List of foods that thin the blood and prevent blood clots

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the modern world, which is why many people use blood thinners. While medications are often associated with side effects, certain products provide the same results.

Few people know that viscous or too thick blood needs to be thinned. After all, this is often the cause of poor blood flow, and therefore low oxygen enrichment. In addition, increased viscosity leads to the formation of blood clots. That's why we bring to your attention products that thin the blood, as well as a list of those that have the opposite effect.

But it's worth noting that the term "blood thinner" is a bit ambiguous because the blood is not actually thinned. Drugs and products only prevent blood clotting. But since the term "blood thinner" is widely used in the vernacular and thus understood by everyone, we use it in this article, even if it is technically incorrect.

The most effective natural blood thinning products: list

Blood thinners and home remedies promise relief just as good as medications. Not only are these foods healthy, but they also suppress inflammation. They also prevent the formation of clots in blood vessels. They reduce the risk of thrombosis and other cardiovascular diseases. First, let's study the most effective ones.

  • And ginger is known as a natural blood thinner. But there is a certain correction here - for a therapeutic effect, the dose must be large. Just a slice in tea or a spoonful of spice in a dish will only give a preventive effect and improve blood circulation.
  • Onions are good for the whole body and for the blood, including. Add more onions to your diet to prevent platelet aggregation. Onions contain adenosine, which acts as an anticoagulant. And they prevent blood clotting. At the same time, onions also have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, strengthen the immune system and the muscles of the heart, as well as its great vessels. Ideally, eat the product raw!
  • With garlic you prevent almost all cardiovascular diseases. It has antibiotic properties that lower blood pressure. It also lowers cholesterol levels, dissolves blood clots and prevents blood clots. But we dose it wisely - 2-3 cloves per day is enough.
  • Goji berries. They are also considered a natural blood thinner. When combined with pharmaceuticals, you must be careful because a mixture of the two ingredients may promote blood clotting rather than inhibit it.
  • Cayenne pepper. The ingredient capsaicin, which is found in cayenne pepper, promotes blood circulation, vasodilation and blood thinning. Cayenne pepper is best consumed raw in juices or salads.
  • Dark chocolate contains a lot of cocoa, which is based on theobromine, a powerful blood thinning agent. Also, the active ingredients contained in cocoa - oligomeric proanthocyanidins and highly concentrated phytochemical flavonoids - inhibit blood clotting. But we indulge in the delicacy wisely - a maximum of 70 g, and even better - dissolve one square from the tile in your mouth if necessary.
  • Tea mushroom. To help thin your blood, try drinking kombucha. Kombucha is a lightly fermented drink made from sweetened black or green tea, made by fermenting the tea using a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast.

These are the main liquefying leaders!
These are the main liquefying leaders!

The best blood thinners of the antiplatelet group

The action of antiplatelet agents is aimed at preventing platelets from sticking together. Medicines in this group are used in the treatment of cardiac diseases such as the consequences of ischemic stroke, angina pectoris, peripheral artery disease, the prevention of heart attack and treatment of its consequences, as well as bypass surgery and stenosis of the coronary arteries.


The action of this drug is aimed at preventing occlusions of peripheral arteries, ischemic strokes, atrial fibrillation, and myocardial infarction. The active substance of Deplatt is clopidogrel. In medical practice, its combination with acetylsalicylic acid is often used. The interaction of these two substances is used to prevent thrombotic complications in the acute form of coronary syndrome. Deplatte is available in the form of tablets, the dosage of which is 75 mg. The following dosage regimen is usually prescribed: 1 tablet per day, regardless of meals. The average cost of this drug is 439 rubles.



  • Excellent connection with blood plasma proteins – 98-94%;
  • Ease of use;
  • Maximum concentration time is only 45 minutes;
  • Reasonable price.


  • The minimum age of use is 18 years.


Cardiomagnyl is a compound of two substances - acetylsalicylic acid and magnesium hydroxide. The mechanism of action of aspirin is aimed at blocking the synthesis of thromboxone and suppressing platelet aggregation. Magnesium hydroxide prevents the aggressive effects of acetylsalicylic acid on the mucous membranes of the digestive system.

This drug is used as protection against recurrent heart attack, for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis and thromboembolism, as well as unstable angina. Cardiomagnyl has several forms of release: 20 and 100 tablets. On average, the cost of this product is 116 rubles for 30 tablets. It is available without a prescription.



  • Affordable price;
  • Few contraindications;
  • Prevalence;
  • Efficiency.


  • Frequency of side effects.


Egithromb is used to prevent complications in ischemic stroke, occlusive arterial disease, myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome, atrial fibrillation, and unstable angina. The active ingredient in this drug is clopidogrel hydrosulfate. The advantage of Egithromb is its excellent binding to plasma proteins, which is 94-98%.

Inhibition of platelet aggregation occurs within 2 hours after administration of this medication. Maximum effectiveness appears after 4-7 days. This antiplatelet agent is available in the form of film-coated tablets. Their dosage is 75 mg. Release form – 14 and 28 pcs. packaged. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease. The minimum period is several days, the maximum is six months. 75% of the drug is excreted through the intestines, 46% through the kidneys. The average price of Egitromb is 883 rubles per package of 28 tablets.



  • High bioavailability;
  • Convenient dosage regimen – 1 tablet per day;
  • A small number of contraindications;
  • Greater efficiency.


  • High price;
  • Cannot be used by children under 18 years of age.


Curantil is available in packages of 40 (75 mg), 100 (25 mg) and 120 (25 mg) tablets. The active component of this product is dipyridamole. It has a wide range of effects on the body. The drug does an excellent job of improving placental and venous outflow, lowering blood pressure, dilating blood vessels, normalizing the rheological properties of blood, and reducing cerebral vascular resistance (especially important for people over 40 years of age). In addition, Curantil has proven itself to be an immunomodulator.

To prevent respiratory diseases and flu, 50 mg of the substance is prescribed once a week for 4 weeks. For the prevention of other diseases, the dose is increased to 75-600 mg per day, depending on the severity of the case. The tablets should be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach, with a small amount of liquid. On average, the price for a package of 120 tablets is 590 rubles.



  • Reasonable cost;
  • Wide scope of application;
  • Suitable for nursing and pregnant women;
  • Minimum number of contraindications;
  • Convenient release form.


  • Not detected.


The main active substance of Trental is pentoxifylline. Its advantage is the ability to thin the blood in 2 ways. In addition to reducing platelet aggregation, the substance also affects red blood cells, improving their ability to tolerate deformation. Also, the use of this medicine helps to reduce the concentration of fibrinogen, the activity and adhesion of leukocytes.

Trental is used for poor blood circulation in the choroid and retina of the eyes, cerebral circulation disorders, degenerative changes, diabetic genesis, otosclerosis, occlusive disease and trophic disorders. It is also often used to treat chronic peripheral circulatory disorders in older people. Packages are available in 400 (400 mg), 60 (100 mg) and 20 (400 mg) tablets. You can also purchase a concentrate for making your own solution. The average price of Trental is 496 rubles for 60 tablets.



  • Good price;
  • High bioavailability;
  • Convenient release form;
  • The optimum ratio of price and quality;
  • Complex action.


  • There are many contraindications.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Acetylsalicylic acid is a budget over-the-counter antiplatelet agent that is highly effective not only in the prevention of blood clots. This substance is used to treat inflammation, reduce fever and reduce pain. Often used for fever, Kawasaki disease, arthritis, pericarditis, headaches, varicose veins, cardiovascular diseases. Also, this medication has proven itself well in the prevention of heart attacks and strokes.

This drug is supplied in packages of 10, 20, 30 and 40 tablets, where the amount of active ingredient is 500 mg. There are also packages of 30 and 20 tablets with quantities of 100 and 300 mg. The dosage of aspirin depends on the type of disease. The minimum amount of substance per dose is 0.1 g, the maximum is 3 g. On average, the cost for 20 tablets is 15 rubles.

Acetylsalicylic acid is on the list of important medicines of the Russian Federation and the World Health Organization.

Acetylsalicylic acid


  • Low price;
  • Proven safety;
  • Wide range of therapeutic actions;
  • Quick results;
  • Lots of positive reviews.


  • A considerable number of contraindications.

Drinks as blood thinners

Blood thinning products are based on proper drinking diet!

  • Pure water . As cliche as it sounds, most people are dehydrated and don't even know it. Dehydration thickens the blood, increasing the risk of blood clots, and leads to oxygen deprivation. Make sure you consume a minimum of 8 glasses per day to prevent such results.
  • Green tea is simply a huge composition of vitamins, including those with the letter E, and antioxidants. Almost every one of us has heard about its benefits. And we will not tire of repeating that this is the best substitute for coffee and even black tea. It prevents the oxidation of platelets and red blood cells, thins and cleanses the blood. True, you should drink it without sugar.
  • Cocoa with water or with a small amount of milk. We spoke above about its product in the form of dark chocolate. But the drink also requires attention. After all, it activates the brain and the production of endorphins, which is responsible for our good mood, and also thins the blood. There is just one drawback - sugar reduces all these benefits. In addition, in water the product is even more tasteless and even slightly bitter. But extremely useful!
  • Pomegranate juice is full of polyphenols, and this can also improve blood flow. By the way, this helps reduce systolic blood pressure. Try drinking half a glass of pomegranate juice every day to notice results.
  • Also worth noting are chicory and hibiscus, as well as tea made from prickly African plants (Rooibos). Treat yourself to them as your main drink after water and compotes.
  • Now we will talk about oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs). Adequate supply is found in red wine and grape seed extract, as well as lingonberries, viburnum and blueberries. The antioxidant protects blood vessels from free radicals, relieves swelling and ensures better blood flow. To put it simply and in accessible language, you need to drink grape juice and red wine. Ideally, they should be homemade, without the addition of chemicals.

Important: But we remind you that you should not get carried away with alcohol. You can drink no more than 100 ml of wine per day. And do not forget that systematic use, even for medicinal purposes, can be addictive!

Equally important: All vegetable and fruit juices (individually or in any composition) have a positive effect on reducing blood viscosity. But we are talking about freshly squeezed products or homemade juices! The purchased preservative has absolutely no effect on blood fluidity.

Sometimes we treat ourselves to red wine
Sometimes we treat ourselves to red wine

Blood thinners after 50 years: most effective for older people

Blood thinners are often prescribed after 50 years of age, since during this period complications of atherosclerosis arise - angina pectoris, arrhythmia, cerebrovascular accident, and vascular diseases of the extremities.

Only the doctor chooses medications after blood tests. Some of the most effective for older people include:

Drugs Description
Aspirin Cardio and Cardiomagnyl Safest options in the absence of bleeding or hemorrhagic stroke.
Chime It is well tolerated and does not require dose adjustment, but is used with caution in cases of widespread damage to the myocardial arteries.
Plavix Effective for high risk of heart attack.

After surgery on blood vessels or an acute circulatory disorder in the myocardium, brain and the presence of risk factors, blood thinners from the group of anticoagulants may be prescribed. Warfarin is the most powerful medication, but it also has the highest risk of bleeding. It is not recommended after 65 years of age.

Before prescribing therapy, a complete examination is necessary:

  • General blood test and coagulogram;
  • biochemical blood test with liver and kidney tests;
  • determination of renal filtration rate;
  • general urine analysis;
  • stool occult blood test;
  • gastroduodenoscopy – examination with an endoscope of the mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenum, sigmoidoscopy (large intestine);
  • Ultrasound with Dopplerography of the vessels of the heart, neck, brain, limbs;
  • fundus examination (performed by an ophthalmologist);
  • MRI of the brain (if indicated);
  • consultation with a gynecologist for women.

During treatment, monitoring of liver and kidney function, blood pressure and blood clotting is required.

Expert opinion

Alena Ariko

Expert in Cardiology

Antithrombotic therapy helps prevent acute circulatory disorders, but it itself causes serious complications: bleeding, cerebral hemorrhage, hepatitis, blockage of small vessels with parts of destroyed blood clots (purple finger syndrome).

Blood thinning foods: vegetables, fruits and berries

  • Pineapple and kiwi not only taste great and are healthy in the diet, but also contain an important enzyme that provides good natural blood thinning. The enzyme is called bromelain. It prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces blood clotting and protects the heart. Moreover, you will receive a considerable dose of healthy fiber.
  • Essential flavonoids for the blood are found mainly in vegetables such as red cabbage, cauliflower, kale , broccoli and beets, as well as fruits such as apples.
  • Carrots are a home remedy to quickly thin the blood. By the way, juice is no less relevant in this matter.
  • are very useful . Moreover, they also prevent the formation of cancer cells and promote skin rejuvenation.
  • Cucumbers are low in calories but high in folate, potassium and sodium. Therefore, they are excellent blood thinners. In addition, they consist mainly of water and fiber.
  • Olives and black olives are also good as blood thinners. But again, they are quite hard on the stomach when overeating.
  • Peas help in the digestibility of carbohydrates. After all, excess amounts of glucose often bind the blood. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with them.
  • But pumpkin is good for the blood, the stomach, and the figure!
  • It is impossible not to mention the hot pepper. It thins the blood perfectly and has a good effect on blood vessels and their walls. But we are talking about a healthy body. It is also contraindicated for any intestinal ailments.
  • Oranges contain high levels of vitamin C, and the bioflavonoids in oranges help blood flow through the body by strengthening capillary walls.
  • Blackberries cleanse the blood and promote the formation of new blood cells. It has high nutrients. Including phenolic compounds with antioxidant capacity significantly higher than vitamins C or E. Add it to breakfast cereals or mix into yogurt for a tasty snack.
  • Watermelons are rich in lycopene, which can help promote healthy circulation.
  • We also offer an additional list for your blood: blueberries
  • currant
  • celery
  • cranberry
  • papaya
  • soybeans
  • apricots and peaches
  • nectarine

In addition, dried fruits from pineapple, apple and dried apricots are very useful. Dried cherries, dates, raisins and prunes are no less useful.

3 colors of vegetables and fruits to benefit blood fluidity
3 colors of vegetables and fruits to benefit blood fluidity

Products that do not contribute to treatment

In order for the blood healing process to be as effective as possible, you need to give up a number of foods that thicken it.

  • Various baked goods.
  • Potatoes, rowan, bananas.
  • Fatty dishes.
  • Alcohol.
  • Sweets.
  • Sausages, marinades.
  • Butter, as well as other high-fat dairy products.
  • Various meat broths.

    Blood thinning meat broths

So we found out the main blood thinning products. For those for whom some of them are contraindicated for health reasons, non-traditional means of solving the problem can be offered.

Blood thinners: the most effective herbs, spices and greens

These blood thinning products are very effective and extremely affordable:

  • Horseradish in any form, but in moderate doses, is useful for the whole body and for blood flow. And all because it stimulates the regeneration of blood cells and activity in the bloodstream.
  • turmeric has tons of positive properties and supports the heart, liver, teeth, and also helps lower blood sugar levels. Turmeric is particularly suitable for thinning the blood because the spice prevents platelets from clumping and therefore forming blood clots. A study conducted in Korea in 2012 found that the active ingredient curcumin has such a powerful blood-thinning effect that with its regular consumption, daily medications can be eliminated.
  • Cinnamon is an anticoagulant in the form of high dose extracts. Therefore, the choice should be given to tinctures with alcohol/vodka or essential oil. An aqueous extract, such as cinnamon tea, does not act as a blood thinner.
  • Hawthorn strengthens the heart and promotes blood circulation. It is the best known and most effective natural agent. Its components help the heart function, strengthen blood vessels and reduce the risk of blood clots. The active flavonoids and pyocyanin are concentrated directly in the flowers or leaves of the plant. Recipe: in the amount of 2 tsp. Pour the dried herb into a cup of boiling water (200 ml). You need to drink a fresh, warm drink 3 times a day. When using hawthorn you need patience - the effects take a few weeks to begin.
  • Scientists have found that nettle has a relaxing effect on blood vessels. The herb prevents excessive blood clotting and thus helps to “dilute” it. However, here we are not talking about a green leaf, but about a watery consistency, i.e. nettle tea. Although soups based on it are not only tasty, but also extremely healthy!
  • Bazilic , like nettle, contains vitamin K. And it is a natural blood thinner . It can be consumed in salads, soups, and also made into tea. Eat mozzarella with tomatoes and fresh basil 2 or 3 times a week. Use basil in the kitchen as often as possible - it keeps your blood thin.
  • Chervil is another useful herb that is widely used in French kitchens. In addition to liquefaction, its components regulate heart rate (heart rate), normalize intestinal motility, help the liver and kidneys, and also improve immunity. Add to salads and soups along with other greens. But choose only the one that does not bloom. Otherwise the leaves will be bitter.
  • parsley and dill are similar and just as useful In general, make it a rule to eat more greens.
  • Also worth adding:
  • horse chestnut
  • licorice
  • St. John's wort
  • wheat
  • willow bark
  • Red clover
  • Plants

    Top 10 drugs

    On pharmacy shelves today you can find many products with different prices, dosage regimens and effectiveness. But experts identify several medications that are used most often and have a pronounced effect.


    A blood thinner that contains acetylsalicylic acid as the main active ingredient. The drug is an antiplatelet agent and prevents platelet aggregation and the formation of blood clots on the walls of blood vessels.

    In addition, the medicine helps relieve inflammation and pain in various vascular pathologies of the lower extremities. Thanks to this, it can be used for varicose veins, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis to alleviate the patient’s condition and prevent complications.

    Blood thinners after 40-50-60 years, latest generation

    The medication is available in tablet form and is considered very effective. Each tablet contains 100 mg of active ingredient. It is necessary to take the medicine only as prescribed by a doctor if it is necessary to make the blood less viscous.

    The daily dosage is 100 mg, it must be taken for 4 weeks immediately after eating. It is better not to take on an empty stomach. If necessary, the dosage is increased to 300 mg per day if the minimum amount of the drug does not produce a therapeutic result.

    The tablets are contraindicated for peptic ulcers, acute gastritis, and hemolytic anemia. Do not use them if you are prone to bleeding, during lactation and pregnancy, and under the age of 14 years. The price of the product is 200-250 rubles.

    Thrombo ACC

    A medicine that has a therapeutic effect due to the content of acetylsalicylic acid. Available in the form of tablets, the dosage of which is 50 mg of the active ingredient. The medicine is effective and affordable, since its cost is only 60-80 rubles.

    The drug prevents platelet aggregation, since it belongs to the group of antiplatelet agents. Additionally, the tablets help reduce body temperature and eliminate signs of inflammation. It is prescribed to thin the blood, as well as for rheumatoid arthritis, angina pectoris and for the prevention of stroke.

    The daily dosage is 50-100 mg, which depends on the severity of symptoms and associated abnormalities. Take the medicine for 2-4 weeks.

    The product is potent, but has a long list of contraindications:

    1. Any inflammatory pathologies of the stomach or intestines in the acute stage.
    2. Tendency to internal bleeding.
    3. Age up to 18 years.
    4. The period of breastfeeding and pregnancy.
    5. Intolerance to the components of the composition.
    6. The presence of polyps in the nasal passages.
    7. Bronchial asthma caused by the action of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

      Blood thinners after 40-50-60 years, latest generation

    The medication is prescribed with caution for gout, blood pathologies, liver and kidney failure.


    Antiplatelet agent based on dipyridamole. Available in tablet form and as a solution for injection. The drug is considered potent and is prescribed only by a specialist to thin the blood and prevent complications. Thanks to the presence of the active component, it prevents the attachment of blood clots to the walls of blood vessels, as well as improves blood circulation and reduces the load on the heart.

    You should take ¼ tablet orally once a day for 7 days. The solution is administered intravenously slowly at 0.1 ml per day, the course lasts from 3 to 7 days. The dosage is adjusted by a specialist taking into account the patient’s condition and associated abnormalities.

    The medication is not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in case of allergies to its components and in patients under the age of 14 years. The price of the medicine is approximately 1200 rubles.


    A drug that is often used to thin and reduce blood viscosity. The active component in the product is the substance clopidogrel, which has an antiplatelet effect, preventing platelet aggregation.

    The drug is available in the form of tablets with a dosage of 75 mg. They must be taken once a day, 1 piece, the course duration is from 7 to 20 days. If necessary, the dosage is increased by 2-4 times if the patient is in serious condition.

    The drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

    1. Age up to 18 years.
    2. Pregnancy and lactation period.
    3. Bleeding of any origin.
    4. Intolerance to the main component.
    5. Liver failure.

    The price of the medicine is from 800 rubles.


    A dipyridamole-based agent that has an antiplatelet effect by slowing down the formation of clotting factors and platelet aggregation. The medication is available in the form of dragees and tablets for oral administration, which contain 25 or 75 mg of the active ingredient.

    Blood thinners after 40-50-60 years, latest generation

    The medicine is potent, it must be taken orally in 1-3 tablets (dragées) with a dosage of 25 mg. When using a product with a dose of 75 mg, the daily dose is 1 piece. Course duration is from 2 to 5 weeks.

    The medicine is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, any bleeding, and under the age of 12 years. The drug is not used for heart attack and unstable angina, as well as for complicated hypertension. Contraindications include collapse, kidney and liver pathologies. The price of the product is from 600 rubles.


    One of the most popular drugs for reducing blood viscosity in tablet form. Contains not only acetylsalicylic acid, but also magnesium hydroxide. Prescribed to many patients with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. It works by slowing down the formation of fibrin, which helps prevent the formation of clots.

    The patient is prescribed 1 to 2 tablets per day, the course duration is 2-4 weeks. The drug is not used for diseases of the stomach and intestines, during lactation and pregnancy. It is not prescribed to patients under 18 years of age, as well as for bronchial asthma and during treatment with cytostatics. The price of the medicine is approximately 200 rubles.


    A blood thinner in the form of tablets for oral administration. It has an effect due to the content of acetylsalicylic acid. Helps prevent the formation of clots, reduces the load on the heart. Each tablet may contain 50 or 100 mg of active substance.

    The daily dose for a patient is 50-100 mg, depending on the condition, but sometimes the dose is increased to 200-300 mg. The duration of use of the medicine is 2-5 weeks. The drug is contraindicated in case of allergies to its components, pathologies of the liver and kidneys, hemorrhagic diathesis. It is not used during lactation and pregnancy, or to treat patients under 18 years of age.

    Blood thinners after 40-50-60 years, latest generation

    You should not prescribe the medicine to patients with a history of internal bleeding as a result of perforation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer. In this case, complications may develop, including death. The price of the product is from 50 rubles.


    Medicine based on acetylsalicylic acid. Helps thin the blood, making it less viscous, which helps prevent the formation of blood clots and their attachment to the walls of blood vessels. This reduces the load on the myocardium and reduces the risk of developing serious diseases.

    The drug is available in tablet form. It should be taken 1 tablet once a day for 2-3 weeks. The product additionally has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

    You should not use the medicine in the following cases:

    1. Vitamin K deficiency.
    2. Aortic aneurysm.
    3. Intolerance to the components of the composition.
    4. Lactation and pregnancy period.
    5. Any lesions of the stomach and intestines in the acute stage.
    6. Tendency to bleed.
    7. Decreased platelet concentration in the blood.
    8. Hypersensitivity to drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    It is recommended to use the drug only as prescribed by a doctor. Its price is approximately 200-300 rubles.


    A blood thinner based on nadroparin calcium. It is a direct-acting anticoagulant; it helps to significantly slow down the process of platelet adhesion, which prevents the formation of blood clots.

    The product is available as a solution for subcutaneous administration in disposable glass syringes. One syringe can contain 0.3, 0.6 or 0.8 ml of solution. It is usually injected into the skin of the abdomen or the outer side of the shoulder once a day. The course duration rarely exceeds 5 days. The drug is considered potent and is used only as prescribed by a doctor and in a hospital setting.

    Blood thinners after 40-50-60 years, latest generation

    It is strictly contraindicated to use Fraxiparine for bleeding of any origin, under the age of 18, during pregnancy and lactation. Do not use the solution for infective endocarditis, cerebral hemorrhage, or allergies to the components of the composition.

    It is worth noting that independent use of the medicine can provoke severe complications, including death. The price of 1 syringe is approximately 2000-5000 rubles. depending on its volume.


    One of the most popular and affordable drugs in the form of a solution for subcutaneous administration. The main component in the composition is the substance enoxaparin sodium.

    It helps prevent blood clots and makes the blood less viscous. The solution is used only in a hospital setting and is injected into the skin of the abdomen or the outer side of the shoulder. In this case, the patient’s condition is constantly monitored by a specialist, and blood counts are determined in laboratory conditions.

    A disposable glass syringe can contain 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 or 1 ml of medication. The dosage is determined depending on the patient’s condition, but usually more than 1 syringe per day is not administered. The duration of the course is 3-7 days, depending on the degree of neglect of the disease. As a rule, the solution is used as an emergency treatment method for acute heart attack and other diseases.

    Do not use the medicine if you are intolerant of its components, have a tendency to bleed, or have a hemorrhagic stroke. The solution is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and children under 18 years of age. Patients with artificial valves in the heart are also not prescribed the medicine. The medication belongs to the group of potent drugs, so it can provoke severe side effects.

    The price of 1 syringe is approximately 400 rubles. The cost largely depends on the volume of the syringe, as well as the region of distribution.

    The drug, used to reduce blood viscosity, as well as emergency thinning, is considered the most optimal treatment option for many patients with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. With proper use of the medication, complications can be prevented and the patient's condition can be improved.

    Article design: Vladimir the Great

    Blood thinning products: normalizing dried fruits, nuts, seeds and oils

    • Nuts contain niacin, or vitamin B3, arginine and taurine, folic and salicylic acids, vitamins A and E, as well as Omega 3, 6 and 9. In general, you can’t even count all the benefits. Moreover, they do not contain those harmful fats that clog our body in the form of blood clots and cause atherosclerosis. True, they are very high in calories - approximately 500-600 kcal per 100 g. But it’s still worth including 2-3 pieces of these kernels in your menu: walnuts
    • almond
    • hazelnut
    • peanut
    • coconut, both its interior and milk
  • Pumpkin seeds are a dietary source of vitamin E, which has been proven to keep blood flowing freely and prevent blood clots.
  • Sunflower seeds, although high in calories, improve blood flow and normalize blood pressure (prevent it from rising). True, they should not be consumed fried.
  • It is also worth including others in your diet seeds:
  • sesame
  • flax
  • Olive oil is made from crushed and pressed olives. Polyphenols present in olive oil are responsible for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticoagulant properties. Extra virgin olive oil is an unrefined oil that has the most delicate flavor and is high in phyto-nutrients and antioxidants.
  • But blood thinning products also include other oils, such as flaxseed, sea buckthorn, sunflower, and fish oil. They also reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Of course, you don’t need to drink them in glasses—just sprinkle a little on your salads. But it is worth noting that they are responsible for the production of “good” cholesterol.
  • We also recommend reading an article with a complete list of healthy and harmful foods for cholesterol, “Which foods increase and which lower cholesterol?”

    Including oils in your diet
    Including oils in your diet

    What can cause blood clotting?

    The thickening of red cells is caused by factors that a person influences himself, less often by pathology.

    Reasons that consequently require liquefaction:

    • Poor nutrition. An unhealthy diet and unhealthy lifestyle contribute to the development of many diseases. A high concentration of fats and sugars in food increases blood density,
    • Vitamin crisis Lack of vitamins E, B6 and C in the body leads to the fact that the blood has to be forcibly thinned. Lack of these vitamins is often observed in pregnant women and poor diet. As a result of increased estrogen, the chance of blood clots increases.
    • Drinking a small amount of water Remember that doctors recommend drinking 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day, that is, in addition to tea, coffee, sweet drinks, soups, etc. Drying the body also leads to loss of water in the blood.
    • Nervous breakdowns Stressful situations and constant tension kill vitamins and microelements in the body, narrowing blood vessels, which increases blood pressure.
    • Alcohol and cigarettes Alcoholic drinks take water from the body, and when smoking you need to consume much more vitamins than normal.

    Krotovok with the formation of a blood clot

    Blood clot formation

    Note! The effect of red wine on the blood is ambiguous. This alcoholic drink, when consumed in moderation, dilutes it, bringing benefits. The main thing is not to abuse it.

    • Pathologies Varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, high blood cholesterol, high hemoglobin levels, spleen diseases and other diseases increase the load on the cardiac system, since the walls of blood vessels do not contract, and blood cells stick together into blood clots.

    Blood thinning products: which normalize blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels

    These blood thinning products have an extremely beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels and the circulatory system as a whole:

    • Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally found in some foods. Vitamin E prevents and delays the development of coronary heart disease by preventing the formation of blood clots. Food sources of vitamin E include: liver
    • eggs
    • dark leafy greens
    • hazelnut
    • almond
    • wheat germ
    • sunflower seeds
    • peanut
    • safflower oil
    • spinach
    • avocado
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Healthy blood flow results from adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. They can be taken as dietary supplements or in the form of high-quality oils such as hemp oil and flaxseed oil. In addition, the following products will give you them:
  • mackerel
  • tuna
  • salmon
  • halibut
  • anchovies
  • lake trout
  • In addition to lowering triglyceride levels and blood pressure, omega-3 fatty acids in fish have anticoagulant properties that slow the development of blood clots, helping prevent and treat atherosclerosis.

    • Honey - There are different opinions regarding the effect of honey on blood viscosity. But many studies confirm its positive effect on the general condition of the blood. Honey not only has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, but also helps thin the blood. In addition, it and its accompanying product, propolis, improve the elasticity of vascular walls and the endurance of the heart muscles.

    Important Rules
    Important Rules

    Blood thinners are the safest for the stomach

    Blood thinners often cause stomach pain; the safest are those that do not contain aspirin:

    • Dipyridamole,
    • Clopidogrel,
    • Trental.

    Warfarin, used to thin the blood, does not have a direct damaging effect on the mucous membranes, but in the presence of a stomach ulcer in the acute stage it causes severe gastric bleeding.

    It is important to know that there cannot be effective medications for blood clots that can be used continuously without side effects. All drugs are dangerous if taken uncontrolled, as they interfere with the entire blood coagulation system. By preventing thrombosis, they thereby stimulate bleeding.

    Products that thin and thicken blood: diet, tips

    The impact of diet on human health has been shown in many studies, and a healthy diet pattern can reduce the incidence of some chronic diseases. Even the list of natural blood thinners shows how well a healthy diet with an appropriate nutritional supplement can protect against excessive blood clotting, blood clots, and slow blood flow. These are mainly flavonoids (certain phytochemicals) that make these foods a natural blood thinner.

    Many nutritionists claim that if you stick to a diet, you can prevent blood clotting. Therefore, a diet that consists of plant foods is also good health and disease prevention when it comes to cardiovascular problems. It is the diet that will correct the circulatory system if it includes blood thinning products.

    • Drinking a lot is the motto, preferably water or herbal tea. You should drink enough warm, purified water. It is advisable to drink about 1.5-2 liters per day. And add ginger, nettle and basil to teas for preventive purposes.
    • You should rely on vegetables and eat at least 400 g of green and other raw vegetables per day. Onions and garlic are also more effective without heat treatment.
    • Oils are also good only in salads. If you fry food on them, then the opposite result occurs - you only increase cholesterol and thicken the blood. And in general, train yourself to eat boiled, baked and sometimes stewed foods.
    • The ingredient salicylate must be included in food products. This substance is similar to aspirin and has all the abilities to thin the blood. It is found in large doses in citrus fruits and some berries, such as currants and strawberries. But don’t forget about moderation - 200-250 g per day is enough for fruit!
    • Replace meat with fish. The best option is tuna or salmon. The high proportion of omega-3 fatty acids promotes a healthy lifestyle and is extremely supportive of the blood. Don't forget about seaweed and seaweed. But we know the limit - 3 times a week up to 150 g.
    • But meat is an important protein for our body, so it cannot be removed from the diet altogether. But we give preference to lean chicken, rabbit, veal and turkey. And eat it not with pasta, but with carrots, zucchini, broccoli or cabbage.
    • Also eat low-fat dairy products. Eggs are very important - but a maximum of 4 eggs per week.
    • Porridges are very beneficial for the blood and gastric tract, but we repeat - we alternate them between each other. We eat one dish no more than 3 times a week.

    Important: But the most important rule is to remove nicotine, alcohol, fried and unhealthy foods such as fast food and processed foods from your diet. Limit, but do not completely eliminate salt from your menu.

    Also, don't forget about an active lifestyle! Cycling or light exercise in the morning, or even just a walk in the fresh air, normalizes blood flow and your general condition.

    Remember - your health is in your hands. By choosing the right foods to eat, you will not only take care of your health, but also teach your children how to always be healthy!

    Why reduce blood viscosity?

    Increased blood viscosity occurs for various reasons, the most common of which are:

    • violation of the drinking regime (drinking drinking water in small quantities);
    • excessive salt intake;
    • excess glucose;
    • intestinal slagging;
    • poor nutrition;
    • vitamin deficiency.

    What products thin the blood: a list of the most effectivePhoto source:
    You can even suspect a slowdown in blood flow on your own if certain symptoms often begin to appear:

    • fast fatiguability;
    • memory impairment;
    • irritability.

    If such signs occur, it is recommended to undergo laboratory diagnostics: donate blood for analysis and do a coagulogram.

    What products thin the blood: a list of the most effective
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    If high blood viscosity is diagnosed, immediate treatment should be started. Any delay will negatively affect your overall health.

    Thick blood provokes the formation of blood clots - harbingers of cardiovascular pathologies, including heart attack and stroke. Atherosclerosis, hypertension, intracerebral bleeding, and pulmonary artery thrombosis may also develop. Thick blood can cause death.

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    What foods effectively thin the blood?

    To normalize blood viscosity, you must take:

    • a complex of vitamins that maintains the balance of lipids and blood sugar;
    • minerals that normalize water-salt balance;
    • amino acids that stimulate intercellular metabolic processes;
    • phytoncides that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • fiber, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

    What products thin the blood: a list of the most effective
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    The doctor can prescribe effective medications to eliminate blood viscosity. However, in the initial stages of such a problem, a person can independently create the conditions for healing. To do this, you just need to adjust your diet and introduce anticoagulant products into your daily menu that prevent the formation of blood clots.

    What foods effectively thin the blood? Let's look at the full list of vegetables, fruits, berries, seasonings and drinks that traditional medicine offers.


    What products thin the blood: a list of the most effective
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    Garlic contains several active phytoncides. They have an effective healing effect on the cardiovascular system. Garlic not only helps eliminate blood viscosity, but also helps neutralize a wide range of toxins, thereby preventing liver failure.

    Black currant

    What products thin the blood: a list of the most effective
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    Any variety of currant contains vitamin C. However, it is the black berry that is richest in it more than other varieties. In addition, not only the fruits, but also the leaves of currants are characterized by a high content of vitamin C. You can prepare a tasty and healthy decoction from them.

    On a note! Due to the content of elements such as copper, sulfur, and silver, black currant can increase vascular tone and also strengthen the heart muscle.

    Fatty fish

    Many people have heard about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids for human health. The brain especially needs them. When consuming products containing them, metabolic functions between cell membranes are activated. Such positive changes prevent the occurrence of thrombosis.

    What products thin the blood: a list of the most effective
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    You can get the recommended amount of omega-3 by consuming fish oil. It is sold at any pharmacy. But true fish connoisseurs can do without tablets and capsules.

    Saturated with valuable omega-3 fatty acids:

    • salmon;
    • trout;
    • salmon;
    • herring;
    • mackerel.

    By eating fish, you can normalize blood viscosity and reduce cholesterol levels in a short time.


    What products thin the blood: a list of the most effective
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    Ginger perfectly normalizes blood circulation. It is considered one of the best natural blood thinners. It lowers blood pressure and also ensures normal blood flow. It is important to consider that consuming ginger in a minimal dosage can only have a preventive effect, without eliminating blood viscosity.

    Nuts and seeds

    Seeds and nuts are valued due to the content of healthy resins, essential and vegetable oils. When consumed, proteins and carbohydrates are absorbed more effectively and the growth of fat cells is prevented.

    What products thin the blood: a list of the most effective
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    The following nuts are considered the most useful:

    • walnut;
    • pistachios;
    • almond.

    It is better to avoid peanuts, as they contain a huge amount of complex fats and proteins. If we highlight the most useful seeds, then the leading positions will be occupied by dill, poppy and sunflower.

    Cayenne pepper

    What products thin the blood: a list of the most effective
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    This pepper contains capsaicin, an amino acid that promotes effective blood thinning. It also prevents the occurrence of blood clots. In addition, it is recommended to use cayenne pepper to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. However, this product is contraindicated for those who have stomach problems.

    This is interesting! The benefits of lard and why women should include it in their diet

    Honey and propolis

    The list of the most effective products that have a beneficial effect on the state of the circulatory system includes honey and some other bee products. Their value is explained by the high content of salts, minerals and metals necessary to maintain good health.

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    Honey is 1/3 water and contains no fat. But the carbohydrates contained in the composition can only slightly increase blood sugar levels, since they are represented by fructose, which is easily absorbed by the body. Consumption of propolis helps strengthen the immune system, as well as effectively remove toxins.

    Linseed oil

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    Flaxseed oil is another source of omega-3 fatty acids. Among other plant products, it is considered the most useful. When using flaxseed oil, it is important to know that it is not suitable for frying, as it releases carcinogens when heated.


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    Mustard contains omega-3 acids and vitamin B6, which provide better than aspirin:

    • decreased blood viscosity;
    • cleansing the circulatory system;
    • strengthening blood vessels.

    It is for this reason that doctors recommend that people who are predisposed to blood clots more often consume mustard in the form of a paste or add its seeds to dishes.


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    When asked what foods effectively thin the blood, doctors advise consuming certain spices more often. For example, turmeric. It actively promotes blood thinning and purification. With the systematic addition of this spice to the diet, it is possible to:

    • activate metabolism;
    • improve digestion;
    • have a beneficial effect on skin condition.

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    What foods thicken the blood

    Along with useful products that have a preventive or therapeutic effect on the circulatory system, there are also those that doctors prohibit people with thick blood from consuming.

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    These include:

    • bakery products;
    • cakes;
    • canned food;
    • sausages;
    • dairy products;
    • milk.

    It is also not recommended to consume foods that contain large amounts of vitamin K. It is this that provokes increased blood clotting.


    If you know which foods thin the blood and listen to the recommendations regarding their use, you can improve the condition of the circulatory system without the use of pills and maintain good health for a long time.

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