Why do you get headaches when you have low blood pressure and how to treat the problem?

Homeopathic medicines are widely used and recommended by official medicine for the treatment of various ailments. Patients suffering from high blood pressure also use similar drugs to normalize their condition. Homeopathy for hypertension offers a wide range of drugs, and most of them have a positive effect in treatment.

Do homeopathic medicines help with hypertension?

Homeopathic medicines contain herbal ingredients. Many products are made based on traditional medicine recipes that have been tested for centuries. Treating hypertension with homeopathy has a number of advantages. The main thing is that they give a positive result and no side effects. The exception is individual intolerance to some of the components included in the products.

Important! High blood pressure is treated with homeopathy only in an integrated approach, or drugs are used as prophylactics in the treatment of hypertension.

In acute cases of the disease, the use of homeopathy will not give the desired result. In order to talk about the advisability of treating hypertension with homeopathic remedies, it is necessary to know the cause of this disease. Hypertension is not an independent disease. This is a consequence of some kind of disorder in the body. Most often this is:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • renal failure, urolithiasis;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • liver diseases;
  • stress;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • heredity;
  • obesity.

These are not all the factors that provoke a sharp change in blood pressure. There is no clear reason. Therefore, doctors conduct a thorough diagnosis of all systems of the human body in order to identify possible pathologies and prescribe the most correct set of therapeutic measures.

Homeopathic remedies and medicines are available in sufficient quantities and are freely available in every pharmacy. But you should not self-medicate. Any medicine for blood pressure will reduce it, but will not eliminate the cause of the disease. That is why there are negative reviews from people who most often self-prescribed treatment.

Patients with hypertension do not recognize another reason associated with high blood pressure. This is alcohol abuse. People at risk, those who have already had attacks of hypertension, should understand that even a small glass of weak wine provokes a jump in blood pressure. Under the influence of alcohol, no drugs will lower blood pressure. Homeopathy for high blood pressure using drugs is also powerless in this case.

Real help is possible only when a person has been examined, knows his diagnosis and follows exactly all the recommendations and prescriptions of the attending physician. This is the only way to get rid of a serious disease that has recently claimed too many young lives. Hemorrhage and hypertensive crisis are only a minor finale of the many sad consequences of this pathology.

Pros and cons of homeopathy for hypertension

The many advantages of homeopathic treatment include:

  • natural composition of drugs;
  • individual approach to treatment;
  • almost complete absence of contraindications and side effects;
  • long storage;
  • ease of use;
  • safety and effectiveness;
  • lack of addiction;
  • treating the cause, not the symptoms of the disease;
  • combination with traditional therapy.

Among the shortcomings, only a few points can be highlighted:

  • long duration of treatment;
  • selection of a suitable drug sometimes does not occur immediately;
  • high cost of services of a homeopathic doctor.

Homeopathic treatment, like traditional treatment, will not have the desired effect if risk factors for the development of hypertension are not eliminated as much as possible. That is, if you do not give up bad habits and change your lifestyle, any treatment will be useless.

Treatment of hypertension without drugs

If no pathology causing high blood pressure is detected in the patient’s body, it can be assumed that the cause of the disease was an incorrect lifestyle. The attending physician will definitely ask about this when taking an anamnesis. No matter how strong the drugs are, taking them makes no sense if a person does not adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

If your blood pressure rises, you must completely give up alcohol and follow a healthy diet. The diet should contain only healthy foods. Large amounts of salt, smoked foods, fried and spicy foods provoke fluid retention in the body, which means pressure surges. It is important to diversify your diet with foods containing large amounts of potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Therefore, the diet should contain:

  • nuts, especially cashews;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • dairy products;
  • legumes;
  • dried apricots;
  • seaweed;
  • seafood;
  • hard cheeses.

Coffee, just like alcohol, flushes these components from the body. Their lack can provoke another attack.

Important! Green tea contains several times more caffeine than coffee. Therefore, it is advisable for hypertensive patients to limit its consumption.

It is better to replace long periods of sitting in front of a monitor or TV with calm walks, cycling or swimming in the pool. Such activities are an excellent prevention of hypertension. It is equally important to avoid stressful situations.

Patient reviews

A cardiologist referred me to the Adonis homeopathy center for treatment of hypertension. He says that while the numbers are small, it’s better to get treatment from them. The fact is that at the age of 50 I have a whole bunch of diseases - arthrosis, emphysema against the background of bronchial asthma, ulcerative colitis. That’s why the cardiologist says – for now it’s better to see a homeopath. But what’s most surprising is that not only the blood pressure returned to normal, but also the knees and intestines! Now I’m finishing up my lungs! As they say, there would be no happiness, but misfortune would help!

Nikolay, 48 years old, Moscow

I am an experienced hypertensive patient - I have been taking pills for my heart and blood pressure for almost 12 years now. My liver began to hurt, I had a bitter taste in my mouth... I decided to reduce the amount of this chemistry on my own. A few days later I had a crisis - I almost had a stroke. I started drinking again, as the doctor prescribed. Again the liver, bitterness, constipation... My strength is gone! Then I typed on the Internet: CURE HYPERTENSION WITHOUT CHEMISTRY and saw the Adonis website. I decided to try it. I tried it. Happened! It’s been almost 3 months now that I haven’t taken any chemicals. Blood pressure is 140/85-90, pulse is stable – 78-84. There are no words for how pleased I am! By the way, both my liver and constipation were cured.

Olga I., 52, Sergiev Posad

photo patient and doctor

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call! We work daily from 9.00 to 21.00 +7 (495) 120-28-54

Benefits of treating hypertension in

1. Guaranteed reduction of complaints after 7 days, and complete recovery within 1-2 months.

2. Treatment with individual homeopathic medicines - without side effects or harm to health!

3. Additionally: treatment of concomitant diseases of the digestive, endocrine and nervous systems, increasing immunity. As well as treatment of menopause, gynecological diseases and mammary glands.

4. You will receive a complete protocol of your health status (on 5 sheets) with a list of all pathologies and diseases (even at the most basic level).

5. You will receive all the necessary medications for the full course of treatment free of charge!

Now you know what to do if you have been diagnosed with hypertension! We wish you health and the right choice! If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call! We work daily from 9.00 to 21.00 +7 (495) 120-28-54


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The material was prepared with the participation of homeopathic physician Elena Yuryevna Sulzhenko. You can find out more about the author at this link.

Homeopathy and hypertension

Homeopathic medicines for high blood pressure are quite effective, but only if you follow the recommendations described above. During the treatment of serious pathologies, homeopathic medicines are used only as accompanying remedies in complex treatment. Treatment of hypertension throughout the world is carried out in two main areas:

  1. Diet and proper lifestyle.
  2. Using medications to help normalize blood pressure.

To normalize blood pressure, medications, traditional medicine, and homeopathic remedies are used. A network of modern pharmacies offers tools that can help solve this problem. Our grandmothers also used tinctures and decoctions from:

  • lemon balm;
  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • hawthorn;
  • chokeberry;
  • viburnum juice;
  • beet juice.

Traditional medicine has many recipes that help normalize blood pressure and even relieve an acute attack. But the reader’s attention should be drawn to homeopathy remedies for hypertension. There are many of them, so we offer the most effective ones that have already been tested and received positive feedback from patients. The action of such drugs is aimed at reducing blood pressure, and the effect is aimed at the cause of its increase. That is why it is important to know what causes blood pressure surges.

Homeopathic medicines for blood pressure: description and features

Baryta carbonica or barium carbonate

Indications: high blood pressure, aneurysm, atherosclerosis, asthma, heart attack, stroke.


  • dementia;
  • limited physical activity;
  • chronic weakness;
  • labored breathing;
  • cough.

Suitable for different age groups, has a positive effect on different organs.

Aconite (Aconite)

Indications: hypertensive crises caused by various factors (hot weather, psychological stress, bad habits). There are no organic disorders of the heart muscle.


  • fear of death;
  • fluctuations in pressure levels;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • blood rushes to the head, heat is felt, the skin turns red;
  • blood flows from the nose;
  • increased excitability;
  • spatial disorientation.

Portrait of the patient: sanguine character type, lover of life, optimist, very active, gets lost in difficult situations, overly anxious.


Indications: exhaustion of the nervous system, hypertensive crisis, paralysis, severe emotional stress, spasmodic pathologies.


  • weakness or lack of reactions to external physical irritation;
  • lack of emotions, apathy, indifference to everything;
  • pupils constrict;
  • makes you sleepy;
  • weak and rare pulse.

Features: prescribed when a person during an attack looks like he is “high.”

Acidum aceticum

Indications: pressure surges, crisis conditions, increased lower pressure, anemia.


  • high pressure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • panic attack;
  • heartache;
  • anxiety;
  • headache;
  • pale face;
  • coordination of actions is impaired.

Features: can be used for wiping.

Gelsemium (Celsemium)

Indications: depression and other mental disorders, hypertensive crisis, vegetative-vascular dystonia.


  • heart rhythm failure;
  • tremor;
  • lethargy, sleepiness;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • the face turns red.

Portrait of the patient: he does not like to be in the hot sun, he likes silence, he is indifferent to the world around him and himself, his gait is unsteady, he is suspicious, a typical neurasthenic.


Indications: poor health with high blood pressure, hypertensive crises.


  • there is heat in the head, ice in the legs;
  • pupils are wide;
  • anxiety;
  • heart beats frequently;
  • throbbing headache.

Features: used when a person feels unwell in a lying position; in an upright position, tilting the head back helps relieve symptoms.

Magnesium phosphoricum D6

Indications: treatment and prevention of hypertension, heart failure, impaired metabolism, low resistance to stress.


  • headache syndrome;
  • insomnia;
  • pain due to rheumatism and dental problems;
  • nervous excitement.

The drug normalizes the salt balance in the body.

Arsenicum album

Indications: “white coat” hypertension, prescribed for high diastolic pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia.


  • attacks of rapid heartbeat at night;
  • dyspnea;
  • fainting;
  • irregular heart rhythms;
  • pressing sensation in the chest;
  • headache;
  • heat in the head.

Portrait of the patient: these are unpleasant people, conservatives, inclined to get irritated over trifles, consider themselves an elite, are afraid to be alone with themselves, their character is pedantic, excessive cleanliness, disgust, they are greedy and love power, restless and nervous.

Lachesis based on the venom of the suruku snake

Indications: secondary hypertension (nephrogenic), menopause, hypertension complicated by liver cirrhosis.


  • migraine;
  • nausea;
  • not enough air;
  • puffy face;
  • red facial skin;
  • swelling in the limbs;
  • freezing hands and feet.

Portrait of the patient: he is afraid of night telephone calls, very sociable, prefers a nocturnal lifestyle, impulsive, his actions are inconsistent and unpredictable, he likes convenience and comfort in clothes.

Argentum nitricum

Indications: treatment of hypertension.


  • severe headache and nausea;
  • severe tachycardia;
  • increased anxiety;
  • frequent urination;
  • diarrhea;
  • fear of confined spaces;
  • anxiety in the presence of doctors.

Portrait of the patient: these are people with a tendency to various phobias, do not like to wait long, are overly fussy, punctual, have a quick temper, love sweets.


Indications: arterial hypertension complicated by diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidney and liver pathologies, gout and rheumatism; insufficient blood circulation.


  • tachycardia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • heart pain;
  • swelling;
  • headache.

Portrait of the patient: stingy, proud people, they like to command, often occupy leadership positions, they have a respectable appearance beyond their years, they are cold-blooded and self-possessed, but at the same time they are very absent-minded, they are afraid to speak in public, they feel bad alone, their spelling is poor.

Aurum iodatum

Indications: persistent hypertension, atherosclerotic disorders, pathology of the ocular capillaries.


  • soreness in the chest area;
  • the face turns red and becomes puffy;
  • frequent heart contractions;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vision problems.

Portrait of the patient: stubborn, withdrawn people, unrestrained and hot-tempered, like to grumble, quarrel over any reason, pessimists, unsociable, have a tendency to suicide, mental disorders are observed.


A homeopathic medicine based on a plant better known as “fighter”. The root of this medicinal perennial herb is used. The remedy has been tested for centuries. But in ancient times it was used as a poison. The sap of the root was used to lubricate spear tips. The struck enemy or animal had no chance of life and died after a while.

Today, the juice of this poisonous plant is used for high blood pressure and to treat cardiovascular diseases. It is sold in the form of tablets and tinctures. Reception is carried out according to a special scheme. You need to start with a minimum dose and gradually increase it.

Important! Aconite contains poison, you should consult your doctor before taking it. Usually this is 1 drop, diluted in a small amount of water (40-50ml). If no undesirable reaction occurs, continue taking it, adding one drop daily. Continue this way for 10 days, then reduce the dose daily, returning to one drop. The course of treatment is 20 days. After this, you can take a break for two weeks and resume the course.

Aconite (Aconite)

This drug is prescribed in most cases for hypertensive crisis, which occurs after overheating of the body, with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, as well as excessive consumption of nicotine. Organic lesions of the cardiovascular system are not a contraindication to the drug.

Aconite is used if there are such symptoms:

  • painful sensations behind the sternum;
  • fainting state;
  • skin hyperemia (redness);
  • bleeding from the nasal cavity;
  • increased heart rate;
  • noise in ears;
  • emotional instability;
  • feeling of constant fear.

Dilutions of aconite should be selected if blood pressure rises, which is simultaneously accompanied by nosebleeds. You can find the following dilutions: 3X, 3 and 6.

Aconite drug

Barita Carbonica

Homeopathic medicine is more often prescribed to people who are overweight. As a rule, they are all hypertensive. The use of the drug is also recommended for people with multiple sclerosis and poor memory. The medicine has a mild effect on all tissues and organs. Normalizes blood flow, strengthens the heart muscle. It has a diuretic effect, which causes rapid normalization of blood pressure.

With regular use, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, cholesterol plaques are dissolved and removed, increasing the lumen of blood vessels and thus normalizing blood flow. The drug, if the dosage is violated, can cause headaches and nausea. Therefore, you should not experiment and take it in strictly recommended doses.


Low blood pressure can be determined using a tonometer . Anyone who suffers from hypotension should have such a device at home.

It is recommended to keep a diary, measuring your blood pressure three times a day - morning, afternoon and evening. Measurements should also be taken if your health worsens. In this way, it is possible to establish a connection between headaches and changes in blood pressure.

Additional tests may also be needed to determine the cause of the problem:

  • blood test - allows you to assess the condition of the body; deviations in the indicators may indicate the presence of an infection, infestation with parasites, a chronic inflammatory process and other problems;
  • X-ray or MRI of the cervical spine - to exclude osteochondrosis;
  • electroencephalogram - allows you to evaluate the functioning of the brain;
  • angiography is a study of the vessels of the head and neck, which allows to exclude vascular anomalies, stenosis, aneurysms that cause disruption of the blood supply to the brain;
  • examination by a dentist , otolaryngologist and ophthalmologist - to exclude diseases in the facial area that can cause chronic headaches;
  • MRI of the brain - to exclude organic damage;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, heart, liver, pancreas, adrenal glands - diseases of these organs can cause headaches.

Such comprehensive diagnostics allows you to accurately determine the cause of the problem.

Magnesium Phosphoricum

These are magnesium salts, or Dr. Schussler, who is the creator of the drug. Its action is aimed at the nervous system. Recommended for patients whose hypertension is caused by frequent nervous tension.

The drug is prescribed in combination for the treatment of hypertension and it is recommended to continue therapy after recovery. If the clinical picture does not change, the person is subject to frequent stress, then it is recommended to take the drug regularly, without stopping for several months.

Take one tablet before meals or half an hour after meals. Official medicine has no clinical evidence that the drug has side effects. Therefore, it is often prescribed to children with mental disorders and pregnant women. All components of the medicine are evenly distributed throughout the body through the bloodstream, normalizing metabolic processes, removing excess moisture, and calming the nervous system. This is due to the normalization of blood pressure.

Use of homeopathic medicines for the treatment of arterial hypertension

Homeopathy for hypertension is beginning to gain momentum in the modern world, but the prescription of such medications should be carried out by a specialist, a qualified homeopathic doctor. Only he will be able to select the appropriate dilutions for treatment, as well as take into account all the concomitant pathologies of the patient.

Homeopathic therapy must adhere to the following principles during the treatment process:

  • in parallel with taking homeopathy, the patient must lead a correct lifestyle;
  • it is possible to use other alternative methods together to reduce blood pressure;
  • if blood pressure levels reach critical levels, it is worth using traditional medicine;
  • Patients who are likely to have complications from the cardiovascular system can use homeopathy as the main method of treatment.

Homeopathy for high blood pressure is not the safest method of treatment, and therefore therapy should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor.


A homeopathic remedy recommended for patients whose high blood pressure is caused by renal pathology. Regular use of the drug helps to normalize the condition of people after paralysis, and the trimmer in the limbs disappears. But the medicine is quite serious, so you can’t start taking it on your own. This is done only after medical consultation.

The drug is recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle and prone to depression.

Doctors prescribe this drug to patients whose disease is at a fairly severe stage, regardless of the cause of hypertension.

This is possible in cases where memory loss, loss of consciousness occurs, or after hemorrhage. In severe cases of the disease, it is recommended to use the drug constantly, taking short breaks in the course of treatment.

Homeopathy concept

Homeopathy is a type of alternative medicine based on plant components. For hypertension, homeopathy is used as an additional comprehensive treatment.

The difference from traditional medicine is the low concentration of plant substances in the composition of the preparations.

The very concept of homeopathy means treating a disease by inducing symptoms similar to a specific disease. In the case of hypertension, homeopathic medicines can activate the body's protective functions to combat the disease. This happens by using small doses of medication to cause high blood pressure. In a healthy person, these drugs can cause symptoms characteristic of hypertension.

Homeopathy concept

Homeopathic remedies are based on plant, mineral and animal components. The resulting concentrate is diluted to obtain a drug with a low concentration. For breeding the following are used:

  • water;
  • alcohol;
  • lactose.

A homeopathic doctor is engaged in this type of activity. It is advisable to verify his qualifications before visiting a particular doctor. This can be done by reviewing his diploma and certificates.

Don't tolerate high blood pressure

Now hypertension can be cured by restoring blood vessels...


In order to select the appropriate type of therapy, the doctor must take into account the age, gender, weight, and nature of the patient’s disease.

Nux Vomica

The composition of most homeopathic medicines is kept secret. But it is known that this medicine contains chilibuha seeds, rich in alkaloids. The plant is also called vomit nut. Therefore, it must be taken with extreme caution. This is a natural bitterness that is actively used by traditional healers to treat hypertension problems and heart diseases.

The dosage and time of administration depend on the complexity of the disease. Therefore, the appointment is made only by the attending physician. Patients note that regular correct use normalizes heart function, attacks of hypertension decrease, and later disappear completely. Headache and irritability disappear, sleep normalizes. For patients with persistent symptoms, continuous use with short breaks is recommended.

Why should hypertension be treated homeopathically?

1. Reception in our center is carried out exclusively by experienced specialists - homeopathic cardiologists. They conduct scientific work on homeopathic treatment of hypertension, starting from juvenile forms and ending after age 90 years. They are able to cope with the most complex forms of hypertension! Improvement in condition and normalization of blood pressure - patients feel the first results by the end of the first week, but treatment needs to take 30-60 days - this depends on the severity of the disease and concomitant pathologies.

2. An important advantage of our treatment is the strongest prevention of strokes and heart attacks thanks to the effects of individually selected homeopathic mono remedies.

3. Moscow Homeopathic is a modern clinic, where consultations are conducted exclusively by homeopaths! It's beautiful and cozy here. No queues! Our consultants work daily from 9.00 to 21.00. they will choose a convenient time for you and the best doctor who specializes in treating your particular disease! We have free parking, Wi-Fi, and will offer you free drinks and snacks.

4. Patients of any income can afford treatment at the center - the cost of admission to the center is low. It already includes all the necessary components of a full-fledged appointment - a consultation with a homeopath, an extensive examination, testing of individual homeopathic medicines, a detailed examination protocol on 5 pages with an explanation from a specialist, supervision of treatment over the phone or in person. We will offer you discounts and promotions.

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call! We work daily from 9.00 to 21.00 +7 (495) 120-28-54

Introducing the doctor

Tatyana Vladimirovna Valyasina

Leading specialist of the center, experience of medical work as a homeopath for 24 years!

Successfully cures gastrointestinal, endocrine, gynecological, allergic diseases in adults and children. Vast experience in treating adenoids, enuresis and autism with homeopathy!

Reception days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday from 9.00 to 21.00

The cost of an initial appointment with a complete diagnosis of the body is 4980 rubles.

Make an appointment:



The drug is recommended for patients who have suffered a hypertensive crisis, as well as for elderly people with unstable blood pressure. Most often, these are cases where hypertension is caused by nervous stress. The medicine is especially effective when the pressure surge occurs for the first time after a nervous shock.

After taking it, the nervous system calms down, the feeling of fear disappears, cardiac activity and blood pressure normalize. The most common cause of hypertension is impaired renal function. Therefore, the use of this drug has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, removes excess fluid, easing the load on the kidneys.

Acidum aceticum

Acidum aceticum is a diluted ethanoic acid. It should be taken in the following conditions:

  • rapid heartbeat due to severe stress or fear;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • frequent surges in blood pressure;
  • unexpected increase in blood pressure;
  • fainting state;
  • migraine attacks;
  • high diastolic pressure.

Homeopathic remedies with acetic acid are used in a dilution of x3, that is, tenfold. In some cases, local application of the drug for rubbing is possible. To do this, dilute 5 drops of the solution in 105 ml of purified water. You need to wipe yourself with the prepared solution 3-4 times a day.

Vinegar rubdown

Homeopathy treatment

Tablets in test tubes

“I do not cure disease, I cure man,” Samuel Hahnemann once wrote. He was referring to the fact that a homeopath aiming at a complete and long-term treatment should never focus on a specific local disease, be it a sore throat or spinal disorders due to osteochondrosis. The disease that brings a person to a homeopath is only part of many symptoms. The homeopath evaluates the general condition and selects homeopathic remedies that treat not only the local disease, but the entire personality, from the psyche to the physical organs. He considers the internal cause of the disease and strives to eradicate it. If this internal pathological gradient of the body is removed, diseases gradually go away - not only acute ones, but also chronic, long-term ones, which are classified by classical medicine as incurable.


Modern lifestyle is one of the most significant causes of hypertension. This is a sedentary lifestyle. There is little physical exercise in our daily routine. We forget how important it is to get up and walk or run sometimes. At the same time, our food is rich and full of fatty and spicy foods. Low physical activity and excessive fat consumption lead to obesity. This excess weight itself causes high blood pressure. You can add to this psychological stress - another dominant factor.

Severe stress


Normal blood pressure averages 120/80 mm. rt. Art. These are average figures and are not an absolute indicator for everyone without exception. Everything that falls in the range from 110 to 130 mm for the top and from 70 to 90 mm for the bottom can be considered the optimal range. When it comes to an increase of more than 140 mm and 90 mm, such a patient is said to have hypertension. An increase reading alone is not enough to label a person as having hypertension. At least 3 readings on 3 different occasions must be taken into account.

Feeling unwell with high blood pressure

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