Pain in joints and muscles with VSD - Pressure and everything about it
How to relieve vasospasm during VSD
In what forms of VSD do vascular spasms occur? Vascular spasms can occur in all types
Diet for elevated triglycerides
Around the world, both scientists and authorities in different countries are already talking about the growing second wave of coronavirus.
Does an increase in red blood cells in the urine always mean the development of a disease? The revealed increased content of erythrocytes in
Aspen bark for diabetes: healing properties, collection, methods of use
Preparing the tincture To properly prepare the herbal infusion from aspen bark, you need to apply some skills
What do diffuse changes in the myocardium of the left ventricle mean and how to treat it?
A decrease in myocardial contractility in ischemic heart disease is accompanied by a significant increase in the risk of complications and death, so identifying
Ketoacidosis is an emergency condition associated with the accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood.
Diabetic ketoacidosis: causes, symptoms, treatment
Ketoacidosis is a complex of symptoms that develop as a result of a shift in acid-base balance with the development of acidosis
atrial fibrillation treatment
Intravenous and intramuscular injections of the drug Lidocaine for cardiac arrhythmias
Action in case of rhythm disturbances The antiarrhythmic properties of Lidocaine manifest themselves mainly at the level of myocardial cells
The influence of liver diseases on blood pressure and the manifestation of portal hypertension. Arterial hypertension and liver disease: in search of a compromise Can blood pressure increase due to the liver?
Greetings, dear guests and regular readers of Alexey Shevchenko’s blog “Healthy Lifestyle”. Surely
head constriction
Blood supply to the human brain, arteries of the head and neck
The blood supply to the brain is a separate functional system of blood vessels through which the flow of
What does a bad blood test mean and how to deal with it?
How to stop bleeding from a cut or scrape
Poor general blood test A general (clinical) blood test is most often prescribed to patients. Deviations of it
Proteins in biochemical blood analysis in children and adults - characteristics and norms of indicators in biochemical analysis
Proteinuria is a condition in which protein is present in the urine. The phenomenon refers to symptoms