Is it possible to consume honey if you have high cholesterol and how to do it correctly?

In recent decades, cholesterol diseases have become widespread. They affect almost a third of the world's population - more than two billion people. Against this background, attention is increasingly being drawn to studies of how honey and cholesterol interact with each other. According to them, honey, unlike most other delicacies, does not contain “harmful” cholesterol. In addition, this bee product manifests itself as an antagonist (a substance that has the opposite effect on the body) of cholesterol.

Useful properties of honey

Both harmful and beneficial types of cholesterol are supplied daily with food and are produced by the body itself. An increase in con species in the blood can be an alarm bell for people of any age. It can lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques in the walls of the arteries and the development of vascular atherosclerosis against their background. This condition has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, causing disruptions in it - circulatory disorders, gas exchange, complications in the form of ischemia, strokes and heart attacks.

The effect of honey on the body

Honey does not contain either vegetable or animal fats; it consists of water (up to 23%), a small amount of protein (less than 0.79%) and carbohydrates, which are its main part - about 75%. Thanks to the content of B vitamins, flavonoids, phytoncides (these are natural antibiotics produced by plants), ascorbic acid, potassium, sodium, calcium, chlorine, fluorine, magnesium and iron ions, it has a number of beneficial properties:

  • Increases immunity, helps the body quickly overcome viral and bacterial infections.
  • Phytoncides suppress inflammation processes that occur in blood vessels against the background of high cholesterol.
  • Flavanoids stimulate antioxidant processes, inhibit cellular aging, protect tissues from neoplastic processes, and reduce blood cholesterol.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Can be used as a natural antiseptic - to reduce inflammation and disinfect damaged skin.
  • Using honey for high cholesterol is effective due to the high content of microelements in its composition.
  • It has a positive effect on bone and dental tissue, heart and blood vessels, and normalizes systemic blood pressure.
  • Psychological and emotional states are strengthened.
  • Relieves severe headaches.

How does honey affect cholesterol?

Honey is nectar collected and processed from the flowers of various plants. Its benefits have been confirmed not only by alternative, but also by official medicine.

For people with cardiovascular diseases, information about the absence of “harmful” cholesterol in honey is especially relevant. The product does not increase the level of this substance in the body.

Moreover, honey is useful for lowering cholesterol due to the valuable substances it contains. This:

  • B vitamins – take part in lipid metabolism and redox reactions. Vitamin B3 is common for the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis, as it normalizes the level of lipoproteins in the blood, dilates blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation. Vitamin B5 is also useful for vascular diseases, as it normalizes the metabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids and cholesterol;
  • flavonoids are excellent antioxidants. Prevents aging of blood vessels, gives them youth and elasticity;
  • phytoncides are a natural antibiotic, neutralize bacteria and relieve inflammation. Helps tissues and blood vessels recover faster.

Thus, to the question, is it possible to eat honey if you have high cholesterol, the answer is yes.

Is it possible to eat honey if you have high cholesterol?

You can and should eat honey for cholesterol, but only after consultation with a specialist. Nectar owes its effectiveness to its rich chemical composition. Almost every component has the unique property of reducing the amount of harmful cholesterol. Thanks to them, unnecessary substances are quickly removed from the bloodstream, blood flow through the vascular system is stabilized, blood vessels are cleansed of cholesterol - already formed fatty plaques are removed, and phytoncides help to subside inflammatory processes in their place.

Scientists conducted a series of studies on the use of honey for high cholesterol. It was found that taking nectar before breakfast in a dosage of 20 grams for two hours helped reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood of patients by 10-12%. To achieve this result, honey must be eaten with other foods that correct and enhance its effect.

The effect of honey on cholesterol levels

Composition of honey

The taste of the product depends on the honey plants from which the pollen was collected. The chemical composition contains more than three hundred different components. Main active substances:

  • Easily digestible carbohydrates: glucose, sucrose, fructose. Irreplaceable sources of energy for the body. Increases performance and is necessary for the production of nucleotides. Honey carbohydrates do not affect the functioning of the pancreas, so the product can be consumed for diabetes.
  • Microelements: potassium, boron, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium. The ratio of these substances is almost the same as in human blood. Therefore, they have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, blood, and blood vessels.
  • Organic acids: acetic, gluconic, lactic, citric, oxalic. Improve metabolism, accelerate the removal of toxins and waste from the body. They relieve spasm of blood vessels and dilate them. Lactic acid slows down the process of converting carbohydrates into triglycerides and prevents the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Enzymes: diastase, invertase. Accelerate metabolic processes. They act on certain groups of substances that are similar in chemical composition.

Traditional medicine recipes

It is believed that darker types of honey are better for cholesterol. This beekeeping product is very quickly absorbed and digested in the gastrointestinal tract, so its constituent substances quickly enter the bloodstream. Despite this, it should be remembered that therapy with traditional recipes requires endurance, and the result will be visible only after a certain period.

There are three most common honey-based remedies for lowering cholesterol - combinations with cinnamon, lemon and garlic.

1. Honey with cinnamon

You will need 1 glass of boiled hot water, in which you need to stir 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. After this, leave for 30 minutes and filter. Add one tablespoon of nectar to the resulting mixture. We divide it into two doses - the first portion should be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning, and the second in the evening before bed, 20-30 minutes. Repeat daily.

These products can be combined in other forms. For example, regularly eating a piece of grain bread with honey and cinnamon for breakfast in a ratio of 2 to 1, respectively, will also have a quick and necessary effect on the body. The biological substances of cinnamon remove excess salts, improve the functioning of the stomach and increase the body's reactivity (the ability to fight infections due to strong immunity).

2. Honey with lemon

Take 1 glass of heated water, mix 1-2 tablespoons of honey and juice squeezed from 1 half lemon. This remedy should be drunk before breakfast every day.

3. Honey with garlic

The most famous is the honey-based garlic-lemon mixture. To prepare it you need the following ingredients: 4 heads of garlic, 5 lemons, 200-250 ml of natural nectar. In a blender, meat grinder or grater, grind the citrus without separating the peel and cooked peeled garlic. Add honey to the resulting mass, mix thoroughly and place in the refrigerator to infuse for one week. After that - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Therapy with this remedy is performed once a year and lasts at least one month.

Recipes with honey for cholesterol

How to use it correctly?

Alternative medicine has a large number of recipes that will help reduce critical cholesterol levels and improve the health of the entire body. Doctors do not discourage the use of honey for therapeutic purposes; it is important to follow the dosage and not abuse the sweet product.

Together with lemon

The product becomes more effective in tandem with lemon.
It is known that citrus fruits, thanks to the vitamin C they contain, very actively remove excess cholesterol from the blood and cleanse the body of toxins. Therefore, for high cholesterol levels, it is recommended to combine honey with lemon. Examples of the most effective recipes:

  • Cleansing drink. Add lemon juice squeezed from half the fruit and 1 tbsp to a glass of warm boiled water. l. liquid treat. Drink every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Mixture for cleaning vessels. Grind 8 large lemons along with zest in a meat grinder. Crush 15 cloves of garlic in a garlic press. Mix the ingredients and pour in 1 liter of honey. Send to a dark place to infuse for 10 days.

Herbal therapy

Honey for cholesterol is used in many ways. Herbal decoctions have proven to be very effective. Recipe for honey-herbal medicine that does not increase cholesterol and cleanses the circulatory system:

  1. Place 120 g of dried herbs such as birch buds, St. John's wort, chamomile and immortelle in a saucepan.
  2. Pour 4 liters of boiling water over everything, cover with a lid and leave until completely cooled.
  3. After this, strain the liquid and pour into four liter jars.
  4. Add 2 tbsp to each container. l. liquid honey.
  5. Take 1 glass every morning and evening.
  6. The course of treatment lasts until the prepared medicine is completely finished.

Honey and cinnamon

In combination with cinnamon, the product will clear the lumen of blood vessels from plaques much faster.
Together, the ingredients promote the active breakdown of cholesterol plaques and act as a cleanser for blood vessels. Can be used in the following ways:

  • Tea. In a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes. steam the cinnamon, then add 1 tbsp. l. honey You need to drink in the morning. Such a drink will not increase cholesterol levels, but, on the contrary, will lower them by up to 10 units.
  • Sandwiches. Spread a layer of honey on a piece of rye bread and sprinkle chalked cinnamon on top. You can eat this delicacy every day. This method will improve immunity and normalize cholesterol levels in the blood.

Other recipes

Honey for high cholesterol can be combined with other products, which also reduces the levels of organic compounds in the blood. A recipe made from onions and honey has helped many. Preparation of the medicine is simple: squeeze the juice from one onion and mix it with honey in equal proportions. Often, honey paste from aloe is prepared to reduce cholesterol. The stem of the plant must be washed, crushed in a blender and combined with a beekeeping product. Drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day.


Honey is a universal remedy for treating various diseases of the heart and blood vessels. But this healing technique is not allowed and harmless for everyone. Despite the breadth of its use in traditional medicine, this sweet product also has contraindications:

  • Common allergic manifestations to bee products in general and their components.
  • High caloric intake can contribute to obesity, which itself will cause the liver to increase production of the harmful type of cholesterol.
  • Due to the content of sucrose and glucose in its composition, it is contraindicated for people with diabetes mellitus (high blood sugar).
  • Recipes with cinnamon should not be prescribed to pregnant women (causes spasms and contractions of the uterus), hypertension (can provoke an increase in heart rate), digestive disorders, background use of anticoagulants and high fever.
  • Recipes based on lemon and garlic are contraindicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits and contraindications

Numerous studies by scientists have confirmed the beneficial properties of honey, expanding the scope of its application:

  • Helps with colds and viral diseases. Increases immunity. Has an antibacterial effect. Accelerates wound healing, relieves inflammation.
  • Maintains the level of calcium required by the body. Improves heart function, keeps blood vessels, bones, and teeth healthy.
  • There are less vitamins A, B, C than in fruits, meat or milk, and vitamin E, on the contrary, is higher. It helps reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol.
  • Contains flavonoids that act as antioxidants. They improve vascular tone, prevent cell aging, normalize heart function, and slow down atherosclerosis.

Studies have shown that people who began to regularly consume honey saw their cholesterol levels drop by 2-5% after 3-4 weeks. But in case of serious metabolic problems, this bee product cannot be considered as the only cure.

Attention, abuse of honey products destroys blood vessels.

Despite the benefits, the sweet product should be consumed with caution. It may cause allergies. However, scientists say that hypersensitivity to honey is a rare phenomenon. An allergic reaction most often develops to a low-quality product containing mechanical or biological impurities.

Honey product is healthier than sugar, but contains more calories. 100 g of product contains 300-400 kcal. The daily allowance for adults is no more than 100 g, for children – no more than 50 g, excluding any other sweets.

Composition and properties of the product

Flower honey is nectar collected from the juices of flowers, partially digested in the bee's crop. The usefulness of honey has been confirmed not only by traditional medicine, but also by repeated clinical studies. In addition to its unique taste, the product is known in medicine for its wide content of useful components and vitamins.

Full composition of useful elements and energy value of honey.

The basis of the product is:

These are the main components necessary for the normal functioning of a living organism.

Blood cholesterol level

To monitor cholesterol levels, a biochemical blood test is taken from a vein at the clinic. Although you can use another method. To do this, you need to have a special device with a set of disposable test strips.

It allows you to measure your cholesterol levels quickly and easily at home. It saves time: in order to take a test at the clinic and get a conclusion, you have to go there more than once, adjusting to the hours of the doctor’s appointment and the work of the laboratory.

At the appointment, the therapist writes out a referral and gives recommendations: before taking a blood test in the morning, you must abstain from food in the evening (the break should be 12 hours). The day before, physical activity and sports are also contraindicated.

There is no need to get tested if the person is healthy and has no symptoms of illness. Although men aged 40 and everyone after 50 and 60 still need to do this, since the risk of atherosclerosis increases in old age. For other reasons to get a blood test, see the list below:

  • high blood pressure;
  • heart disease;
  • smoking;
  • overweight;
  • heart failure;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • menopause

The ideal blood test (in mmol/l) for women and men looks like this:

CHOL TriglyceridesHDL


  • KATR – atherogenicity coefficient, which shows the ratio of LDL and HDL;
  • mmol/l – unit of measurement of the number of millimoles per liter of solution;
  • CHOL – total cholesterol.

The level of cholesterol in the blood of women and men, young and old, healthy and those suffering from heart problems is different.

blood analysisnorm for menfemale norm
CHOL3,6 – 5,23,6 – 5,2
LDL 2,25 – 4,823,5
HDL0,7 – 1,7 0,9 – 0,78
triglyceridesup to 2

A cholesterol level of 1 - 1.5 (mmol/l) is acceptable for women and men with heart problems. We are talking about HDL here.

A biochemical blood test is carried out using methods and tests that differ in different laboratories; cholesterol standards also differ:

blood analysisnorm for mennormal blood cholesterol levels in women
CHOL3,0 – 6,03,0 – 6,0
LDL 2,25 – 4,821,92 – 4,51
HDL0,7 – 1,73 0,86 – 2,28
ATHEROGENICITY COEFFICIENT 2.0 – 2.8 (for women and men 20 – 30 years old);

3.0 – 3.5 (after 30, 50, 60).

By taking blood tests on time (every five years) and according to age: at 40, 50, 60 years old, men and women protect themselves from the risk of stroke and premature death.


Special properties

This substance is a popular spice that is used in baking and preparing various dishes. It is also known that it has a healing effect on the body, as evidenced by historical information about the use of cinnamon in the Ancient East. Today, the effectiveness of the product is confirmed by numerous folk recipes using brown powder to alleviate a person’s condition during illness. Cinnamon has a unique composition, including essential oils and vitamins (A, B, E, C, PP, K), macroelements (calcium, iron, manganese), tannins and fiber. Its beneficial properties are presented:

  1. Regulating metabolism in the body.
  2. Controlling blood glucose levels.
  3. Improving cerebral circulation.
  4. Enhances the breakdown of fats (helps in the fight against excess weight).
  5. Improving blood circulation in the body.
  6. Helps remove toxins from the body (can cleanse the blood of waste products).
  7. Has an antifungal effect.
  8. The presence of anti-carcinogenic properties.
  9. Prevents liver damage (due to its detoxification properties, it helps reduce the load on the organ).
  10. The ability to slightly reduce cholesterol levels.

By binding and removing salts of acids and bile, minerals ensure high-quality absorption of food. Fiber helps normalize stool and remove toxins from the intestines.

Cinnamon has antiseptic, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antifungal, and, due to its astringent ability, antidiarrheal properties.

Honey for high cholesterol: benefit or harm?

In recent decades, cholesterol diseases have become widespread. They affect almost a third of the world's population - more than two billion people.

Against this background, attention is increasingly being drawn to studies of how honey and cholesterol interact with each other. According to them, honey, unlike most other delicacies, does not contain “harmful” cholesterol.

In addition, this bee product manifests itself as an antagonist (a substance that has the opposite effect on the body) of cholesterol.

Best Recipes

Honey can be consumed in its pure form. Research shows that if you eat 20 grams of honey (about 90% of a tablespoon) 30 minutes before breakfast every day, after a few hours cholesterol levels decrease and lipid metabolism normalizes.

There are many more convenient and even more useful folk recipes using honey:

  1. Honey and lemon. A tablespoon of nectar must be diluted in a glass (250 ml) of warm water, then squeeze the juice from 1 half of a lemon into it. You should still take the drink every day, 30 minutes before breakfast.

  2. Honey, lemon and garlic. To prepare the medicine, you need to finely grind 10 whole lemons along with the zest and 10 heads of garlic. Next, you need to add 1 kg of a high-quality beekeeping product to the composition, mix thoroughly and place in a dark, dry room. After a week, the product is ready for use. It must be stored in the refrigerator and taken a teaspoon of the composition 4 times a day before meals.

Oatmeal with cinnamon

To effectively lower cholesterol, you need to consume at least half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon per day. The aromatic spice can be added to tea, desserts, baked goods, and porridge. The most healthy and tasty combination is oatmeal with the addition of a small amount of cinnamon. To reduce cholesterol, it is best to eat this dish for breakfast.

Porridge with cinnamon helps reduce high cholesterol levels, and when consumed regularly, prevents its re-formation. This dish also has a positive effect on the vascular system, increasing the elasticity of both large arteries and small capillaries. As expressed beneficial properties of oatmeal and cinnamon, it is necessary to name a number of the following:

  • improves metabolism, reduces the amount of waste and toxins;
  • has an effective effect against the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots;
  • prevents the development of diseases of the vascular system, helps reduce the level of harmful impurities in the hemalymph.

To prepare the most healthy dish, you need to use only natural rolled oats, which require long cooking. Instant cereals enriched with flavorings will do nothing but harm.

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Spices, herbs and special foods like honey help treat high cholesterol. Thus, cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol with honey and cinnamon is a time-tested remedy and approved by doctors.

Constant course use of this unique paste, the preparation of which does not take much time, contributes to a smooth and natural reduction of bad cholesterol. The beneficial ingredients have accompanying properties that help the body polluted by cholesterol and toxins.

Positive properties of honey

Natural honey has long gained fame not only among connoisseurs of traditional medicine, but also among doctors. The useful product is used in the recovery process of patients after various operations; it can be eaten if you have diabetes (but very little due to the high glycemic index), and also to restore strength after illness.

Honey in combination with cinnamon for high cholesterol is a wonderful remedy that has additional properties:

  • Honey will calm the nervous system;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Destroys maximum harmful substances and bacteria;
  • Helps restore damaged tissues;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Normalizes digestion and even relieves inflammatory processes in the stomach and large intestine.

Regular consumption of honey helps to lose weight and reduce cravings for sweets - and this is very important for people with atherosclerosis who are overweight.

General anti-cholesterol properties of honey and cinnamon

You can reduce cholesterol with cinnamon and honey due to the unique property of such a paste to bind and remove cholesterol from blood vessels. Gradually, the plaques dissolve, the blood becomes better and purer due to the building materials that honey and cinnamon tree bark are rich in. What’s interesting about these two products is that together they can enhance each other’s effects.

Additionally, cinnamon and honey help not only against cholesterol, but also heal the body:

  • Increase mental abilities;
  • Normalizes blood pressure in hypertension;
  • Stabilize insulin levels;
  • Burn fat.

However, honey and cinnamon are potent anti-cholesterol products, which you need to take a little at a time, literally 1-2 tbsp. l. per day for a therapeutic effect. If used excessively, the paste can reduce cholesterol by more than 20%, and this has a negative impact on health.

The effect of honey on blood cholesterol levels

Due to the fact that in recent decades a disease called atherosclerosis has become widespread, scientists compare it with an epidemic of the 21st century. In this regard, much attention has been paid to possible ways to prevent this pathology. It was found that its development directly depends on the cholesterol that circulates in the human body.

Traditional medicine offers many interesting recipes to combat high cholesterol levels. It has been found that certain foods with high cholesterol help reduce its amount, or protect blood vessels from the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Benefits of cinnamon

In addition to its pleasant smell, this unique spice has healing properties. It contains essential oils, all kinds of vitamins and microelements, which have a beneficial effect on all internal organs as a whole.

The smell of spice not only has a calming effect on the emotional background, but also activates the brain, stimulating memory and attention.

By adding it to your diet, you can improve the functioning of your internal organs:

  • restore metabolic processes;
  • improve blood flow;
  • enrich cells with oxygen;
  • neutralize pathogenic microflora;
  • stabilize the amount of glucose in the blood;
  • improve brain activity;
  • get rid of excess body weight.

Thanks to its special composition, cinnamon promotes the absorption of food and removes all harmful compounds from the intestines. This spice is an excellent remedy for diarrhea, capable of protecting the intestinal mucous surfaces from neoplasms. In addition, it is often used for diabetes, regulating sugar levels.

Cinnamon for cholesterol is often found in many traditional medicine recipes. It successfully removes excess fluid, which is often observed with high cholesterol.

What is cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance, a lipid, which is found in every cell of the human body, and is also found in egg yolks, homemade milk, sour cream and cottage cheese, and shellfish.

It is formed in the adrenal glands, intestines, liver (80%) and comes from food (20%). Without this substance we could not live, since the brain needs it, it is necessary for the production of vitamin D, the digestion of food, the construction of cells, tissue regeneration and the production of hormones.

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He is our friend and enemy at the same time. When cholesterol is normal, a person is healthy. He feels good thanks to the stable functioning of the body. A high cholesterol level indicates danger is brewing, which often ends in a sudden heart attack.

Cholesterol is transported through the blood by molecules called low- and high-density lipoproteins (LDL, LDL) and HDL.

Explanation: HDL is called good cholesterol, and LDL is called bad. Good cholesterol is produced only in the body, and bad cholesterol also comes from food.

The higher the bad cholesterol, the worse it is for the body: from the liver it is transferred to the arteries, where it accumulates in the form of plaque on their walls, forming plaques.

Bad and good cholesterol
Sometimes it oxidizes, then its unstable formula penetrates the walls of the arteries, provoking the body to produce antibodies for protection, the excess of which causes a destructive inflammatory process.

Good cholesterol does the opposite, cleaning out artery walls. By removing LDL from them, it returns it back to the liver.

Increasing HDL is achieved through sports, physical and mental work, and reducing LDL cholesterol is achieved through a special diet.


Existing contraindications

All substances used in recipes have a wide range of beneficial properties, but this does not mean that they are universal and suitable for everyone. The compositions have contraindications that you should pay attention to:

  • intolerance to components;
  • skin diseases;
  • pregnancy (the tone of the uterus may increase);
  • breastfeeding is a contraindication due to the possible development of allergies in the child;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • neuropsychiatric diseases (associated with stimulating effects);
  • increase in body temperature.

To get the maximum benefit from these types of therapy, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, get rid of bad habits, exercise and eat right. With the help of these products, blood vessels are cleansed of cholesterol and other harmful accumulations.

It should be remembered that cinnamon is not used alone in the fight against cholesterol. Treatment should be comprehensive and use medications prescribed by a doctor.

Honey drink with cinnamon against vascular diseases

A drink to reduce the amount of harmful substances in the blood, which includes cinnamon, is an excellent thirst quencher and treatment of many diseases; you can drink it either warm or cold. It perfectly cleanses blood vessels of bad cholesterol, promoting the removal of its bad fractions and inhibiting the formation of cholesterol plaques. You can drink it for various diseases of the vascular system.

To prepare this drink, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  1. a couple of fresh sprigs or several dry peppermint leaves;
  2. a small slice of fresh lemon;
  3. no more than a tablespoon of natural honey;
  4. spoon of cinnamon.

Preparing such a drink for treatment is quite simple - you just need to mix all the components in warm water, purified, but not heat-treated. Using running boiled water for this recipe is not advisable.

There are no specific rules according to which it is necessary to consume this healthy drink as a treatment. But it is advisable to drink it on an empty stomach, so it will bring maximum benefit, influencing the formation of plaques and blood clots.

The benefits of honey therapy

Natural bee honey is a unique product that has a set of microelements and vitamins that are beneficial for the human body. Many of the chemical components are indicated specifically for the treatment of the heart and blood vessels.

First of all, these are B vitamins that are part of the bee product. In particular, B3 dilates blood vessels, increases the level of healthy cholesterol (high density), and reduces blood pressure. And B5 normalizes cholesterol concentration and lipid metabolism.

Flavonoids provide antioxidant effects, reduce sugar levels, and restore vascular elasticity.

Phytoncides strengthen the immune system, have an antiseptic effect, accelerate tissue regeneration, and eliminate minor damage to blood vessels.

Microelements also improve immunity, ensuring the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors.

In addition, bee nectar is an easily digestible food. A pure source of energy that does not contain fat. When taken correctly (observing dosages taking into account age and existing contraindications), honey improves blood circulation and cellular metabolism.

It is able to suppress the oxidation of low-density cholesterol cells, which harm blood vessels. Honey also blocks free radicals and restores lipid balance.

If you have high cholesterol, honey is not only possible, but also necessary to be included in your diet . It will help cleanse the blood vessels. Positive dynamics are observed after three to four weeks of daily use (the concentration of bad cholesterol decreases).

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