Determining the sex of the unborn child by updating the blood of the parents

Why is it important to know the sex of the child before conception?

Calculation of the sex of the child by blood renewal

Doctors' forecasts and dry statistics do not satisfy all parents. Many mothers have dreamed of having a girl since childhood, and the dream of men is to go fishing with their son and play football. Calculating the sex of a child based on the partners’ blood updates is a sure way to getting a “golden couple” - first a boy and then a girl, or vice versa.

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Ovulation calculatorCalculators

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In any case, modern technologies and the digitization of old but true methods of determining gender make it possible to plan who the child will be. And by the renewal of blood, every couple can calculate the sex of the child, even pregnancy is more fun: it came true or did not come true, and so on until the first ultrasound!

Blood circulation of a woman after childbirth

The circulatory system, like other components of the female body, must undergo regeneration. The body is exhausted by pregnancy. After the birth of the child, everything should return to its place, to its normal state.

A distinction is made between early and late recovery. The first type includes the production of colostrum, reduction of the uterus to normal size, and stabilization of hormonal levels.

Blood circulation plays a very important role in all these processes. Blood flow to the breast contributes to a more active development of breastfeeding. The uterus is in a slightly compressed state, so blood circulation is slightly impaired. As a result, this affects tissue repair. Therefore, after 14 days from the birth of the baby, you need to go for an examination. This will help avoid advanced complications.

Due to the fact that the placenta ceases to exist and there is no uteroplacental circulation, there is significantly less blood. The mother's blood pressure drops. Due to heavy bleeding, lochia, the risk of infection in the urine and reproductive system increases, since all organs are easily accessible to bacteria. Sometimes a woman may feel a frequent need to go to the toilet. This is due to poor circulation in the pelvis due to the child passing through the birth canal.

Is a woman's blood renewed after childbirth? Yes, any severe blood loss provokes such a process. This can be not only childbirth, but premature blood renewal can be caused by transfusion, surgery or abortion.

Is childbirth considered a renewal of the blood? Most likely not, because childbirth itself does not cause this process. This is a consequence of large blood loss during labor.

A method with roots in antiquity

Ancient people believed that all systems in the human body work like a clock and no one can change it.
Every few years, almost everything in the body is renewed: blood, cells and even the soul. In a man’s body, such castling occurs once every four years, and in a woman’s body once every three years. It is on this theory that the method of determining the sex of a child is based on the renewal of the parents’ blood. Let's say that the theory is not unfounded and many couples even managed to figure it out in such a way as to conceive the desired male or female baby.

Scientists note that the probability of a coincidence ranges from 68–88%, which already inspires confidence. How to determine gender by blood renewal? Here special tables will come to our aid.

Medicinal cleaning

Most often, powders, mixtures or tablets are prescribed for blood purification of plant origin, as can be seen from the table:

A drugProperties and instructions for use
Zosterin Ultra powder

Zosterin Ultra with sea grass pectin
Removes heavy metals, prevents allergies and asthma, digestive diseases, flu, reduces complications when receiving chemotherapy and radiation for oncology. Adults and children over 14 years of age take 10 days, 1 g/day with half a glass of water.

HepaClearThe product consists of dry extracts of aloe vera, milk thistle (fruit), plantain seeds, dandelion root, lecithin, deionized water, glycerin, xanthan gum.
When used liquid;
  • cleanses blood and lymph;
  • enhances the detoxification functions of the liver and supports liver function at the cellular level;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • neutralizes toxins.

Adults should take 1 ml (1 full dropper) in 100-200 ml of juice or water with food 3 times a day. Course – 1 month.

Hepa-Clear Drops

Alfit No. 23 for blood purification

Tea drink Alfit-23 (briquettes 2 g each)

Briquettes consist of nettle, buckthorn, fireweed and meadowsweet. In the morning Alfit, knotweed was added to the composition, and in the evening Alfit - motherwort.

Use tea from 1 briquette, pour boiling water (150-200 ml) into it and leave for 5-10 minutes. Use 1 briquette in the morning and 1 in the evening half an hour before meals. Course – 1-3 months. Repeat annually - 1-2 times.

Prescribed for various intoxications: medications, alcohol, nicotine, slagging of the body, excess weight.

Amaranth tinctureA pharmaceutical tincture of amaranth seeds or flowers and leaves is prescribed to cleanse the blood. It contains calcium. Iron, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins, protein. Prescribed for inflammation of the urinary system, physical weakness, and hypotension. Take 1 tsp. with a quarter glass of water 20 minutes before meals, 3 times.

Amaranth tincture

Korbalance capsules

Corbalance to normalize blood cholesterol

A drug for cleansing blood and blood vessels from low-density cholesterol, stimulating the circulatory system and preventing atherosclerosis. Take 1-2 months daily, 1 capsule 2 times. You must first cleanse your liver and intestines.

The composition is based on an extract of hawthorn fruits, motherwort extract, Asian centella, grape seeds, and Alfaalfa from field alfalfa.

Gotu Kola capsules

Gotu Kola or Centella for venous circulation

A broad-spectrum drug made from the gotu kola herb is prescribed to cleanse the venous bed and small vessels, improve oxygen delivery to the brain, increase cell metabolism and fat breakdown, normalize cholesterol levels, treat cardiovascular and central nervous system diseases, and varicose veins. The drug contains a lot of triterpene acids and their esters, oligosaccharides, essential oils, caffeine, cahetolamines, vitamin K and magnesium.

Take 1 capsule with 200 ml of water twice a day

Capillarin tabletsCleanses blood, large and small vessels, increases their elasticity and strengthens the walls. Capillarin removes low-density cholesterol, activates blood microcirculation and metabolic processes, and improves immunity. The product consists of hawthorn flowers, rose hips, pollen (bee pollen) and the flavonoid Quercetin.

Dietary supplement Capillarin for cleansing blood and blood vessels

Tables with years of blood renewal

This method is very ancient; tables with blood groups and the years of its renewal have survived to this day. Are they true? This is unknown, because the tables show calculations for girls over 15 years old, although in past centuries giving birth at 13, 14, 15 years old was not considered something wrong.

Be that as it may, coincidences with calculations are so common that using the blood of the parents to determine the sex of the child certainly deserves attention. Before taking this test, it is worth getting to know this method better.

Strength and youth of blood - an assistant in planning

How to determine the sex of a child based on the blood of the father and mother? There are two calculation options, and we will now look at each of them. According to theory, a woman’s blood is renewed every 3 years, starting at age 15. That is, 15, 18, 21, etc. And the blood of the future dad once every 4 years is 16, 20, 24 and so on.

What does plasmapheresis do?

  • Purification of the blood and all tissues of the body by reducing the excess content of proteins, lipids, cholesterol, hormones, antigens, antibodies, immune complexes in the plasma
  • Ridding blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, reducing blood viscosity, restoring normal blood supply to all human organs and systems
  • Activation of brain function, cessation of dizziness and headaches
  • Normalization of heart function, relief of angina attacks
  • Timely removal of toxins from the body due to the normal functioning of the liver and kidneys
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Improving skin properties (anti-aging effect), etc.

1 Plasmapheresis in MedicCity

2 Plasmapheresis in MedicCity

3 Plasmapheresis in MedicCity

First calculation method: boy or girl?

Let's look at an example of how to calculate the gender of a child based on blood renewal:

  1. The expectant mother is 22, and the future father is 28.
  2. Divide the mother's age: 22:3 = 7.3.
  3. We do the same with dad’s age: 28/4 = 7.
  4. 7.3 is greater than 7, so according to theory, our couple’s child is a boy. Whose age indicator is lower becomes the “giver” of gender.

In some cases, as in our updated calculator for calculating the sex of a child, the date of conception is also indicated.

The second method of calculating the floor

There is also an opinion that the calculation is, in principle, not necessary and you can simply look at the year of birth and date of conception. We determine the sex of the child by date of birth: our future mother was born in 1994, and daddy was born in 1998. Mom’s blood was renewed in 2020, and dad’s was born in 2020.

Determining the sex of the child by blood renewal is simple for this couple: a baby will be born if conception occurred in 2020, because the father’s blood is “fresh”, and the mother’s was renewed last year. This option is more plausible and correct, and it is by this option that we can calculate who your child will be using an online calculator.

If the blood is renewed in one year, and this happens, it is impossible to accurately calculate the sex. It is likely that the child is 50% a boy and 50% a girl. But you can also expect multiple pregnancies with twins or twins.

We recommend that you simply use an online calculator to find out what the gender of your child will be based on the blood test results!

How much blood flows after an abortion is normal?

Medicinal termination of pregnancy provokes bleeding 3-4 days after taking the first pills. At first, quite a lot of blood is released after an abortion. The first two days the bleeding exceeds normal menstruation. Then the intensity of the discharge begins to decrease and completely stops within a week. Medical abortion after 7 weeks is sometimes accompanied by heavy bleeding. That is why gynecologists recommend hospitalization in a gynecological hospital in such a situation.

Mini-abortion is a conservative intervention. There may be some slight discharge on the day of the procedure. Then, on days 2-4, menstrual-like bleeding begins. This reaction of the body normally lasts 4-6 days.

After an abortion with curettage, quite a lot of blood is lost. Heavy bleeding continues for several hours. This is directly related to damage to the blood vessels of the uterine wall. After curettage, its entire inner surface is actually an open wound. The woman is under the supervision of medical personnel throughout the bleeding period. She is given medications that help contract the muscles of the uterus. The most common injections are oxytocin.

Then the discharge stops for a while. A menstrual-like reaction occurs on days 2-4. Its duration should not exceed 10 days. The longer the pregnancy, the more blood will be lost after the abortion.

If the interruption is performed after 9 weeks, then there may be a small amount of blood discharge for another month after the intervention. Bleeding after curettage is not only considered normal, but is also a necessary stage of the recovery period. If blood is not released after an abortion, then something is preventing its outflow. Fluid accumulated inside the uterus provokes inflammation.

An ancient theory that has received substantiation in modern science

In ancient times, they believed that a child was a helper, and, frankly, at that time, the working hands of boys were more valued than girls, who left the family after 10–15 years. Therefore, the question of how to calculate the sex of a child using blood renewal was relevant.

Today we are trying to plan the gender of the baby, because some people want the child to be a boy, while others want to tie bows for a girl. Any child will be loved, but if you can calculate its gender, why not?

The theory of how to determine the gender of your child by blood renewal, which goes against well-known rules, has received scientific justification, confirming the processes of tissue and blood renewal in our body. Gradually, an opinion developed that women’s blood is renewed every 36 months, and men’s 48. The technique instantly spread across the Internet, and today everyone has the opportunity to find out the gender of the child or plan for a boy or a girl.

Blood purification procedures

Blood purification is prescribed by a doctor if there are good reasons for it: severe intoxication and a significant decrease in immunity. This procedure has a serious impact on the entire body and before it is carried out, they first restore order not only in the intestines. If you do not cleanse the liver, then the remaining harmful substances will be instantly absorbed into the blood, and immunity will decrease.

Preliminary consultation with a specialist is required

What is the blood purification procedure called? There are several hardware methods:

  • hemosorption;

  • plasmapheresis;

  • UFO - ultraviolet irradiation;

  • laser irradiation;

  • infusion-drip;

  • hemodialysis.


Hemosorption - blood purification through a sorbent

During the process of hemosorption, enterosorbents for blood purification, for example, activated carbon, absorb toxins and poisons. A device is connected to the vessels, and the blood moves through the catheters to the filter, passes through it and returns back to the patient’s vein through a dropper.

Poisons and excess drugs remain in the filter, and intoxication damage to the liver and the entire body during infectious and viral diseases is also reduced.

The basis for the behavior of hemosorption is also:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • food poisoning;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • alcoholism;
  • diabetes;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • immunodeficiency.

Cleaning using the hemosorption method is carried out in a course of 6 procedures.

Important. The procedure is contraindicated for malignant tumors, bleeding, brain damage and influenza.


Plasmapheresis procedure

In this case, medications are used. The execution method is as follows:

  • the patient is placed comfortably in a chair or on a couch;
  • install catheters into veins;
  • the pump delivers blood up to 500 ml to the centrifuge of the device;
  • instead, sodium chloride in solution or donor blood is poured into the vein;
  • in the apparatus, plasma is separated from the blood using the fractionation method: dividing it into components;
  • toxins and allergens are released with plasma;
  • purified blood with saline solution is returned back to the vein.

The basis for a course of 3-5 procedures is bronchial asthma, pneumonia, rheumatism, diabetes, acne, severe allergies, poisoning, psoriasis. The procedure is contraindicated in case of hypotension and anemia.

There are gravitational and membrane methods of plasmapheresis:

  1. With the gravity method, a centrifuge is used. The blood is sent into plastic containers, which are then placed in a centrifuge. In this case, gravitational forces separate the plasma. Erythromass with the necessary salt composition is injected back into the patient.
  2. With the membrane method, plasma is passed through a membrane - special nanofilters with microscopic holes. Protein molecules with allergens, hormones, and inflammatory elements cannot pass through them, since they are larger than the holes. They settle in the filter and the purified blood returns to the vein.

UFO - ultraviolet irradiation of blood

UV irradiation for blood purification

Before the procedure, patients are examined for general and biochemical blood parameters, coagulation and anticoagulation status. UVR normalizes the electrical charge of weak blood cells and helps to activate their work.

The procedure reduces blood viscosity, so organs and tissues begin to receive full nutrition and oxygen, and the removal of decay products from cells is accelerated. Inflammation in organs and allergic reactions in the body are relieved, so asthmatics and allergy sufferers have the opportunity to reduce courses of medications taken and replace plasmapheresis with ultraviolet radiation.

There are many indications for ultraviolet irradiation, as well as for other hardware procedures. After them, all vital systems and organs begin to work better.

Ultraviolet irradiation is contraindicated if patients have:

  • prolonged bleeding of various origins;
  • acute circulatory disorder to the brain;
  • all forms of pellagra (vitaminosis) and porphyria (liver pathology);
  • photodermatoses and allergies to sun rays;
  • cancer or epilepsy.

The procedure has contraindications

During the process of ultraviolet irradiation, patients are placed on their backs, a peripheral vein is punctured, for example, in the elbow bend with a sterile needle 0.8-1.2 mm in diameter. A light guide is inserted into the vessel and the blood is irradiated.

If irradiation is carried out outside the vessel, then the collected blood is passed through a quartz cuvette containing a stabilizer (heparin, glugitsir), irradiated and returned back to the vein. The session lasts 40-60 minutes, the course consists of 5-8 procedures.

Laser irradiation

ILBI - intravenous laser irradiation of blood

After a medical examination, patients are prescribed a course of ILBI of 5-10 procedures. The procedure lasts 30 minutes, the price of the procedure for intravenous laser cleaning with irradiation is from 200 rubles.

Laser blood purification is most often carried out in case of blood poisoning with alcohol, as well as for the purpose of:

  • strengthen the immune system: increase immunoglobulin in the blood and stimulate the production of interferon, a protein that aggravates the proliferation of viruses;
  • normalize metabolic processes and improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver and brain;
  • activate the flow of blood and lymph to improve tissue nutrition and remove unnecessary ballast;
  • normalize the functioning of the hepatobiliary system and reduce the risk of diseases: hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, alcoholic fatty degeneration;
  • improve the rheological function of the blood, normalize coagulation and reduce the risk of thrombosis.

Laser irradiation is contraindicated for mental and nervous diseases, allergies to light irradiation, hypertensive crisis, porphyria, high fever, convulsions or a tendency to them, massive hemolysis.

Infusion-drip cleansing

Infusion therapy

They relieve alcohol withdrawal syndrome, remove them from hard drinking, and restore the body through a course of detoxification: they use droppers to cleanse the blood. The procedure quickly restores the water-salt balance, stimulates the immune and cardiovascular systems, cleanses the body of toxins, restores the liver and other organs important for life.

Blood purification drugs are administered through droppers. They reduce oxygen deficiency, stimulate the metabolism of brain tissue, and saturate the blood with vitamins and oxygen.


Hemodialysis cleanses the blood outside the kidneys. Blood purification medications penetrate through a semi-permeable membrane, removing toxins and metabolic products. If too many toxic products and poisons have entered the body, and healthy kidneys are not able to remove them, poisoning has occurred, or the patient has severe kidney disease, hemodialysis is prescribed.

Before the procedure, the patient is examined by a doctor, measures temperature, pulse and pressure, places a vascular access and connects him to the device. The duration of the procedure depends on the patient’s condition. The course of treatment is determined individually.

During the procedure, the patient is constantly monitored, as complications may occur in the form of arterial hypotension, muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting. After the session, apply a bandage with an antiseptic to the area of ​​the vein puncture (catheter installation) to prevent infection.

Hemodialysis – filtering of blood outside the kidneys

How to calculate if there was a large blood loss or surgery?

Speaking about how to determine the sex of a child by the blood of the parents, one cannot fail to note the fact that you will get the correct result provided that the following factors are absent:

  1. Blood transfusions.
  2. Donation, transplantation (replacement) of internal organs due to surgery.
  3. Blood loss during childbirth, miscarriage, abortion, injury, etc.

How to calculate the update in this case? The calculation is based on the date of the operation or transfusion; when changing blood (more than 1 liter), the update starts from scratch, that is, if a woman received a blood transfusion at the age of 22, then the next update occurs at the age of 25. It is also worth looking at the calendar, because transfusion at the beginning and end of the year are different time periods.

Which calculation method does not work?

If you want to use this particular method to calculate the gender of your unborn child, then immediately understand that it is not highly reliable and reliable.

For example, if one of the parents (say, mother) underwent surgical intervention - an operation or there was a serious injury requiring a blood transfusion, then the date must be calculated taking into account this information.

Boy or girl?

For example: at the age of 24, a girl gave birth to her first child. Her blood began to renew itself again, and precisely from the date of birth. That is, the next time this update will occur will be at the age of 27. In addition, if the blood renewal time of the mother and father coincide 100%, this means that both a girl and a boy can be born - that is, everything depends on chance.

Advantages of methods over other methods of determining the sex of a child

The advantages of the method of determining the sex of the baby by renewing the blood of the parents are as follows:

  1. Often reliable results.
  2. Scientific rationale.
  3. World practice. After all, women from America, Europe, Australia, the CIS countries and Japan calculate the sex of their unborn baby using a blood renewal scheme.
  4. Previously, the question was how manual calculation was used, but today you can use a calculator that processes your data in 3 seconds.
  5. The method is free, you can calculate using a calculator or manually. But if you are offered to pay first, and only then find out the sex of the child, this should alert you.

Reliability of methods

It is impossible to guarantee 100% accuracy of identifying the sex of a child using blood fluid, since there are some errors. If you make calculations based on tables, then the individual characteristics of each organism are taken into account. Accuracy is affected by factors such as too heavy periods, bleeding wounds, low levels of blood fluid clotting, and even the presence of endometriosis and diabetes.

Another method is based on the blood type of both parents. Many doctors are skeptical about it. The fact is that in this case, the same couple can give birth to children of only one sex. Therefore, the most reliable methods are considered to be blood renewal and genetic analysis, which is carried out in laboratory conditions.

Determining the sex of a child by blood

Let's sum it up

Early planning and sex determination is a method that has received about 80% positive reviews online.

On the eve of expecting a baby, men and women are busy. It is necessary to prepare the nursery, buy a mountain of clothes, take care of the maternity hospital, and devote time to exchanging delight and tenderness with each other. And even in this hectic time, they are worried about the question: will the child who will be born be a boy or a girl? This is natural, and everyone prefers to calculate using the method they trust.

Determining the sex of a child by renewing the blood of the parents is an excellent way. We invite you to use the online calculator right now. The baby, no matter what gender you have, will be the best, and we wish your future baby good health, and you an easy nine months filled with love!

Is it possible to determine the sex of a fetus by blood?

There is a generally accepted opinion that the sex of a child is determined using ultrasound.
However, this can only be done with a repeat ultrasound, that is, not earlier than the 19th week of pregnancy. It is during the period when the fetus’s genital organs are fully formed. In many cases (with a hereditary predisposition of the child’s gender to serious pathologies), this technique is not suitable, since in the second trimester it is no longer possible to artificially terminate (abort) an unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to determine sex in the early stages of gestation.

Determining the sex of the child

Previously, it was possible to find out about gender from blood fluid through unconventional methods, but today a technique has been developed in which it is enough to collect maternal biological material. In particular, this is a genetic blood test that can be performed as early as one and a half months after pregnancy.

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