How do pomegranates and pomegranate juice affect blood pressure levels - do they increase or decrease them?


People suffering from hypertension or hypotension should know how foods affect blood pressure. Pomegranate is a healthy fruit due to its composition.

It has many healing properties, so this fruit is often recommended to stabilize blood pressure.

However, the product must be used with extreme caution, since it sometimes has a hypertensive effect, and in some cases, pomegranate juice can lower blood pressure levels.

So does pomegranate juice and tea from the fruit increase blood pressure or lower it? The information presented below will be very useful for those who have problems with blood pressure.

What are the benefits of pomegranate?

The fruit grains contain many useful components necessary for the human body. Pomegranate is a storehouse of vitamins and amino acids (more than 15), which strengthen the immune system.

Its fruits contain micro- and macroelements:

  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • potassium.

These components contribute to the normal functioning of the heart muscles, improve vascular tone and strengthen the elasticity of arteries and veins.

Pomegranate is recommended for use in case of low hemoglobin, as it increases this indicator.

Before drinking juice or tea from the fruit, you should know how pomegranate, juice or tea from it affect blood pressure. Experts say that the product normalizes this indicator.

Pomegranate juice lowers blood pressure slightly. Therefore, it is recommended for use by patients suffering from frequent high blood pressure.

The drink has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Its influence is as follows:

  1. Thanks to the content of folic acid, the functioning of the hematopoietic organs improves.
  2. Punicalagin, which is part of the fruit, helps neutralize free radicals.
  3. Has an antioxidant effect.
  4. Improves blood flow to the heart muscle.
  5. Promotes normal functioning of heart valves.
  6. Increases resistance to stressful situations.
  7. Lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, thus preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques (this action is explained by the content of polyphenols in pomegranate, which break down “bad” cholesterol).
  8. Promotes the expansion of the lumens of blood vessels.
  9. Cleanses veins and arteries, strengthens their elasticity.
  10. Reduces blood viscosity, saturating it with oxygen.
  11. Has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle.

As a result of this effect on the heart and blood vessels, daily consumption of pomegranate juice also normalizes blood pressure.

Eating the berry (it is a misconception that pomegranate is a fruit) promotes weight loss. And excessive weight, according to experts, is a factor that provokes problems with blood pressure.

Pomegranate has benefits not only for the cardiovascular system. It also has other medicinal properties. These include:

  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • prevention of joint diseases;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • reducing the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • prevention of cancer formations;
  • increasing immunity;
  • mild antipyretic effect;
  • improving the functions of the digestive organs;
  • healing of ulcers and wounds;
  • obstacle to the aging process;
  • diuretic effect.

The healing properties of pomegranate, thanks to its composition, are undeniable. However, due to excessive consumption of grains and fruit juice, there may be unpleasant consequences (for example, problems with the digestive system due to the presence of acid).


The beneficial properties of pomegranate are determined by its composition. The main components of the juice are presented below:

  • B vitamins – needed for normal innervation and functioning of the central nervous system as a whole;
  • ascorbic acid – increases the body’s resistance against pathogenic microorganisms, strengthens vascular walls;
  • rutin – increases the strength and elasticity of veins and arteries;
  • vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, neutralizes the activity of free radicals, and has an oncoprotective effect;
  • mineral components (K, Mg, Na, Fe, Ca, Se, I, F and others) - iron is important for the hematopoietic organs, and potassium and magnesium strengthen the heart.

The note. Separately, it should be noted the content of polyphenolic substances: anthocyanins (give the red tint to the seed pulp) and ellagotinin (in the inner peel), which reduce the harmful effects of harmful radicals and the likelihood of cancer development. Therefore, it is not correct to consume only the juice and pulp, since all parts of the berry are useful.

Pomegranate juice under pressure

pomegranate juice

Does pomegranate juice increase or decrease blood pressure? Many patients suffering from hypotension or hypertension are interested in this question. Let's look at how pomegranate juice affects blood pressure.

Experts say that the drink reduces blood pressure. But the effect is gentle - it knocks down the indicator by about 15-25 units. With a slight increase in blood pressure, it is recommended to drink pomegranate drink daily.

Give preference to juice that is prepared at home. Making the drink yourself is not at all difficult, but it is in freshly squeezed pomegranate juice that the beneficial components remain.

The study showed that the content of these components in a store-bought product is significantly lower (such juice can be dangerous because it contains harmful additives and preservatives).

To prepare it yourself, you should learn how to choose the right fruit. It is better to take a heavy pomegranate - it is juicier, so you will get a lot of juice.

You should also pay attention to the peel - there should be no dents or stains on it, as well as wet places. Maturity is determined by the place where the pomegranate flower was located. If there are no green spots, then the pomegranate is ripe.

You can get juice from pomegranate yourself as follows:

  1. Squeeze using a juicer.
  2. Squeeze out the grains of the fruit through cheesecloth.
  3. Grind the contents in a blender and strain the juice through gauze.

If it is not possible to prepare this juice at home, then you can also drink a factory-made drink. However, it should also be chosen correctly:

  1. Carefully study the composition - there should be no additives or preservatives.
  2. Pay attention to the manufacturer (it is better to buy the product produced by the country where pomegranates are grown).
  3. You need to take the juice in a glass bottle (the drink in a cardboard package is not very healthy; avoid the product in plastic bottles, too).
  4. Typically, the cost of a natural and healthy drink is much higher.
  5. There may be sediment at the bottom of the bottle (this also indicates a natural product).
  6. The label of a healthy drink should indicate that the juice is 100 percent.
  7. It is better to choose a product prepared by direct pressing.
  8. The nectar of the fruit, which is most often sold, does not have the same benefits as the juice (it is a product diluted several times with water).
  9. The product should not be expired, so always pay special attention to the expiration date.

You can drink no more than 400 ml of a self-prepared drink per day. The dosage of store-bought juice can be increased.

For hypertension, pomegranate juice can be drunk daily in small doses to normalize blood pressure, but not more than one glass per day.

If a person’s blood pressure is often low, they try to drink the drink less often or dilute it with water (boiled but cooled) in a 1:1 ratio.


If the level is low, pomegranate juice should be consumed with caution. It is not recommended to drink it regularly and in large dosages. If you have hypotension, this drink is diluted.

The components of pomegranate juice dilate blood vessels, which already happens in the case of low blood pressure. However, due to the property of the fruit to strengthen blood vessels and tone them, the person’s condition improves slightly.

For those who want to use pomegranate for hypotension, experts advise drinking tea from it.

Pomegranate juice is useful with cognac for low blood pressure. To prepare this remedy, pour two teaspoons of alcohol into a cup of diluted drink and stir.

After using this remedy, the blood vessels first begin to expand, then narrow. Therefore, pomegranate normalizes the reduced rate.

Many hypotensive people claim that pomegranate seeds help increase low blood pressure.


pomegranate juice

The drink is recommended for patients suffering from hypertension. Pomegranate juice lowers blood pressure well, but does not do so dramatically. Its effect is mild - blood pressure decreases from 15 to 25 mmHg.

The components that make up the fetus, when entering the body, contribute to the expansion of the lumen of blood vessels. Pomegranate juice prevents the occurrence of spasms, so the functioning of the circulatory system returns to normal.

In addition, the components of the drink help enrich the blood with oxygen.

With regular consumption of this drink, the walls of veins and arteries become elastic and elastic.

Thanks to this, the risk of dangerous complications due to hypertension is reduced several times, and it remains reduced for several days

As a result of a slight diuretic effect, excess fluid is removed from the body. As a result, the volume of blood that circulates is reduced, and swelling is also eliminated. These processes also reduce blood pressure.

Pomegranate juice slightly reduces blood pressure. Therefore, in a condition close to a hypertensive crisis, the patient needs to consult a specialist on how to use pomegranate.

If your blood pressure rises infrequently, then regular use of the juice will help keep this figure normal.

This remedy helps with hypertension in weather-dependent patients, as well as in those who suffer from increased blood pressure after experiencing stressful situations.

If your blood pressure is high, you should drink no more than one glass of juice per day. It is advisable to dilute it with water. Beetroot or carrot juice is another useful ingredient that can be used to dilute the product.


  1. Since the fruit shells and pomegranate bark contain a high concentration of alkaloids, tinctures must be used very carefully. Alkaloids in high concentrations can cause poisoning.
  2. If you greatly exceed the dose of the tincture, you may feel dizzy, your vision will deteriorate, and your blood pressure will rise.
  3. Drink juice with caution if you have hypotension.
  4. Juice should not be taken for pancreatitis, stomach ulcers and gastritis with high acidity.
  5. During pregnancy, you can drink one glass of juice per day, diluted in equal parts with water.
  6. After drinking the juice, you must rinse your mouth to protect your tooth enamel from destruction.

It must be remembered: pomegranate juice and preparations made from it cannot fully replace drug treatment for high blood pressure. It is impossible to completely stop taking medications for hypertension.

Originally posted 2018-01-15 23:40:26.

There are many plants in nature that have healing properties. Pomegranate is one of them. Thanks to the substances included in its composition, pomegranate brings great benefits to the entire body . However, not everyone knows how pomegranate affects blood pressure? Let's look at this question in detail.

When juice is contraindicated

Due to the fact that pomegranate juice reduces high blood pressure, people suffering from hypotension should use it carefully.

There may be contraindications and restrictions in taking the drink, namely:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • prolonged constipation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • acute pyelonephritis;
  • nephritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • gastritis with increased acidity;
  • individual hypersensitivity to the product;
  • tendency to allergic reactions.

You can treat high blood pressure with pomegranate juice, but after drinking it you should rinse your mouth with water. This will help prevent tooth enamel from decaying.

The harm of pomegranate juice may include constipation if taken for more than one month. Also, you should not drink the product on an empty stomach, since the acid negatively affects the digestive organs.

Abuse of pomegranate tea may cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, dental problems, and blurred vision.

Since pomegranate in some cases increases and in others lowers blood pressure, tea should not be drunk by hypertensive patients, and juice should not be drunk by hypotensive patients.


People suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers and gastritis should not drink pomegranate juice. It can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Drink the drink with caution if you are prone to constipation and pancreatitis.

Not contraindicated during pregnancy. On the contrary, if you regularly drink the juice, the risk of miscarriage and premature birth is reduced. Pomegranate helps to avoid swelling and increased blood pressure typical of pregnant women. The only contraindication is allergic reactions.

During breastfeeding, the consumption of juice and fruit in the first 6 months should be avoided due to the high likelihood of allergies in the child.

Pomegranate is not a medicine to treat hypertension. It needs to be introduced into the diet as a healthy, vitamin-rich product; of course, this cannot be said about the products (juices) on supermarket shelves.

The material was prepared by the authors of the project in accordance with the editorial policy of the site.

The older a person gets, the higher his blood pressure becomes, and it becomes more and more difficult to bring it to normal levels. If hypertension is already “experienced”, patients have to take many medications that lower blood pressure. One of the powerful herbal remedies for lowering blood pressure is pomegranate juice. This will probably surprise many, but in terms of its chemical properties, pomegranate juice is not inferior to popular medications that are prescribed to relieve high blood pressure.

Pomegranate is grown in the Middle East and southern European countries, as well as in Crimea and the southern regions of the Caucasus. This is a very light-loving tree; if it does not have enough light, it will not bloom or bear fruit.

Pomegranate juice is the richest in the number of beneficial compounds among all juices, both vegetable and fruit. Pomegranate fruits contain vitamins, microelements, antioxidants, fructose, and 15 types of nucleic acids. They have a lot of potassium, which is very important for the cardiovascular system. Vitamins A, B, E, C and PP contained in the juice regulate metabolism and cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques.

Due to its high iron content, pomegranate juice is the most effective drug for treating anemia and raising low hemoglobin levels.

Pomegranate is rich in beneficial vitamins and is good for the body, but in addition, it also affects blood vessels

Is it possible to drink pomegranate juice during pregnancy?

Can pregnant women eat pomegranate?

The remedy from the medicinal fruit has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman, since it contains folic acid and useful minerals necessary during this period.

In addition, due to the consumption of the drink, hemoglobin in the blood increases, enriching the blood with oxygen.

Most women have problems with blood pressure during pregnancy. Thanks to the hypotensive properties of pomegranate, the functioning of blood vessels and the heart returns to normal. Therefore, it should be taken if a pregnant woman’s blood pressure often rises.

However, you need to drink this useful remedy correctly during pregnancy. A woman is recommended to drink juice diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. The maximum dose of drink per day should not exceed 1 glass.

Application of pomegranate components

It is worth saying that in addition to pomegranate seeds and seeds, you can eat the peel, which also has a huge number of beneficial properties. For example, a decoction of pomegranate flowers and peel is used and is quite effective for rinsing the mouth and throat. The peel also has a significant antihelminthic effect due to the huge content of useful substances in it. In addition to the above, a decoction of the peel is used for inflammatory processes. This may surprise many, but pomegranate peel is also used in cosmetology and in medicines used for burns. White overlaps in the ripe fruit can be dried and brewed with tea. Adding these overlaps will have a sedative effect on your body, calm the nervous system and sleep, and also relieve anxiety. Pomegranate seeds contain a substance that effectively fights cancer cells. There is absolutely no waste left from pomegranates; for use in various industries, medicine, cosmetology, cooking, the peel, flowers, bark, and seeds are used.

Pomegranate tea increases or decreases

pomegranate tea

Pomegranate tea can raise or lower blood pressure depending on how it is prepared.

There are two ways to make this drink:

  • Tea-pomegranate

To prepare, take regular tea (can be green or black). Pour boiling water over the teapot, pour tea into it and cover with a lid. After five minutes, add pomegranate juice and mix.

The ingredients are taken in the following proportion: one part of ready-made regular tea and one part of juice. You can add honey or granulated sugar to the drink to taste, and mint leaves or cinnamon to improve the taste.

  • Tea made from crusts

The fruit is washed well under running water and wiped. Carefully cut off the skin, removing the white layer from it. Finely chop the peel and add 200 ml of cold water. Infuse for one hour. Then put the drink in a water bath and leave for half an hour.

You can make tea from the dry peel of the fruit. One tablespoon of the product is infused in a glass of boiling water until the water acquires a reddish tint.

Dried peels are also used to make powder by grinding them using a blender or coffee grinder. It is recommended to drink this tea with added sugar, honey or jam.

Pomegranate tea drink is recommended for hypertensive patients. Due to the juice content, it reduces blood pressure by 5-10 ml.Hg. If you have low blood pressure, you can also drink the product, but not often.

Tea made from the peel of the fruit helps increase blood pressure. It is used for hypotension, several times a week.

Eating pomegranate pulp, according to many patients, helps reduce blood pressure. However, you should not eat the fruit every day.

Drinking pomegranate tea drink daily is not recommended. If used frequently, this drug can cause vomiting, constipation, migraines, and blurred vision.

By the way, the effect of pomegranate is very similar to the effect of coffee on blood pressure.

For hypertension

Pomegranate juice is used for hypertension due to the following properties:

  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • cleanse arteries and increase their lumen;
  • prevent the appearance of atherosclerotic deposits;
  • improve blood viscosity and saturate it with oxygen.

This action helps reduce pressure in the arteries. Therefore, the drink is recommended for hypertension, but you need to know how to use it correctly. To achieve the desired result, drink half a glass of pure undiluted juice three times a day between meals.

The juice should be consumed over several weeks. After this, take a break for 10 days. The first course of treatment will quickly give good results. Most patients who start taking the juice note a decrease in the frequency of attacks and stabilization of blood pressure to 140.110 mm Hg. Art.

But it is important to remember that using pomegranate juice alone for high blood pressure will not correct the situation. Therefore, we cannot do without traditional medicine.


Thus, how the fruit increases or decreases blood pressure, what its effect is - it all depends on the method of preparing the drink. Pomegranate has a dual effect on blood pressure.

To reduce it, people with hypertension are recommended to regularly drink a small amount of pomegranate juice. This product strengthens cardiac and vascular muscles, preventing pressure surges.

It is better for hypotensive patients to take tea brewed on the peel of the fruit. Drinking this tea will help dilate blood vessels and stabilize blood pressure.

For treatment to be effective, drinks must be prepared correctly. Juice and tea from pomegranate fruits should not be drunk if the patient has contraindications to eating pomegranate.

Research by scientists on the effect of pomegranate on blood pressure

The properties of pomegranate and its juice have been studied for a long time. Today it has been established that the fetus actually affects blood pressure, the vascular and nervous systems of humans. Previously, a kind of experiment was conducted using two groups of people with a history of hypertension. The first group regularly drank pomegranate juice throughout the experiment, 300 g per day. The other group drank only water. At the same time, control pressure measurements were taken every week. Hypertensive patients from the first group showed normal results over time. People from the second group had high blood pressure, especially after physical activity.

Video on the topic

Video about the possibilities of using pomegranate in nutrition:

Thus, pomegranate juice is useful for hypertension and allows you to safely get rid of the disease at the initial stage. The drink has a very gentle effect on the human body. The result is noticeable after two weeks of daily use. The decrease and normalization of pressure occurs gradually. At the same time, the fruit has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and strengthens venous and arterial vessels. But it must be used correctly; the course of treatment should not exceed a month.

For hypotension

People with this diagnosis are interested in whether pomegranate juice increases blood pressure or not. Although the drink has a beneficial effect on the body, it is better to avoid it if blood pressure levels are low. Although combining it with other ingredients can improve the condition of hypotension.

To do this, you need to dilute a glass of juice half and half with water and add a few teaspoons of cognac. This remedy will first have a dilating effect on the blood vessels, but then narrow them. The effect of cognac will last for quite a long time, and at this time pomegranate juice will saturate the body with useful substances.

Pomegranate juice and blood pressure can be a pretty dangerous combination. Therefore, you should select the correct proportions, and it is better to consult your doctor first.

How to choose the right pomegranates and juice

Choose a pomegranate. The fruit should be a little dry on the outside, but juicy on the inside. Ripe pomegranates are heavier than unripe ones. A good fruit has a dark red hue with orange splashes. The absence of dark spots indicates compliance with storage conditions and absence of damage during transportation.

When choosing a ready-made drink, you should pay attention to the expiration date and storage method. Then you need to study its composition: it should not contain preservatives or flavors. A good option is to prepare the juice at home yourself.

Healing properties of pomegranate

It is important to know!

Vessels become dirty very quickly, especially in older people. To do this, you don’t need to eat burgers or fries all day long. It is enough to eat one sausage or scrambled egg for some amount of cholesterol to be deposited in the blood vessels. Over time, pollution accumulates... Read more »

Fruity, deep red nectar, due to its high potassium content, has a positive effect on the functioning of the myocardium, and it also strengthens blood flow well.

Potassium is important for the functioning of the most important human organ; it takes an active part in the functioning of the valves and interventricular septa of the heart muscle. Vegetable protein sodium in the structure has a beneficial effect on the growth of muscle muscles.

Vitamin C plays an important role; it is an antioxidant, prevents the penetration and activity of viruses, and strengthens the immune system. A positive effect of ascorbic acid on arteries, veins, and capillaries has been noticed. The substance strengthens the walls, gives elasticity and increases vascular tone. The vitamin prevents the development of varicose veins and blockage of blood flow. Magnesium is invaluable for brain functioning and normalizes the nervous system. Makes the body resistant to stress and various negative external stimuli.

The ability of pomegranate to cleanse the body of waste and toxins helps prevent many diseases, and all of the above can be appreciated by people suffering from changes in blood counts.

Pomegranate can normalize any tonometer values. The result depends on how the pomegranate is consumed, what it is combined with and in what doses it is consumed.

How to make a pomegranate drink

This drink is quite good and for pomegranate lovers the taste is absolutely perfect! In addition, it can be enriched with mint or lemon.

To prepare you will need:

  • 1 glass;
  • 1 ripe pomegranate (with the peel intact, the base should not be moldy).

Squeeze all the pomegranate pulp in a juicer. If you don't have a juicer, grind the pulp until it has the consistency of mush. Then strain through a sieve (you can use a spoon to help) and squeeze out all the liquid. The remainder will be a good ingredient in a healthy smoothie.

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