"Anaprilin" is a cardiovascular drug of the β-blocker group for the treatment of arterial hypertension and cardiac pathologies.
A decrease in blood pressure is observed after a single dose of Anaprilin, and by the third week of regular use of the drug, a stable antihypertensive effect is achieved.
In patients with coronary heart disease, when using the drug, the frequency of angina attacks decreases and the need for nitroglycerin decreases, and physical activity is easier to tolerate. The threat of recurrent heart attack and sudden death is reduced by 20–50%.
pharmachologic effect
Propranolol has antiarrhythmic, antianginal and hypotensive effects due to inhibition of β-1 and β-2 adrenergic receptors. Reduces myocardial contractility (strength and frequency of heart contractions), the need for oxygen in the heart muscle, and cardiac output. Reduces blood pressure and increases peripheral vascular resistance.
Along with the main effect, propranolol, by blocking β-2 receptors, increases bronchial tone, enhances uterine contractions, helps stop postoperative and postpartum hemorrhages, and stimulates the secretory and motor functions of the digestive system.
"Anaprilin" is quickly absorbed into the blood. The half-life of propranolol ranges from 3 to 5 hours; with prolonged use of the drug, this figure reaches 12 hours. Propranolol is excreted by the kidneys in the form of metabolites (up to 90%), about 1% remains unchanged.
The body against miracles
If a person really has organic pathologies in which Anaprilin will have a beneficial effect, the doctor will assess all the risks and prescribe a treatment regimen. Anaprilin, acting on adrenaline receptors, at the same time:
- Strongly lowers blood pressure;
- Makes the heart beat slower, softer;
- Reduces the oxygen needs of the heart;
- Lowers blood sugar;
- Makes the gastrointestinal tract work more actively;
- Forces the muscles of the uterus and bronchi to contract strongly;
- Inhibits reactions and thought processes;
With VSD, as a rule, a person rarely suffers from any serious illnesses, plus Anaprilin does not require a prescription - this makes one believe in the complete safety of treatment with this drug. But what happens to the relatively healthy body of a VSD sufferer when taking Anaprilin uncontrolled?
- The pressure is constantly forced to fall down. Sometimes the patient tries to prevent an adrenaline crisis and takes a pill with low blood pressure. The result of such an experiment “for good” can be a sharp decrease in pressure up to fainting, bradycardia, heart failure, pulmonary edema, cardiac arrest. Never take Anaprilin with normal and low blood pressure!
- Taking Anaprilin during panic attacks, a person forces his body to experience “perplexity” every time. Any interference with normal functioning (stress, by the way, is also normal from the point of view of nature) forces the body to “think” that it is “broken” and urgently look for methods of “repair”. When the nerve endings are switched off, the body, in order to correct the situation, first increases the production of adrenaline, forcing the adrenergic receptors to finally respond to the hormone. Next, the body increases the number of beta-adrenergic receptors themselves. Now imagine that a person, after long-term use, abruptly discontinues the drug. How acutely he will feel the enormous release of adrenaline with his freshly grown beta-adrenergic receptors! And plus this - tachycardia, high numbers on the tonometer, sometimes a heart attack and cardiac arrest.
It becomes clear how dangerous any thoughtless interference in the coordinated work of organs and systems can be. But is it even possible to take the drug Anaprilin? Answer: yes. But, as with any other medication, caution and vigilance should be exercised.
Indications for use
What does the drug “Anaprilin” help with? According to the instructions, the indications for use are:
- heart rhythm disturbances caused by rheumatic heart lesions (arrhythmia, tachyarrhythmia, sinus and paroxysmal tachycardia);
- angina pectoris;
- cardiac ischemia;
- hypertension;
- poisoning with cardiac glycosides, namely digitalis preparations;
- thyrotoxicosis (as an additional treatment);
- pheochromocytoma (prescribed in combination with α-blockers).
"Anaprilin" is also recommended for long-term preventive treatment after myocardial infarction and for the prevention of migraines.
Video on the topic
About the benefits of Anaprilin for hypertension and heart disease in the video:
Propranolol has a wide range of indications; the pharmacological effects of the drug have not yet been sufficiently studied. Experiments are being conducted on the use of the drug in oncological and immunological practice. An interesting study was conducted in 1987 among actors and musicians.
As a result, it was found that from 10 to 16% of representatives of these professions take Anaprilin before going on stage. This is due to the ability of propranolol to suppress the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, eliminate tachycardia, anxiety, and excessive sweating.
The information on the MyMedNews.ru website is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment.
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Contraindications for the use of Anaprilin include:
- acute form of myocardial infarction;
- cardiogenic shock;
- asthmatic disease and tendency to bronchospasms;
- peripheral circulatory disorders;
- acidosis, including sugar ketoacidosis;
- sinus bradycardia;
- atrioventricular block, complete and incomplete;
- uncontrolled heart failure;
- spastic colitis;
- hay fever;
- chronic liver diseases;
- individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
Description of the drug
The drug is available in the form of a flat cylinder of white tablets. They come with a chamfer, a risk, or without it. Belongs to the group of non-selective beta-blockers. In addition, it has antianginal, hypotensive, antiarrhythmic pharmacological effects.
( Video : “How is Anaprilin useful for hypertensive patients and heart patients?”)
What does it contain?
The main ingredient in this medication is propanolol hydrochloride. In each tablet its dose is 10/40 mg. In addition, additional enzymes are present in the form of talc, calcium stearate, potato starch and refined sugar.
Side effects
The drug is well tolerated. But in some cases, the use of Anaprilin can cause unwanted side effects, including:
- from the cardiovascular system - sinus bradycardia and deterioration of blood circulation, severe arterial hypotension, worsening progression of heart failure;
- from the hematopoietic system – agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia;
- from the nervous system - headache and dizziness, malaise, sleep disorders and mental disorders, depression, decreased speed of psychomotor and motor reactions;
- from the respiratory system - cough and shortness of breath, pharyngitis, bronchospasm and laryngospasm;
- from the digestive tract - dyspeptic symptoms (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting), pain in the epigastric region;
- skin reactions : itching and rash, exacerbation of psoriasis, alopecia;
- from the organs of vision - dryness and pain in the eyes, keratoconjunctivitis, decreased visual acuity;
- Possible decrease in potency and weakening of libido.
An overdose of Anaprilin causes dizziness, arrhythmia, heart failure, bradycardia, severe hypotension, difficulty breathing, convulsions, and bronchospasm.
When symptoms appear, gastric lavage is performed, adsorbent drugs and symptomatic agents are prescribed.
Use in pregnant women and during breastfeeding
The drug is prescribed only when the expected benefit to the woman outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. During the use of Anaprilin, strict monitoring of the fetal condition is required. The drug must be discontinued 3 days before delivery.
Possible negative effects on the fetus: bradycardia, hypoglycemia, intrauterine growth retardation. The drug can also cause fetal death or premature birth.
The active substance is absorbed into breast milk, so nursing women should stop breastfeeding during treatment.
Use in the elderly
Elderly patients should take the drug with caution. Every few months, blood glucose levels are determined in patients with diabetes and kidney function is monitored in elderly patients.
Also, careful medical supervision requires simultaneous use of Anaprilin with hypoglycemic drugs (to prevent the development of hypoglycemia).
Tell me, did you prescribe anaprilin tablets, what side effects are pronounced?
Yulia Dobraya
Guru (3842), closed 8 years ago
Enlightened (24010) 8 years ago
It is very good that you wrote this question. I have extensive experience using this drug. The foreign analogue is obzidan, or obsidan. Anaprilin must be taken very carefully to get a good effect and not get hypertension at a higher level. Doctors often give very erroneous methods. You cannot use anaprilin according to a predetermined schedule, unless necessary. Remember, it does not treat hypertension and tachycardia. With its help it is necessary to prevent the onset of palpitations. It must be done in time to stop a serious increase in pulse and blood pressure. I have been using the following method for more than 20 years. As soon as the pulse rate increases, I take an anaprilin tablet and chew it under the tongue. I determine the dose and number of tablets by the rate of increase in the pulse. I control the pressure. As soon as the heartbeat begins to calm down and the pressure returns to normal, I spit the contents out of my mouth and rinse. DO NOT SWALLOW! You must be in a sitting position at all times, just do not lie down, so as not to swallow the medicine. After the heartbeat has calmed down and blood pressure has normalized, anaprilin is not needed. Otherwise, there may be a strong decrease in pressure. When the pulse is 80-90 beats, I take 10 mg. If there is a sharp increase in heart rate, I use 40 mg or even more. Once there was a sharp increase in heart rate, when the doctor would not have had time to come, I put 6 tablets of 40 mg each under my tongue. This is what saved me. But you can’t swallow such a quantity of medicine! It acts very quickly, 5 – 10 minutes and the attack is relieved. One candidate of science did not understand my method, but I did not understand him. I really saved myself, I’m alive, as you can see. By the way, my first acquaintance with anaprilin did not lead to anything good, because the doctor prescribed it to me 2 times a day. It is not right. There is no need to take the drug continuously, especially when the pulse is normal. By using anaprilin continuously, the patient increases the production of adrenaline to overcome the reduced sensitivity of the receptors. Persistent addiction and increased blood pressure occur. According to my method, there is no point in talking about side effects, since the drug acts for a short time and does not remain in the stomach.
sigita mostaviciute
Expert (386) You have typical panic attacks, I had the same thing. Three years.
Enlightened (30867) 8 years ago
Thinker (6089) 8 years ago
None. I drink them sometimes too.
When using anaprilin, side effects are possible in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia, general weakness, dizziness; Allergic reactions (itching of the skin) are sometimes observed. bronchiolospasm. Possible symptoms of depression. Due to the blockade of b2-adrenergic receptors in peripheral vessels, the development of Raynaud's syndrome is possible. The drug is contraindicated in patients with sinus bradycardia, incomplete or complete atrioventricular block, severe right and left ventricular heart failure, bronchial asthma and a tendency to bronchiolospasm, diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis, pregnancy, and disorders of peripheral arterial blood flow. It is undesirable to prescribe anaprilin for spastic colitis. Caution is needed when using hypoglycemic agents simultaneously (risk of hypoglycemia). In patients with diabetes mellitus, treatment should be carried out under the control of blood glucose levels. Anaprilin should not be taken simultaneously with antipsychotics and tranquilizers. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of inhibition of attention and reaction speed when taking anaprilin (and other beta-blockers) by operators, transport drivers and persons of similar professions. In patients with pheochromocytoma, beta-adrenolytics should be used first and simultaneously with anaprilin (see Tropaphen). With long-term use of the drug, it is necessary to especially carefully monitor the function of the cardiovascular system and the general condition of the patient.
Great Medical Encyclopedia
Gangster Katipash
Master (1691) 8 years ago
Hello! The following side effects are possible: bradycardia, AV block, bronchospasm, heart failure, muscle weakness. Rarely - headache, sleep disturbances, nightmares, asthenia, decreased ability for rapid mental and motor reactions, agitation, depression, paresthesia and coldness of the extremities, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, allergic skin reactions, exacerbation of psoriasis, hypoglycemia, blurred vision, keratoconjunctivitis .
Oracle (66531) 8 years ago
There, young lady Julia, they wrote everything in detail. Well, that's not what I wanted to say. Propranolol (anaprilin, obzidan, inderal) is not a very good drug. Outdated, to be honest. Now there are selective and more effective beta blockers. At least metoprolol (egilok, betalok). Not to mention more advanced agents such as betaxolol (Locren, Betak). You ask, let the doctor offer you a replacement. More modern selective drugs have much less side effects. And they are accepted less often. Betaxolol, for example, once a day. Good luck and good health to you.
Pavel Shevchenko
Student (218) 8 months ago
Anaprilin, although an outdated drug, is the only one that saves me from tachycardia. But as it was written above, under the tongue, it began to let go and spit out the remains. I'm currently using a quarter of a 40 mg tablet + glycine. Although for this to go away, namely a panic attack (PAD), you need to go through several times without pills, without doctors, without help, you yourself have not yet decided to fear takes its toll