How to beat hypertension?
At what pressure should hypertension be treated?
Hello, dear friends! Today I decided to tackle such a problem as hypertension and
What is needed to declare an elderly person incompetent after a stroke?
Declaration of incompetence after a stroke may be based on Articles 281-286 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. But to prove
Nephrogenic arterial hypertension
Arterial nephrogenic hypertension (parenchymal form)
A disease whose main symptomatic manifestation is persistent high blood pressure is arterial hypertension.
Askofen - instructions, use, indications, contraindications, action, side effects, analogues, dosage, composition. "Askofen-P": what is this drug prescribed for?
Askofen is a drug that has antipyretic and analgesic effects. The main components of the drug are:
ICD code 10 thrombosis of mesenteric vessels
Acute disorders of mesenteric circulation. Intestinal infarction Synonyms: intestinal infarction, mesenteric thrombosis, acute mesenteric ischemia,
fever with VSD
Vegetative-vascular dystonia symptoms and treatment in women after 50 years
Fever with VSD is one of the symptoms that causes a lot of concern for people with this
What hypotensive people shouldn’t do
What to do if you have low blood pressure? Advice for hypotensive patients
Concept and psychological portrait Hypotonic is a person with chronically low blood pressure. Happens
red and blue spots on the leg
Red spots on the legs due to varicose veins - treatment methods and possible causes
Every girl dreams of her legs looking beautiful. However, the manifestation of varicose veins
Why does blood pressure drop only in the evening?
One of the most popular topics in medical publications and television programs is hypertension.
Treatment of spinal hernia without surgery
Is surgery necessary for varicose veins? Alternative Treatments
Spinal hernia is the destruction of the structure of the intervertebral discs with protrusion of their nucleus. The disease is accompanied by pain
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