How many valerian tablets to take if your heart hurts? » Stomach diseases » Syndromes » Stomach pain

Stomach pain is a fairly common complaint among patients. Such discomfort contributes to a significant decrease in the quality of life, especially if the pain syndrome begins to bother you more and more often. What to do if your stomach hurts and there is an intestinal disorder?

Any pain requires finding out the cause of its origin, especially in the stomach area, as it can be a symptom of a serious gastrointestinal disease. Therefore, self-medication in this case is impossible. Careful diagnosis and comprehensive treatment are necessary to prevent the occurrence of stomach pain.

  • 1 Types and nature of stomach pain
  • 2 Possible causes of pain in the stomach
  • 3 What examination needs to be done
  • 4 First aid for stomach pain
  • 5 Treatment with medications
  • 6 What to do if you have pain at home
  • 7 Useful video
  • 8 When emergency medical attention is required

Types and nature of stomach pain

Depending on the course of the pathological process, the pain in nature for each disease will be specific, such as:

  • mild and aching pain provoked by eating during chronic gastritis or malignant formation;
  • pain in the form of cramps is more typical for functional stomach disorders;
  • acute burning pain in the stomach is a sign of a burn to the organ mucosa due to chemical poisoning;
  • aching pain in the stomach during a peptic ulcer, sharply intensifying to the feeling of a “dagger strike”, is characteristic of perforation of the ulcer.

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As a rule, the appearance of pain of various types in the stomach area is associated with food intake or errors in diet. The pain may be accompanied by heartburn or nausea, and sometimes vomiting. The occurrence of these unpleasant sensations can have a variety of reasons.

Use in medicine

Valerian root is an effective remedy for improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Based on valerian root, medications with a calming and analgesic effect are made in various forms: tinctures, mixtures, drops, tablet form.

They are used in psychiatry and neurology for the following conditions:

In addition, indications for the use of medicine from valerian rhizomes are functional disorders of the nervous system in a chronic form. The tincture of the plant is excellent for spasms, especially those that occur in the digestive organs. Menopause is also considered an indication for the use of plant-based medicines.

Cardiologists prescribe valerian remedies for cardiovascular diseases, most often for those whose symptoms are considered to be tachycardia. It is recommended to drink the tincture for cardiac and bronchial asthma, as well as for pneumonia.

Possible causes of stomach pain

The appearance of aching pain in the stomach can have origins both related to the pathology of the organ itself and to other organs of the abdominal cavity. The most common causes of pain in the stomach are:

  • gastritis is an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa, which causes the most frequent occurrence of pain;
  • ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • benign tumors ( polyps ) cause pain, but in rare cases;
  • malignant volumetric process - as it develops, it begins to manifest itself as aching pain in the stomach associated with eating;
  • acute food poisoning , accompanied by pain, caused by spasm of the smooth muscles of the stomach;
  • burn of the gastric mucosa , causing pain due to chemical aggressive agents entering the stomach;

In addition to pathology from the stomach, aching pain can be caused by a pathological process in other organs of the abdominal cavity. These may be the following diseases:

  • diaphragmatic hernia - periodic migration of organs from the abdominal cavity into the chest through a pathological diaphragmatic opening;
  • pancreatitis is an inflammatory process in the pancreas, anatomically adjacent to the posterior wall of the stomach;
  • esophagitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the lower esophagus entering the stomach;
  • functional stomach disorders, causing pain due to a malfunction of the nervous system;
  • various pathological processes of the liver;
  • diseases of the large intestine, in particular colitis, which gives intense pain in the upper abdomen, which subsides after 2-3 days, but remains and is permanent.

Painful sensations in the stomach can have other causes. As a rule, a pathological process in the digestive system, accompanied by pain, is most often a serious disease. But what to do if you have stomach pain and how to get rid of it?

In this case, the pain syndrome, regardless of the process of its occurrence, cannot be treated independently. First of all, you need to contact a specialist who, having found out the cause of this negative phenomenon, will prescribe treatment.

Presence of headache without fever due to cold

Not in all situations does accidental hypothermia cause fever. In some cases, there is a headache without fever due to a cold. In this case, a person may experience other unfavorable symptoms:

  • feeling of aching muscles;
  • general malaise;
  • decreased performance.

Painful sensations that occur with a cold are relieved with pharmaceuticals and folk remedies.

What to do if you have a headache without fever? In the absence of fever, it is allowed to use a variety of treatment methods (including those that are prohibited in the presence of elevated temperature):

  • carrying out inhalations;
  • applying a heat compress;
  • using foot baths filled with hot water.

What examination needs to be done

Any pain localized in the stomach area requires mandatory examination, which consists of the following measures:

  • collecting an anamnesis of the disease - when the pain appeared, what nature it is, how often and for how long it bothers you, whether it is associated with food intake or appears on an empty stomach, where it is most often localized;
  • objective data - include examination of the oral cavity, whether there is plaque on the tongue and, if so, what color. The abdomen must be palpated to determine the presence or absence of pain, and in which area. Whether there is an enlargement of the abdominal organs or not, that is, the symptoms of the disease are revealed;
  • laboratory testing - blood and urine for general analysis, feces for occult blood, gastric juice analysis, biochemical blood test, if indicated, blood for tumor markers;
  • instrumental examination - ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, MRI, gastrofibroscopy.

As a rule, such an examination allows you to find out the cause of stomach pain and prescribe quality treatment. In some cases, during differential diagnosis, material is taken for a biopsy from the problem area of ​​the organ and its subsequent histological examination.

Valerian officinalis plant to help the heart and blood vessels

The plant valerian officinalis and its effect on the nervous system - sleeping pills and sedatives - are well known. But its effect on the cardiovascular system raises many questions. Is it capable of helping the heart and blood vessels, and in what cases? Will taking it for too long cause harm?

No matter how banal the phrase “All diseases are from nerves,” when speaking about functional disorders of cardiovascular activity, it should be recognized that - yes - numerous cardiac disorders are of a neurotic nature.

Stress, depression, negative emotions and increased levels of anxiety cause heavy blows to the heart and blood vessels. And if functional failures are not corrected in a timely manner, they can develop into severe organic pathologies.

And at the stage of initial deviations in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, valerian appears to be a very effective remedy. Its therapeutic influence goes along two lines.

  1. The terpene alcohol borneol (a component of valerian essential oils) has a direct effect :
  • lowers blood pressure,
  • expands the lumen of the coronary vessels, which are responsible for supplying the heart with blood;
  • improves blood circulation, nutrition and respiration of the heart muscle;
  • reduces tension in the myocardium.
  1. An indirect neuroregulatory effect on the myocardium and cardiac conduction system occurs through the central nervous system: inhibition of excitation reactions in the brain, reduction in the level of general excitability of the central nervous system.

Due to this, the plant Valerian officinalis can be recommended for the following diseases:

  • - hypertension at the initial stage. Valerian is a natural hypotonic;
  • - cardiac neurosis, or cardioneurosis , which usually acts as a manifestation of general neurosis;
  • - paroxysmal tachycardia (attacks of increased heart rate). The heart rate always increases when a person is anxious, worried, or afraid of something, so the calming effect of valerian is just what is needed;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia , the cause of which is always a violation of vascular tone due to malfunctions of the autonomic nervous system;
  • extrasystole is a type of arrhythmia in which the heart and its individual chambers contract untimely. Stress is a common cause of such arrhythmia;
  • coronary insufficiency , or a mild form of coronary circulation disorder;
  • - angina pectoris at an early stage, chest pain, also often caused by psychogenic factors.

The plant Valerian officinalis is generally well tolerated, although individual intolerance can never be ruled out when using medicinal plants. The standard course of taking valerian preparations is two weeks.

It is not recommended to exceed it, nor to increase the recommended dosage without permission.

If consumed for more than two months, the body will be oversaturated with the alkaloids contained in this plant and problems in the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, lethargy, drowsiness, and headaches may occur.

Valerian officinalis plant in natural dietary supplements

A good choice of valerian preparation would be the dietary supplement "Valerian P" , which contains the roots and rhizomes of the plant, subjected to instant freezing - cryo-treatment, as well as vitamin C.

Innovative technology allows for maximum preservation of the medicinal properties of plant materials. In addition, valerian is part of the central nervous system regulator "Nervo-Vit" , in the dragees "Evening Valerian + Hops + Mint" , "Evening Forte" and "Evening Plus" .

Choose the best medicines from nature, and let your heart beat calmly in any circumstances!

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First aid for stomach pain

Providing first aid for stomach pain is important for many patients. Pain can occur even in people who do not have digestive problems.

This may be simple overeating, drinking alcohol or fatty foods in large quantities, an allergic reaction of the body to certain foods, physical fatigue or a stressful state. Minor periodic pain in the stomach can occur in women during pregnancy, when the growing uterus begins to put pressure on neighboring organs.

As a rule, such stomach pains are temporary and do not appear again when the cause is eliminated. What to do if you have a stomach ache? In this case, it is necessary to assist the patient by performing the following measures:

  • put the patient in bed and unfasten the clothes that are compressing the abdominal area;
  • to relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the stomach, the use of non-carbonated mineral water or no-shpa tablets is recommended;;
  • Drinking warm mint tea has a good effect in relieving pain.

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If stomach pain appears due to a stressful situation, the use of mild sedatives, such as valerian, motherwort, has a beneficial effect on the stomach and relieves pain.

If pain in the stomach is caused by drinking alcohol, to relieve the pain you need to rinse the stomach with regular boiled water. After removing the remaining alcohol, you can use activated carbon and a spoon of vegetable oil. But if the pain does not go away within several hours, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Treatment with pharmaceutical drugs

Treatment with pharmaceutical drugs

If a person complains of a sharp headache due to a cold, how to treat the ailment? When body temperature rises, it is recommended to take antipyretic medications:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nurofen.

If you have a severe headache due to a cold that is not accompanied by a fever, you can take Citramon.

Using Nurofen

You can also relieve pain with Nurofen. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug made from ibuprofen. The tablets also contain auxiliary components such as silicon dioxide and stearic acid.

The use of the drug should be avoided in case of individual sensitivity to its components, ulcerative-erosive damage to the digestive organs, bronchial asthma, deterioration of liver function, or renal failure. The recommended dosage must be carefully followed. Adults should take one tablet. The frequency of administration is three times a day. It is not recommended to take the drug for more than three days.

Treatment with medications

Painful sensations in the stomach appear and depend on a number of reasons that cause this unpleasant state of the body. Drug treatment is aimed at eliminating inflammation in the mucous membrane of the organ and relieving pain in the stomach:

  • for gastritis and stomach ulcers, accompanied by belching, heartburn, nausea, the use of drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid and relieve irritation of the organ mucosa is indicated - Gastal , Almagel , De-Nol , Gastrofarm ;
  • for pain caused by errors in eating against the background of gastritis with low acidity, accompanied by heaviness in the stomach - Festal , Mezim Forte , Enzistal , Pancreatin ;
  • for painful sensations in the organ caused by poisoning and accompanied by intoxication of the body with fever and vomiting - Polysorb , Enterosgel , Smecta ;
  • for inflammatory and infectious processes caused by microbial or viral infection - broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • pain in the stomach during chemotherapy, accompanied by diarrhea, flatulence as a result of the toxic effect of this treatment method - No-shpa , Almagel , Imodium , Espumisan .

It is possible to treat stomach pain with medications only on the recommendation of a doctor after determining the cause of the pain syndrome.

What tablets help when a tooth hurts?

A tooth can hurt suddenly and at the most unexpected moment: during a romantic evening, at night, at work or on the way to the resort. It is not always possible to have products on hand from which you can prepare a good folk remedy. Therefore, it would be nice to have a powerful analgesic with you.

List of painkillers that help when a tooth hurts:

  • Nise . The active substance is nimesulide. The medicine can relieve inflammation, swelling and swelling of the gums. It quickly copes with even the most severe cramps: the pain goes away within 10 minutes after taking one tablet. The maximum daily dose is 200 mg. The medication is contraindicated for pregnant women and children. May cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, confusion and rash.
  • Paracetamol . A very strong remedy, after taking which not only toothache goes away, but also body temperature decreases, often increasing against the background of inflammatory processes. The drug is harmful to the kidneys, so it should be taken in minimal dosages. An adult should not drink more than two grams of paracetamol per day.
  • Analgin. The active substance is metamizole sodium. The medicine can only help with mild or moderate pain. Not suitable for long-term use and banned in many developed countries due to its severe depressant effects on the eyes and heart.

  • Ketorol.

    The best medicine for severe pain. It will definitely cope with the symptom. And all thanks to ketorolac, a substance that has a pronounced systemic effect. Other drugs for pain relief are produced on its basis, for example, Ketorol, Kredofarm, Ketanov and Ketonort. Ketorolac provokes side effects after almost every dose, so it should not be taken more than twice. Then you should switch to gentle symptomatic treatment.
  • Ultracaine . If there is a cavity in the tooth, you can put a cotton wool soaked in the preparation into it. An intramuscular injection should be given by a doctor, even if the toothache is very severe and circumstances allow you to do it yourself.

After taking the medicine, only the pain goes away, the cause of its occurrence remains. Therefore, sooner or later everyone has to see a doctor. And it’s better to do it quickly - while you can still save the tooth.

What to do for pain at home

If your stomach hurts, what can you do at home and how to relieve the pain? In this case, the use of folk remedies in the form of various decoctions or infusions gives a positive result in relieving pain. The most popular and most effective are the following recipes:

  • drinking freshly squeezed cabbage juice (200 ml) with a tablespoon of honey;
  • drinking freshly squeezed potato juice (200 ml) with a tablespoon of honey;
  • drinking warm olive or sea buckthorn oil, 15 g 4 times a day;
  • infusion of flax seeds;
  • infusion of calamus root;
  • infusion of chamomile, mint, calendula in equal proportions.

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The preparation of infusions is carried out in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of medicinal raw materials per glass of boiling water, followed by infusion for an hour and consumption of 100 ml three times a day. The use of traditional medicine is also possible on the recommendation of a specialist.

Valerian and speed of reaction

Valerian alkaloids slow down the conduction of nerve impulses - it is through this mechanism that the medicine produces a calming effect. However, such inhibition of the nervous system can be dangerous.

Even in medium doses, valerian is not recommended for people whose activities require concentration and quick reaction. For example, drivers should not take medication. It should also be taken into account that valerian reduces performance - after taking the medicine, a person assimilates information worse, cannot concentrate on one task for a long time, and makes more mistakes in work.

It is unacceptable to use valerian together with other sedatives. This can lead to serious conditions: respiratory depression and loss of consciousness. Therefore, if you are taking any other medications, you can drink valerian only as prescribed by your doctor.

When an emergency visit to a doctor is required

Sometimes, acute pain in the stomach requires emergency medical care, since the developing pathological condition can pose a threat to the patient's life. Acute conditions that require immediate consultation with a specialist include:

  • perforation of a stomach ulcer - a characteristic feature is the appearance of acute pain, forcing the patient to take a certain position in order to reduce its intensity. The pain syndrome is accompanied by weakness, increased cold sweating, a drop in blood pressure and a rapid pulse;
  • poisoning by chemicals entering the stomach from the outside;
  • blunt abdominal trauma accompanied by acute pain.

Any acute pain in the stomach that persists for a sufficient time and is accompanied by a deterioration in the patient’s general condition requires emergency assistance. If the pain is minor and its relief is successful, a visit to a doctor is indicated as planned for diagnosis and quality treatment.

Only timely identification of the causes of stomach pain and prevention of its development will help the patient maintain his quality of life at a high level.

Does valerian affect the appearance of tachycardia?

This question may worry many, but in fact, the only provocateurs of tachycardia are alcoholic drinks and unusual or spicy foods. In this case, the body seems to find itself in a stressful situation, adrenaline is released, and therefore the heartbeat quickens.

As for the tincture of valerian in alcohol, it is not recommended to abuse this alcoholic medicine. Because you can get the opposite effect.

In conclusion, we can say that tachycardia can become a real danger to human health, so it must be dealt with moderately and not delayed. Having tried valerian to combat the disease, you can see that it effectively helps.

Valerian extract is the most popular and relatively safe sedative. Pills and tincture are used for stress, insomnia, and malaise. Although all people know what Valerian tablets are, the instructions for use will tell you how to use this natural medicine to prevent harm to the body. The composition has a number of contraindications and can cause allergies, so it is not recommended to start taking pills or tinctures without a prescription.

Instructions for use of Valerian tablets

Taking medication depends on what problem the patient needs to eliminate, as well as on his individual characteristics. A general course of 14 or 30 days is prescribed to relieve stress, headaches, and normalize heartbeat. Use 2-4 pills per day. According to the instructions, drink them strictly after meals twice a day.

For adults

Valerian for depression, irritability, hysteria and other problems of the nervous system can be used as a stand-alone drug or together with other medications. Children over 12 years of age and adults are recommended to use the product no more than 4 times in 24 hours. To reduce the aggressiveness of the effect on the gastrointestinal tract, you should not take the medicine on an empty stomach.

For children

Sometimes doctors prescribe this natural sedative not only to adults, but also to children. It is important to consider that it is not recommended to give medicine to children under three years of age, because their liver cannot process and remove the components included in the tablets. If the tincture, according to indications, can be taken by children over 1 year old, then the pills are allowed only for adolescents over 12 years old.

A doctor can prescribe Valerian tablets to a young child, but the small patient must be under constant doctor supervision. Dosage, frequency of use, etc. are prescribed by specialists taking into account the specific case. Children should not take the medicine for more than 14 days in a row. Valerian is contraindicated for children with a depressed nervous system or heart problems.

During pregnancy

For many women, the period of bearing a baby is associated with constant stress and worsening sleep. Whether pregnant women can drink Valerian according to the general instructions depends on the specific indications. Pills are prohibited in the first trimester, when the fetus is developing. If in the later stages the expectant mother exhibits corresponding symptoms, then Valerian can be used under medical supervision.

During pregnancy, Valerian tablets can be prescribed as a mild sedative. Hormonal changes in the body often cause emotional instability in expectant mothers, and this drug effectively eliminates tension, irritability, and increased excitability of the patient. In this case, the instructions and dosage should be followed not the general one, but the one prescribed by the doctor. Neglecting the recommendations will negatively affect the development of the unborn baby.

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