Valocordin lowers blood pressure and relieves neurotic disorders


Valocordin contains several active components:

  • ethyl ether or ethyl bromoisovalerate. This substance has a sedative effect, a mild hypnotic effect, and relieves spasms;
  • Phenobarbital – suppresses the activity of the central nervous system, which makes it possible to relieve emotional stress.

Among the auxiliary components are hop and mint oil, ethanol, purified water.

Valocordin drops are a clear liquid with a distinct odor.

Important! The product contains psychotropic substances in limited quantities. Considering this, the medicine should be used strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Interaction with other medications

For tachycardia, Valocordin can be taken regularly, so it is important to consider its compatibility with other drugs:

  • sedatives, tranquilizers and antipsychotics - enhance the effect of the solution;
  • simultaneous use of tranquilizers and antipsychotics in combination with nervous system stimulants will reduce the impact of drops;
  • medications whose biotransformation occurs in the liver will increase their concentration, since phenobarbital from Valocordin will lead to accelerated liver metabolism, so you should avoid combining these drugs;
  • oral contraceptives, glucocorticosteroids, coumarin and griseofulvin derivatives will weaken their effect under the influence of Valocordin due to phenobarbital, so this combination of drugs is also suboptimal.

Interaction of Validol with other drugs

Effect of the drug

The use of Valocordin allows you to achieve several goals at once, thanks to the combined composition of the drug. Phenobarbital is used to dilate blood vessels and eliminate nervous tension. Provided the correct dosage is used, the drops have a mild hypnotic effect and promote rapid falling asleep and restful sleep.

Ethylbromoisovalerate regulates the state of the central nervous system, helps a person overcome attacks of panic, anxiety, fear, and helps relieve excessive emotional excitability.

Peppermint oil enhances the therapeutic effect of the above-described components and has a mild antispasmodic and analgesic effect.

Medicines for effective treatment of tachycardia

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Tachycardia is a common disease in which there is an increase in heart rate. The heart always beats faster during strong excitement and physical work. But in these cases, this is the norm, that is, this is how the body naturally reacts to stress. For example, your heart rate increases when you walk or run quickly. Normally, it should recover within 5 to 10 minutes.

If the heart rhythm is not restored for a long time, or the rapid heartbeat has no apparent reason, then we are most likely talking about a disease. This is tachycardia, in which there is an increase in heart rate. This condition requires contacting a cardiologist. Even if the disease does not affect your well-being in any way, you should know that with this mode of operation, the main organ wears out faster. If you miss time, complications may develop, such as impaired blood supply to the brain, pulmonary edema, or cardiac arrest. A person with tachycardia of healthier people is at risk by drinking strong coffee or alcohol. In addition, some medications may cause an unexpected attack of tachycardia. Therefore, the disease must be treated, including taking medications.

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What drugs are there for tachycardia?

Many medications have been developed to treat tachycardia, but only a doctor can decide which drugs to take in each individual case. Therapy depends on the causes of tachycardia, which is most often a symptom of other diseases. In this case, treatment is aimed at the primary disease. Drug treatment of tachycardia gives a good effect, but in search of a better result you have to try different remedies.

There are medications intended for symptomatic treatment. This is a large group of medications with different mechanisms of action to normalize heart rhythm. The dosage and duration of therapy is strictly individual and can only be discussed with a doctor.

The course of drug treatment is chosen only by the doctor, taking into account many factors. There are several types of medications that are used for tachycardia. They can be divided into two groups: sedative (with a calming effect) and antiarrhythmic.

Sedatives can be natural or synthetic. They normalize the functioning of the heart and nervous system, reduce the number of attacks.

Natural medicines

  • Valerian. Available in the form of tinctures and coated tablets. The drug dilates the blood vessels of the heart, promotes rapid sleep, and slows the heartbeat. Valerian is a weak choleretic and antispasmodic agent. It has a moderate, slow-onset, but stable sedative effect due to alkaloids and essential oils. The effect occurs only with long-term and constant use (at least 1.5 months). Medicines may have contraindications, so you should not self-medicate. An overdose of the drug can lead to the opposite effect - overexcitation.
  • Hawthorn tincture. Indications: atrial fibrillation and paroxysmal tachycardia. Reduces heartbeat and excitability, normalizes blood pressure, and has a calming effect.
  • Persen is a moderate sedative. Available in capsules and coated tablets. It contains valerian, peppermint, lemon balm. Preparations based on these medicinal herbs reduce fatigue, irritability, nervousness, anxiety, excitability, help you fall asleep faster, and improve appetite.
  • Motherwort. Medicinal plants have long been used to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. In pharmacies you can purchase drugs in tablets or in the form of alcohol tincture. Motherwort has a sedative and mild antispasmodic effect, normalizes heart rate, improves heart function, relieves insomnia and has virtually no side effects.
  • Peony. Alcohol tincture relieves nervous tension, improves mood, and has a mild hypnotic effect.

Synthetic drugs

  • Diazepam. Known under the trade name "Relanium" or "Relium". It has a sedative, amnestic, hypnotic and anticonvulsant effect, eliminates feelings of fear and anxiety, and reduces the frequency of attacks. The drug is produced in tablets and solution for injection, intravenous and intramuscular. Diazepam should not be taken at the same time as drinking alcohol.
  • Phenobarbital in small doses has a sedative effect and is a hypnotic.

Antiarrhythmic drugs for tachycardia are taken only as prescribed by a doctor. They differ in their mechanism of action, so different drugs may be indicated for different types of tachycardia. Most drugs act by blocking adrenergic receptors.

  • Ritmilen. Available in capsules and tablets. Prescribed for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias of ventricular and atrial origin.
  • Ethacizin. The drug is produced in the form of tablets. Indicated for ventricular and supraventricular tachycardia.
  • Propranoprol (Anaprilin). Release form: coated tablets and solution in ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular administration. The drug reduces blood pressure and heart rate, and in large doses has a sedative effect. Anapilin has long been known as an effective remedy for heart diseases. It reduces the contractility of the heart muscle and the myocardium's need for oxygen.
  • Verapamin. Available in tablets, solution for injection, dragees. Used to treat supraventricular tachycardia.
  • Flecainide. The drug is prescribed as a means of preventing and treating ventricular arrhythmias and paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia.
  • Adenosine. Particularly effective for supraventricular tachycardias. Restores sinus rhythm during paroxysmal tachycardia. It is fast-acting.
  • Cordanum. It has a strong antiarrhythmic effect and is indicated for paroxysmal tachycardia. Release form: solution in ampoules.

When diagnosed with “sinus tachycardia,” the drug “Ivabradine” is indicated, which directly affects the sinus node and reduces the heart rate. Has no effect on intracardiac conduction and contractility. The drug is prescribed to patients who cannot tolerate beta blockers.

Antiarrhythmic drugs are not intended for independent treatment. They must be selected and taken individually, taking into account numerous contraindications and side effects.

The sedative drug "Valocordin" is actively used for tachycardia due to its ability to normalize the increased heart rate characteristic of this pathology. The medicine, produced in the form of drops, has not only a pronounced sedative effect, but also an antispasmodic effect, which is achieved by relaxing the smooth muscles of the internal organs. Before you start treating tachycardia with Valocordin, you should consult your doctor to make sure that such therapy is appropriate and safe.

Who is the medicine prescribed to?

Indications for the use of Valocordin are quite extensive. These include:

  • neuroses of various etiologies;
  • vegetative lability;
  • attacks of angina pectoris against the background of coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular pathologies;
  • spasms in the intestines not caused by intestinal obstruction;
  • comprehensive treatment of excessive gas formation;
  • the initial stage of hypertension. Valocordin reduces blood pressure during frequent increases;
  • panic attacks due to heart disease, stress;
  • the patient has a headache that occurs periodically or is constant (migraine);
  • pain in the sternum caused by spasm of the coronary vessels;
  • decreased quality of sleep, insomnia;
  • severe emotional stress provoked by stressful situations.

The main indication for use is high blood pressure

For high blood pressure, Valocordin is prescribed as an auxiliary therapy. Its use as an independent remedy for stage 2 and 3 hypertension is inappropriate.

First aid for a heart attack (heart attack)

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Heart attack (infarction)

this is the necrosis of a section of the heart muscle (myocardium),
caused by blockage of the vessel supplying this section of the muscle with blood.

Without blood supply, the heart muscle begins to die and, if help is not provided in time, it dies irrevocably.

The risk of deterioration and death is very high - about 35%

, you can’t hesitate!

The life of the victim depends on your quick and clear actions.

Main features:

1. Pressing pain in the center of the chest.

A person can hold on to the “heart,” unwittingly showing where the problem is.

The pain often radiates to the left arm, left shoulder blade, and neck on the left side.

2. Shortness of breath at rest - difficult, frequent, shallow breathing,

like after physical activity. May not go away even after rest.

3. Pale skin and cold, sticky sweat.


– When diagnosing, focus primarily on 3 main signs! The victim may have other symptoms: dizziness, weakness, nausea, etc. But they occur in many diseases and blur the picture more than they help in diagnosis.

– Call an ambulance even if you have one of the main signs. Don't wait for all 3 to appear. They may never appear all together.

Your actions:

1. Call an ambulance - 103 or 112

from any phone - and clearly, in simple language, describe all manifestations. For example: a 45-year-old man, sitting, holding his chest with his hand, pale, having difficulty breathing.

If the patient refuses to call an ambulance, but looks bad, call him anyway! By law, you do not need the victim’s consent to call an ambulance.

2. Aspirin 325 mg.

A simple Aspirin given at the first sign of a heart attack
reduces mortality by 15%!!!
Aspirin prevents the growth of a blood clot that has blocked a vessel in the heart muscle and preserves the possibility of at least some blood supply.


– The Aspirin tablet must be chewed,

rather than swallowing it whole. Instruct the victim.

– Do not under any circumstances exceed the dose of 325 mg!!!

This can sometimes have the opposite effect and make the condition worse. Look carefully at the dosage indicated on the package.

Don't give Aspirin

if a person is
to this drug.

You don't need to do anything else.

Observe the condition of the victim, support him morally, wait for the ambulance.

Not to do!!!

1. Nitroglycerin - do not give!

It can greatly reduce blood pressure and even kill the victim before the ambulance arrives.

If the patient wants to take it, you can help him take his own Nitroglycerin. In this case, it is his decision and his risk. You are not responsible for the result.

If you “prescribe” him your drug yourself, then in the event of a tragic outcome, you risk being charged. Prescribing prescription medications is not your responsibility and is not part of First Aid.

2. Validol, Valocordin, Corvalol should not be given.

Validol - placebo

and has no real effect on the heart at all.

Valocordin and Corvalol - soothing drops,

not having a strong effect on blood circulation in the heart muscle, but causing a drowsy state, which makes it difficult for doctors to diagnose. Especially in case of an overdose, which is carried out by “rescuers” out of “generosity” and fear.

Any knowledge is useless if it does not lead to action.

And here's what you need to do right now,

so that knowledge does not remain just knowledge:

1. Tell everyone in your family what you have learned about the heart attack.

Just tell it in your own words. Firstly, by passing on information to others, you yourself will remember it even better. Secondly, you create a safe environment around yourself that can help you if you suddenly become a victim.

2. If you have children, make sure they know how to call 911.

They may be the only ones near the victim, and the salvation of parents and grandparents will depend on their timely call for an ambulance.

3. Make sure you have Aspirin in your home medicine cabinet.

Look carefully at the dosage to understand how many small tablets to give or how many pieces to break a large tablet into. For simplicity, buy Aspirin in a dosage of 325 mg.


you don’t have Aspirin at home
, be sure
to buy it at the pharmacy.
Immediately take Aspirin at a dosage of 325 mg. It can be used not only for a heart attack, but also for any situation such as headache, fever, hangover, etc.

5.If you have relatives with heart disease,

Make sure you clearly know what medications they are taking and why. What allergies do they have? This is important to know in case their condition worsens and they are unable to instruct you about treatment. Prepare in advance!

6. If you yourself suffer from heart disease,

Make sure your immediate family, including your children, know what pills you are taking and what they should do if you suddenly feel unwell.

Be prepared and may you never need it!

author Artyom Kharchikov

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Directions for use and doses

To achieve an optimal therapeutic effect, it is important to know how to take Valocordin. The standard treatment regimen is from 15 to 30 drops of the product three times a day before meals. For a single dose, a dosage of 40 drops is allowed.

How many drops are given to a child? For children, the drug is prescribed strictly under the supervision of a specialist. The dosage for them is usually no more than 15 drops.

Important! The exact dosage and duration of treatment should be determined by the doctor individually.

Valocordin for tachycardia: does it help? Instructions for use

Emotional excitement, elevated air temperature, intense physical activity, or a sudden change in body position can lead to tachycardia.
To normalize the increased heart rate characteristic of this pathology, you can take Valocordin.

However, you will need to take into account recommendations for its use and contraindications, so as not to provoke an exacerbation of tachycardia symptoms.

What kind of drug is this?

Valocordin is a medicine from a German pharmaceutical company that comes in the form of a clear liquid with a characteristic aroma. The solution is taken orally, and the dosage is determined by drops. It is sold in a 20 ml bottle and costs about 100 rubles.

Valocordin is a drug for normalizing heart rate, so the indications for its use also include tachycardia. However, it is classified as a universal remedy, since it is also known as a sedative and sleeping pill.

Composition and action

To determine the range of action of a medicine, you should pay attention to the main components in its composition:

  • Phenobarbital . The concentration per 1 ml of the drug is 18.4 mg. The substance is considered one of the oldest sleeping pills in medicine, and it has a sedative, anticonvulsant and vasodilator effect. This effect of the medication helps the nervous system to subside, and the patient adjusts to natural sleep.
  • Ethyl bromoisovalerate . 1 ml of product contains 18.4 mg of this substance. It has a sedative and hypnotic effect, as well as an antispasmodic, that is, it suppresses muscle spasms.

A number of auxiliary components are filled with 96% ethanol, mint and hop oil, and purified water.

Based on its composition, Valocordin has a complex effect: firstly, it smoothes out pain in the heart and normalizes the functioning of the entire cardiac system, and secondly, it calms and induces sleep.

Instructions for taking Valocordin for tachycardia

Valocordin should be taken orally before meals. In this case, the drops can be dissolved in a small amount of water or consumed and then washed down with water. The dosage is determined individually, but taking into account the following rules:

  • the recommended single dose is from 15 to 20 drops, which can be taken 3 times a day;
  • if the patient is stressed and has sleep disturbances, the single dosage may be increased to 30 drops;
  • the drug is extremely rarely prescribed to children, and in this case the dosage is determined at the rate of 1 drop of solution per 1 year of life (for example, a single dosage for a 5-year-old is 5 drops), but the pediatrician may prescribe a different dosage based on the child’s condition.

When treating with Valocordin, you need to take into account that taking it can provoke a reduced reaction in the patient, even if used correctly. This feature should be especially taken into account by people who drive vehicles or other mechanisms that require quick response.

In addition, the inhibition reaction will only intensify if you drink any alcohol-containing drinks before or after taking drops of the solution. Moreover, alcohol will increase the therapeutic effect of the drug, which will lead to an increase in its toxicity.

There is no need to abuse the dosage and frequency of taking Valocordin, as this can cause drug dependence and poisoning as a result of the accumulation of bromine in the body.

Valocordin has a mild effect on the body, but side effects due to its overdose are possible. It is possible in cases where a person suffering from tachycardia takes more drops than possible, or takes the solution more than 3 times a day. As a rule, overdose is a consequence of self-medication and manifests itself in the following stages:

  • mild , in which the patient experiences constant drowsiness, slight dizziness, and motor impairment;
  • severe , as a result of which breathing may be impaired, the heart rate may increase, reflexes will become dull, and in rare cases the patient may fall into a coma.

Frequent and regular overdose will cause poisoning, in which a person constantly feels depression and apathy, and also experiences difficulties with coordination.

If any signs of overdose are observed, in order to normalize the condition, the patient needs to rinse the stomach and take activated charcoal. If the condition does not stabilize, you need to urgently get medical help.

Interaction with other medications

For tachycardia, Valocordin can be taken regularly, so it is important to consider its compatibility with other drugs:

  • sedatives, tranquilizers and antipsychotics - enhance the effect of the solution;
  • simultaneous use of tranquilizers and antipsychotics in combination with nervous system stimulants will reduce the impact of drops;
  • medications whose biotransformation occurs in the liver will increase their concentration, since phenobarbital from Valocordin will lead to accelerated liver metabolism, so you should avoid combining these drugs;
  • oral contraceptives, glucocorticosteroids, coumarin and griseofulvin derivatives will weaken their effect under the influence of Valocordin due to phenobarbital, so this combination of drugs is also suboptimal.

Contraindications and restrictions

For certain indications, the use of Valocordin will cause negative reactions from the body. To avoid this, you should read the following table before taking the drops:

ContraindicationAdverse reaction
Kidney and liver dysfunctionState of drowsiness
Lactation periodInflammation of the nasal mucosa
Intolerance to components in the drugA state of indifference to everything
Liver diseasesConjunctivitis
Head injuriesState of stress and depression
Brain pathologiesSkin reactions
Alcoholism, state of intoxication

So, with tachycardia, to normalize an accelerated heartbeat, you can take 15-20 drops of Valocordin, if there are no contraindications. The drug will also relieve pain in the heart area, calm you down and put you to sleep. However, you should not overuse the solution, so as not to provoke a mild or severe form of overdose.

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How does the drug affect blood pressure?

Patients often ask: “Does Valocordin increase or decrease blood pressure?” As already mentioned, the drug has a vasodilating effect. Increasing the lumen in the veins and capillaries leads to a decrease in blood pressure. This is what allows Valocordin to be used in the initial stages of hypertension.

It follows that the drug should not be used by patients with low blood pressure. Even a small dose of medication can cause undesirable consequences and greatly reduce the mercury level.

What to replace it with?

You can choose an effective replacement for Valocordin from the following analogue drugs that have an identical therapeutic effect:

Barboval can be a worthy replacement for this drug.

  • "Barboval";
  • "Glycine";
  • "Cravaleon";
  • "Carniland";
  • "Valoserdin";
  • "Slipex";
  • "Lotusonic";
  • "Passifit";
  • "Sanason Lek";
  • "Bromenval";
  • "Cliophyte";
  • "Negrustin";
  • "Corvalol".

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Main contraindications

Contraindications for the drug are as follows:

  • acute and chronic pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • Valocordin should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • patient age under 18 years;
  • personal intolerance to the main or auxiliary substances of the drug;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • vascular collapse.

The medicine is strictly contraindicated for people with vegetative-vascular dystonia and hypotension. It is not prescribed for other conditions characterized by low blood pressure.

Valocordin is prohibited in childhood

What is the danger of Valocordin

Many patients take Valocordin to lower blood pressure or normalize sleep without a doctor's prescription. Is it really that safe? The drug can bring not only benefits to the body, but also harm. More often, the side effects of Valocordin are caused by improper use of the drug or the individual characteristics of the patient.

Once in the body, phenobarbital promotes the synthesis of microsomal enzymes in the liver. Against this background, other medications taken that are metabolized in the liver do not have the desired therapeutic effect.

Phenobarbital, which is part of the medication, is a narcotic substance and is prohibited in some countries. If the dosage is strictly observed, this component does not cause negative consequences. If you violate the doctor’s recommendations or take the drug for too long, there is a risk of addiction, disruption of the functioning of the central nervous system or the development of withdrawal syndrome.

In addition, the drug can affect concentration and memory. After taking it, driving vehicles and operating potentially dangerous machinery is prohibited.

A combination such as Valocordin and alcohol poses a serious threat to human life and health. Ethyl alcohol enhances the narcotic effect of phenobarbital, so when taking alcoholic beverages, the use of Valocordin becomes extremely dangerous.

What is Valocordin

According to the accepted medical classification, Valocordin drops belong to sedatives. Additionally, it can be used as an antispasmodic because it relaxes the smooth muscles of internal organs. The medicine has a complex composition - phenobarbital and ethyl bromizovalerianate are declared as active substances.

Composition and release form

From the instructions for use attached to each bottle you can find out the detailed composition of Valocordin drops:

Description Colorless liquid with the aroma of mint and hops, bitter taste, 1 ml contains 20 drops
Phenobarbital concentration, mg/ml 18,4
Content of ethyl bromoisovalerianate (ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid), mg/ml 18,4
Compound Peppermint oil, hop oil, water, ethanol
Package Dropper bottles of 20 or 50 ml

Valocordin drops

Action of Valocordin

In small doses, the active substances of the composition have a sedative and hypnotic effect, in high doses they have a narcotic effect. Phenobarbital is a derivative of barbituric acid, inhibits the inhibitory system of the reticular formation, and is capable of slightly lowering blood pressure. The substance is absorbed in the stomach, 35% of the dose is bound to blood plasma proteins, the rest is filtered in the kidneys.

Reabsorption of phenobarbital occurs at low levels of acidity, and reverse diffusion is impossible due to the alkalinity of the urine. 30% of the substance is excreted in the urine, some is oxidized in the liver. Long-term use of the drug leads to the accumulation of the substance in the plasma, liver enzymes are induced. This leads to an acceleration of the oxidation process of phenobarbital.

Ethyl bromizovalerianate has sedative and antispasmodic properties and acts like a phenobarbital synergist, that is, it ensures rapid onset of effectiveness. The substance releases boron in the body, which is slowly released from the body. Long-term use of the drug risks chronic boron intoxication. Peppermint and hop oils have reflex, vasodilating and antispasmodic effects.

Indications for use

The main purpose of using the medication is to eliminate sleep disturbances. In addition, indications for use of the drug are:

  • insomnia, cardiovascular cardialgia;
  • sinus tachycardia, neurotic conditions;
  • pain in the heart, ischemia of the heart muscle;
  • vegetative lability, increased irritability;
  • hypochondriacal syndrome;
  • early stages of arterial hypertension;
  • spasm of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract (intestinal, biliary colic);
  • anxiety caused by psychosomatic phenomena;
  • brain disorders, neuroses accompanied by a feeling of fear.

Side effects

The instructions for use of the drug indicate the possibility of developing the following side effects of the drug:

You can also read: How to drink Corvalol drops for calming

  • nasal congestion, allergic rhinitis;
  • the appearance of irritability, drowsiness, nervousness;
  • development of the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • deterioration of orientation in space;
  • allergic manifestations on the skin, urticaria, itching.

In the absence of a response to these signs or with a single dose of the drug in an amount significantly exceeding the dose, an overdose of Valocordin occurs. Doctors distinguish between mild, moderate and severe stages of the severity of this condition. With a mild overdose, the patient notes drowsiness, apathy, and decreased blood pressure. The average degree is accompanied by a deterioration of the condition; it happens that it is difficult to wake a person, breathing and heart rate are impaired. The severe stage carries the threat of lethargic sleep, precoma and coma.

Important! If symptoms of overdose are detected, immediate action must be taken. The patient needs to rinse his stomach, and if his condition worsens, take him to the hospital.

Headache and malaise are considered side effects of the drug

Contraindications and side effects

Valocordin has side effects - it is addictive

Drops, which have a pronounced calming effect, are not prescribed to pregnant women and nursing mothers. Individual intolerance to substances - ingredients of a complex pharmaceutical preparation, is a warning to use.

Patients with renal or hepatic dysfunction should use Valocordin with caution.

The main contraindication to the use of this medicine is the occurrence of a side effect - addiction, requiring an increase in dosage (similar to drug addiction). Symptoms develop, designated by the general term “bromism,” which is persistent poisoning with bromine (the main component of the drops).

The patient exhibits typical signs of allergic irritation and the following neurological abnormalities:

  • sleep disorders
  • speech disorders
  • memory loss
  • discoordination of dynamic motor skills

Drug overdose caused by addiction to the effects of Valocordin is treated additionally. Bromine preparations are non-toxic, but gradually accumulate and are slowly eliminated from the body, causing negative reactions. Oversaturation with bromine provokes depression of the nervous activity of the body, expressed in stable vegetative neuroses.

special instructions

If there is a need to use the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be abandoned.

Valocordin is not prescribed to patients with alcohol dependence, as it contains ethanol.

The product has a relaxing sedative effect. It is dangerous for people whose work requires special care to take the medicine. This applies to drivers, pilots, workers operating complex mechanisms.

Taking the drug for too long can cause addiction, accumulation of bromine in body tissues, and toxic poisoning.

Taking Valocordin for tachycardia

Valocordin is a universal remedy for various disorders associated with the cardiovascular system. Also, this drug is known as a very mild sedative or as a good sleeping pill. Its versatility, according to many people, is its value.

This is a remedy that has a complex effect on the body. On the one hand, pain in the heart disappears and the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system is normalized, and on the other hand, the body calms down and sleep improves.

Phenobarbital is one of the key ingredients of Valocordin. It is considered both a sedative hypnotic and an anticonvulsant. It is worth noting that this is one of the oldest sleeping pills in medicine. This element also has a very valuable property - to dilate blood vessels. Peppermint oil also performs the same function.

Isovaleric acid has a calming and hypnotic effect on the body. From the name it becomes clear that this is the main active element of the well-known valerian.

Having figured out what effect the drug has, we can draw a logical conclusion that Valocordin for tachycardia is a very effective and powerful remedy. It generally has a positive effect on the entire body and accompanies healthy natural sleep.

Release form and composition of the drug

The drug Valocordin is available in the form of drops for oral administration in dark glass dropper bottles with a volume of 20 in a cardboard box. The bottle contains a clear liquid with a distinct minty smell.

The main active ingredients of the drops are phenobarbital and ethyl bromizovalerianate in equal quantities – 18.4 mg. In addition, the drug contains auxiliary components - ethanol 96%, peppermint oil, hop oil, purified water.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

The drug Valocordin is a drug with combined effects.

The active components included in the drops have a calming effect on the nervous system, normalize sleep, eliminate irritability and neuroses.

The main active ingredient of the drug - phenobarbital - has a slight hypnotic effect, facilitates the onset of sleep and reduces the increased excitability of the nervous system.

Use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation

Valocordin drops are contraindicated for the treatment of pregnant women.

Phenobarbital, which is part of the drug, can lead to a significant delay in intrauterine development of the fetus, and ethanol can cause severe damage to the internal organs of the embryo and the development of congenital anomalies and defects. As an alternative remedy for the treatment of neuroses or worries in expectant mothers, you can use Valerian or Validol tablets.

The use of Valocordin during breastfeeding is contraindicated for women.

The active ingredients of the drug, in particular phenobarbital and ethanol, can easily penetrate into breast milk and then into the baby’s body with food, thereby causing poisoning of the child’s body and severe inhibition of the central nervous system.

If a nursing woman has the above indications, she should consult a doctor so that a specialist can select an alternative medicine that will not be dangerous for the baby.

Interaction with other drugs

With the simultaneous use of Valocordin drops with sedatives, the calming and inhibitory effect may be enhanced.

When using this drug with drugs that lower blood pressure, a decrease in blood pressure levels and weakness of the patient may occur.

The active components included in Valocordin can somewhat reduce the therapeutic effect of birth control pills, which should be warned about in patients who prefer this type of contraception.

The drug should not be taken simultaneously with alcoholic beverages, as this sharply increases the risk of side effects and liver damage to the patient.

Conditions for storing and dispensing the drug

Valocordin drops are available in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature of no more than 15 degrees (preferably in the refrigerator). The shelf life of the medicine is 5 years from the production date indicated on the packaging. After this period, the drug cannot be taken orally.

1 Medicines to lower your heart rate

Cardiologists recommend a number of proven remedies that reduce heart rate; they are sold in any pharmacy:

  • Validol – 1 tablet;
  • Valerian – 1-3 tablets;
  • Valocordin – 1 tablet;
  • Motherwort 1-2 tablets.

The effect of the medicine will not occur earlier than in half an hour, so you should not take another portion until the required time has passed.

2 Call an ambulance if your heart rate is high

If your pulse approaches the threshold of 200 beats per minute, call an ambulance immediately! While you are waiting for the doctors, follow these steps:

  • For people in middle age: induce vomiting; press on the inner corners of the eyes; give your neck a massage.
  • For older people, give medicine, wash with cold water, rub your fingertips.
  • Tightening your abdominal muscles will slow down the blood flow slightly.
  • Feel the pulse on your hand and press this point every 2 seconds, continue the process for 2-3 minutes.
  • Breathe in the aromatic oils of rose, chamomile, grapefruit, sandalwood.
  • Drink lightly brewed green tea.

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There are a large number of drugs similar in their composition and therapeutic effect to the drug in question. Analogs of Valocordin can be as follows:

  • homeopathic Nott's drops - used for insomnia and excessive excitability of the central nervous system. The product has a relaxing effect and normalizes heart rate;
  • Cavinton tablets are used as a vasodilator, help improve oxygen supply to the brain, and help utilize excess glucose. The drug is prescribed to patients with neuralgic and mental disorders caused by cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • Sibazon tablets - eliminate spasms, have a relaxing effect, help get rid of seizures, and restore heart rhythm. Sibazon belongs to a number of psychotropic drugs;
  • Corvalcaps capsules are prescribed to overcome excessive nervous excitability, normalize sleep, and lower blood pressure. Indications for use include insomnia, neuroses, conditions accompanied by spasm of the coronary vessels, and intestinal spasms.

Valoserdin is a popular analogue of Valocordin

Special attention should be paid to such an analogue as Valoserdin. Patients often compare these two drugs, asking which is better and what is the difference between these drugs? Valoserdin is a Russian medicine, Valocordin is a German drug. In terms of their therapeutic effect, both drugs are identical. Their difference is in composition and cost. Valoserdin contains oregano oil, Valocordin does not. Valoserdin costs almost half as much as the German drug.

Give me medicine for arrhythmia!

The concept of “arivitamin for the heart.” This is complete nonsense; such “vitamins” do not exist in nature. The heart is not a strawberry patch, and medicine is not manure. So in most cases it is a waste of money.

Beta blockers (anaprilin, obzidan, atenolol, concor). These drugs slow down the pulse and can actually be effective for certain types of arrhythmia (tachycardia, extrasystole). But they can also be ineffective, and they can also be harmful.

In order for a doctor to prescribe such drugs, he needs to carefully analyze at least a cardiogram. Blindly, without monitoring the heart rate, without knowing the mechanism of arrhythmia, these drugs can be dangerous, especially in older people.

Patient reviews

Further in the article you can read reviews about Valocordin. Patient responses are predominantly positive and are of the following nature.

Anastasia, Irkutsk “I myself am a nervous and irritable person, I try with all my might to fight these qualities, but sometimes my nerves give in. Six months ago, I encountered a symptom such as panic attacks. People who have encountered this will understand me, the condition is simply terrible. Valocordin helped me cope with this. The drug acts quickly, literally after 3 - 5 minutes it becomes easier. I have only positive impressions about the product.”

Veronica, Moscow “Valocordin is always on our pharmacy shelf. My mother and grandmother take this product. One day I had to take it, because I was very worried before the upcoming interview, I was shaking, it was even difficult to speak. After 5 minutes of taking the drops, she calmed down and her heart stopped beating wildly. The only negative is that I didn’t dare get behind the wheel, because I read that the medicine reduces concentration.”

Ekaterina, Ufa “I always took Valocordin during times of severe anxiety or insomnia. This continued until I learned about the possible negative consequences and addiction to the product. Now I take it much less often and with caution. Pros: fast action, affordable price. Disadvantages: strong, repulsive smell, unpleasant taste.”

Valocordin for tachycardia - dosage, how many drops, reviews

The heart is an organ that continuously works throughout life. It is very important to monitor the health of the entire circulatory system and prevent failures and disorders.

One of the possible disorders is tachycardia. This is an extremely common malfunction in the cardiovascular system of many people, which manifests itself in an increased heart rate.

There can be a lot of reasons, and if you find yourself with such an illness, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. A cardiologist will be able to accurately determine the causes and prescribe the correct treatment. Inaction will be the worst decision, since the cause of tachycardia can be serious diseases that will significantly worsen without treatment.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS !
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but to make an appointment with a specialist !
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

In order to detect tachycardia, it is not necessary to constantly go to the doctor; for this you need to occasionally measure the pulse on the wrist or on the radial artery.

This is done very simply, each person can control the frequency of heart contrition himself. It is measured in beats per minute. If a person does not have any problems with the rhythm of his heartbeat, then he can simply count his pulse in 30 seconds and multiply the result by two.

There are many folk ways to combat tachycardia, but you should not get carried away with them, this is an extremely serious disorder. Jokes with him can end in tears. Also, there are many medications that are designed to normalize heart rate.

They should also be taken very seriously and taken only after consulting a doctor. The main thing is to remember that self-medication can lead to very bad consequences. This article will talk about Valocordin and all the intricacies of its use.

Among the younger generation there is an opinion that Valocordin is a drug for grandparents. In reality, of course, everything is completely different.

Valocordin has many beneficial properties and is sometimes prescribed even to children under 18 years of age.

Effect of the drug

Valocordin is a universal remedy for various disorders associated with the cardiovascular system. Also, this drug is known as a very mild sedative or as a good sleeping pill. Its versatility, according to many people, is its value.

This is a remedy that has a complex effect on the body. On the one hand, pain in the heart disappears and the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system is normalized, and on the other hand, the body calms down and sleep improves.

Phenobarbital is one of the key ingredients of Valocordin. It is considered both a sedative hypnotic and an anticonvulsant. It is worth noting that this is one of the oldest sleeping pills in medicine. This element also has a very valuable property - to dilate blood vessels. Peppermint oil also performs the same function.

Isovaleric acid has a calming and hypnotic effect on the body. From the name it becomes clear that this is the main active element of the well-known valerian.

Having figured out what effect the drug has, we can draw a logical conclusion that Valocordin for tachycardia is a very effective and powerful remedy. It generally has a positive effect on the entire body and accompanies healthy natural sleep.

Indications and contraindications

Like any medical drug, Valocordin has indications and contraindications. Despite all the positive qualities, it should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor. Which will accurately determine whether you will benefit from it, or vice versa - you will aggravate some other problems in the body.

  • for various disorders of the circulatory system;
  • for psychological problems, neuroses, great experiences and fear;
  • for problems with sleep and falling asleep naturally;
  • for depression or excessive excitability.
  • for some diseases and liver;
  • during pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • with high sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Also, with great caution, the drug is prescribed for skull injuries or brain diseases.


The drug is taken orally before meals with a small amount of water. It is not recommended to use the drug while intoxicated. Typically, there is no specific standardized dosage. Most often, the required dose is calculated individually for each person. It depends, first of all, on the condition of the patient.

For an adult patient, on average it is from 15 to 20 drops three times a day. If the patient has problems sleeping or is under stress, the dose can be increased to thirty drops.

The drug is prescribed to children very rarely, and the dose is prescribed at the rate of one drop per year of life. But it also depends on the condition of the sick child.


Despite the fact that the drug has a very gentle effect on the body, cases of overdose occur. The mild stage of overdose is characterized by drowsiness, slight dizziness, and motor impairment.

In severe cases, a person may fall into a coma, his breathing becomes impaired, his heart rate increases, and his reflexes become dull.

Basically, overdoses occur when a person does not know how many drops of Valocordin should be taken for tachycardia. Most often this happens during self-medication.

Drug interactions

If Valocordin is taken in parallel with other (sedative) drugs, the effect of the drug is enhanced. Neuroleptics and tranquilizers significantly increase the effect of the drug on the body. CNS stimulants – on the contrary, reduces the effect of Valocordin.

Alcohol increases the toxicity of the drug; such use is not recommended. When taken simultaneously with drugs for the liver, the effectiveness of these drugs will be reduced.

This feature is explained by the fact that phenobarbital induces a liver enzyme. Phenobarbital weakens the effect of oral contraceptives.

Side effects

It is very difficult to identify side effects, since the drug is very well tolerated even with long-term use. The exception is some cases in which daytime dizziness and loss of strength were recorded.

With frequent and regular overdoses, poisoning is possible. During this period, a person experiences depression, apathy, and lack of coordination.

If any contraindications appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The use of the drug may need to be stopped or the dosage revised.

Special instructions for use

Even if the drug is prescribed by your doctor, the drug may cause drowsiness, inattention and slight dizziness. Patients experience a dull reaction, which is very noticeable on the street or while driving a car. Drinking alcohol further enhances these effects.

Valocordin can form drug dependence with long-term use, therefore the drug is recommended to be taken in certain short periods.

With prolonged use, excessive accumulation of bromine in the body and subsequent poisoning is possible.

Elena, 36

We recently changed our place of residence, the move was not easy, a lot of nerves went away. At first I was in an irritated, even depressed state. It was very difficult to sleep in the new apartment.

A friend gave advice to start taking Valocordin. I almost immediately bought it at the pharmacy (it cost about 150 rubles).

My sleep improved literally immediately, and soon my general condition improved. Good drug!

Pavel, 34

Ever since I was a teenager, I started having heart problems, in particular tachycardia. I tried many different drugs, including very expensive ones.

Now I mainly take Valocordin, since it suits me best and the price is reasonable. Gentle effect on the body and quick effect.

Of course, the taste is not very good, it smells strongly of grass, but grass is better than some kind of chemical.

Andrey, 27

Recently, some pain in my heart began, I visited a cardiologist, but they didn’t find anything special, it was all about little things.

I was prescribed Valocordin, 15 drops three times a day.

In the first week the result was quite insignificant, but already in the second week of taking it it became much better. The pain has practically disappeared, and I began to feel much better.

Darina, 27

My grandmother takes this drug, she says it’s herbal, and it’s better than any chemicals. I also occasionally drink 15-20 drops before bed, it helps me fall asleep very well.

Also good as a sedative in stressful or tense situations.

Katya, 30

All my life I believed that Valocordin was a drug for grandparents, since I no longer saw anyone except them taking it. I never had it in my medicine cabinet. But in recent years, I noticed that I had become somewhat overly irritable, and depressive states often began to predominate.

I often felt sick in the morning and felt dizzy throughout the day. Of course, I immediately underwent a full examination and was diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia. It was then that I remembered Valocordin.

A therapist friend recommended him to me. Now I understand what its value is. As soon as I feel dizzy or nauseous, I immediately take 15 drops.

It helps very quickly, 10-15 minutes and you feel like a cucumber. After several weeks of use, vegetative-vascular dystonia practically ceased to remind itself of itself.

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