Uncomplicated hypertensive crisis: treatment methods
08/21/2020 Hypertensive crises (HC) include an increase in blood pressure, which leads to acute disruption of regional
Disability after a heart attack
Determination of disability group for heart attack and stenting
After suffering a heart attack, people try to change the lifestyle they lead. They change
Why do legs hurt with diabetes and what to do?
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (abbreviation: T2DM) is a metabolic disease characterized by chronic hyperglycemia caused by
Does ascorbic acid raise blood pressure or lower it?
Vitamins for blood pressure Having decided to take vitamins, a patient with hypertension should know which vitamins reduce blood pressure,
High blood pressure after drinking
Why do people die from hangovers and how can deaths be prevented?
Alcohol is a rather dangerous product that affects absolutely all internal organs and tissues.
Heart examination. Cardiological diagnostics
Study of the heart and blood vessels 24,000–37,000 rubles Cardiologists of the Stolitsa network of clinics for
Blood vessels
What you need to pay attention to when choosing drugs to strengthen blood vessels
When the tone of the capillaries and arteries decreases, venous insufficiency develops, a malfunction of the heart occurs,
Acute coronary syndrome: diagnosis and emergency care
5 / 5 (3 votes) The article talks about a complex of heart diseases,
How to identify varicose veins on the legs in children and adolescents?
A child has varicose veins in the legs - what to do? Symptoms and treatment for children of different ages
Causes of childhood venous disease If varicose veins in a child are a congenital defect, then the main cause
Can nitroglycerin be used to prevent a heart attack?
Exercise therapy for hypertension: a set of exercises and gymnastics The short-term and long-term prognosis of IHD depends on