The most effective ways to strengthen veins and blood vessels in the legs
How to strengthen blood vessels and veins in the legs with varicose veins in old age: exercises and vitamins
Indications for use Vitamins for strengthening blood vessels and improving their functioning are recommended for
Is the blood pressure drug Normalife effective or is it just another scam, as well as instructions for use and composition
How does it work and how to take Normalife for blood pressure?
There are diseases that not only cause physical discomfort to a person, but also reduce the quality of his life.
The nature and origin of headaches in dystonia
Astheno-neurotic syndrome is a type of neurosis that can occur in both adults and
Orthostatic tachycardia symptoms and treatment
When changing body position, a rapid heartbeat is often observed, and slight dizziness may even occur.
Getting rid of a blood clot
Thrombectomy - how is surgery to remove a blood clot in the leg performed?
Currently, problems with blood vessels and veins cause discomfort to a large number of people of different sizes.
What happens in the body during the progression of vegetative-vascular dystonia
Constant presyncope - what does the symptom indicate?
The most common diagnosis nowadays is vegetative vascular dystonia. The disease is
Indapamide - what it helps with, instructions for use, analogues
Hypertension is a disease that is difficult to diagnose immediately. The first signs of hypertension are an increase in readings
Low blood pressure after exercise: causes, norms and methods of correction
Causes of hypotension after exercise Changes in blood pressure levels after active exercise can occur due to
Rating of the best rehabilitation centers after stroke in Moscow for 2020
Sanatorium-resort rehabilitation after stroke Stroke is a severe celebrovascular disease characterized by impaired blood supply to the brain. Pathology
Incomplete posterior trifurcation of the left internal carotid artery - About vessels
Complete posterior trifurcation of the right internal carotid artery
Healthy body, natural food, clean environment In the anterior, internal carotid artery consists of the anterior,
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