Review of drugs and injections to increase blood pressure

Pressure injections are a remedy that allows you to achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect very quickly, so they are used when emergency help is required, namely during a hypertensive crisis. As soon as the condition stabilizes, the patient is transferred to tablet forms of medications.

Injection of drugs for high blood pressure should only be carried out by a medical professional
Injection of drugs for high blood pressure should only be carried out by a medical professional

What pressure is dangerous and requires injection of drugs?

Hypertension is a disease in which blood pressure constantly reaches or exceeds 140 per 90 mmHg. Art. According to the readings on the tonometer, three degrees of hypertension are distinguished:

DegreeSystolic values, mmHg.Diastolic values, mmHg.
ThirdFrom 180From 110

A hypertensive crisis can occur with normal or elevated blood pressure. This syndrome is characterized by a sharp jump in indicators without visible symptoms. Against the background of the jump, the patient experiences an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease.

Hypertensive crisis is a sharp increase in blood pressure

If the readings increase to 240 by 140 points, doctors diagnose a hypertensive crisis even in the absence of accompanying signs.

Symptomatic manifestations of hypertensive crisis:

  • severe pain in the head;
  • feeling of squeezing, pain in the heart;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • frequent urination.

Against the background of a hypertensive crisis, the patient may develop severe consequences:

  • heart attack;
  • acute cerebrovascular accident;
  • dissecting aortic aneurysm;
  • unstable angina;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • eclampsia;
  • acute hypertensive encephalopathy;
  • hemorrhages.

During a hypertensive crisis, injections are made into a vein or muscle.

Signs of a hypertensive crisis


Low blood pressure can be effectively normalized with the help of certain medications. Paying attention to what is indicated for use in a given state of the body, it is important to note that among the drugs that influence the increase in readings on the tonometer, there are especially many that are used specifically in shock situations.

There are several common types of medications that help with low blood pressure:

  1. Photo 5
    stimulating the nervous system

    . These medications help improve the body's condition and also reliably increase blood pressure levels. They are also able to improve human performance. They are produced both in tablets and in ampoules for injection. They should be injected only as prescribed by a doctor in case of collapse and shock after a crisis. It is important to remember that one type or another is prescribed depending on the characteristics of the attack. This group includes Cordiamin, Caffeine, Securinin;
  2. alpha adrenomimetic . They are desirable for constantly manifesting crises and fainting states. They reliably increase blood pressure and also constrict blood vessels. They are produced in the form of special tablets, but in special cases they are prescribed as subcutaneous injections. One such drug is Midodrine;
  3. Anticholinergics. Initially, the drugs were used against coughs because they provoked dilation of the bronchi. They are known to affect blood vessels in the same way. The most effective of them is Bellataminal.

Photo 6Cordiamine drops The following
can be used as prophylactic agents for low blood pressure:

  • physical exercise, especially hill climbing;
  • contrasting souls;
  • normalization of sleep and wakefulness.

In cases of severe chronic arterial hypotension, constant use of prophylactic drops is necessary. There is no need to neglect regular examinations by a cardiologist - lack of blood circulation has a significant impact on the heart muscle.

Important Note

During a hypertensive crisis, the patient should not be given injections that lower blood pressure without a doctor’s prescription. It is necessary to call an ambulance, and before arriving, try to provide him with first aid. You cannot inject yourself.

Injections for high blood pressure with medications are selected by the attending physician according to the indications, the patient’s condition, and the course of the disease. Violation of the dosage or incorrect administration of the injection for pressure can lead to a sharp decrease in readings. Injections lower blood pressure, but only if the injection is used correctly.

It is impossible to reduce the indicators by more than 25% with injections at one time. Larger injection reductions may result in uncontrolled hypotension. In this state, indicators sharply decrease to critical levels. Against the background of such a decrease, the patient may develop severe irreversible consequences: reduction in blood circulation in the brain, impaired blood circulation in the myocardium, angina pectoris, heart attack, coma. The worst prognosis is for elderly patients with atherosclerosis of the carotid and vertebral arteries.

The consequences of a hypertensive crisis may be irreversible

Classification of medications used

To stabilize blood pressure, using only one injection will not be enough. It is advised to refrain from stress, strengthen the cardiovascular system, and adhere to a diet.

Ampoules with solution

All injections for high blood pressure are divided into 3 groups.


These drugs are indicated for the purpose of removing excess fluid in the urine. The reduction in circulating blood leads to a decrease in blood pressure.


Diuretics have prolonged properties and are well tolerated by hypertensive patients.

ACE inhibitors

Such medications are designed to reduce blood pressure, because they quickly block the factors that increase it.

Syringe and bottle with inhibitor

After the injection, the indicators decrease slowly. This group of medications is suitable for older people.

Peripheral vasodilators

They reduce smooth muscle tone, producing a hypotensive effect. They are injected intravenously.

Vasodilator Dibazol

They are safe medications, so such injections are given even to pregnant women with hypertension as prescribed by a doctor.

Proven drugs and combinations

To prevent a hypertensive crisis, doctors prescribe injections that lower blood pressure. The list of injection drugs and dosages are presented in the table:

A drugCompoundActionDosageInjectionsFeatures of application
No-ShpaDrotaverineAntispasmodic, slightly reduces blood pressure40-240 mgIntramuscularlyInjections for hypertension are used intramuscularly with a slight increase in blood pressure
Dibazol, PapaverineIn proportions 3 + 2 mlAntispasmodic, dilates blood vessels5 mlIntramuscularlyAfter intramuscular injection, you should not drive a vehicle. If administered intravenously, it can cause heart failure.
TroychatkaAnalgin 2ml Diphenhydramine 1 ml Papaverine 2mlLowers blood pressure, calms, relieves pain5 mlIntramuscularlyThe drug has a gentle effect on the body, the duration of action is short

What kind of injection does the ambulance give?

When visiting a patient with hypertension, the ambulance team always has pressure injections intramuscularly and intravenously. On the spot, they select injections that reduce blood pressure according to indications.

First, the emergency doctor measures blood pressure and heart rate, recognizes additional symptoms, and assesses the patient’s general condition. The paramedic gives injections for blood pressure. After the injection, the doctor discusses the need for hospitalization of the patient.

Injections for high blood pressure are selected taking into account the indications:

  1. Neurovegetative form of hypertensive crisis: Nifedipine: 10 mg sublingually every half hour; Clonidine: 0.15 mg sublingually, after 60 minutes an additional dose of 0.075 mg.
  1. If there is no effect: Clonidine: 0.1 mg intravenously, slow administration; Furosemide: 40 mg intravenously.
  1. For nervous and emotional stress: Diazepam: 5-9 mg orally, intravenously, intramuscularly.
  1. For palpitations: Propranolol: 20-40 mg orally or sublingually.
  1. Hypertensive crisis type 2 (water-salt): Furosemide: 40-60 mg orally; Nifedipine: 10 mg sublingually every 10 minutes.
  1. Convulsions during crisis: Diazepam: 10-20 mg intravenously; Magnesium sulfate: hot injection for pressure – 5 mg into a vein.
  1. Hypertensive crisis caused by drug withdrawal: Clonidine: 0.1 mg intravenously; Propranolol: 20-40 mg sublingually; Nifedipine: 10 mg sublingually.

If injections for hypertension do not help, the doctor will decide on hospitalization. At a medical institution, the doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination, determine the exact clinical picture of the disease, and prescribe a new treatment regimen. The patient may need exercise therapy and physiotherapy.

To normalize the functioning of the nervous system and improve blood supply to the brain, the doctor will prescribe drips of drugs and intravenous injections for blood pressure with vitamins.

In a hospital, a patient with a hypertensive crisis may be given an IV

Are injections given for hypotension?

When the pressure drops to 100 by 60 mmHg. doctors diagnose hypotension. Hypotension is common in athletes and women during the fertile period. In these cases, hypotension does not require therapeutic management. Injections are not needed to improve performance.

Drug intervention with injections is required when pressure regularly drops to critical values. Taking medications and giving an injection into a vein for blood pressure is necessary when diagnosing the following diseases:

  • infections with dehydration;
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • anemia;
  • decreased glucose levels;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • endocrinology;
  • allergies.

For hypotension, the doctor prescribes other injection drugs and methods of use:

A drugActionDoseReception features
CordiamineIncreases blood pressure, constricts blood vessels, relieves respiratory failure2-6 ml intravenouslyInjections are effective for a short time. Adverse reactions: hyperemia, muscle spasms, itching.
PrednisoloneConstricts blood vessels, retains fluid in tissues60-150 mg intravenouslyInjections are prescribed for hypotension caused by an allergic reaction of the body. Cannot be taken for a long time
CaffeineNarrows the walls of blood vessels100-200 mg intramuscularly or orallyInjections may cause heart rhythm disturbances or respiratory failure
DopamineImproves the contractility of the heart, narrows the walls of blood vessels50-200 mg intravenously via dripCauses angina

If hypotension is caused by blood loss or reduced circulating blood volume, the doctor will prescribe IV drips with different solutions.

When the pressure decreases, the patient is also given solutions to improve the condition

Ephedrine hydrochloride

The active substance is called ephedrine. The effect of the drug is to narrow dilated blood vessels and reduce their permeability. The effect of the drug is similar to adrenaline. The effect of Ephedrine is longer lasting, but less pronounced. Taking the medication leads to an increase in the total peripheral vascular resistance, an increase in pressure, an increase in the minute volume of blood flow, the frequency and strength of myocardial contractions, tones the muscles and increases blood sugar.

Important information: What to do if your blood pressure is very low (hypotension) in an elderly person and how to raise it

To increase blood pressure, ephedrine hydrochloride is administered intravenously by drip or infusion and subcutaneously. The drug should be administered slowly. The drug is not used in the evening and before bedtime, as this can provoke hyperactivity and lead to insomnia. It is not used for a long time due to the ability to cause excessive vasoconstriction, which can lead to gangrene or tissue necrosis. Discontinuation of the drug should be done gradually, with a systematic reduction in dosage.

To increase blood pressure, the drug is used in the following situations:

  • during surgery;
  • with hypotension resulting from infectious pathologies;
  • with central and peripheral collapses;
  • with spinal anesthesia;
  • with blood loss caused by trauma.

Ephedrine hydrochloride

Ephedrine is contraindicated in cases of increased anxiety, insomnia, severe heart pathologies, diabetes mellitus, prostate hyperplasia, and hypertension. Some of the body's adverse reactions to the drug may include:

  • increased activity;
  • dilated pupils;
  • sudden mood changes;
  • hallucinations, appearance of fears;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • visual disturbances.
  • angina pectoris, pain in the sternum;
  • increased heart rate.

Modern methods of emergency blood pressure reduction

In modern medicine, antihypertensive drugs are used to normalize indicators. The medications are selected by the attending physician according to indications in order to normalize the values ​​and eliminate the root cause. These are well-studied products with clear instructions for use.

Modern antihypertensive drugs have a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

Injections for high blood pressure should only be given by the attending physician. It is important to choose the right medicine, route of administration and dosage. Injections relieve blood pressure, but if used incorrectly they can backfire.

Alternative medicine can be dangerous to health and life. You should not take herbal remedies or resort to other methods of alternative treatment without consulting your doctor.

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