Should you worry if your heart hurts when you inhale, cough, sneeze, or run? One of the most
09/07/2017 Anemia is a disease characterized by low hemoglobin levels. The secondary name of the disease is anemia.
5 / 5 (1 vote) The normal blood pressure (BP) at rest depends
Developed thrombosis of the internal jugular vein is caused by damage to the vascular wall and activation of the blood coagulation system.
Description Mitral valve prolapse in children (or MVP) is a cardiac pathology in which
Diuretics or diuretics are drugs that are endowed with the ability to remove excess fluid from the body cavity.
What are the active components and action? The composition of each Cardiomagnyl tablet, coated with a special coating, includes
What causes this behavior in patients? A complex of different reasons leads to this complication:
Humans have veins throughout their body. Only in most cases are they reliably
At what pressure and why is it difficult to breathe? Heavy and labored breathing occurs with high