Why do tremors in the heart area often bother you?

Many people feel sudden jolts in their heart. This unpleasant sensation most often occurs after emotional experiences. It always causes panic in patients. Anxious thoughts about severe heart pathologies appear. What could be causing these symptoms? And how to get rid of the tremors in the chest from the inside? We will answer these questions in the article.

What it is?

Normally, a person does not feel a heartbeat. But there are cases when untimely contraction of the heart muscle occurs. It is at this moment that the patient feels increased heartbeats. Doctors call this condition extrasystole.

This phenomenon is also observed in completely healthy people. It can occur against a background of stress and emotional distress. About 70% of young people have experienced extrasystole at least once. After the age of 50, the number of such patients increases to 90%.

Most often, extrasystole is not associated with cardiovascular diseases. However, in some cases, shocks in the heart can be one of the signs of cardiac pathology. However, they are always accompanied by additional symptoms.

Cause of heartbeats

In the vast majority of cases, that is, almost always, extrasystoles are reflex. And their cause lies not in heart disease, but in an overexcited state of the nervous system. Moreover, not so much in conscious fear, anxiety, fatigue, but in the excitement of the vegetative system, which is not amenable to conscious control (for example, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, panic attacks, and so on).

Of course, people with certain cardiac ailments can also experience tremors in the heart. For example, with arrhythmia, which leads to heart rhythm disturbances. But often it is these patients who do not track extrasystoles; if they occur frequently, quite periodically, the person “gets used” to them.

For example, patients with tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) or hypertension (high blood pressure) do not feel that their heart is beating “somehow wrong” or that their blood pressure is higher than normal. This is their “working” heart rate and “working” pressure. Although it is precisely in such cases that treatment is required - since they are truly dangerous to health and even life.

Functional extrasystole

As already mentioned, healthy people often experience tremors in the heart. The reason for this may be the following body conditions:

  • stress;
  • binge eating;
  • intense sports training;
  • smoking;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • abuse of strong tea and coffee;
  • menstrual period in women.

Tremors in the heart: causes and treatment

Functional extrasystole can also develop with the following diseases:

  • neuroses;
  • depressive disorders;
  • VSD;
  • cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis.

Functional extrasystole most often occurs in young people. In most cases, it disappears after normalizing lifestyle and eliminating neurogenic factors.

Toxic extrasystole

Toxic extrasystole occurs with severe fever or thyrotoxicosis. This condition may also be a side effect of the following medications:

  • antidepressants;
  • corticosteroids;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • bronchodilators;
  • psychostimulants;
  • diuretics;
  • sympatholytics.

Tremors in the heart: causes and treatment

Toxic extrasystole can develop at any age. It goes away only after the intoxication of the body is cured or the medication is stopped.

Main symptoms

The main sign of extrasystole is the feeling of a strong push of the heart into the chest from the inside. After this, there is a pause in the work of the heart muscle. It is necessary to normalize the rhythm. The patient feels this as a sinking heart.

Extrasystole is also accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • severe anxiety and panic;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • hot flashes.

Tremors in the heart: causes and treatment

Beats in the heart at rest are characteristic of functional extrasystole. If symptoms appear during physical activity, this indicates the organic origin of the pathology. In heart disease, signs of extrasystole never appear at rest.

Main signs or complaints to doctors

The exact symptoms of extrasystole depend on its type. Most patients feel:

  1. strong tremors or heartbeats;
  2. feeling of periodic freezing of the organ;
  3. “turning” of the heart in the chest;
  4. slowing or speeding up heart rate.

With a functional deviation, patients suffer from increased sweating, lack of air and an increased feeling of anxiety. The ventricular form of extrasystole has the following symptoms:

  1. dizziness;
  2. shortness of breath or cough;
  3. general weakness;
  4. pallor;
  5. anginal pain.

In some patients, symptoms of the pathological condition begin to appear only before bedtime.
Slight tremors in the chest may be observed, depending on the position of the body, they may intensify. Reference! Frequent extrasystoles cause a decrease in cardiac output, which entails a decrease in renal, coronary and cerebral circulation.
Extrasystole, which arose against the background of osteochondrosis , begins with 3-4 paired beats per day. In this case, patients feel a sharp pain in the chest or spine. As the pathological process develops, patients suffer from periodic loss of consciousness, weak pulse, elevated body temperature and spasms in the heart area.

Some patients with osteochondrosis with extrasystole experience double vision, bluish skin, impaired coordination of movements and severe fatigue.

Extrasystole is also characteristic of vegetative-vascular dystonia . Interruptions in the functioning of the heart appear suddenly and can be repeated for several months or years until the cause of the pathological condition is eliminated. During attacks of fear, the patient begins to choke, his legs give way.

A severe attack of fear can provoke a compensatory break. The patient has a feeling that he is dying. This condition is quite rare.

Extrasystole can occur due to nervousness . In this case, the frequency of attacks depends on the patient’s well-being. There is dizziness and pain in different parts of the body. Even a healthy person can experience premature heartbeats from excitement or severe fear.

With severe neuroses, extrasystole can transform into tachycardia, that is, an increase in heart rate.

If the following symptoms occur, the patient needs immediate medical attention:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • heart murmurs;
  • severe chest pain;
  • the presence of serious abnormalities on the ECG.


The symptoms of extrasystole are similar to those of other heart diseases. To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a series of procedures. This pathological process has a negative impact on the entire body. In the presence of cerebral atherosclerosis, paresis and fainting are possible.

Patients with concomitant diseases: infectious processes, pathologies of the heart and endocrine system should monitor their condition especially carefully. If the patient has close relatives who died suddenly or from heart disease at a young age, then he should be constantly monitored by a doctor. Timely detection of deviations will help to avoid and prevent the development of dangerous complications.

In some cases, extrasystole may not have pronounced clinical signs.

Additional symptoms

If the extrasystole is organic in nature, then it leads to a decrease in the ejection of blood from the heart. This causes disorders of the heart, kidney and cerebral circulation. An attack of extrasystole is accompanied not only by sharp shocks in the heart, but also by additional symptoms:

  • pressing pain in the chest (angina);
  • dizziness;
  • speech disorders;
  • weakness of the muscles of the limbs;
  • fainting.

Neurological symptoms are more typical for patients with atherosclerosis, and angina attacks occur in patients with cardiac ischemia.

Should we be afraid?

Extrasystole during VSD almost never leads to death, but this does not mean that the tremors occurring in the heart can be ignored and forgotten about your health. Some negative consequences, as a rule, can still make themselves felt.

  1. Cardiophobia. Constant disturbances in the rhythm of the heart can lead to the development of an uncontrollable fear of death from heart disease in a VSD student. Such fears can only be dealt with with the help of a qualified psychotherapist. The situation can be complicated by the fact that one phobia will be joined by others.
  2. Cardioneurosis. Extraordinary impulses can also provoke the development of neurotic states in a dystonic person. So, a patient who experiences extrasystoles can begin to constantly listen to his heart and check how correctly it is beating.
  3. Sleep disorders (insomnia, frequent awakenings, shallow sleep). If a VSD person feels tremors in the heart when falling asleep, this always negatively affects the duration and quality of his sleep.

Another unpleasant consequence of extrasystole can be tissue hypoxia - a decrease in cardiac output provokes oxygen starvation of the brain.

Possible complications

How dangerous is extrasystole? Even if this disorder is functional in nature, it cannot be ignored. Frequent attacks with a sensation of tremors and a sinking heart lead to disruption of the blood supply to the brain, heart and kidneys.

Extrasystole associated with cardiac pathologies can lead to serious complications. It can cause severe heart problems:

  • atrial flutter;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • paroxysmal tachycardia.

Tremors in the heart: causes and treatment

Particularly dangerous are frequent attacks of extrasystole, accompanied by untimely contraction of the ventricles of the heart. This can lead to a serious condition - ventricular flutter, which often causes sudden death.

What is “extrasystole”?

The heartbeat rarely attracts attention if it is uniform, without interruptions or shocks. Sometimes atypical sensations appear that lead to disruption of the rate of contraction of extrasystoles. Such spasms are caused by human physiology or pathological changes in the pericardial tissue.

The tremors in the heart area are replaced by a period of calm - this is how the organ restores the correct rhythm and improves the blood circulation. Extrasystole is more of a temporary condition or symptom than a separate disease. More than 85% of all people over 50–55 years old experience it. In rare cases, it can cause fainting, loss of consciousness or hypoxia.


The examination of the patient always begins with a history taking. It is necessary to find out under what circumstances tremors occur. If an attack develops at rest, this suggests the functional nature of the disease. If tremors and freezing occur during or after physical activity, then most likely this is due to organic changes.

Pulse measurement and auscultation are also performed. This makes it possible to determine premature contraction of the heart followed by a pause in its work.

The most accurate method for diagnosing extrasystole is an electrocardiogram. It is this examination that allows us to identify abnormalities in the contraction of the heart muscle. If heart disease is suspected, daily ECG monitoring is performed.

Tremors in the heart: causes and treatment

Sometimes the ECG does not show signs of extrasystole, but the patient complains of a feeling of points in the chest from the inside. In such cases, an electrocardiogram with a stress test is performed. Concomitant cardiac pathologies are detected using ultrasound and MRI of the heart, as well as echo-CG.


Most heart diseases can be fatal. Among them is tachycardia, characterized by disruption of the heart. Symptoms are usually as follows:

  1. fainting and feeling of lack of strength;
  2. strong pressure in the temples, neck and heart areas;
  3. cold sweat and weakness;
  4. darkening of the eyes and dizziness.

In addition, pulsation in the heart area and deterioration of sleep and appetite are possible. An increased pulse or, conversely, a decreased one is the influence of blood flow. Normally, the pulse should be 60-90 beats per minute, and if it is higher, then there are already signs of tachycardia. It usually occurs due to the following influencing factors:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • hypotension;
  • decreased hemoglobin level;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • exposure to certain medications;
  • emotional stress or physical stress.

However, an elevated pulse may not always indicate heart problems. The reasons for increased heart rate and increased pulsation may be the release of adrenaline into the blood, which occurs during fast running, intense physical exertion, excitement and a sudden change in stressful situations. In such cases there is no reason to worry.


The choice of treatment method depends on the form of extrasystole. The tremors and fading of the heart disappear only after their cause is eliminated.

If such symptoms occur occasionally, then this does not require special treatment. It is enough just to normalize your lifestyle. You should give up alcohol, smoking, drinking strong tea and coffee. It is also necessary to avoid unnecessary emotional and physical overload.

If extrasystole is provoked by neurosis, chronic stress or depression, then it is necessary to take herbal sedatives based on valerian, motherwort or lemon balm. In case of toxic extrasystole, it is necessary to stop taking medications or reduce their dosage.

If tremors are provoked by cardiac diseases, then antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed:

  • "Obsidan";
  • "Verapamil";
  • "Allapinin";
  • "Metoprolol."

Tremors in the heart: causes and treatment

These medications are symptomatic therapy. They do not act for long and only help to temporarily normalize the heart rhythm. It is possible to completely get rid of attacks of extrasystole only after curing the underlying cardiovascular pathology.

Physiotherapeutic treatment is indicated for extrasystole due to osteochondrosis. Patients are prescribed therapeutic massage sessions. This helps improve blood supply to the heart muscle.

All patients suffering from extrasystole are recommended to include dried fruits, seaweed, and potatoes in their diet. These foods contain potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

Treatment of heart beats

If sharp tremors in the heart area are caused by a lack of potassium and sodium, the doctor adjusts the diet, recommends taking vitamin complexes, and saline-based injections. The specialist calculates the amount of salt and prescribes a course of therapy with Narzan mineral water. In case of incomplete absorption of nutrients, an examination of the digestive system and consultation with a gastroenterologist is required.

The presence of psychogenic factors must be treated using different methods:

  • Eliminate bad habits, quit smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Take natural herbs to relieve tension, stress, and improve sleep. Instead of tea and coffee, you can drink a decoction of motherwort, mint, chamomile, or peony infusion.
  • For frequent attacks of extrasystole (more than 200 beats per day), it is necessary to select sedative medications to normalize the functioning of the nervous system: Persen, Sedofyton, Novo-Passit.

Often the cause of tremors is cervical osteochondrosis. His treatment is carried out by a neurologist together with a cardiologist. The therapeutic course includes therapeutic massage, physiotherapy, taking anti-inflammatory drugs: Movalis, Diclofenac, Nimesulide. Muscle relaxants help relieve tension and reduce discomfort in the heart area: Mydocalm, Sirdalud, Tizalud.

Prevention of tremors in the heart is to prevent diseases that can disrupt its functioning: colds, flu, sore throat, internal infections. Moderate cardio exercises are recommended, which strengthen the heart muscle well and stimulate its stable functioning. Proper nutrition and a nutritious diet maintain electrolyte balance and prevent complications due to stress.


How to prevent the occurrence of tremors in the heart area? If extrasystole is provoked by cardiac pathologies, then you need to carefully monitor your condition. You need to regularly see a cardiologist and undergo electrocardiographic examination.

The following measures will help prevent the occurrence of functional heart rhythm disorders:

  • giving up bad habits and drinking coffee;
  • avoiding excessive physical activity;
  • following a diet rich in potassium and magnesium.

These recommendations will help reduce the likelihood of discomfort in the heart.

What to do if you feel tremors in your heart

First , don't panic. As we have already found out, this has nothing to do with heart health. If this is the first time you have felt something like this and this condition does not repeat again and again, there is no need to worry at all.

If you experience discomfort in the heart area periodically, then you should definitely consult a doctor and do some research. The most informative way in this case will be to install an ECG recorder for a day - this device will record all the features of your heart and allow the doctor to identify any disorders or lack thereof. At the same time, blood is donated to analyze thyroid hormones in order to exclude its influence on the occurrence of “tremors”.

For those whom the cardiologist does make a specialized diagnosis, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. The doctor will tell you how to adjust your lifestyle, how often you need to check your heart condition, and so on.

But for most, the source of the problem will be the state of the nervous system. To put it in order, you need to consult a therapist, or better yet, a neuropsychiatrist. You will be prescribed anti-anxiety medications. But the main thing: consciously change your life, eliminating stress factors from it.

It is clear that the lifestyle of modern people rarely allows them to maintain peace of mind and inner harmony. However, we must strive with all our might to achieve this state of goodness and tranquility. It is important to get enough sleep on time and eat right, alternate physical activity and relaxation. Then you can forget about the tremors in your heart forever.

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