Is it possible to drink a lot of water with high blood pressure and how much should you drink to treat hypertension?
Hypertension is the name given to high blood pressure in a person who has problems with the cardiovascular system.
What to do with back pain and exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis?
Acute condition of coronary heart disease, accompanied by necrosis of one or more areas of the heart muscle,
Cardiac aneurysm in newborns - is it worth panicking?
Local expansion of the vascular wall due to its stretching and thinning is called an aneurysm. The disease is characteristic
How to correctly measure blood pressure with a mechanical tonometer?
What pressure is considered normal? Pressure indicators vary depending on age, health status and
How long is a cardiac cardiogram valid before surgery?
What is an ECG? The procedure is a type of research in which changes in electrical potentials are recorded.
Structure of the heart
Increased electrical activity of the right ventricle
What is cardiography? The essence of cardiography is the study of electrical currents arising during the work of the heart.
Varicose veins in women
Varicose veins in women: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention
What kind of illness is this? Causes Symptoms at different stages of political science Features of internal varicose veins Consequences
Why does arrhythmia appear in osteochondrosis?
Arrhythmia and osteochondrosis: what is the connection between pathologies?
Can there be arrhythmia and extrasystole of the heart with osteochondrosis? Arrhythmia in osteochondrosis occurs when
Is it possible to die from vegetative vascular dystonia
Why is vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) dangerous and its consequences?
Why does VSD occur? VSD is a congenital genetic disease that most often begins to develop in a child
Blood pressure 150 over 70 (50): reasons, what to do?
Blood pressure 150 over 60, 70: what does this mean, what to do?
03/15/2018 Last modified: December 26th, 2020 at 06:27 pm A person’s blood pressure depends on
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