Features of the diet and character of people with a second negative blood group

When it comes to characterizing blood type, people often indicate their Rh factor. It is this protein that plays an important role when a woman and a man are planning to conceive a child. However, the basis of personality characteristics is the blood type; the Rh factor is not able to influence the character or health of a person.

The main thing is that the second group was formed during the period of humanity’s transition to agriculture, when people gradually expanded their horizons, included plant foods in their diet, and became more sociable and developed. The change in the usual way of life entailed a modification of the qualitative composition of the blood due to the inclusion of other foods in the diet.

What characteristics does Rh negative blood group 2 have?

Blood group 2 with negative Rh is quite common, it cannot be called rare. The second group in terms of frequency of occurrence comes immediately after the first, to which 50% of all people belong. Negative Rh is found in only 15% of the planet's inhabitants, but this does not prevent people with this feature from maintaining their unique blood code.


  1. Peculiarities
  2. Health
  3. Nutrition
  4. Pregnancy

← First positive blood group

Second positive blood group →

The second negative blood group is determined in 2-7% of the world's population. It is characterized by the presence of antigen A and antibody B in the blood, the absence of Rh antigen and is designated by the symbols A(II) Rh-. A person receives it according to the laws of inheritance in cases where his parents have the following blood combinations:

  • 2nd plus 4th;
  • 1st plus 2nd or 4th;
  • 3rd plus 2nd or 4th.

If the parents have blood groups 1 and 3, then the child cannot have the second group, since antigens A are not transmitted to him from his parents. In such children, there is often no need for genetic examination to determine paternity in controversial issues; it is enough to determine the groups blood.

How many blood types are there?

Few people know everything about blood types. They have a letter and number designation. The letters are written in Latin; the letter designation is used when filling out medical cards. The description of the Rh factor can be indicated by the signs “+” and “-“. There are 4 types of these indicators:

  • first (group 1);
  • second (group 2);
  • third (group 3);
  • fourth (group 4).

Blood group tables:

GroupsDesignation by lettersDesignation by numbers

There are no subgroups. The main types of blood groups are inherited, from mother and father to children. Varieties are most often designated by numbers. People have different Rh factors, the existence of which is due to the presence of antibodies in red blood cells. Based on this information, the groups are classified.


Anthropologists believe that the second negative blood group arose as a result of the settled population and the development of agriculture, and representatives of this group are figuratively called “farmers.” The settlement of tribes on the lands required good neighborly relations, greater communication, and the search for compromises in the exchange of goods and trade.

It is believed that this is how the character traits of representatives of this group were formed: hard work, tolerance, attachment to home and family, the ability to compromise and make contracts. They can work tirelessly for the good, are able to endure adversity and endure for a long time, be a support to others, get along well in a team and participate in public life.

The disadvantages are: the inability to lead, to make quick and independent decisions, as well as a tendency to nervous breakdowns after a long period of patience. They can hide their dissatisfaction and feelings for a long time, which is why the so-called “internal storms” syndrome develops, which inevitably ends, if not in a neuro-emotional breakdown, then in the development of diseases.


Representatives with negative Rh are more suitable for a measured lifestyle, without emotional shocks or incidents. They are very unstable to stress ; they prefer to have loving, caring people in their close circle who they can rely on.


Professional activity should bring them satisfaction and not imply excessive mental or emotional activity. It is advisable to eat in accordance with the characteristics of your body, to properly load it physically. During the working day, it is useful to periodically take at least five-minute breaks to restore your resources.

Emotional sphere

People with the second blood type are extremely sensitive and impressionable; they need special methods to detect and manage their emotional experiences. Joining a theater or choreography club or participating in hiking trips can help with this. The most effective thing is hiking in nature and communicating with its attractions.

Daily regime

It is advisable to plan your time as clearly as possible and follow a certain daily routine. It is recommended to go to bed no later than 22-00, and get up around 6-00. During this period, the body recovers. If you sleep too long, you will experience lethargy and body aches.


The basis of diseases of representatives of the second negative blood group is usually overwork, hidden stress and unexpressed emotions. As a result, the cardiovascular system suffers, the body’s defenses decrease, and as a result, immune diseases and even malignant tumors. Most often they have the following pathology:

  • cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, heart attack;
  • allergic reactions;
  • susceptibility to infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus, rheumatism, Crohn's disease);
  • gastritis, peptic ulcer;
  • psoriasis;
  • neurotic disorders, poor sleep;
  • high risk of developing cancer.

Cardiovascular diseases in such patients are characterized by rapid development and suddenness; they usually say about such patients: “I didn’t complain about anything, I wasn’t sick, and suddenly I had a heart attack.” In reality, such people are simply patient and do not find time to pay attention to themselves.

Today it has been established that immunity plays a huge role in the development of cancer, and its weakening under stress and overwork does not allow the destruction of malignant cells formed in the body, and a tumor develops.

We also recommend studying this topic:

How to choose a diet based on your blood type: losing weight together

Exercise and sports

Probably no one will argue about how important it is to play sports. This is especially true with age. The body begins to get sick more, become decrepit, and it needs our help. You can choose any type of physical activity you like. And you don’t need expensive gyms or a lot of time for this. The main thing is to want and start doing exercises.

So, the recommendations can be useful not only for representatives of blood group 2, but also for others. The main thing is to look after your health and not give in to sad thoughts.


Since representatives of the second negative group were originally farmers and not hunters, their diet is vegetarian in nature. This does not mean at all that they are not carnivorous and meat dishes are not recommended for them. It’s just that practice shows that their health is better when plant foods predominate in the diet.

They are recommended to take any cereal porridge and dishes made from legumes, a lot of vegetables and fruits, herbs rich in vitamins and microelements, especially those containing potassium - pumpkin, bananas, apricots, carrots, beets, peppers, dried fruits. It is better to limit potatoes and take them boiled with the peel (in their “jacket”). All this has a positive effect on the heart and stimulates the immune system, cleanses the body in case of allergic and autoimmune diseases. Protein balance can be replenished with fish and seafood dishes. It is recommended to limit meat dishes and animal fats, which will not improve the health of the vascular system.

Here are the foods that are strongly recommended not to be consumed:

  • fried, smoked meat, it is better to prefer boiled beef, turkey, lean chicken;
  • high-fat dairy products, butter and sour cream, it is better to replace them with vegetable oils, low-fat kefir and yoghurts;
  • fresh white bread, pastries, confectionery, chocolate, candies.

Also study the diet for negative blood group 2 in addition to the current article.

Drinks containing caffeine (black and red tea, coffee) are allowed in moderation to stimulate blood circulation, improve blood circulation and relieve tension.

We also recommend studying this topic:

What blood type will the child have?

What are the differences between blood types?

People with positive and negative Rhesus differ from each other. The main differences are in character, temperament and taste preferences. It has been scientifically proven that blood category can influence people's health. The types also differ in fluid composition, so the type of blood is determined before the donor transfusion. In this case, the Rh factor must be taken into account. Positive Rh differs from negative Rh by the presence of agglutinogens (antibodies).

Important information: How to find out your blood type and determine the Rh factor without tests at home


Rh-negative women with the second blood group usually do not have serious problems during their first pregnancy. If the fetus has inherited Rh plus from the father, then the mother’s body usually produces antibodies gradually towards the end of pregnancy, sometimes premature birth occurs, and the child may be born with jaundice.

The situation is different with repeated pregnancies, if there was already an Rh conflict with the fetus, or the woman had an abortion from an Rh-positive man. In this case, antibodies accumulate faster, they enter the fetus through the placenta, disrupt the development of organs, and often lead to miscarriage.

The only thing that is required of a woman in this case is to regularly visit a doctor and get tested for Rh antibodies in the blood. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe immunization with globulin, and this problem can be solved today; you don’t have to worry about the baby’s health.

We recommend studying an article on a similar topic, “Compatibility of groups during pregnancy.”

← First positive blood group

Second positive blood group →

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  1. 1. Hemostasis system: why take a blood clotting test
  2. 2. How to choose a diet based on your blood type: losing weight together
  3. 3. Reasons for an increase or decrease in neutrophils in a blood test in children?
  4. 4. Norms for the content of neutrophils in the blood and what functions they perform
  5. 5. What do elevated eosinophils mean in a blood test in adults?
  6. 6. Proper nutrition for high levels of bilirubin in the blood
  7. 7. Low level of total bilirubin in the blood: reasons for the decrease


The theory that different blood types have compatibility criteria arose in the second half of the twentieth century.

Compatibility problems are indeed especially pronounced during transfusion:

  • The second blood group is compatible only with the first, with the complete absence of antigen proteins, and with the second, which completely repeats it.
  • To antigens B of the remaining groups, as a rule, an immune response occurs that can lead to the death of the patient.
  • A negative Rh factor can only absorb a similar substance. The positive blood introduced will cause the blood to clot within the bloodstream. Such an incident is a serious threat to life.

Agglutination is a manifestation of an immediate response of the immune system. Immunoglobulin proteins, under the influence of T-helper cells, actively attack invading antigens, clinging to them from different sides and forming immune complexes. These complexes are attacked by monocytes, which devour them and dissolve them inside with special enzymes.

The recipient's own blood begins to destroy the donor's blood.

Important! Even if most of the recipient’s blood is lost, and the donor’s blood exceeds it in volume, it is still the recipient’s blood that will act as a “devourer”.

There is also a common myth that due to the incompatibility of the blood types of a man and a woman, it may become impossible to conceive a child. This is wrong. Rh conflict can arise already during pregnancy and, thanks to modern advances in medicine, with proper control, this problem can be easily solved.

Blood type 2 negative characteristics, features, recommendations

What products are recommended?

Diet for people of blood type 2 is quite important, so you need to know which foods can and should be consumed. These are chicken and turkey meat, fermented baked milk and cottage cheese, kefir and feta cheese, pumpkin seeds and legumes, eggs, soy products, cranberries, lemon and strawberries, peas, pineapples and spinach. For example, 2 eggs, 1 gram of chicken and a glass of kefir will be a wonderful breakfast. Also for lunch you can take any 2 of the permitted vegetables, some turkey meat and cottage cheese. You can choose any composition from the products presented above, and most importantly, a diet of this type is the most suitable.

Diet for individual products

As mentioned above, it is important for people of blood group 2 to replace necessary products with others. For example, replace fatty meat with fatty fish. Legumes can serve as the main source of protein. These can be various grains and cereals.

It is beneficial to eat seeds and nuts regularly. It is the nuts that contain the necessary substances for the 2nd blood group Rh-negative, which contribute to the healthy functioning of the heart. These cereals can be added to a main meal or just as an afternoon snack. Especially useful for children and older people.

Predisposition to disease

Carriers of the second negative are characterized by a predisposition to certain groups of diseases due to their characteristics of the body. Diseases can develop at a physiological or mental level.

Bodily pathologies

The body is susceptible to kidney and liver diseases , problems with the lumbosacral region. They may develop:

  • various forms of leukemia, anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • caries and other problems with teeth and gums;
  • allergy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the respiratory system.

Expert opinion

Kovaleva Elena Anatolyevna

Doctor-Laboratory Assistant. 14 years of experience in clinical diagnostic services.

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The blood of representatives of the group is often quite viscous. This is fraught with its increased coagulability - clots and blood clots can form.

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