Features of the action of Actovegin in people with vascular hypertension

“Actovegin” is a safe drug that can be used even when treating children. Thanks to the action of the drug, energy and oxygen metabolism in tissues improves, which occurs against the background of the interaction of peptides and natural amino acids.

When faced with the drug, people often wonder: how does Actovegin affect blood pressure?

Actovegin for low or high blood pressure


The production of Actovegin is based on an extract of calf blood, and the blood is taken from a young animal, this makes the drug more active and safe. The active element is a protein-free extract from the blood of calves (deproteinized hemoderivative). The concentrate contains Na chloride.

The tablet shell consists of the following components:

  • Acacia gum - 6.8 mg;
  • Mountain glycol wax - 0.1 mg;
  • Hypromellose phthalate - 29.45 mg;
  • Diethyl phthalate - 11.8 mg;
  • Dye quinoline yellow aluminum varnish - 2 mg;
  • Macrogol;
  • Povidone;
  • Talc;
  • Silica.

The granule contains excipients: povidone K90 - 10 mg; MCC - 135 mg.

In addition, the composition includes water for injection and additional elements:

  • Electrolytes.
  • Microelements.
  • Oligopeptides.

These elements help improve cellular metabolism, transport oxygen to tissues, and also normalize the absorption of glucose. All this has a beneficial effect on the condition of the blood vessels, that is, their lumen expands and the pressure normalizes. The medicine can increase blood circulation in the brain and heart muscle, so the drug is often used by cardiologists, ophthalmologists, and neurologists.

Which form of the drug is better to choose?

Interaction with other drugs

For hypertension, Actovegin can be combined with other drugs that lower blood pressure. In complex therapy, a quick and long-term effect is achieved.

Interaction with other drugs

You should not combine the product only with alcohol-based drugs, as it reduces the effectiveness of the hemoderivative from the blood of calves.

Release form

Actovegin has several forms of release:

  • Tablets – oral administration;
  • Cream - local application;
  • Ointments;
  • Gels;
  • Injections for solutions.

More often, injections are used for therapy, which are administered intramuscularly or intravenously.

The drug is available in 2, 5, 10 ml, colorless, transparent ampoules, with a break line, located in blister cells.

The packaging is cardboard and contains transparent round stickers and holographic inscriptions.

How to take the drug

Before you start taking any medication, especially one that affects the cellular level, medical consultation is necessary.

Only a doctor, based on examination, tests and experience, can accurately assume in your case whether Actovegin lowers blood pressure or not, or, conversely, whether Actovegin can increase blood pressure under certain conditions. You should not neglect the opinion of a specialist and practice self-medication according to the principle: “Masha drank and it helped her.”


The main effect of the drug is aimed at increasing blood circulation and improving cellular metabolism. Does Actovegin increase or decrease blood pressure? The drug promotes vasodilation and blood pressure decreases. All signs characteristic of hypertension are eliminated.

It has a beneficial effect on the transportation and utilization of glucose, improves tissue regeneration, which has a lowering effect on blood pressure. A decrease in blood glucose concentration (hypoglycemia) can increase blood pressure by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system.

With increased pressure, the cells and tissues of the body are subject to oxygen starvation; Actovegin eliminates this deficiency.

When pressure in the cranial cavity increases, the use of Actovegin allows the blood vessels that supply the brain to expand, which helps eliminate pain and nosebleeds.

The drug produces an immunomodulatory effect, due to which a rapid recovery is observed. Reduces the level of tissue damage after coronary artery disease due to high blood pressure.

Actovegin during pregnancy

Video on the topic

Instructions for use of the drug Actovegin in the video:

Thus, Actovegin is a medicine that helps reduce intracranial, ocular and blood pressure. The mechanism of action is based on vasodilation. The therapeutic effect is observed after a quarter of an hour.

Reviews from patients and doctors about this product are good. But each person’s body is individual. Therefore, before taking it, it is important to familiarize yourself with contraindications and adverse reactions and consult a doctor.

The information on the MyMedNews.ru website is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment.


And we also have

  • Magnesia for hypertension: instructions for use and precautions

Indications for use

There are three main indications for the use of Actovegin:

  1. Increased cerebral vascular pressure. This pathology is manifested by a number of symptoms:
  • Headache;
  • Feeling of heaviness and pain in the eyes;
  • Regular nosebleeds;
  • Mental and emotional disorders (manifest against the background of headaches).

The whole point is that this form of hypertension is characterized by pressure above normal, Actovegin has a dilating effect, and the drug is administered intramuscularly, since if the disease proceeds without complications, it is not considered dangerous. In more severe situations, intravenous administration of the medication is prescribed, and in such cases one cannot hesitate.

  1. Hypertension is a common pathology, which is characterized by vascular disorders and increased pressure. Intravenous use of the drug is prescribed if the pressure rises above one hundred and fifty, that is, when there is an urgent need to save a person’s life. In all other situations, Actovegin is used intramuscularly. The effect of injections follows the same scenario as with hypertension. The lumen of blood vessels increases, and a decrease in pressure is observed. For better therapy for such hypertension, Actovegin injections are prescribed in combination with other drugs of similar action.
  2. Increased intraocular pressure - the use of Actovegin can also increase the lumen of blood vessels and reduce pressure. Symptoms that indicate the presence of pathology are as follows:
  • Pain in the eyes;
  • Decreased eye movement;
  • Deterioration of vision, blurred vision at the end of the working day;
  • Split, blurred image.

If such signs are detected, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist, who will make a final diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Actovegin is prescribed as the main drug or in combination with other medications that can lower blood pressure.

Actovegin is also used for diabetic polyneuropathy. The presence of certain cardiac and neuropathological disorders may also be the reason for the prescription of Actovegin, but in any case this should be decided by the attending physician, taking into account all contraindications to the drug and the individual characteristics of the patient. Self-medication can worsen the patient’s clinical picture and lead to too low blood pressure, which will also require additional treatment measures.

Interesting! The effect of injections is much higher than other forms of the drug.

Drug for local treatment

Reviews about the drug

Reviews of Actovegin, both among doctors and patients, vary greatly. Some note a good therapeutic result when working with the drug, which is also not burdened by side effects, while others have a diametrically opposite opinion and focus on the pain of intramuscular injections, the insufficient effectiveness of the tablets and the relatively high price of the drugs.

Considering its safety and compatibility with other medications, many doctors willingly prescribe Actovegin in a variety of complex treatment regimens for a wide range of pathologies. But there are also those who, citing the lack of clinical evidence of effectiveness and the ban on this remedy in the USA and other countries, completely refuse to use it in their practice.

There is also no consensus among patients. For some, this is the best medicine in the world, which saved his mother, while others consider tap water healthier. Everything is very individual.

Despite conflicting reviews, the possibility of improving health should not be neglected if any drug can offer such a chance, even if it is controversial.

Many previously invented medicines were criticized at the beginning of their use, and subsequently became indispensable in every first aid kit. The pharmacopoeia does not stand still and, perhaps, we will soon see new versions of the drug, about which no one will ask: “Does Actovegin increase blood pressure or not?”


Let's consider how Actovegin acts on the human cardiovascular system: does it increase or decrease blood pressure, why is the drug needed and what effect can be achieved from it?

Actovegin, series drugs

Actovegin is a drug that restores metabolic processes in the tissues and cells of the body. Belongs to the group of biogenic stimulants. Contains substances of animal origin that affect metabolism and regenerative abilities. The medicine has several forms of release - tablets for internal use, ointment for topical use, eye gel, solution for intravenous administration.


Despite all the positive aspects, Actovegin has some contraindications and is used with caution during pregnancy or lactation. These cases should be under constant medical supervision, since the risk of anaphylactic shock and increased body temperature increases. Ointments and gels for topical use are not considered partial contraindications in such situations.

The following are considered absolute contraindications to the use of Actovegin:

  • Pulmonary edema;
  • Acute form of heart failure;
  • Anuria – lack of urine flow into the bladder (in this pathological condition, diuresis is no more than 50 ml per day);
  • Oliguria is a decrease in the daily amount of urine excreted per day;
  • High content of Na, Cl in the patient’s body;
  • Allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

To avoid serious consequences of drug therapy, it is necessary to notify the doctor of all allergic manifestations to any medications or nutritional supplements before prescribing treatment.

Attention! The drug should be prescribed with caution in severe hypertension.

Intravenous injection

Actovegin: increases or decreases blood pressure?

The drug helps reduce pressure in blood vessels. Therefore, it is prescribed to patients with arterial hypertension. The active substance of the drug dilates blood vessels for a short time and normalizes blood pressure.

With slow intramuscular administration the following is observed:

Photo 2

  • stopping nosebleeds;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • disappearance of migraine.

Actovegin injections are usually given only to children. In adults, intramuscular administration causes severe pain and worsens health.

Therefore, droppers with a solution are often prescribed. Then the active substance enters the body slowly and does not contribute to the occurrence of unpleasant sensations. Actovegin is administered intravenously only at a pressure of 150/90 mmHg and above. If the tonometer numbers are below this mark, then an injection into the muscle or a pill is enough.

The medication also lowers intracranial and intraocular pressure. Today, the product is actively used to bring vascular tone back to normal. Clinical and laboratory studies have shown that with intravenous administration, 80% of patients already feel better on the fifth day.

To the question whether Actovegin increases or decreases blood pressure, you can give a precise answer: the medicine lowers the tonometer numbers. To understand how a medication affects the body, you need to know its mechanism of action.

Side effects

More often, the drug is well tolerated by patients, no side effects are detected, for this reason, Actovegin is often prescribed to children with severe forms of multiple sclerosis. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, constant medical supervision is necessary.

Like any other medicine, Actovegin may have side effects, one of which is an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. Most often, the disorder manifests itself in the form of urticaria. If such symptoms occur, you must immediately stop taking Actovegin and seek help from a doctor to adjust the dosage or change treatment measures.

When using gel and ointment, it is possible that local reactions may occur, which manifest themselves as pain, rash, itching, and redness of the skin. If the allergic reaction is mild, then discontinuation of therapy is not required.

Drug analogues

Side effects

The composition of the drug is completely natural. To create it, the blood of dairy calves raised in an ecologically clean area of ​​Australia is taken. This allows you to reduce the list of side effects to a minimum.

Side effects

But there is a small percentage of patients who note a deterioration in their health. Among the complaints are:

  • allergic reactions in the form of urticaria and swelling;
  • joint pain after use;
  • lacrimation.

If you notice any of these things, tell your doctor. If severe itching and rash occur, stop taking the drug and take an antiallergic drug.

How to take and at what pressure, dosage

Before starting treatment with Actovegin, you must read the instructions that come with each package of the drug; this can only be done after a doctor’s prescription. It is the specialist who can select the right form of medication and the exact dose. The duration of the treatment course depends on the pathology:

  • Tablets are used three times, 1-2 pieces each, washed down with water. The duration of the course varies from 4 to 6 weeks;
  • The pills should be taken three times a day on an empty stomach, washed down with plain water, and should not be chewed;
  • Ointment, gel, cream is applied directly to the lesion several times a day. If it is necessary to reduce eye pressure, then apply the drug directly to the eyeball three times a day;
  • Intramuscular injections begin with a minimum dose of 10 mg, then the doctor may change the dose to 20 mg. The drug can be administered intravenously once, no more than 5 ml, so as not to sharply reduce the pressure. To determine the presence of an allergy, a sensitivity test to the drug is performed;
  • The use of infusion solutions implies further control of the balance of fluid and electrolytes in the patient’s body and is administered slowly.

Analogue in tablets

Use of the drug for high blood pressure: method of application, dosage

The duration and method of treatment depend on the type of disease and location of the lesion. For hypertension, the tablets, according to the classical scheme given in the instructions, should be taken three times a day, one piece at a time. Reception is indicated before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The dragee should be washed down with a small amount of still water. The standard course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. You should not drink alcoholic beverages during therapy. Because they neutralize the therapeutic effect.

Photo 4
All forms of release of the drug Actovegin

The daily volume of administration of the drug in injection form is determined solely by the treating doctor. The starting dosage is 10-20 ml. No more than 5 ml is allowed at a time. If necessary, the daily dose is increased. The solution should be injected slowly. This is how they are treated for two weeks. Then the dose is reduced to 5-10 ml and injections are given for another 14 days.

The medication comes with detailed instructions for use. But before using the drug, you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, only a specialist can choose the appropriate form of medication, the correct dosage and dosage regimen.

In case of overdose, a significant decrease in tonometer readings is possible. Before using Actovegin, it is recommended to test the tolerability of the components of the product. For this purpose, 2 ml of solution is injected subcutaneously and the result is assessed after 15 minutes.

Photo 5
If there is no hyperemia and the papule does not itch, this means that the allergic reaction is negative and the medication is approved for use. The solution for injection is diluted with sodium chloride or glucose.

It is not recommended to combine Actovegin with other chemical elements.

After opening the bottle should be used immediately. Storage is prohibited. The course of treatment is 7 days. With regular and long-term treatment, it is necessary to monitor the water and electrolyte balance. If the patient has a stroke, it is better to refuse injections and administer the drug using droppers.


Since Actovegin is a natural drug, overdose is observed in rare cases, but is not an exception. In this case, patients observe the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the injection area;
  • Skin rash;
  • Hives;
  • Swelling;
  • Fever;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Headache;
  • General weakness;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Pain in the chest area;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Anaphylactic shock;
  • Increased work of sweat glands;
  • Tachycardia.

To prevent side effects from appearing, it is recommended to start treatment with small doses, then they can be increased, but only after the recommendation of a doctor. Often, unpleasant sensations appear when using gel forms of the drug, but they should disappear after half an hour. Otherwise, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

If skin rashes and fever occur, you should stop treatment and take an antihistamine.

Mechanism of action

Photo 3The main effect of Actovegin is based on increasing blood circulation and activating metabolic processes in cells.
Low molecular weight peptides and amino acids of plant origin contained in the composition improve energy metabolic processes in the tissues of the human body and enrich cells with oxygen. All this helps to reduce the tonometer numbers.

After taking the drug, glucose metabolism increases. This enhances tissue regeneration and normalizes high blood pressure. Saturating cells with oxygen and glucose increases their energy resource.


There are several analogues of Actovegin.

  • Solcoseryl, which is available in the form of ointments and injections, has a similar effect. It can be replaced by “Dipyridamole”, “Curantyl”, “Vero-Trimetazidine” tablets.
  • For topical use, the doctor may prescribe the wound-healing drug Algofin.
  • An analogue of the injectable form is “Cerebrolysin”, a nootropic medicine used to treat disorders of the central nervous system.
  • “Cortexin” is successfully used to normalize metabolic processes.
  • Cheaper analogues include “Asafen”, “Omaron”, “Memoria”. Their effect is aimed at normalizing memory.

All the drugs presented differ in their composition; they all have certain contraindications that must be taken into account when prescribing them. Therefore, the choice of medicine must be made exclusively by the doctor, who also takes into account the age category of the patient, the diagnosis made and the general state of health of the patient.

Similar medications

If for some reason it is not possible to use Actovegin, then doctors prescribe its synonym. The pharmaceutical product Solcoseryl has a similar composition and effect. The medicine is sold in the form of ointments, injection solutions and ointments. The price of Solcoseryl usually does not exceed 200 rubles, but some manufacturers set the price higher. In addition to “Sorcoseryl”, such drugs in tablet form as “Curantil”, “Dipyridamole”, “Vero-Trimetazidine” can be used as a replacement for the described medication.

For external use, instead of Actovegin, an ointment with a wound-healing effect, Algofin, can be prescribed, the price of which is within 60 rubles. For injections, an effective replacement for Actovegin is the Cerebrolysin solution. This medication is a nootropic drug and is used to treat CNS pathologies.

The cost of "Cerebrolysin" is from 900 to 1200 rubles. To improve metabolism, Cortexin is often prescribed instead of the drug described. If you need to purchase cheaper medications with a similar effect as Actovegin, then doctors can suggest that patients purchase Omaron, Memoria or Asaphen. However, it is worth considering that their action is aimed only at improving memory. All analogue drugs differ from the original drug in composition, restrictions on use and therapeutic course regimen. That is why the selection of an analogue drug should only be carried out by a specialized physician who will prescribe a similar drug, referring to the patient’s diagnosis, his age and general condition.

Actovegin and high blood pressure

Hypertension is one of the most common diseases of the heart and blood vessels; against the background of other symptoms, intracranial pressure increases. The cause of the development of hypertension may be heredity, lifestyle, excess weight, chronic illnesses, and constant nervous tension.

For high blood pressure, Actovegin is injected into a vein only in cases where the tonometer shows numbers above 150/90, and it is necessary to urgently reduce the pressure, and there are no other antihypertensive drugs. If the pressure has not increased so seriously, it is not necessary to do an intravenous injection; an injection into the muscle will be enough.

The effect of the drug is similar for hypertension and hypertension. Blood vessels dilate, causing blood pressure to drop. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage, since if the blood pressure is sharply reduced, heart complications may occur.

Hypertensive patients can also be treated with antihypertensive drugs; Actovegin is combined with them; the main thing is to calculate the cumulative effect so as not to reduce blood pressure.

Actovegin and fundus pressure

When pressure inside the eyes increases, Actovegin is used for the same purposes as in the case of hypertension. We are talking about the expansion of blood vessels, as a result of which intraocular pressure will decrease. Normalizing blood pressure readings in a timely manner means avoiding dangerous complications.

Signs of increased pressure in the eyes include: pain, heaviness, inability to move one’s gaze from one object to another; in the evening, patients complain of blurred outlines of objects, pictures become blurred. As soon as such symptoms begin to bother you, you should immediately visit an ophthalmologist to check the fundus and assess the pressure.

If a disease is detected, in addition to Actovegin, the ophthalmologist will prescribe other drugs that have a complex effect on health.

In addition, you need to follow the doctor’s recommendations - even if you take Actovegin, prolonged eye strain, nervous stress and other factors increase your blood pressure, the presence of which needs to be corrected.

Only then can you count on a positive effect from therapy.

Contraindications of the drug

Typically, the drug Actovegin rarely causes side effects due to the high safety of the active substance included in the drug. There have been no cases of drug overdose in medical practice.

  • An undesirable reaction to the drug is possible with hypersensitivity to the components, especially in people with allergies.
  • In some cases, a rush of blood is felt, the temperature rises, hyperemia of the skin occurs, and a reaction appears in the form of urticaria. If such a reaction occurs, you should stop using the medication and take an antihistamine to relieve symptoms.
  • Injection of the drug is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus and pulmonary edema.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of using the medicine.

Since Actovegin treats cardiac and neuropathological diseases, you should not self-medicate. Before using the drug, you should consult with your doctor to make sure that the patient has no contraindications to the drug.

Actovegin does not affect the patient's reaction rate. When using other medications, you need to know that the injection solution is compatible with isotonic solutions of glucose and sodium chloride; the use of other chemical compounds is not recommended.

Who is prescribed Actovegin?

The dosage of the medicine is selected by the attending physician, taking into account the type of disease and severity. As a rule, Actovegin is used to treat patients with neurological, cardiological and ophthalmological pathologies. The medicine can increase the accumulation of oxygen and glucose in cells, thereby increasing the rate of intracellular metabolism.

As a result of exposure, the energy resource of the body’s cells increases, the person feels good, and their performance and mood improve.

People have a need for additional energy when they are starved of oxygen or have damaged tissues. In such conditions, the body needs a large amount of energy. Another effect that can affect the body is an increased supply of blood to tissues. Depending on the disease, a different form of the drug is used. Eg:

  • Actovegin injections are prescribed for cerebral insufficiency, after a traumatic brain injury, stroke, or any malfunction of the brain;
  • injections help with venous and arterial vascular disorders, when it comes to peripheral vessels - this threatens obliterating endarteritis, damage to the retinal vessels in the eyes;
  • medicine in ampoules can be prescribed to patients with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Often the drug helps against bedsores;
  • using ointment to treat bedsores, wounds, ulcers and other inflammations and injuries of the skin;
  • eye gel is used after surgery on the organs of vision, after chemical damage to the cornea of ​​the eye;
  • Actovegin in the form of tablets eliminates disruptions in blood circulation and metabolism.

Doctors often prescribe Actovegin to patients with hypertension. Its active substance can dilate blood vessels. After an injection of the medicine, a decrease in blood pressure is observed, headaches, nosebleeds and other symptoms characteristic of high blood pressure go away.

Usually Actovegin is injected into the muscle under pressure, but if the condition is critical, then the injection is made into a vein.

The drug's ability to dilate blood vessels is very helpful when the patient has high blood pressure and intraocular pressure. A course of treatment with the drug leads to a decrease in blood pressure, which quickly returns to normal.

Having found out from your doctor whether Actovegin increases or decreases blood pressure, you should ask in what doses you can take it if your blood pressure suddenly decides to increase. The standard dosage at first is 10-20 ml; if necessary, the doctor will adjust the prescription. After 2 weeks of treatment, the doctor reduces the dose of the drug to 5-10 ml and extends the course of treatment for another 2 weeks. For each patient, the duration of the course will be selected separately; if the pressure becomes low, you need to stop taking the medication. For ischemic stroke, Actovegin is administered through a drip so that the pressure decreases gradually; sudden drops are dangerous.

Effect on blood pressure

Despite the fact that the indications do not include hypertension, if some factor increases blood pressure, Actovegin will help quickly bring it back to normal. This is explained by the principle of action of the medicine.

Effect on blood pressure

The active component is a deproteinized hemoderivative from the blood of calves, obtained by repeated filtration. Actovegin contains a special form of protein, ideal in size for absorption by the human body.

The product improves the penetration of oxygen into cells and accelerates the absorption of glucose. This leads to normalization of the cardiovascular system, expansion of the lumen in blood vessels and a decrease in pressure.

First of all, the pressure after Actovegin decreases in the brain and eyeballs. Later throughout the rest of the circulatory system.

Contraindications for taking Actovegin

The above are facts confirming the safety of the raw materials from which the medicine is produced. Side effects from taking Actovegin are extremely rare, so we can assume that there are practically no negative reactions from it. Overdose, according to statistics, has not yet occurred. As for negative side reactions, they can only occur in allergy sufferers who are intolerant to the components of the drug.

Rarely, while taking Actovegin, the temperature rises slightly, the skin turns red, and an allergic rash in the form of hives may appear on the body. If suddenly such a reaction occurs, you need to take an antihistamine and stop taking the medication by contacting your doctor.

Actovegin is not recommended for use in cases of pulmonary edema or diabetes mellitus. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor to determine how beneficial taking the medication will be. Considering that Actovegin is prescribed for diseases of the heart, nervous system, and blood vessels, you should not prescribe it yourself, since the body’s response can be unpredictable.

While taking the drug, the reaction rate is not affected, so you can continue driving vehicles and working on machines.

How safe is Actovegin?

As mentioned above, thanks to the special composition, Actovegin is considered a safe drug. The raw materials for the manufacture of medicine in various dosage forms are tissues of Australian animals. In this country, the absence of such a cattle disease as spongiform encephalopathy has been officially confirmed, therefore international standards recognize raw materials from Australia as the best for the production of medicines.

Active substances obtained from raw materials of animal origin are divided into 4 categories. The most effective drugs are prepared from raw materials of the first category (brain), and the last category (blood, milk) is considered the safest.

To produce Actovegin, the blood of specially raised Australian calves is used. The age of the calf is taken into account - the younger the animal, the safer the raw materials will be. Australian calves are fed on safe feed mixtures that do not contain harmful or dangerous additives.

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