  • Inability to share time with your family and friends. All this arises due to a constantly sluggish state. And it only progresses over time.
  • Lack of any self-development.
  • Depersonality of a person.

It is important to get the right help. After all, even the most difficult cases of changes in blood pressure can be cured - the main thing is not to give up and believe in success, regardless of the reasons.

If you have lost faith in your own strengths and lack any motivation for success, you should consult a psychologist. It will help to understand the root causes that influenced the painful state of the body.

You must first love yourself

Here are the rules of psychosomatics that should be followed:

  • You shouldn’t engage in a lot of self-criticism, soul-searching and searching for all other problems. This is the surest way to get hypotension.
  • The presence of problems in the body is not a reason to dwell on them. Be sure to lead a normal lifestyle.
  • Don’t put all the accumulated problems solely on yourself. This is a lot for one person. It is worth distributing it to your immediate family or to your colleagues (depending on the type of problem).
  • Even negative situations should be viewed through a positive lens. This is hard work on yourself - but it must be done.
  • Look at the world with optimism. It is sacred to believe that if something does not stick, then there will definitely be a lighter streak ahead.
  • The body should react to any event, especially a negative one, without excessive nervousness.

You need to work on yourself a lot - this will allow you to get a certain result. This way you can eliminate the signs of hypotension, use affirmations to take control of fear and improve your quality of life.

Manifestation of internal tension, excessive restraint and stubbornness

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With internal tension, restraint, stubbornness, straightforwardness, rigidity and categoricalness, a person becomes prone to developing hypertension.

According to the observations of scientists, hypertensive patients are usually balanced, polite people who easily get along with the public. Meanwhile, such individuals most often try to suppress aggression, provoking high blood pressure.

  • Even in children predisposed to hypertension, characteristic features can be identified. This is the ability to stand up for yourself and not the ability to quickly adapt to an unfamiliar environment. This in turn translates into uncertainty and shyness.
  • In the future, such children become restrained, purposeful, straightforward, categorical in their judgments, obligatory, principled and slightly rigid. They always find it difficult to make compromise decisions. In some cases, such character traits can be disguised as anxiety and suspiciousness.
  • In some people, straightforwardness, secrecy, restraint, stubbornness, dissatisfaction with oneself and others, chronic neuropsychic tension is accompanied by such qualities as prudence, hypocrisy and deceit.

Russian psychologist Raikovsky, in his study on the experimental psychology of emotions, described the results of an analysis of the reactions of 68 patients with hypertension.

He described these people as polite, balanced, easy-going people who suppress strong and deep aggression. According to the psychologist, all these people feel malice, anger, resentment, hatred, hostility, have complaints about their lives and others, but they are afraid of such feelings and carefully hide them.

Psychosomatic manifestations of hypertension

Negative emotions are the result of the desire to resist the aggression of the external environment. Hypertensive patients have a distorted idea of ​​aggression, so they are characterized by feelings of anger and irritability. Patients are constantly in a state of internal war with themselves and the world.

This is where problems arise: in this state, a person is capable of being rude, offending loved ones, and provoking a conflict. Outbursts of anger help reduce internal tension.

The development of hypertension is facilitated by patients’ dissatisfaction with themselves and their current life situation.

The manifestation of hypertension as a psychosomatic disorder occurs gradually and is accompanied by a weakening of the body's defense systems. This leads to problems with health in general, which is why hypertensive people have so many different diseases.

Psychosomatic factors of high blood pressure:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • disruption of normal sleep rhythm, insomnia;
  • apathy;
  • intolerance to certain sounds;
  • decreased creative activity and performance;
  • deterioration of memory and logical thinking;
  • indifference;
  • touchiness, tearfulness.

The relationship between a person’s psychological state and blood pressure levels

There are many physical factors that lead to low or high blood pressure. But just as often, such problems are caused by psychological reasons. Many diseases develop on a nervous basis. Therefore, it is logical that the cause of changes in blood pressure can be psycho-emotional stress.

Psychosomatics of high blood pressure, reasons, what to do

Modern science has well studied hypertension and hypotension caused by psychosomatics. Psychological help for such patients is much more effective than pills that normalize blood pressure.

High blood pressure is most often associated with intense mental activity and stress. This condition causes a malfunction of the subcortical and cortical regulation of blood pressure control mechanisms. The emotional state of a person determines the function of his blood vessels and heart. Therefore, positive and negative emotions control the functioning of the circulatory system, increasing or decreasing blood pressure.

Even positive emotions can lead to a release of adrenaline, which leads to vasoconstriction and a rare increase in blood pressure. However, pathological blood pressure disorders are most often caused by negative emotions that haunt a person for a long time.

What is hypertension?

Hypertension is a rather dangerous disease associated with increased blood pressure in the vessels. As a result, many other negative processes arise. This leads to the formation of other cardiovascular diseases, which have a negative impact on the entire human body. In the most severe cases, death is possible.

Diagnosing the disorder is quite difficult, as it is easily confused with other conditions. Many people attribute everything to ordinary weakness, fatigue, dizziness, and headache. Many continue to lead their usual lifestyle, work, go to business meetings, spend time with family, and do household chores. This occurs until sudden increases in blood pressure occur. As a result, normal life activities cease.

Sharp surges in pressure manifest themselves in the form of dizziness, nausea, darkening of the eyes, pain in the left side of the chest and body. This is a rather dangerous manifestation that leads to negative consequences. Possible damage to the brain, heart, kidneys, and other important systems of the body. This can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and death. It is necessary to consult your doctor in time to avoid these manifestations.

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HYPERTENSION (HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE). The fact that the disease N1️⃣ in our country - hypertension is a “purely” psychosomatic symptom, has been known for a long time (the American psychoanalyst F. Alexander spoke about this back in 1950 (!))☝️ . First of all, high blood pressure indicates suppressed aggressiveness. . In our country, this is a common phenomenon in light of the fact that we have a ban on the expression of emotions, and female aggression is generally taboo

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