Pulse 90: normal or not, what you can take at home, and when to see a doctor

How to correctly determine the pulse. Normal for an adult

The habit of checking your pulse can be classified as important and advisable.
The modern rhythm of life requires sufficient tension in the nervous system and heart muscle in adults. You can learn to properly control the vital activity of the heart by regularly checking your pulse and taking preventive measures if interruptions occur. Pulse is the main indicator of the body's functioning. Let's get to the bottom of this: how many heart beats per minute is normal for adults.

The habit of checking your pulse can be classified as important and advisable. The modern rhythm of life requires sufficient tension in the nervous system and heart muscle in adults. You can learn to properly control the vital activity of the heart by regularly checking your pulse and taking preventive measures if interruptions occur. Pulse is the main indicator of the body's functioning.

What means?

A pulse of 90 beats per minute or more does not indicate health problems if it is caused by running, fast walking or other active sports, stress or fear, anxiety, restlessness, or sexual arousal.

When playing sports or other physical activity, stress and overexertion, all body systems enter a more active phase of work. Also, in the heat of summer, the thyroid gland is activated, as a result of which the heart beats at an accelerated pace and a high pulse appears. In such situations, heart rate increases temporarily and this is not dangerous; the number of beats at rest returns to normal within 5 minutes.

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How many beats per minute should a healthy person's heart beat?

This is the frequency of oscillations of the arterial walls, determined by the heart rhythm. Reflects the number of heart beats over a period of time. It is a key indicator of the functioning of the heart and related human systems. To the seemingly simple question of how many beats per minute the heart should beat, many will give the wrong answer.

There is no definite answer, since even in a practically healthy person this indicator changes significantly under different conditions.

Still, there are some norms, deviation from which indicates the presence of serious pathologies of the body.

Most of them are related to the cardiovascular system.

This is the frequency of oscillations of the arterial walls, determined by the heart rhythm. Reflects the number of heart beats over a period of time. It is a key indicator of the functioning of the heart and related human systems. To the seemingly simple question of how many beats per minute the heart should beat, many will give the wrong answer.

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