Characteristics of pain on the right side, where is the heart, what measures should be taken first?

Pain in the right side of the chest can be a symptom of a variety of diseases - from diseases of the respiratory system to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Those who experience pain to the right of the heart often mistake it for heart pain, unaware of other possible causes. Indeed, the heart can hurt on the right side, but very often this is a symptom of completely different diseases. What kind of pain can there be to the right of the heart, what are their causes and in what cases should you consult a doctor?

  • What are the pains to the right of the heart?
  • Why does pain appear to the right of the heart?
  • Causes of pain on the right side of the heart
  • Diagnosis of the disorder
  • What to take for pain on the right side of the heart?
  • Prevention of heart disease

What kind of pain can there be to the right of the heart?

Chest pain that occurs on the right side can be of different types. Some people are bothered by sharp, sharp, stabbing pains, while others experience a feeling of aching, pressing pain. Unpleasant sensations can occur both in a calm state and when inhaling, during sports and other stress, during sleep, when you are nervous, when your blood pressure increases, and so on.

Sometimes pain in the heart is felt in the shoulder, arm, shoulder blade or neck. Arising on the right, they can be transferred to the left side of the body, and vice versa. Some pains are spasmodic in nature and pass quickly, while others last much longer. Sometimes pain in the heart is caused by a muscle block - we wrote about what it is and how to treat it in a separate article.

Depending on the specifics of the pain and its location (on the right opposite the heart, on the right below the heart, etc.), the reasons for its occurrence vary.

Possible reasons

Clinical manifestations, characterized by chest pain that occurs when inhaling and localized on the right side, are the result of a fairly large number of diseases and conditions of the body. Each of them is characterized by the manifestation of special symptoms.

One of the diseases accompanied by discomfort in the chest area is pleurisy. This is an inflammatory process that affects the lining of the lungs - the pleura.

The mechanism for the development of pleurisy is the lack of adequate treatment for pneumonia, that is, pneumonia. The lack of timely and effective therapy for pleurisy creates favorable conditions for the development of pulmonary tuberculosis.

The possibility of its occurrence against the background of a complicated course of CVS pathologies cannot be ruled out.

Pleurisy is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • sudden spasms in the sternum on the right;
  • the pain syndrome increases significantly with deep inspiration and coughing;
  • difficulty breathing occurs;
  • signs of suffocation may appear.

Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a qualified specialist in a hospital setting.

A frequent accompaniment of exceeding the permissible load during heavy work, especially associated with lifting weights and engaging in sports that require the use of force, is soreness in the chest muscles. Their stretching is a consequence of an inept approach to load distribution, leading to excessive production of lactic acid in muscle tissue. Due to an increase in its concentration in the body, muscle tissue that has been subjected to heavy load is damaged.

The medical name for the condition is sore throat. It is accompanied by painful pulling sensations, the intensity of which increases as a result of performing forceful movements and when taking a deep breath.

Causes of pain in the heart area on the right side

The causes of pain on the right side of the chest can be classified from the point of view of the body systems that give you this “distress signal”. As a rule, there are four main types of reasons:

  • problems with the respiratory system: pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract: gallstones, inflammatory processes, esophageal rupture, gastroesophageal reflux disease, etc.;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system: arthrosis, spinal and back injuries, intercostal neuralgia, etc.;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system: aortic dissection, coronary heart disease, heart disease, myocarditis, etc.

If the pain starts in the left side of the chest and then moves to the right, this may be a symptom of myocardial infarction.

In addition, pain can be caused by autoimmune diseases - for example, lupus erythematosus. They can also occur with mastopathy. Chest pain can also be caused by previous injuries.

Heart pain is common in teenagers. They can be caused by both serious pathologies and the characteristics of the child’s growing up.

Considering all the above reasons, pain to the right of the heart should under no circumstances be ignored. Diagnosing yourself is also a bad practice - only a specialist will be able to determine the real cause of these pains and prescribe the correct treatment. And the sooner you see a doctor, the more favorable the prognosis will be. Perhaps the doctor will be able to diagnose the development of a serious disease at an early stage, which will greatly facilitate the treatment process and allow you to maintain the usual comfort of life.

Pain in the chest on the right when inhaling: causes, treatment – ​​Your online doctor

The rib cage is a skeletal system consisting of the ribs and the upper parts of the spine. And the sternum is a flat bone located in the middle of the chest, the ribs are attached to it. But many people who are far from medicine are accustomed to calling the chest the sternum, especially when describing discomfort and pain in the sternum on the right, the causes of which are often associated with the heart.

What does chest pain when coughing indicate?

According to statistics, pain in the sternum on the right is most often associated with pathologies of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system and nerves, less often the cause lies in diseases of the digestive system.


Acute pain in the sternum on the right that occurs for the first time or is expected may be accompanied by symptoms that can indirectly determine the cause. Sudden sharp pain in the sternum on the right, accompanied by a cough, may have additional symptoms:

  • shortness of breath, shallow or deeper slow breathing;
  • noise or wheezing during inhalation/exhalation;
  • weakness, dizziness, fainting;
  • sputum discharge;
  • increased sweating;
  • excited state;
  • weakness, decreased tolerance to physical activity.

The acute nature of chest pain on the right may indicate the presence of an acute inflammatory process, which requires mandatory consultation with a therapist.


Severe pain in the right sternum is usually associated with physical activity or attempts to take a deep breath.

Sometimes the cause of pain is turning the body, lifting and turning the right arm, and physical activity.

These symptoms suggest degenerative diseases of the upper spine, in which irritation of the nerve endings occurs - for example, osteochondrosis.


The cause of slowly increasing aching pain in the sternum in women on the right and in men may be associated with damage to the bronchopulmonary system. The stomach, liver, pancreas, gall bladder in various diseases give pain in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium. The cause of discomfort in the chest on the right with pathologies of these organs is referred pain, which is quite rare.


Statistically, most often patients feel pain on the right side of the anterior chest due to neurological disorders associated with damage to the peripheral nerves, as well as osteochondrosis of the middle spine. Often the cause of pain in the front of the chest is associated with excessive stress on the pectoral muscles during sports or as a result of heavy physical work.

Concentration of discomfort in the upper chest is an atypical picture. To determine the cause of right sternum pain in a man or woman in the upper front part of the chest, other symptoms need to be analyzed. The pain is associated with damage to the subclavian or axillary lymph nodes, in which it radiates to the upper chest.

If a person has a cough, fever, or decreased physical endurance, then tuberculosis or pneumonia can be suspected.


To determine the causes of pain in the sternum when inhaling on the right, coughing, moving and other situations, you should always look at the accompanying symptoms. Pathological processes in the lungs, upper respiratory tract, bone and cartilage tissues, as well as neurological diseases can be determined by the location of the pain, the situation in which it occurs, and the duration of the discomfort.

Are common

The combination of chest pain with cough, shortness of breath, high fever, weakness, increased sweating, cyanosis of the skin usually has the following causes:

  • right-sided pneumonia;
  • lung abscess as a complication of pneumonia or tuberculosis;
  • acute bronchitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • pneumothorax as a consequence of chest injury on the right.

Less commonly, painful sensations in the chest on the right, localized closer to the neck and radiating to the lower jaw, can be a sign of such a dangerous condition as an aortic aneurysm. It is the responsibility of a cardiologist and also requires immediate medical attention.

The cause of pain in the sternum on the right when inhaling, turning the body, bending, lifting and rotating the arm is the development of neurological disorders and pathologies of bone and cartilage tissue.

Among women

Pain in the sternum in women on the right side has the causes described above. Pathologies of the lungs and upper respiratory tract in women occur with the same frequency as in men.

As for neurological, degenerative and inflammatory processes in the thoracic spine, women are predisposed to them just like men, but the causes of these diseases are the underdevelopment of the back muscles, which results in a lack of their supporting function for the spine.

According to statistics, women are more often engaged in sedentary, sedentary work, which causes osteochondrosis due to impaired blood supply.

In men

There is no reason to assert that physiologically men are more predisposed to diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as pathologies of the spine and neuralgia, than women. However, the causes of pain in the sternum on the right in men can be determined based on lifestyle, bad habits and work.

Men smoke more often than women, which causes bronchopulmonary diseases - a common cause of chest pain. Other causes of pain in men are associated with stress combined with cold (for example, heavy physical work in the fresh air during the cold season).

It can also be noted that men are less attentive to their health and tend to overestimate their capabilities (for example, endurance and resistance to cold), which is why they more often experience hypothermia, leading to neuralgia.

If there is no temperature

Low-grade and febrile temperature is a response to an acute inflammatory process or infection. Therefore, normal temperature readings with chest pain on the right may indicate chronic respiratory diseases, as well as neuralgia, scoliosis, intervertebral hernia, and ankylosing spondylitis.

When inhaling

Pain on the right side of the sternum above, which occurs when inhaling, indicates either damage to the lung (right-sided pneumonia, pneumothorax, emphysema) or neurological disorders.

The expansive movement of the chest during inhalation, necessary to fill the lungs with air, causes mechanical irritation of the nerve endings of the spine, which provokes pain.

This is one of the typical signs of neuralgia - the cause of chest pain on the right.

When inhaling, chest pain can be intermittent or constant. For example, the patient may feel a sharp, painful prick in the right side of the chest, which will make him freeze and carefully catch his breath.

This is also a common symptom of neuralgia.

Painful sensations of moderate and low intensity can be felt with every breath, which may indicate injuries to the pectoral muscles and/or ribs during sports or physical activity.

If you have a dry cough

Most often, pain in the right side of the chest, accompanied by a cough, is a symptom of bronchopulmonary disease. Less commonly, pain in the sternum on the front right can be neurological in nature when there is a pathology of the esophagus, which reflexively causes coughing.

What to do if there is pain in the sternum when coughing?

If pain and cough do not occur sporadically, but regularly, consultation is necessary. First, it is better to contact a therapist who will conduct an examination and interview, analyze all the signs and symptoms, and identify the cause. If necessary, he will refer the patient to a highly specialized doctor - a pulmonologist, a neurologist.

It is not advisable to take any medications (painkillers, antitussives, anti-inflammatory drugs, antipsychotics) without consulting a doctor.

From the following video you can learn useful information about the treatment of pneumonia:

What does pain in the chest indicate when inhaling?

Pain in the chest when inhaling can be a signal of a serious pathology in the body. This situation occurs at any age and is a reason to worry about your own health. To establish the exact cause, you will have to undergo diagnostics and laboratory tests.

Painful sensations that occur when taking a deep breath can have different localizations: on the right, left or in the middle of the sternum. It is important to correctly describe to the doctor the area where the problem is felt. This will help in establishing the correct diagnosis. The nature and intensity of pain manifests itself in different ways.

Sometimes it occurs under the influence of physical activity, when walking, moving the body or taking a very deep breath.

As a rule, pain is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • temperature increase;
  • weakness;
  • cough;
  • dyspnea.

A significant indicator for the doctor will be an accurate determination of the nature of the pain: aching, sharp or pulling, constant or appearing during certain actions.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Heart disease is traditionally associated with pain when inhaling in the chest on the left. This may be an attack of angina due to coronary artery disease. A spasm occurs, squeezing the sternum and radiating to the shoulder blade, neck and arm. The situation is complicated by dizziness and rapid heartbeat. Angina is provoked by physical exercise, stress, cold, and windy weather.

Pericarditis is inflammation of the heart lining. Pathology occurs as a complication after infectious diseases. Due to discomfort on the left side of the chest, the patient tries not to take a deep breath, his breathing becomes shallow.

  • Respiratory pathologies

Diseases associated with the respiratory system are accompanied by a severe debilitating cough, shortness of breath, weakness, and lack of air.

Pain in the middle of the chest when inhaling is one of the signs of pneumonia, pleurisy or lung cancer. Pneumonia is the occurrence of a pathological inflammatory process in the lungs.

A common cause of illness is the negative effect of fungi, viruses or microbes. People with weak immune systems are vulnerable to the disease, especially those who have had the flu, or have been exposed to hypothermia or severe stress.

For complex complex treatment, patients are admitted to a hospital.

Pleurisy is inflammation of the lining of the lungs. Pathology occurs in several cases:

  • complication after pneumonia, heart attack, pancreatitis;
  • Infectious pleurisy is caused by fungi, parasites, bacteria (streptococcus, pneumococcus).

Inflammation is accompanied by the accumulation of fluid between the layers of the pleura, coughing, and burning in the chest.

The pain can be sharp and sharp, it intensifies with a deep breath. Diagnosis will require an x-ray and a pleural biopsy.

Pulmonary embolism - a pathology that occurs when a blood clot blocks one or more arteries that supply the organ with blood. Blood flow can be blocked by:

  • a clot of fat;
  • blood clot;
  • tumor cells;
  • air.

Embolism is a dangerous disease that often leads to death, so symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing in the chest and pain when taking a deep breath should not be ignored.

Discomfort when breathing deeply appears due to a tumor in the bronchi or lung. This disease is accompanied by a constant cough and bloody sputum. If you have such signs, you should not delay your visit to the oncologist.

  • Chest injuries

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Characteristics of pain on the right side of the heart

If your heart hurts directly:

  • pain appears in the left side of the chest and may spread to the right;
  • it is often the result of psycho-emotional, nervous or physical stress;
  • There may be a burning sensation, pain in the esophagus, a feeling of tightness in the chest area;
  • as a rule, heart pain stops after taking nitroglycerin or validol, while in the presence of other causes these drugs will not be effective.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • the pain is spasmodic in nature, sometimes accompanied by heartburn; may radiate to the back and neck

Injuries and bruises

Injury to the sternum is one of the causes of acute pain in the sternum. They can be a consequence of conditions such as:

  1. Fractured ribs. The condition is accompanied by attacks of stabbing pain felt in the damaged area. Symptoms are more intense when a person coughs or there is pressure on the chest. When you relax, the pain subsides.
  2. Bruises. Minor injuries that result in bruising of the skin do not pose a threat to health. More serious injuries are accompanied by the formation of hematomas, which take a long time to resolve and cause discomfort when pressed. A blow delivered with great force, received during a fall from a great height or as a result of an accident, causes significant injury. The consequences of this condition are unpredictable. It can cause lung rupture and cause unbearable pain even when breathing. It is not always possible to save the victim.

Receiving injuries and bruises on the right side of the chest becomes an indication for visiting a traumatologist and performing x-rays to avoid dangerous consequences.

Damage to the throat, trachea and bronchi by viruses or bacteria is the most common cause of chest pain. A painful cough that accompanies bronchitis, laryngitis, and pharyngitis creates the preconditions for discomfort in the intercostal area of ​​the sternum.

Diagnosis of the causes of pain to the right of the heart

Before going to the doctor, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • how often you have pain and how long it lasts;
  • what is its character: sharp, pressing, aching, arising when inhaling, etc.;
  • at what time of day the pain usually occurs: during the day, at night, after physical activity, etc.;
  • whether the occurrence of pain is associated with food intake, nervous tension or some other circumstances;
  • How do you cope with pain: what position do you take, what medications do you use, what other methods do you use to eliminate it.

All this will help the doctor comprehensively assess your situation. Having contacted a cardiologist, you should not be surprised if he redirects you to a specialist of a different profile. After conducting a comprehensive examination, including an ECG, he may ask you to go for an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, do a computed tomography scan, or undergo x-ray diagnostics. All this is necessary to form a complete picture of your health.

In some cases, you can visit a doctor as planned, but sometimes emergency care is required. If you find yourself with at least one of the symptoms listed below, you need to immediately call an ambulance:

  • a sharp and very severe attack of pain in the heart area;
  • slowing or acceleration of the heartbeat during an attack of pain (the alarm should be sounded if the pulse jumped to 90 beats per second or more, as well as if it fell below 50 beats per second);
  • a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • pain provokes shortness of breath; breathing becomes difficult, a feeling of panic appears;
  • pain is accompanied by fever, dizziness, weakness, chills;
  • increased pain when you cough or try to take a deep breath;
  • there is sudden, severe weakness in the upper/lower limb or facial asymmetry occurs.

Sharp pain in the chest when inhaling - pathology of the musculoskeletal system?

To understand why the normal process of breathing can cause discomfort, you need to have at least a rough idea of ​​the structure and functioning of the chest. In humans, as in many vertebrates, this part of the body consists of several systems:

  • Bone apparatus (sternum, ribs, collarbones, thoracic spine). Despite the fact that this system consists of bones, it has the ability to expand during inhalation, thereby allowing the lungs to fill with air freely. The process of expansion of the chest is ensured by the movable cartilage of the ribs, so in a healthy person it is absolutely painless, even with a deep breath.
  • Muscle mass. Muscles perform supporting and protective functions. Their fibers are permeated with nerve endings, which can signal some kind of muscle pathology, transmitting pain signals to the brain.
  • Internal organs of the chest (heart, liver, lungs, esophagus). These organs are located in such a way that they do not interfere with each other’s work. But if one of them fails, a person may experience chest pain when inhaling.

As practice shows, one of the most common causes of discomfort is diseases of the musculoskeletal system of the chest. These include:

  1. Osteochondrosis. When taking a deep breath, pain in the chest can be caused by atrophic changes in the intervertebral discs. These elements of the spine naturally have a certain elasticity that provides comfort for human movements. With age, as a result of loss of moisture, the discs become harder, which leads to their deformation and displacement of the vertebrae. If, when inhaling, the deformed elements of the spine are affected, pain occurs. The fact that osteochondrosis is the cause of the discomfort helps to guess the nature of the pain: with this pathology, it radiates to the area of ​​the shoulder blades or to the arms.
  2. Fractured ribs. Injuries of this kind most often occur in older people whose bones are fragile. If 1-2 ribs are damaged, treatment can be carried out at home. A person who has 3 or more broken ribs needs hospital treatment: in this condition, there is a risk of damage to internal organs by the broken bone. When the ribs are broken, the chest hurts even during shallow breaths. The pain is localized at the site of injury.
  3. Intercostal neuralgia. Along the lower edge of the ribs there are bundles of nerves that branch from the spine. When these nerves become inflamed, irritated, or pinched, severe, burning pain occurs in the chest area when breathing in. The disease can have different causes, the most common of which are osteochondrosis, herpes zoster, and hormonal changes during menopause. Intercostal neuralgia can also be caused by decreased immunity, pathologies of the endocrine system, rheumatism, various diseases of the blood vessels and heart, intervertebral hernia, etc. With this disorder, the chest hurts more strongly if you turn around, take a deep breath, sneeze or cough, or feel the inflamed area with your fingers.
  4. Ankylosing spondylitis. The disease occurs due to the accumulation of calcium salts in the ligaments of the spine, which destroy nerve endings. The disease is chronic, manifested by chest pain and shortness of breath.
  5. Tietze syndrome, or costochondritis, is an inflammation of the cartilage of the ribs. The disease may be a consequence of injury. It manifests itself as a dull pain in the chest, which intensifies with a deep breath, coughing, or palpation. Sometimes the disease occurs with an increase in body temperature.


Depending on the cause of pain in the right chest, you will be prescribed appropriate treatment.

  1. If the pain is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: anti-inflammatory therapy is usually prescribed using antibacterial drugs and medications, the action of which is aimed at stabilizing the production of gastric enzymes.
  2. If the cause of pain is problems with the respiratory system: treatment will be aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process in the lungs/bronchial tubes.
  3. If the pain is caused by heart problems: If it is a myocardial infarction or aortic dissection, the patient is immediately hospitalized for professional help. For other diseases, the doctor may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, vasodilators, and painkillers.

What symptoms accompany chest pain when coughing?

Development of pain

A patient who consults a doctor must describe in detail the nature of cough attacks, their duration, and frequency. The pain syndrome has its own characteristics. Its character suggests a diagnosis. There are such manifestations of pain:

  • periodic;
  • constant;
  • sharp;
  • aching;
  • varying intensity from weak to unbearable;
  • dull;
  • sharp, turning into cutting;
  • accompanied by increased breathing;
  • radiating to the arm, back;
  • localized on the right, left, middle;
  • worsening with breathing.

Depending on the disease, in addition to coughing attacks, additional symptoms may occur. You should consult a doctor if you experience:

  • high temperature;
  • chills;
  • weaknesses;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • cyanosis in the lips and nose;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • sputum separation;
  • dizziness;
  • shortness of breath;
  • pain during movement;
  • urinary disorders;
  • vomiting.

For a cold

Hypothermia in cool weather and temperature changes often provoke the development of colds. A frequent companion to this condition is a cough with chest pain. Respiratory infections are caused by harmful viruses and bacteria that become active in the body when the immune system is weakened. Cough attacks accompany the following diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • bronchitis;
  • flu;
  • tracheitis.

With a cold cough, irritation of the respiratory muscles occurs, which causes pain in the lower part of the chest, near the diaphragm, and in the intercostal spaces. Often they are so strong that it is difficult for a person to breathe. Respiratory infections are characterized by additional signs:

  • heat;
  • dry, persistent cough;
  • discomfort in the chest area;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • chills;
  • weakness.

For pneumonia

Pneumonia is characterized by high fever, difficulty breathing, and shortness of breath. The symptoms of cough during an infectious disease have their own characteristics. During the development of pneumonia in a patient, he may:

  • dry, accompanied by pain in the chest, near the sternum, the cause of this condition is drying sputum in the bronchi;
  • moist, which facilitates the passage of mucus, but causes a stitching sensation in the affected area.

The appearance of coughing attacks with pain during pneumonia begins from the first days of the disease. As the disease progresses, in addition to breathing problems, the following symptoms may occur:

  • heart rhythm disturbance if the cardiovascular system was involved in the process;
  • cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle;
  • debilitating attack with sputum production;
  • pain when taking a deep breath;
  • red spots on the face;
  • severe wheezing;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • chills.

With pleurisy

The lungs and the inner surface of the chest are covered by a serous membrane - the pleura. Under the influence of numerous factors, inflammation can occur. Pleurisy is characterized by the accumulation of pleural fluid and the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • shortness of breath during exercise and at rest;
  • temperature increase;
  • pain in the chest;
  • decreased breathing;
  • general weakness;
  • sweating

The development of pleurisy is often accompanied by a dry cough with chest pain. It intensifies when inhaling or changing body position. This condition provokes irritation of the nerve endings that are located in the pleura. Soreness appears when exposed to pain receptors and is of the following nature:

  • intensifies during a coughing attack, inhalation;
  • localized in the affected area;
  • spreads to the stomach, shoulder, under the lower ribs;
  • has a sharp shape.

Injuries resulting from car accidents, falls from heights, or other causes can damage the ribs. The mobility of the thoracic spine changes. This condition is often accompanied by shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. Pain syndrome appears, which intensifies during:

  • coughing attacks;
  • movements;
  • running or walking.

For pneumothorax

In case of injuries caused by medical procedures, broken ribs, or wounds, the integrity of the lung may be compromised. As a result, the air from it escapes into the space of the chest area. This disease is called pneumothorax, accompanied by the accumulation of air, its pressure on the lungs. This prevents them from straightening, expanding, and disrupts normal breathing. In this condition, you may experience:

  • unbearable pain;
  • increased symptoms with sudden movement or coughing.

For neuralgia

There are many reasons why intercostal nerves are damaged. Neuralgia is characterized by the appearance of acute pain. The condition is similar to an angina attack, but differs from it in the following signs:

  • palpation of the intercostal spaces reveals an area with severe pain;
  • It is easy to find a body position in which pain will not occur.

With intercostal neuralgia, symptoms often worsen with coughing or sharp inhalation. Pain has the following symptoms:

  • is periodic in nature or appears in paroxysms;
  • gives under the ribs;
  • it can be sharp, aching, piercing, shooting, making a person scream;
  • accompanied by a burning sensation in the chest area, numbness, and increased sensitivity of the skin.

With the development of inflammation of the lungs and pleura, a problem may arise - shortening of the interpleural ligaments occurs. This condition also appears with congenital pathology. The ligaments are located near the roots of the lungs, provide resistance when the diaphragm moves, and contribute to the stability of the respiratory system. If they are shortened, the following may occur:

  • increased pain when talking, active or deep breathing, physical activity;
  • burning in the center of the sternum;
  • tingling when running, walking.

For chest trauma

The appearance of a cough with pain in the chest is not excluded with bruises, subluxation, dislocation of the shoulder joint, or rib fractures. A person may forget about an injury if it is not immediately accompanied by pronounced symptoms. The source of damage during a bruise can only be identified with a careful examination by a doctor and palpation of soft tissues. When a chest injury occurs, a lung rupture and pneumothorax often develop. In such conditions, the pain syndrome is distinguished by:

  • sharp, shooting character;
  • worsening of symptoms with movement.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Anemia in children - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

For renal colic

Inflammatory processes, kidney stones, can lead to disruption of the outflow of urine. Problems with the functioning of the urinary tract sometimes cause renal colic. With the disease, it is possible that pain may occur, which has the following characteristics:

  • form in the back, chest, pit of the stomach, in all parts of the abdomen;
  • radiates under the shoulder blade, into the forearm;
  • worsens during movement;
  • bothered by coughing attacks;
  • are felt upon palpation of the tenth, twelfth vertebrae of the thoracic spine, and the gall bladder.

With a tumor

One of the common causes of lung cancer is the effect of tobacco smoke when smoking. When a tumor develops, uncontrolled cell growth occurs, which, if left untreated, causes metastases to neighboring organs. A malignant neoplasm affects the lungs, disrupting breathing, and provokes:

  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • hypoxia of internal organs;
  • anemia;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting

The development of an oncological process in the lungs is accompanied by pain. With this pathology it has the following features:

  • is encircling throughout the chest;
  • differs in acute form;
  • observed first from the side of the lesion, moving to other places;
  • worsens with coughing attacks, movements;
  • radiates to the stomach, neck, back;
  • with metastases it becomes intense and unbearable.

The occurrence of a painful syndrome with cough in the retrosternal region may indicate the development of diseases such as intercostal neuralgia, oncology, and spinal injuries. The situation requires attention to the appearance of additional signs. Doctors note that chest pain is a symptom of the development of:

  • myocardial ischemia, angina pectoris - accompanied by severe weakness, reflexive fear, rapid pulse;
  • heartburn, esophagitis (disease of the esophagus) – there is an acute burning sensation;
  • tracheitis, bronchitis - the pain is aching in nature.

An acute burning sensation behind the sternum often indicates cardiac pathology. Distinctive signs of diseases other than pain:

  • with angina pectoris, myocardial ischemia - severe weakness, rapid pulse, the presence of reflexive fear;
  • aching pain in the center of the chest when coughing is more likely to indicate tracheitis; their spread to nearby areas is more likely to indicate bronchitis.


Since there can be many causes of pain to the right of the heart, it is almost impossible to protect yourself completely. Here are some tips that will allow you to maintain your health and avoid unpleasant pain:

  • Be regularly examined by a cardiologist and gastroenterologist;
  • treat respiratory system diseases in a timely manner;
  • Keep medicines for heart pain on hand: nitroglycerin, Corvalol or validol to relieve angina attacks (if you have an appropriate diagnosis).

It is also recommended to eat right, perform technical exercises and avoid excessive stress in daily life.

If you begin to experience pain to the right of your heart after eating, visit a nutritionist or gastroenterologist. Did the pain appear after you had a cold? Make an appointment with your general practitioner - most likely, he will refer you to a pulmonologist for further examination. The main thing is not to let the situation get worse and remember that diagnosing the disease at an early stage will help you get rid of pain faster and more effectively than if you see a doctor too late.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Possible locations of ulcers
Among the most common causes of discomfort, it is worth noting diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Peptic ulcer

A characteristic symptom is severe pain in the central part of the sternum after eating. Associated symptoms are nausea, belching, and a feeling of fullness.


The entry of stomach acid into the esophagus causes a burning sensation and chest pain in the patient. In addition, a person feels a sore throat, which is a consequence of the effect of acid on the esophageal mucosa.


The disease is caused by inflammation of the pancreas. As a result, patients report severe chest pain to the left and center.


Inflammation of the gallbladder, the symptom of which is pain localized in the right side of the chest. Additional signs of the disease are stool disorders, nausea, dry mouth.

Diseases of the respiratory system

There are often situations when the cause of this kind of discomfort is an inflammatory process in the form of pneumonia, which affects one or two lungs. The development of this disease begins with a rapid increase in temperature and the appearance of a severe cough. All this is aggravated by the occurrence of severe wheezing, causing discomfort in the sternum. Also, discomfort in this area occurs due to pleurisy, a disease that is a characteristic sign of post-pneumonia. This disease is often accompanied by tuberculosis.

Unpleasant sensations in the sternum may appear due to tumors affecting the bronchi or lungs.

The main symptom of this disease is a persistent cough, which is suffocating in nature. In this case, the patient constantly coughs up bloody clots when coughing.

If there are such manifestations, you should contact a medical facility.

Colitis on the right side of the chest

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The left side of the chest is a cardiac projection, so if there is pain there, then you need to seek help from a cardiologist. What can provoke this ailment? Development of ischemic disease. The heart muscle begins to lack oxygen, it stretches, and this leads to irritation of pain receptors.


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When stabbing caused by heart disease, the pain goes away very quickly, it is relieved with validol.

If it stings constantly when performing any physical activity, this is anginal pain. It radiates under the left shoulder blade and indicates the development of a dangerous cardiac pathology.

If it stings and hurts in the chest in the form of lumbago, this may be due to disorders of the coronary vessels. In any case, those who experience such severe symptoms should immediately consult a cardiologist.

If this diagnosis is not confirmed, doctors go further and study the condition of the pleura, lungs, and look at how the intercostal nerves react to mechanical influence from the outside.

If these organs function in their normal mode, then doctors go lower. Sometimes stabbing pains appear in the chest due to spasm of the esophagus, due to the presence of a peptic ulcer.

The described pain syndrome can be provoked by biliary colic and inflammation of the walls of the rib cage.

Most common reasons

Most often, unpleasant sensations in the thoracic region of the human body appear as a result of injury during excessively intense physical exercise. If the load increases and the body is not prepared, the muscles located in the sternum begin to stretch.

This leads to painful sensations that begin to increase with deep breaths. Do not worry, since this situation is the body’s standard reaction to a large volume of lactic acid secreted. This can develop into microtrauma of the part of the muscles that strained the most.

The occurrence of such signs indicates that the study schedule is incorrect. This phenomenon can be eliminated by temporarily refusing to play sports. Moreover, you should start practicing again gradually.

Pain in the chest on the right side may also indicate a rib fracture. In such a situation, a sharp stabbing pain appears in the injured area, which intensifies during compression of the sternum or when the victim begins to cough. The discomfort will go away if the patient takes the most comfortable position in which his body completely relaxes.

The cause of severe pain on the right side of the chest can be bruises, which can be recognized by bruises that appear in this area.

You should know that severe bruises pose a danger to humans, as they can lead to lung rupture, which can be fatal. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

Also, often pain in the chest indicates the development of an acute respiratory viral infection. In this case, discomfort appears in the place where the lesion is located.

Pain in this area may occur if the patient has recently been treated with medications.

The pain is aggravated if he lies in one position for a long time, observing bed rest. In such a situation, the muscles located between the ribs, weakened after illness, hurt.

What is it like when there is a stabbing sensation in the chest?

When there is a stabbing sensation in the chest, this is a signal indicating the presence of health problems. Both a pinched nerve and a myocardial infarction can cause tingling. When this kind of discomfort occurs in the chest area, it is worth assessing how serious it is.

On right

When it stings on the right side of the chest, it may not be so easy to immediately make a diagnosis. Additional symptoms often appear, such as increased blood pressure, and attacks of suffocation occur. Sometimes there is numbness.

One of the most common causes of tingling on the right side is diseases of the spine. Stitching in the right side of the chest when intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis or costovertebral osteophyte is observed.

Many people wonder when there is a stabbing sensation on the right side of the chest, what is it? This area of ​​the body contains some important organs. Therefore, it is important to recognize the disease in time. Common reasons for stabbing on the right side of the chest include:

  1. Injury due to vigorous physical activity. If the body is not prepared for heavy loads, a significant increase in their volume will lead to stretching of the chest muscles. As a result, discomfort and pain are felt in this area.
  2. Pain in the chest on the right, stabbing, occurs due to fractured ribs. The nature of the tingling is sharp. If you start to cough or put pressure on the area, the pain gets worse.
  3. Bruises often cause stabbing pain on the right side. The presence of a bruise helps to recognize this cause.
  4. Pathologies of the respiratory system. Pneumonia can cause similar discomfort, adding to the general condition with fever and cough. Pleurisy can cause tingling on the right side.
  5. Constantly or periodically stabbing on the right side of the chest due to diseases of the digestive tract. Heartburn, food stagnation, chronic cholecystitis cause tingling on the right side.

Some of the listed reasons can be eliminated independently, for example, by changing the training program, normalizing the amount of physical activity.

On the left side

If there is a stabbing sensation on the left side of the chest, it is recommended to visit a therapist. Ischemic disease can provoke such ailment in the form of stabbing pain. The heart muscle needs oxygen, and with a lack of it, pain receptors begin to be irritated.

Sometimes the pain radiates to the left shoulder blade. It is a symptom indicating that cardiac pathology has begun to develop.

Many people, when a tingling sensation occurs in the left side of the chest, begin to worry more than with similar sensations on the right. All because of the cardiac projection located in this area. Left-sided tingling is often radiating heart pain.

Among the reasons why there is a stabbing sensation in the left chest, it is worth noting:

  • attacks of angina pectoris, manifested precisely by left-sided pain;
  • pericarditis;
  • myocarditis;
  • rheumatic carditis;
  • tumor or tuberculous lesion of the left bronchus.

An accurate diagnosis can be found by undergoing an examination.

In the middle

Stitching between the chest in the middle is often due to pathologies associated with the heart. The most common diseases causing this symptom are:

  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • aortic aneurysm.

Angina pectoris is one of the first signals indicating problems with coronary circulation. The pain manifests itself not only in the middle, but can radiate to the shoulder, left arm, and under the shoulder blade.

The attack appears suddenly, causing the patient to literally freeze in place. The pain varies in intensity, from severe to barely noticeable, more like discomfort.

In addition to tingling, a burning sensation and a feeling as if there is pressure on the chest may occur.

Stitching in the middle of the chest is often due to myocardial infarction. An attack of pain can be single and prolonged or occur several times, each time increasing in intensity. One of the differences between myocardial infarction and angina is the nature of pain. They last longer and are more intense. Among the accompanying symptoms it is worth noting:

  • the appearance of shortness of breath or an attack of suffocation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased sweating;
  • headache;
  • increased heart rate.

Weakness, fever and dizziness appear much less frequently. Pain during myocardial infarction is characterized by a constant increase. It is difficult for the patient to tolerate it. If there is a slow-flowing myocardial rupture, “dagger pain” may occur.

The formation of an aortic aneurysm interferes with the normal flow of blood. With this disease, pain occurs that can radiate to the back and neck. The pain is severe and lasts from several hours to a couple of days. The following symptoms may also occur:

  1. The appearance of shortness of breath. May be accompanied by noisy wheezing. Inhalation is difficult.
  2. Difficulty swallowing.
  3. Pressing pain in the stomach area. May be accompanied by heartburn and vomiting.

When inhaling

Stitches in the chest when inhaling, if the standard volume of physical activity is exceeded, when walking. Pain of this nature can be provoked by a variety of factors.

When taking a deep breath, tingling sensations can radiate to any area of ​​the chest, including the right area, left and in the middle.

Such pain is usually accompanied by several other symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing occurs;
  • the temperature rises;
  • shortness of breath and a feeling of weakness appear;
  • cough.

Among the most likely reasons why the chest stings upon entry, it is worth noting:

  1. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Then it stings on the left side of the chest when inhaling. With such indicators, a common diagnosis is angina pectoris, which appears against the background of coronary artery disease. The impetus for the onset of the disease is excessive physical activity, overexertion and stress.
  2. Pathology associated with the respiratory system. Taking a strong breath, the patient, in addition to tingling, may feel weak, shortness of breath will appear, and severe coughing attacks will begin. There will be a feeling of lack of air. Pain of a stabbing nature with localization in the middle can indicate any bronchopulmonary problem.

General ideas about pain in the chest when inhaling on the right

In this part of the body, pain may be felt in the chest on the right when inhaling and moving from several organs:

  • membranes (pleura) of the right lung;
  • arteries of the right lung;
  • bronchi and bronchioles;
  • intercostal muscles.

The activity of these organs is directly or indirectly associated with the movement of the diaphragm - the muscular septum separating the chest and abdominal cavities. When you inhale, it stretches and puts pressure on the abdominal cavity, while the lower part of the superior vena cava and the lining of the heart (pericardium) expand.

With rapid breathing (for example, during intense exercise), the load increases not only on the pericardium, but also on the skeletal muscles of the chest, which, due to overload, can stretch too much and cause pain in the right side of the chest when inhaling.

It is clear that various damage by the pathological process to the organs listed above can manifest as pain.


The manifestation of any kind of pathological changes appears in the form of subjective complaints or objective signs of the disease. Firstly, pain on the right side of the chest. They always make themselves felt, but in different incarnations:

  • sharp or dull pain in the sternum on the right;
  • aching pain under the sternum;
  • stabbing pain in the sternum;
  • intense sharp pain on the right side of the chest or its mild manifestation;
  • pressing pain under the sternum;
  • constant or intermittent pain on the right side opposite the heart;
  • pain under the right hypochondrium, side or back;
  • when the pain increases when inhaling, when coughing (with a deep breath), when moving.

Practice shows that pain in the chest on the right is not the only sign of pathological changes in the human body. It is accompanied by additional symptoms, which together make up the overall clinical picture.

And in order to make a correct diagnosis, the attending physician must perform a physical examination of the patient and study his health complaints and complaints. The patient is required to: answer all questions clearly and honestly without embarrassment or reticence.

Otherwise, an inaccurate diagnosis is possible, and the specialist will need more time to search for the truth.


Diagnosis depending on the conditions of pain syndrome occurrence and accompanying symptoms

Let's consider additional characteristics of the pain syndrome:

  1. If the pain radiates to the shoulder blade, it could be: angina pectoris, esophageal spasm, myocardial infarction, cardioneurosis.
  2. When the pain intensifies with inspiration, this indicates: intercostal neuralgia, pleurisy or myositis of the intercostal muscles. When the intensity of the pain increases with deep inspiration, it may be pneumonia or pulmonary embolism. In both cases, there is a deterioration in the general condition, but with pneumonia this happens gradually, and with pulmonary embolism the minutes count.
  3. If pain intensifies with movement, this may be a sign of osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine.
  4. When pain radiates to the arm, a person may have one of the following diseases:
  5. myositis of the intercostal muscles on the left side;
  6. myocardial infarction;
  7. angina pectoris;
  8. interscapular pain syndrome;
  9. endocarditis;
  10. pneumothorax.
  11. When pain is accompanied by shortness of breath:
      myocardial infarction;
  12. pneumothorax;
  13. pulmonary embolism;
  14. pneumonia;
  15. rupture of an aortic aneurysm.
  16. If both weakness and pain appear in the heart area, it may be tuberculosis, pleurisy, pericarditis, dissecting aortic aneurysm, pneumonia.
  17. The combination of “pain and dizziness” is typical for:
      mitral valve prolapse;
  18. cardiomyopathy;
  19. cardioneurosis;
  20. osteochondrosis or cervical hernia, accompanied by compression of the vertebral artery.

Digestive tract diseases

Pain in the sternum can occur with certain diseases of the digestive system, for example:

  1. For heartburn. It occurs when stomach acid splashes into the esophagus and burns it from the inside. Very often this situation occurs after the patient eats food, 30 minutes later. With heartburn, a painful shock can form that reaches the beginning of the throat and spreads up the esophagus. In some people this manifests itself as pain in the chest on the right side, while in others it is a burning sensation.
  2. When food stagnates. Food can get stuck between the walls of the esophagus, putting pressure on this digestive organ. If a person inhales air, the discomfort increases due to the additional tension of the diaphragm. In order to alleviate this condition, you need to take one or two sips of water.
  3. For chronic cholecystitis. The cause of this unpleasant disease is a parasitic or bacterial infection, leading to the appearance of an inflammatory process. In this case, the properties of bile first change, its outflow is impaired, and after this stones appear in the gall bladder.

To prevent such diseases from appearing, you need to pay special attention to the quality of your diet. Food should be chewed thoroughly and avoid excessively fatty and spicy foods.

In the video - more about chest pain:

See also:

More on this topic

  • How to identify symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia
  • Stinging hand? - consult a doctor
  • Intercostal neuralgia: drug treatment and diagnosis
  • Colitis in the left side: how to determine the source of pain
  • Chest bruise: symptoms and treatment methods
  • Colic in the right side: causes of the disease
  • Why does it hurt in the left side under the rib: the main reasons
  • Jaw cramps: causes and methods of combating
  • Spontaneous pneumothorax: causes of the disease and methods of treatment

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About the author: Sofia Tutovsky

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What measures can you take on your own?

When pain strikes at the wrong moment, the first thing you need to do is stop and rest, take a sitting position. Taking nitroglycerin helps to temporarily relieve a painful symptom if the pain in the right thoracic region when inhaling or exhaling is not too sharp. Otherwise, it is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible, since it may be a heart attack or stroke. The intensity of pain and its location must be recorded so that specialists can accurately determine the cause of the condition.

In addition to nitroglycerin, aspirin or cardiomagnyl helps relieve pain; it is not recommended to take other drugs before going to the doctor, as they can complicate the diagnosis.

Pain in the mammary gland is often associated with the menstrual cycle or gland pathologies. Pain during coughing and bursting pain indicate the presence of an aortic aneurysm. You can find out more about what to do in such a situation and how to alleviate your condition from the video below.

There may also be pain:

In vain. Pain is the first signal that the body’s functioning has been disrupted; it is its reaction to the problem that has arisen. For example, aching pain in the chest can occur with tuberculosis, pleurisy, heart attack, or lung tumor.

Stitching, sharp, pressing or aching unpleasant paresthesia can be felt behind the sternum on the right or left, radiating to the stomach or shoulder. Only a specialist can determine what exactly is the cause.

Pain on the right also does not allow one to recognize a disease that threatens a person. It can be due to pancreatic cancer or pancreatitis, spinal diseases or pulmonary embolism. A heart attack, stomach ulcer, even ordinary constipation is often accompanied by pain in the chest on the right.

With pneumothorax, there is a sharp pain in the chest on the right, severe shortness of breath, sweating, and severe agitation. If the pain is severe, you should try to calm down, relax, sit down, and establish even breathing.

This means that pain in the chest on the right or anywhere else can be caused by a nervous disorder or breakdown. For example, when lifting weights, the chest muscles become overstrained or stretched. After rest, such unpleasant phenomena almost always go away.

Some diseases of the digestive system can also lead to pain in the chest on the right. Sudden pain on the right side of the chest can cause the development of certain cardiovascular diseases. Pain in the chest on the right is a symptom of diseases of the heart, spine, nervous system and abdominal cavity.

The main causes of chest pain on the right

Pulmonary embolism. Pain in the chest area with pulmonary embolism is observed in 50-90% of cases; it occurs acutely; in its intensity and localization (behind the sternum or parasternally, it can radiate to the chest on the right) and can resemble a painful variant of myocardial infarction. A very common symptom of pulmonary embolism is shortness of breath, which also occurs suddenly. Characterized by severe weakness; with massive pulmonary embolism, loss of consciousness is possible. Some patients experience hemoptysis.

The course of pulmonary embolism depends on the size of the thrombus and the level of damage to the pulmonary arteries. When the main trunk is damaged, sudden severe shortness of breath and cyanosis, very severe chest pain, loss of consciousness, and decreased blood pressure occur. Possible death within minutes. PE of large branches is characterized by intense, poorly relieved chest pain on the right, sudden sharp shortness of breath and intense cyanosis of the upper half of the body, rhythm disturbances such as supraventricular tachycardia, and a reflex decrease in blood pressure. In case of damage to the small branches of the pulmonary artery, shortness of breath, moderate cyanosis, moderate chest pain on the right associated with the act of breathing, cough, which may be accompanied by hemoptysis, possible moist rales and pleural friction noise during auscultation, appear or increase.

Dissecting aortic aneurysm. Dissecting aneurysm of the thoracic aorta most often occurs against the background of long-term arterial hypertension, severe atherosclerosis of the aorta, syphilitic lesions of the aorta, Marfan syndrome, and severe chest injuries. Proximal and distal dissection of the aneurysm are distinguished. Intimal tearing during proximal aortic dissection most often occurs 2.5 cm from the aortic annulus. Proximal spread leads to hemopericardium, aortic valve avulsion, severe aortic insufficiency, and occlusion of the coronary arteries (usually the right one). In distal dissection, intimal tear most often occurs immediately after the origin of the left subclavian artery. Proximal extension of the dissection is unusual, and hemopericardium and aortic regurgitation usually do not occur.

The pain is usually intense, refractory to nitrates and is not associated with physical activity. Localization is typical in the sternum; irradiation to the neck, lower jaw, and both halves of the chest is possible. The pain syndrome is very similar to that of myocardial infarction and severe angina pectoris. The pain can last from hours to several days. Objectively, expansion of the boundaries of the vascular bundle, cardiac dullness, and pronounced deafness of heart sounds are noted; Possible cyanosis of the face, swelling of the jugular veins. The prognosis is most often unfavorable.

Respiratory diseases.

Pain syndrome in lung diseases: 1. The appearance or intensification of pain during deep breathing or coughing. 2. Acute short-term pain, usually limited, without a tendency to irradiate. 3. The presence of other pulmonary symptoms (cough, sputum production, shortness of breath or dyspnea of ​​various kinds). 4. History of acute or chronic pulmonary disease, pleural friction rub, dry or moist rales, percussion data indicating emphysema, cavitary formations or compaction of lung tissue. It should be noted that pain in pulmonary diseases, although common, is usually not the leading clinical syndrome. More specific symptoms include cough, sputum production, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, cyanosis, increased body temperature, and signs of intoxication.

Spontaneous pneumothorax is the accumulation of air in the pleural cavity, not associated with traumatic injury to the chest or medical treatment. It can develop in diseases that occur with destruction of lung tissue (tuberculosis, abscess, bronchiectasis, tumor, bullous emphysema, hydatid cyst). Sometimes pneumothorax is possible in practically healthy individuals. Clinically, the disease is characterized by sudden acute pain in the chest on the right. As a rule, shortness of breath, frequent shallow breathing, agitation, and sweating occur. Inspiratory dyspnea.

Pleurisy occurs with pain of various localizations. When the parietal pleura is affected, the pain is usually localized in the lower and lateral parts of the chest. It increases with deep inspiration and coughing. Pain in the scapular and shoulder regions may be caused by damage to the parietal pleura of the upper lobes of the lungs. With apical pleurisy, pain in the arm is possible due to irritation of the brachial plexus. Abdominal pain, sometimes vomiting and pain when swallowing are observed with diaphragmatic dry pleurisy.

With lobar pneumonia, chest pain on the right is often stabbing, worsening with deep inspiration and coughing, and therefore patients try to suppress it. Possible irradiation of pain into the abdominal cavity. Pain with lobar pneumonia is observed in 96% of cases, with focal pneumonia - in 88%. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the lungs, pneumoconiosis, and tuberculosis are characterized by prolonged aching, pressing pain. With a lung abscess, the pain is intense, and it intensifies when pressing on a rib or intercostal space when the abscess is located close to the cortical layer of the lung. In addition, the pain intensifies before the abscess breaks into the bronchus.

Pain often accompanies tumor lesions of the lungs - from 50 to 88% of cases. The pain in the chest on the right is quite different: dull, aching, pressing, burning, boring. It can irradiate to the shoulder, neck, stomach, head, and worsens with coughing and deep breathing. It is most often localized on the affected side, but irradiation to the healthy side or encircling is possible. The pain is usually constant, and paroxysmal attacks are not typical.

Mediastinal emphysema. Acute intense pain behind the sternum, often accompanied by distinct crepitus.

Diseases of the abdominal organs.

Pain syndrome is characteristic of many diseases of the abdominal organs. With esophagitis, there is a constant burning sensation behind the sternum, pain along the esophagus, aggravated by swallowing, associated with eating cold or hot, solid food. Diagnosis is based on typical pain syndrome and signs of dysphagia. X-ray examination reveals impaired motility, uneven contours of the esophagus, the presence of barium depots in erosions, fibroesophagoscopy - hyperemia of the mucous membrane and erosion.

With achalasia cardia (cardiospasm, idiopathic dilatation of the esophagus), the pain is localized behind the sternum and is clearly associated with dysphagia and regurgitation of food. A painful episode can be triggered by eating. In addition to clinical manifestations, X-ray examination is important in diagnosis, in which retention of barium suspension, significant dilation of the esophagus and fusiform narrowing in the distal section are observed.

Pain from a hiatal hernia is most often localized in the lower part of the sternum. It typically appears or intensifies after eating, in a horizontal position, pain decreases with a rapid change in body position. The disease is diagnosed based on X-ray and endoscopic examinations.

Chest pain on the right side associated with neurological diseases.

Pain in the chest area is caused by various neurological diseases. First of all, these are diseases of the spine, the anterior chest wall and the muscles of the shoulder girdle (osteochondrosis of the spine and various muscular-fascial syndromes), in addition, cardialgia is distinguished in the structure of the psychovegetative syndrome.

Characteristics of various pain syndromes in diseases of the spine and muscles:

Syndrome of musculofascial or costovertebral pain (not visceral): 1. Quite constant localization of pain. 2. An unconditional connection of pain with the tension of the corresponding muscle groups and the position of the torso. 3. Low intensity of pain, absence of concomitant general symptoms in a chronic course or a clear cause of onset in an acute injury. 4. Clear palpation data that allows identifying pathology: local pain (limited) on palpation of the corresponding muscle groups, muscle hypertonicity, the presence of trigger zones. 5. Reduction or disappearance of pain under various local influences (mustard plasters, pepper patch, electro- or acupuncture, massage or electrophysiotherapy, infiltration of trigger zones with novocaine or hydrocortisone).

Radicular pain syndrome (including intercostal neuralgia): 1. Acute onset of the disease or a clear exacerbation in a chronic course. 2. Predominant localization of pain in the area of ​​the corresponding nerve root. 3. A clear connection with movements of the spine (for radicular pain) or torso (for neuralgia). 4. Neurological symptoms of cervical or thoracic radiculitis. 5. Sharp local pain at the exit points of the intercostal nerves.

Osteocondritis of the spine. This is a degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the intervertebral disc, in which the process, often starting in the nucleus pulposus, progressively spreads to all elements of the disc with subsequent involvement of the entire segment (adjacent vertebral bodies, intervertebral joints, ligaments). Degenerative changes in the spine lead to secondary damage to the nerve roots, which causes chest pain. The mechanism of pain is associated with compression of the root by a displaced intervertebral disc with symptoms of cervicothoracic radiculitis, inflammatory changes in the nerve roots, irritation of the borderline sympathetic chain, accompanied, along with pain, by autonomic disorders.

The nature of the pain syndrome in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be different and depends on the location of the lesion and the degree of compression of the roots. Radicular pain can be cutting, sharp, shooting. It intensifies with straining, coughing, bending and turning the head. When the C6 root is damaged, pain in the arm spreads from the shoulder girdle along the outer surface of the shoulder and forearm to the I-II fingers, hyperesthesia in these areas, hypotrophy and decreased reflexes from the biceps brachii muscle. When the C7 root is compressed, the pain spreads along the outer and posterior surface of the shoulder and forearm to the third finger. The spread of pain along the inner surface of the shoulder and forearm to the IV-V fingers is characteristic of damage to the C8 root. With osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, the pain, as a rule, is first localized in the spinal region and only then do the symptoms of thoracic radiculitis develop. The pain syndrome is associated with movement and is provoked by turning the body.

Musculofascial syndrome occurs in 7-35% of cases. Its occurrence is provoked by soft tissue trauma with hemorrhage and serous-fibrous extravasation, pathological impulses in visceral lesions, and vertebrogenic factors. As a result of the influence of several etiological factors, a muscular-tonic reaction develops in the form of hypertonicity of the affected muscles. The pain is caused by muscle spasm and impaired microcirculation in the muscle. Characteristic is the appearance or intensification of pain when contracting muscle groups, moving the arms and torso. The intensity of the pain syndrome can vary from discomfort to severe pain.

Anterior chest wall syndrome is observed in patients after myocardial infarction, as well as in non-coronary heart disease. Perhaps it is associated with the flow of pathological impulses from the heart along segments of the autonomic chain, leading to dystrophic changes in the corresponding formations. In some cases, the syndrome may be caused by traumatic myositis. Palpation reveals diffuse tenderness of the anterior chest wall, trigger points at the level of the 2-5th sternocostal joint. With glenohumeral periarthritis, pain is associated with movements in the shoulder joint, and trophic changes in the hand are noted. Scapular-costal syndrome is characterized by pain in the scapula area with subsequent spread to the shoulder girdle and neck, lateral and anterior surface of the chest. With interscapular pain syndrome, pain is localized in the interscapular region, its occurrence is facilitated by static and dynamic overload. Pectoralis minor syndrome is characterized by pain in the region of the III-V rib along the sternoclavicular line with possible irradiation to the shoulder.

With Tietze syndrome, there is a sharp pain at the junction of the sternum with the cartilage of the II-IV rib. The genesis of the syndrome is possibly associated with aseptic inflammation of the costal cartilages. Xyphoidia is manifested by sharp pain in the lower part of the sternum, aggravated by pressure on the xiphoid process. With manubriosternal syndrome, sharp pain is detected above the upper part of the sternum or laterally. Scalenus syndrome is caused by compression of the neurovascular bundle of the upper limb between the anterior and middle scalene muscles, as well as the normal first or accessory rib. In this case, pain in the anterior chest area is combined with pain in the neck and shoulder joints. At the same time, autonomic disturbances in the form of chills and pale skin may occur.

Diseases of the circulatory system

Colitis when inhaling can be a consequence of heart disease. But in such cases, the pain will be localized behind the sternum or to the left of it. It will also appear during stress, high blood pressure and after physical activity. Stitching pain is typical for young people and is a sign of vegetative-vascular dystonia. In such situations, it is necessary to do an ECG and Holter-ECG, which will help identify the cause of the pain. It is also useful to do an Echo-CG to exclude organic heart pathology.

Pericarditis is one of the heart diseases, one of the symptoms of which is chest pain as a result of deep breathing and sudden body movements. People with this disease are in constant tension and have characteristic shallow breathing. If fever, chills and weakness are also present, then most likely this is pericarditis, which develops as complications after infectious diseases and requires treatment in a hospital.

Angina can also cause colitis in the chest area, which occurs as a result of spasm of the coronary vessels. At the moment of acute pain, a person holds his breath, since when he inhales, the pain becomes even more intense. Characteristic signs of angina are increased blood pressure, pale skin, and fear of death. Such attacks require emergency medical attention.

People who suffer from angina pectoris should have pills with them that can be used to stop an attack (for example, Nitroglycerin). However, if such an attack occurs for the first time, you should immediately call an ambulance to exclude the possibility of a heart attack.

Thromboembolism also leads to the development of pain, which intensifies during inspiration. However, human life is at risk. Blockage of the pulmonary artery is indicated by unbearable pain, bluish skin, shortness of breath, and a sharp drop in pressure. When a blood clot breaks off, a person needs urgent hospitalization; sometimes surgical intervention is not necessary.

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