Birch tar for hemorrhoids


The disease manifests itself in two forms:

  • outer;
  • interior.

During development, pathology goes through several stages. In the first stages, a person often does not even suspect the disease. When hemorrhoids are not diagnosed in a timely manner (at this point it is quite easy to cure), inflammation begins to progress.

Development of hemorrhoids

In the final stages, signs of the disease bring severe discomfort. A painful act of defecation, sometimes it is difficult for the patient to walk and even sit, hemorrhoidal cones fall out both during bowel movements and with slight physical effort. It is difficult to straighten them on your own, bleeding becomes profuse, and bleeding develops.

The last stages of the pathology, in the absence of adequate treatment, provoke the occurrence of complications. In this case, surgical intervention becomes inevitable.

External use of tar for hemorrhoids

External use of tar for hemorrhoids

While proctologists are ambivalent about taking the substance internally, both in pure and diluted form, its external use is recommended by them as an analgesic, disinfectant, and healing agent. There are many cases where timely treatment started led to the complete cessation of the disease.

The most common procedures for external hemorrhoids and anorectal fissures are lotions, compresses, ointments and baths.

The latter can be water with potassium permanganate, steam, smoke.

Water baths in a sitting position

  1. Dissolve a little potassium permanganate in 2 liters of warm water, then add 1 tbsp to the slightly pink mixture. tar. It is best to use a special basin that can be placed on the toilet and sit comfortably in it. If this is not the case, first think about the convenience during the procedure.
  2. Mix the water thoroughly and sit in it until the anorectal area is completely submerged.
  3. The procedure time is from 5 to 10 minutes, no more, the water will have time to cool down. If you feel a strong burning sensation, stop treatment and repeat in a day.
  4. Dry the perineum with a soft cloth, apply any antihemorrhoidal liniment, cover, and lie down for at least half an hour.

The course is at least 14 days, daily, morning and evening.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids using smoke baths

Contraindicated during pregnancy, paraprocedure, menstruation, bleeding from the anus.

Cooking method:

  1. pour a few drops of tar (no more than 5) onto a brick heated on a gas stove;
  2. put it in a regular bucket, cover with a lid with a hole for the anus;
  3. sit on top, covered with a large towel or light blanket.
  4. the duration of the procedure is while steam is coming from the brick.

Usually 5 – 7 days are enough for the pain and bumps to go away.

Steam sitz baths

Boil half a bucket of water, add 1-2 tbsp. means, carefully, so as not to get burned, sit on top of the bucket so that the steam falls directly on the inflamed area.

If you feel it is too hot, wait a couple of minutes until the water cools down a bit. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids using manganese tar baths

This method has received many positive reviews from patients. It consists in the fact that you will have to immerse yourself completely in the bath, for 5-15 minutes, until the water cools down. First add a few crystals of potassium permanganate, until slightly pink, and 3-5 drops of birch concentrate. Leave the heart area free.

Many people are embarrassed by the unpleasant smell, but you can get rid of it if you add aromatic oil or salt, lemon juice, a decoction of mint, and other medicinal herbs.

Carry out the procedure before going to bed, since after a bath it is advisable to insert a tampon soaked in tar inside.

Don't be alarmed if you feel a slight burning sensation. Experts explain this by the antimicrobial effect of the drug.


Tar lotions
In case of local external inflammation, tar lotions are often used instead of baths.

To do this, dissolve 1 drop of the substance in a glass of warm water and soak gauze folded in several layers with it.

Apply 2-3 times a day for 2-5 minutes. The procedure is repeated morning and evening.

You can prepare a decoction based on medicinal herbs and tar. To do this you should take:

  • hop cones – 20 g;
  • burdock – 20 g;
  • St. John's wort – 20 g;
  • yarrow – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter.
  2. Add 10 ml of tar to the solution and dissolve.
  3. Soak gauze folded in several layers with the broth and apply to the inflamed area for 15 minutes.

Course - 5 days, twice a day.

Applying the substance to the problem area

The simplest but most effective method that quickly relieves swelling and dries out wounds. Apply a clean tar solution to the anorectal area using a cotton pad or bandage and leave overnight.

Special soap

This special soap is called tar soap and is sold in many hardware stores:

  • lubricate the painful area of ​​the perineum with it:
  • leave for a few minutes;
  • Rinse well with clean, preferably boiled water.

The effect of the procedure is not only therapeutic, but also preventive.

Homemade ointment

Used to treat anal fissures and ulcers.

It's quite simple to prepare:

  1. Mix tar with pork lard or lamb fat in equal quantities until smooth.
  2. The last ingredients can be replaced with butter, any vegetable oil or Vaseline.
  3. Transfer to a jar with a lid and let sit for several hours.
  4. Keep refrigerated.

Before use, test to ensure there is no allergic reaction to the substance. Apply the ointment to the wrist area and leave for 30 minutes. If there is no rash, then the product can be used by applying a small amount to the inflamed area daily after hygiene procedures.

Vishnevsky ointment

Birch tar is included in the compositions of other ointments, but it is Vishnevsky’s liniment that contains the most successful combination of active substances for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  • Birch tar acts as an antiseptic that disinfects the surface of wounds, preventing the purulent process. It increases blood supply to the anorectal area, eliminates blood stagnation, and has a regenerating effect;
  • xeroform - an antiseptic with an astringent, drying effect;
  • castor oil enhances the effectiveness of other components, soothes and softens the skin and mucous membranes.

It is recommended by proctologists for both internal and external hemorrhoids, but for the treatment exclusively of stage 1 of the disease.

In the future, Vishnevsky ointment can only help in combination with other, more serious medications.

Indications for use are:

  • inflammation, swelling in the perineum;
  • the appearance of anal fissures, ulcers;
  • pain, burning, itching;
  • infection, the appearance of pus.

Methods of using Vishnevsky ointment
Directions for use:

  • For external hemorrhoids, soak a small piece of bandage with ointment and apply it to the perineal area for at least 48 hours. Change the compress as it dries. Fix with adhesive tape. The bandage must be sterile. During this time, swelling and inflammation will subside. After the procedure, you can apply tampons with rosehip or sea buckthorn oil for several days.
  • For internal hemorrhoids, microenemas or compresses are given, but strictly as prescribed by the doctor. He will determine the number of procedures and duration of treatment.

Before use, several prerequisites must be met:

  1. For three days, disinfect the perineum with a weak solution of manganese.
  2. Apply the ointment after bowel movements and mandatory hygiene procedures.

Advantages of liniment:

  • low cost;
  • natural composition;
  • no serious side effects or contraindications;
  • complex effect on the body.

The disadvantages include:

  • Strong smell;
  • marks left on linen after use;
  • a fatty film formed on the surface of wounds, which promotes the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms underneath;
  • outdated pharmacological properties compared to more modern analogues.

The ointment has virtually no contraindications. Only in some cases can it cause local irritation and itching. If allergic reactions are suspected, an appropriate test should be performed first.


The disease is treated in different ways:

  • treatment of hemorrhoids with tar;
  • healing with medications;
  • purpose of operations;
  • use of folk remedies.

Birch tar is considered a popular remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids. In appearance, this product resembles a thick, dark-colored oily liquid. The product has a specific pungent odor.

Birch tar for hemorrhoids can be used in different ways:

  • in its pure form;
  • as part of other medicinal products.

In addition, it is worth considering the option of using tar soap for hemorrhoids as a hygiene product. Read more about soap in the article by our author.

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids with birch tar

If hemorrhoidal cones are located deep in the anus, you should use the product in the following ways:

  1. Tampons with birch tar. Apply tar to a cotton swab, insert it into the anus and leave overnight. Please note that upon contact of the product with the mucous membrane, itching and burning may occur.
  2. Candles with tar for hemorrhoids. To prepare such a candle, you need to take lamb or pork fat, mix it with tar and insert it into the anus overnight.

Read also

Aloe for hemorrhoids

Methods of internal use of birch tar for hemorrhoids

Fans of alternative medicine recommend using tar internally to get rid of the symptoms of hemorrhoids. This can be done in various ways:

You can also treat hemorrhoids with tar by applying it internally.

  1. Tar dissolved in milk. You must initially add 1 drop of the product to a glass of milk. Then, over the course of 10 days, you should add one more drop. Then in reverse order bring to 2 drops. Such drinking improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and generally has a beneficial effect on the body.
  2. Tar water. To prepare the product, you need to add 500 grams of tar to 4 liters of water. Infuse the drug for 2 days, then strain and take 100 ml in the morning before meals.
  3. Bread with birch tar. Apply 5 drops of the drug to a piece of bread and eat at night. Next time, apply one drop more, and so increase to 10. After this, you should reduce the number of drops by one every day.

It is worth considering that traditional medicine does not encourage the use of tar internally.

Composition and properties of birch tar

Birch has been widely used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. For the treatment of many diseases the following is used:

  • juice;
  • leaves;
  • pollen;
  • plant buds.

Birch leaves and bark

Tar is obtained from tree bark by distillation. The pungent odor of this product is given by:

  • toluene;
  • cresol;
  • phenol;
  • benzene;
  • guaiacol;
  • xylene;
  • resinous substances.

The product contains active components:

  • salicylic acid;
  • catechins;
  • betulin;
  • leukoanthocyanins;
  • tannins.

Due to the presence of a rich composition in birch tar, the treatment of hemorrhoids is more effective. Treatment of hemorrhoids with birch tar is accelerated due to the bactericidal and antiseptic effect of the product.

Useful properties of tar

The healing properties of tar for hemorrhoids

This is a viscous substance of rich dark brown, almost black color with a pungent odor. The substance is obtained from the bark by dry distillation. Tar helps not only to treat hemorrhoids, dermatitis or wound healing; the substance is also used to lubricate a creaky cart or shine boots.

Birch tar

Birch tar is unique in its composition; it contains more than 10,000 components with various beneficial properties, the main ones being:

  • phytoncides - natural antibiotics, substances that relieve inflammation, act on viruses;
  • bioflavonoids (leukoanthocyanins, catechins) are unique antioxidants that rejuvenate skin cells, and when taken orally, the whole body;
  • tannins – demonstrate tanning, astringent properties, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and mucous membranes, which is especially valuable for hemorrhoids;
  • betulin – improves the functioning of the digestive system, exhibiting antiviral, antiseptic, antimutagenic properties when used externally and internally;
  • salicylic acid - blocks excessive secretion of sebum (sebum), has a keratoplastic, and in high doses - keratolytic effect, improves the condition of the perianal area. Due to phenol, it has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, antipyretic effects;
  • cresols are disinfectants of the surface on which they are used;
  • toluene – antiseptic;
  • xylene – reduces pain due to its narcotic effect;
  • guaiacol - an antiseptic that resists suppuration of nodes;
  • Resins are emulsifiers in tar with antiseptic and laxative properties.

For hemorrhoids, birch tar is valued for its bactericidal and antiseptic effect; the substance has:

  • local anesthetic effect;
  • the ability to heal wounds and cracks;
  • astringent properties;
  • activity in cleansing wounds from necrotic tissue;
  • signs of a keratolytic agent that softens tissue.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with birch tar restores microcirculation of the anorectal area and regenerates the rectum mucosa. However, when using a folk remedy, dosage is very important, since all components are quite toxic and aggressive; consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Birch tar suppresses inflammation by blocking germs and viruses. Along with the relief of the inflammatory process, all the unpleasant symptoms that accompany the formation and development of hemorrhoids disappear: itching, burning, pain, pastiness. The wounds begin to heal and the bruising stops. The folk remedy is popular in the treatment of hemorrhoids, as it reduces the risk of tumor growth by inhibiting the synthesis of atypical cells.

The benefits of birch tar for hemorrhoids

The product has the following actions:

  • local anesthetic;
  • healing wounds;
  • astringent;
  • cleansing wounds of dead tissue;
  • softening keratinized areas.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with birch tar improves blood circulation and also helps restore the mucous membrane. In addition, the product enhances the process of blood microcirculation and provides the receptors with a reflex effect. The disinfecting effect is provided by phytoncides and cresol, as well as phenol, which disinfects surfaces. Guaiacol helps stop the process of suppuration.

Important! Substances contained in tar are aggressive components. It is for this reason that birch tar for hemorrhoids should be used only after consulting a doctor.

How does birch tar work?

Birch tar for hemorrhoids

If you are ready to experience any miracle of nature, just not to go to the doctor with this supposedly shameful problem, be internally prepared that you will still have to see the doctor. Only with an advanced disease. Most folk recipes are effective for stage 1 hemorrhoids: not the most severe disease, when the hemorrhoids have not yet come out.

Birch tar - how it works:

  1. Inhibits the growth of bacteria and reduces their number;
  2. Minimizes inflammation;
  3. Reduces hyperemia and swelling;
  4. Accelerates healing processes in tissues;
  5. Helps close exposed blood vessels;
  6. Relieves itching and pain in the anal area.

Bleeding caused by hemorrhoids
It is also believed that treatment with tar reduces the intensity of bleeding caused by hemorrhoids.

By the way, tar is used not only for hemorrhoids, but also for completely different diseases - frostbite, sore throat, burns, chronic otitis media, night blindness, etc.

Recipes with tar

Treatment of hemorrhoids with birch tar at home can be carried out in different ways:

  • take the drug internally;
  • apply tampons and ointment rectally;
  • arrange steam tar baths.

The attending physician will tell you which form of treatment to choose.

Homemade ointment

You can prepare a healing remedy with your own hands.

Use of tar
For the recipe you will need:

  • tar;
  • lamb or pork fat.

Mix all components until smooth. The recommended dosage of components is 1:1. Apply the resulting composition to the affected area.

Before the procedure, you must do an allergy test. To do this, you will need to lubricate your wrist with a small amount of birch tar. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes. If a rash does not appear on the skin, then the ointment can be used for medicinal purposes.

You can prepare the ointment in other ways. Mix the main component with Vaseline in a ratio of 1:10. The composition must be infused, and then the medicine can be used to treat the external form of the disease. Apply the ointment after defecation and washing the anal area with water.

Oral administration

In order for the treatment of the disease to be more successful, it is necessary to be treated comprehensively. It is necessary to influence the inflammatory response both externally and internally. Internal reception funds are designed to help with this.

The following recipes show excellent results in the fight against this pathology.

  1. Add 1 drop of natural product to 200 ml of milk. You need to add a drop daily. The course of treatment is 10 days. From the next day, the number of drops must be reduced by one part and brought to 2 drops per cup of dairy product.
  2. You can eat a piece of bread with tar. It is appropriate to carry out such actions before bedtime. It is not advisable to drink or eat tar.

After a few days, the body will get used to the specific taste and smell of the product.

Such therapy requires adherence to the following regimen: the course should begin with 5 drops, which should be doubled over a few days, adding a drop daily. Then take the same dosage for another half a month, and then reduce it, bringing it to 2. The entire course of treatment is 24 days. To prevent the disease, repeat procedures can be arranged, but only after six months.

Creation of tar water

For internal use, it is recommended to use tar water. To obtain it, put half a kilo of tar in spring water (4 liters), stir the mass thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Then close the vessel tightly and leave it for 2 days. Then you need to carefully remove the foam from the solution, pour the liquid into the bottle, closing it hermetically. This will be called tar water. You should drink 100 g of it on an empty stomach. When infectious diseases are present, it is recommended to dilute birch tar in milk.

Tar with manganese baths

Many patients leave only positive reviews about this medicinal product. For therapy they used a tar-manganese bath. During the procedure, you need to lie in a container of hot water, which contains potassium permanganate.

You should take a bath until it cools down, then apply tar to a tampon or cotton wool and carefully insert it into the anus. The medicine must be kept overnight. Please note that the pure product may cause a strong burning sensation. This phenomenon is considered a normal reaction, since the process of destruction of pathogenic flora is noted. But this unpleasant discomfort is not a reason to stop the procedure.

Sitz baths

Birch tar preparationA sitz bath is a very effective method of combating pathology.
You need to take hot water, but not boiling water, add tar. The proportion is as follows: 1 tbsp. l. natural remedy for 2 liters of water. Pour the solution into a container and sit down so that the anus is immersed in the liquid. Perform the manipulation for 10 minutes. After the procedure, you need to cover yourself with a blanket and lie down for 30 minutes. The procedure is best performed before bedtime. A steam bath is also widely used to treat this pathology. You will need an iron container, place a heated brick in it, and drip 5 drops of this product on top of it. Then cover the basin with a wooden lid, which has a hole in the middle. The patient should sit on the container and place the anus over the hole in the wooden lid. If there is a strong burning sensation, stop the manipulation until a comfortable temperature is achieved.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky ointment

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, Vishnevsky ointment, which contains birch tar, is often prescribed. When the patient has external hemorrhoids, they should be treated with undiluted product or the product should be applied to them on a cotton swab.

If the patient has internal lumps, it is necessary to lubricate them with Vishnevsky ointment. The product is applied to a tampon and inserted into the rectum overnight. The number of such procedures for pathology is not limited, although several manipulations are usually enough, since pain relief and swelling are eliminated quickly.

The drug helps reduce swelling of the anorectal area, as well as tissue regeneration and pain reduction during exacerbation of the inflammatory process. Vishnevsky ointment cleanses wound surfaces of pus. The product does not have any contraindications, unlike the pure product.

The drug is characterized by a warming effect; it enhances blood transport to the affected area. The result of this is an intensification of the developing inflammatory process under the film of fat of the ointment, an infiltrate begins to form, and the purulent contents break out.

You can read more about the features of using Vishnevsky ointment for hemorrhoids in the article by our specialist proctologist.

How to make homemade tar ointment

Treatment with birch tar for hemorrhoids can also be carried out using a homemade ointment. For a simple recipe, you need the tar itself, as well as pork or lamb fat. All components should be mixed into a homogeneous composition. The optimal dosage is one to one. The composition is applied to the affected area.

Just be sure to do an allergy test the day before. Lubricate the wrist area with a small amount of birch tar and leave this mixture for half an hour. If rash and redness do not appear, you can use the ointment for therapeutic purposes.

Instead of pork and lamb fat, it is permissible to take Vaseline. The composition must be infused, then the medicine can be used for external hemorrhoids. Apply the ointment only after bowel movements and washing the anus.

No prescription based on birch tar can be used if you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, if you have an intolerance to the component, if you currently have an exacerbation of psoriasis, and such treatment is also prohibited for pregnant women.


Despite many positive qualities, the resinous product has certain contraindications. It is not allowed to use the product:

  • for kidney diseases;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the main component;
  • with psoriasis in the acute stage;
  • with psoriatic erythroderma;
  • during pregnancy.

Consult a doctor


In the event that the inflammatory process and cones are located inside the colon, then birch tar is used internally in the form of tampons, tar suppositories or drops.


  1. The procedure is carried out before bed, after a warm bath with the addition of tar and manganese to disinfect the surface of the mucous membrane.
  2. A small piece of sterile bandage is soaked in pure substance or Vishnevsky ointment and carefully inserted into the rectum.
  3. Leave overnight, for 6-8 hours.
  4. In the morning the tampon is removed. After emptying, the remaining substance will be excreted in the feces.
  5. Usually 4-5 procedures are enough for the inflammation to go away.

Remember that itching and burning sensations are normal and indicate that the drug is working.

Tar suppositories for hemorrhoids

Tar suppositories for hemorrhoids
You can buy them ready-made at the pharmacy, or you can prepare them at home yourself:

  • from tar soap;
  • from a sterile bandage soaked in the product;
  • from homemade ointment, previously frozen in the form of a used suppository.

Typically, rectal suppositories are placed 2 times a day until the inflammation goes away:

  1. It is strictly necessary to maintain hygiene during this period. It is necessary to wash the perineal area before and after the procedure, wipe it thoroughly, and lubricate it with any vegetable oil.
  2. Before inserting a suppository at night, doctors recommend making a warm sitz bath with the addition of potassium permanganate and tar.
  3. This option cannot be ruled out: first insert the suppository rectally, and then dip the perineum into a basin with the prepared solution.
  4. If you cannot insert a tar suppository into the anus, you can pre-lubricate it with Vaseline or baby cream.
  5. When a warm bath causes a strong burning sensation, you can replace the tar with a decoction of birch leaves.

Adding to food

Despite the fact that the substance has a pungent odor and specific taste, some people successfully take it internally to treat hemorrhoids, assuring that after a few days the “aroma” of tar is not felt at all.

Tar with milk

Take in the morning, on an empty stomach:

  • First dissolve 1 drop of the substance in 150-200 ml of warm milk;
  • the next day - 2 drops, and so on, every day until the number of drops reaches 10.
  • then the volume of tar is reduced daily, bringing it to 2 drops.

Treatment takes almost a month and can be taken to prevent the disease.

Tar water or birch tar tincture

Used mainly for internal hemorrhoids.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve 250 g of the prepared product in 2 liters of water at room temperature, dissolve well and mix.
  2. Leave covered for 48 hours.
  3. Skim off the foam that forms on top and pour into a glass container.
  4. Best stored in the refrigerator.

Allow the sediment to settle, take half a glass of infusion daily for 2-3 weeks on an empty stomach, before breakfast.

Tar with bread

The application scheme has its own characteristics:

  1. On the first day, drop 5 drops of the product onto a small piece of bread using a pipette. Eat at night, before going to bed. It is not recommended to eat or drink.
  2. On all subsequent days, add 1 drop, bringing the total amount to 10.
  3. There is such a “sandwich” for 10 – 14 days.
  4. Then, from day 15, reduce the amount of the substance by 1 drop every day, stopping at 2.

The course lasts 24 days, it can be repeated after 6 months.

The importance of prior consultation with a doctor

The use of birch resin is associated not only with contraindications, but also with complications. If there is an allergic reaction accompanied by redness and rash, treatment should be stopped. Long-term therapy with this product in large quantities can lead to kidney pathology.

Important! If the tar causes a burning sensation and severe pain, it is recommended to stop treatment. Before getting healthy, you should definitely consult a proctologist. It is especially undesirable to use such a product in the last stages of hemorrhoids.

Possible troubles when treating hemorrhoids with tar

Birch tar, like any medicine, can cause allergic reactions due to individual intolerance by the body. This can manifest itself in the form of a rash, itching, and skin irritation. They are especially often observed when using it undiluted.

The specified proportions of all formulations should also be strictly observed to avoid possible overdose.

In order to avoid complications and unexpected reactions of the body, consult with your doctor to select the optimal methods for treating hemorrhoids with birch tar.

Can birch tar cause complications?

Sometimes this medicine is irritating. If, for example, birch tar is found on the mucous membranes, even in a diluted state it can cause a burning sensation.

Therefore, to prevent allergies, carry out the test:

  • Apply the product to a small area of ​​skin;
  • If during the day you notice a rash or even slight redness, you should discard the product.

It is also worth noting that tar has a negative effect on the kidneys. If used in large quantities, it may cause kidney dysfunction. Therefore, the choice of technique is the prerogative of the doctor.

Where to buy birch tar

The cost of birch tar in pharmacies
Ask for the product at pharmacies in your city. The natural product is produced at Russian enterprises and is inexpensive. Depending on the volume of the bottle - 30, 40 or 50 ml - its cost averages from 35 to 40 rubles.

You can order online by choosing trusted suppliers. These can also be pharmacies, herbal stores, individual entrepreneurs-herbalists, etc.

Birch tar has strong antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, hemostatic and other properties that are useful for hemorrhoids. But its use is advisable only at stage 1 of the disease. In addition, many patients report severe burning and discomfort during the procedure, which can cause exacerbation of the disease and serious complications. Therefore, strictly follow the dosages and treatment regimens. And of course, therapy must be agreed upon with the attending physician.


The drug copes well with its healing task. This is evidenced by reviews from consumers who used birch tar for hemorrhoids.

“I used the “tar into milk” method. The taste is passable. It helped me, without any “sitz baths”, gauze swabs in sensitive areas and suppositories. It's great that there is a wide range of uses. Birch tar is easy to find in a pharmacy and is also easy to take. As they say, we treat pathology without unnecessary hemorrhoids.”

Alexey Yaremin, 40 years old, Krasnogorsk:

“I was tormented by a piquant problem. I once read on the Internet that the most popular way to treat hemorrhoids is birch tar. They say the results are visible almost immediately. And it’s true: I tried it and I saw it. I put rectal suppositories on myself, and once even sat in the bathtub, reading a book. If it weren’t for the burning sensation, I would even say that the course went without any unpleasant moments.”

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