Glycine - effect on the heart, benefits of the drug

Glycine is known as a good neurotransmitter that improves the conduction of nerve impulses in cells. Therefore, the drug has established itself, first of all, as a high-quality activator of protective inhibition in the central nervous system, a regulator of metabolism. It is often used in the complex treatment of various neurological diseases. But glycine is also important in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Because it stabilizes the emotional background and equalizes blood pressure, enhancing the effect of cardiac medications.







Does Glycine help?

An interesting fact is that Glycine can be synthesized by the body independently. Its deficiency can lead to serious changes in the body, including VSD. The amino acid successfully copes with tachycardia during VSD, and not only. And numerous studies confirm this fact of a positive effect on VSD. When, for 6 weeks, people suffering from schizophrenia were given Glycine at a dose of 800 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Less than a month had passed (namely 23 days) when noticeable improvements began to be seen.

The sedative effect of the drug in VSD is undoubtedly obvious at the very first stage of administration. It has almost no side effects. This fact is explained by the fact that Glycine is an amino acid that enters our body every day with food.

Treatment of tachycardia at home with folk remedies

The disease tachycardia is characterized by a sharp jump in the number of heart beats above the average statistical norm (ranges from 60 to 80 beats per minute). Accordingly, treatment of tachycardia with folk remedies will be aimed at reducing the heart rate, as well as generally normalizing heart function and blood pressure.

At home, you can effectively fight the disease only in a comprehensive manner: follow a diet, lead a correct lifestyle and use medications. Traditional methods can, over time, help reduce the need to take medications and even stop taking them altogether, but only if this is agreed upon with a doctor and your condition is stable.

DETAILS: Medicine for tachycardia

In combination with exercises, treatment with folk remedies will help eliminate the unpleasant symptoms inherent in the disease. These are dizziness, loss of strength, lack of air, high heart rate and general poor physical condition.

In such a situation, even just a sufficient amount of walking on foot in a calm, even manner can be of great benefit. It is also recommended to massage the little fingers a couple of times at different times of the day - knead the little fingers for a few minutes, and then move on to the side of the palm to the wrist.

Eating properly during tachycardia is extremely important, and we are talking not only about the composition of the products, but also about the regimen. You need to eat little, but regularly and often enough (4-5 times a day). Overeating is highly discouraged, otherwise there is a high risk of an attack. Alcohol, coffee, strong tea, spicy and salty foods - you need to avoid them completely.

The diet requires fresh fruits, viburnum and other red berries. You should definitely include as many vegetables as possible in your food; dried fruits, such as raisins or dried apricots, are useful, based on which there are many medicinal compounds.

In alternative medicine there are many therapeutic methods that have already proven their effectiveness in treating tachycardia. It is possible to cure tachycardia using folk remedies at home using:

  • Herbal decoctions;
  • Honey;
  • Home or pharmacy settings from alcohol based on fruits, berries and various plants;
  • Nuts and dried fruits;
  • Essential oils.

The simplest recipe based on pharmacy tinctures consists of hawthorn, motherwort and valerian, which are mixed in equal parts. Then the same part of Corvalol is added there. All this is shaken up and placed in a closet from the sun's rays. Should be taken within 20 minutes. before meals, 3 times a day, 20 drops.

It is worth remembering that folk remedies for tachycardia, although they often do not give such a quick effect as medications, in the end we cure the disease much better and strengthen the body so that it goes away forever, and not just hide the manifestations of symptoms.

Rational herbal medicine can be very effective in helping to treat the disease. Herbal treatments are much less likely to cause an allergic reaction than medications. With the help of skillfully composed preparations, you can improve your physical condition for years without harm, which is of great importance in chronic forms of diseases.

Let's try to figure out what the remedy for VSD, eltacin, is. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized by many symptoms. Patients complain of frequent dizziness, loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, increased blood pressure, irregular pulse, apathy, fatigue, periodic nausea, and increased body temperature.

The medicine includes three amino acids:

  • aliphatic dicarboxylic amino acid;
  • aliphatic sulfur-containing amino acid;
  • the simplest aliphatic amino acid.

Metabolism improves in the body. Glycine can relieve emotional stress, tidy up the central nervous system, reduce tension in muscle tissue, and also improve the functionality of brain cells. Glutamine restores oxygen balance in tissues, improves stress resistance, and improves memory.

In general, the pharmacological properties of eltacin include:

  1. Blocking the development of any infectious diseases.
  2. Activity in stressful situations.
  3. Adds shine to hair and makes nails strong.
  4. Removal of oxidation products from the body.

Remedy for VSD eltacin:

  • improves metabolic processes, helps cleanse the body;
  • stimulates the heart;
  • has a positive effect on memory in both adults and children;
  • softens strong nervous experiences, thereby helping to better adapt in a social environment;
  • controls emotions, lifts mood;
  • reduces aggression and irritability;
  • improves sleep;
  • restores the vegetative-vascular system;
  • helps stimulate blood microcirculation;
  • reduces the percentage of toxicity of alcohol, as well as medications that affect the central nervous system.

Instructions for use of eltacin include use for:

  • chronic heart disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia for children from 12 to 18 years old;
  • severe mental and physical overload;
  • frequent influence of stress;
  • deviations in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • stroke;
  • chronic arterial diseases;
  • anemia;
  • senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • head injuries;
  • alcoholism;
  • vision problems.

Eltacin has already gained popularity among patients suffering from problems in the vegetative system.

When receiving, you should follow the rules:

  1. The tablets are placed under the tongue and kept in this state until completely dissolved.
  2. The intake should take place exactly at the same time; eating food does not affect it in any way.
  3. The dosage is determined by the attending physician. Eltacin for VSD in adults is slightly different from the pediatric dose. The standard is one tablet per dose, which is carried out three times a day. The duration of the course can vary from one to three months.
  4. If you follow all the specialist’s recommendations, then you can forget about relapses.

Scientists have conducted many scientific studies in the field of side effects of eltacin. Fortunately, there were few of them. It is very rare that an allergy to some components of the drug occurs, but, in general, these tablets leave behind only a positive effect.

In case of disorders in the autonomic system, the doctor very often prescribes eltacin. Its use in pediatrics is prohibited. Treatment with eltacin is allowed to begin at the age of 11, since the effect on the child’s body has not been studied.

How does Glycine work for VSD?

In order to understand the process and features of the action of the food additive Glycine in VSD, it is necessary to give an example of meat. The meat you eat ends up in the gastrointestinal tract. Our body is “trained” and aware of what to send to the rectum and what to send directly to the blood. So the body sends the glycine amino acid into the blood. It freely penetrates the brain and meets glycine receptors there. As soon as these receptors sense an increase in the concentration of Glycine, they immediately give a start to the SMC nuclei. Then all the body's work slows down. But this is not the entire spectrum of action of this miracle drug. Glycine also enters another type of receptor, but this time it has an active effect on the body. We see that the amino acid works in two ways during VSD. On the one hand, Glycine causes the body to slow down the transmission of nerve impulses. On the other hand, it has an activating effect on cells weakened by VSD. The only “but” regarding the use of Glycine is the fact that it can cause drowsiness.

There are not so many studies on the topic of Glycine in VSD. Some studies confirm that it lowers body temperature. The other part says that this drug dilates blood vessels and thereby normalizes blood pressure. In hypertensive patients with VSD, Glycine lowers blood pressure, and in hypotensive patients it increases it.

Why drink during a heart attack?

In case of a heart attack, Glycine is prescribed to be taken after the acute attack is over, but this drug is needed for:

  • rapid recovery of the nervous system;
  • stabilization of systemic circulation;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalization of blood pressure.

A heart attack can provoke a deterioration in the functionality of the brain - concentration decreases, mental activity suffers. Glycine helps restore all functions. But these tablets should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and as part of complex therapy.

How effective is the drug for VSD?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a complex of diseases united by one cause. Glycine calms and improves brain function. And this is a very important factor in the action of cardiac tachycardia due to clinical manifestations of VSD. The relationship can be traced in such a way that with VSD, a person tunes himself (sometimes only on a subconscious level, without realizing it) to a “suspiciously” disturbed heartbeat. And tachycardia based on VSD can indeed appear against the background of self-hypnosis and anticipation of impaired heart function. Sometimes it is enough for a person with a presumed diagnosis of VSD to undergo a full examination of the body, as well as a cardiogram. After confirming the healthy functioning of the heart, the person calms down, and the annoying symptoms of VSD seem to leave him. But sometimes a successful cardiogram is not enough for a person. Then Glycine comes to the rescue with VSD. Its active action is aimed at calming and lowering blood pressure, which is important for tachycardia due to VSD.

Any person diagnosed with vascular dystonia will absolutely have a problem with blood vessels. The most “neglected vessels” are in older people. They should especially take Glycine to significantly reduce the likelihood of a stroke. Glycine also helps in rehabilitation after strokes.

Glycine is positioned as a dietary supplement (dietary supplement); however, you should not experiment with taking it. It is better to take Glycine for arrhythmia or bradycardia under the supervision of a specialist.

Glycine, recommended for symptoms of VSD, is one of many amino acids that are commonly found in protein. It is the smallest of all amino acids and is incredibly important for the synthesis of other amino acids, glutathione, creatine, heme, RNA/DNA, and can also aid in the absorption of calcium in the body.

Analogues of the drug in cardiology

In cardiology, in addition to Glycine, other drugs are used for a long course of therapy; they are considered analogues and have an identical effect. Most often, doctors choose:

  • Antifront - great for those who have problems with the functioning of the heart and vascular system due to the weather (meteor dependence);
  • Neurotropin - has a positive effect on blood circulation in the brain, relieves anxiety and stabilizes sleep;
  • Glutamic acid - is especially effective in cases of brain damage, myopia, mental retardation, and can be prescribed for active epilepsy;
  • Tryptophan - solves the problems of heart attacks with depression, excessive irritability in the premenstrual period.

We recommend reading about how to choose a glycine analogue. From the article you will learn about natural sources of glycine, similar drugs, tablets similar to Glycine in the active substance. And here is more information about how to take Glycine for headaches.

Glycine for the heart is not used as the only effective drug; it should be taken as part of complex therapy and over a long course. Tablets are unlikely to promote recovery in case of serious pathologies, but they normalize the neurological condition, relieve depression and relieve excessive stress - all this automatically improves the functionality of the cardiovascular system.

How to use?

Glycine is an amino acid and neurotransmitter. It can play both a stimulating and depressive role in the brain during VSD. In addition to combating VSD, Glycine may improve sleep quality. Therefore, the supplement should be taken half an hour before bedtime for insomnia. It is better to agree on the number of appointments with your doctor, since the answers to questions. how to take and how much to drink this supplement for VSD depends on the patient’s diagnosis. Most often, the course of treatment does not exceed a month. And in the case of children, extreme caution should be exercised. After all, even a banal food additive can cause considerable harm to a growing body.

Indications for taking the medicine

This drug belongs to the group of nootropic drugs that actively help improve blood circulation in the brain.
Stabilization of the general condition when taken regularly has a beneficial effect on the patient with various mild cardiovascular diseases. But, it is necessary to remember that only a specialist can recommend Glycine from the heart. Self-medication is unacceptable. Self-diagnosis for any cardiac pathologies is also strictly prohibited. Such diseases are too severe and, in the absence of adequate medical care, can even lead to death.

If the cardiologist has accurately determined that the disorders are only mild, temporary, associated with minor disturbances in nervous activity or circulatory dysfunction, most often he will recommend taking Glycine as part of complex therapy. The drug helps to significantly improve the patient’s neuropsychic state, reduce stress on his emotional sphere, and improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

Often the main cause of cardialgia is vegetative-vascular dystonia. Then, when correcting a person’s condition, Glycine is usually always prescribed, which reduces the influence of the external environment on the body, stabilizes metabolic processes and strengthens the neuropsychic sphere.

The main indications for taking the drug are:

  • arrhythmia;
  • heart pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • edema of cardiac origin;
  • strong nervous tension.

Glycine can also be used as a prophylactic agent that helps improve the condition of the capillary network, eliminates weakness, and activates redox reactions in myocardial tissues.

It must be taken into account that there are contraindications to the use of Glycine for the heart. It should not be prescribed to patients, much less self-medicated, in cases of severe hypotension. It is also not recommended to take the drug for those who often suffer from allergic reactions. Such a pharmacological agent should not be given to a child under six years of age. It is not recommended for regular use by persons performing work that requires increased concentration or driving a vehicle.

The drug is sold to Russians at a price of thirty to one hundred rubles, which means it is available to almost every person. In Ukraine it costs from nineteen to forty hryvnia.

Any medication can cause a number of side effects. When taking antiarrhythmics, the functions of almost the entire body are affected. Common complaints may include:

  1. Dyspeptic symptoms: nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, abdominal pain.
  2. Allergic reactions: from dermatitis to anaphylactic shock.
  3. Autonomic manifestations: insomnia, depression.

They appear with varying frequencies and can occur together or separately.

Read the instructions carefully before using medications for cardiac arrhythmia. For example, in case of bronchial asthma, adrenergic blockers should not be used, since their mechanism of action is associated with narrowing of the bronchi. This will cause an exacerbation of the underlying disease.

General contraindications to taking antiarrhythmic drugs are:

  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • persistent hypotension;
  • severe impairment of kidney and liver function;
  • acidosis;
  • cardiosclerosis.

Most antiarrhythmic drugs are not prescribed for: myocardial infarction; exacerbation of bronchial asthma; low blood pressure; severe renal or liver failure. If the therapy is chosen correctly, after completing the course of treatment, the arrhythmia is eliminated. However, in old age, therapy may be lifelong due to concomitant diseases.

IMPORTANT! You should not skip a dose of medication for cardiac arrhythmia; abrupt withdrawal puts a large burden on the organ.

Glycine for cardiac arrhythmia

The exception is the latest generation of drugs that have a cumulative effect. If a dose is missed, a certain amount of the active substance remains in the blood, maintaining the heart rate normal throughout the day.

What properties does the drug have?

Glycine is an excellent addition to the main medication to reduce inflammation, build muscle and joint tissue, reduce wrinkles, improve sleep, combat VSD and heal the liver.

In addition to the above functions, Glycine:

  • Promotes healing of overused or damaged muscles;
  • Soothes pain in the heart;
  • Combats indigestion;
  • Promotes calm and relaxation;
  • Boosts the immune system;
  • Neutralizes the toxic effects of alcoholic beverages and drugs during a hangover;
  • Increases human growth hormone;
  • Excellent for reducing all types of inflammation, especially in individuals with increased activity;
  • Helps people who have increased acidity in the stomach;
  • Suitable for the treatment of cancerous tumors;
  • Copes well with detoxification (heavy metals);
  • Has an anti-fertility effect (a contraceptive that prevents fertilization).

Concor for tachycardia

Tachycardia is a phenomenon characterized by an increase in heart rate. Not in all cases, tachycardia is a pathology - it can also occur as a physiological process with increased physical activity, strong emotions, stress and other stress on the human nervous or autonomic system.

If tachycardia occurs as a result of certain pathologies in the body, then it is considered a disease that needs to be treated. In this article we will look at one of the best remedies - Concor for tachycardia, the specifics of the drug and reviews of the results of its use.

Concor is a beta-blocking drug that is widely used in medical practice. The range of diseases for which this drug is prescribed is very wide - almost all major cardiac diseases, including tachycardia.

The drug has an antiarrhythmic, hypotensive and antianginal effect, significantly reduces the contractility of the heart muscle by reducing heart rate and inhibiting cAMP. During the first days after administration, an increase in cardiac output is observed, which returns to normal after 2-3 days.

What else does Glycine have a beneficial effect on?

Glycine is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Glycine influences inflammatory cells to suppress the activation of transcription factors, the formation of free radicals and inflammatory cytokines.

Glycine increases anti-inflammatory production in toxin-induced liver damage.

Glycine plays an important role in reducing stress in the body.

Glycine is recommended for older adults because glutathione levels naturally fall with age.

Taking glycine before bed improves sleep quality and efficiency by increasing time to fall asleep and slow-wave sleep. After taking glycine to sleep during the day, people with VSD experienced reduced daytime sleepiness.

Statin is a combination drug containing glycine and cystine, an amino acid. This drug is successfully used for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dysfunctions, for the prevention of physical stress and recovery in children. Glycine is an amino acid, a building block for protein. It is not on the list of "essential amino acids" because the body can take Glycine from other chemicals. A typical diet contains about 2 grams of glycine daily. The main sources are protein-rich foods, including meat, fish, dairy products and legumes.

Consequences of taking

The effect of treatment is noticeable after two weeks, because with the accumulation of amino acids in the body, the conductivity of nerve reflexes in cells begins to improve, muscle relaxation appears, and blood pressure normalizes. Therefore, attacks of aggression and irritation disappear after the drug accumulates in the body. How glycine affects the heart can be understood after a week of treatment. For stroke and heart attack, the effect is noticeable after the first dose.

It is believed that glycine is a placebo drug. But most patients receiving glycine treatment for VSD observe a positive effect with an integrated approach.

Taking it as a preventive measure helps get rid of headaches and improves muscle tone. Periodic use of the drug stabilizes the neuropsychic state and neutralizes the effects of stress. Indispensable in case of panic attacks.

Heart, pulse

Who to contact?

After each manifestation of VSD, you should not hastily run to the nearest pharmacy for a pack of Glycine tablets. To confirm the diagnosis of “tachycardia with VSD”, you must first contact your family doctor.

Your family doctor will first explain what tests to take if you suspect VSD, and then give you the necessary referral for a cardiogram. You will need to take a general and biochemical blood test. Further, after the test results and cardiogram, the therapist or family doctor will tell you who to contact next. If your blood tests are bad (for example, the level of white blood cells is too high, indicating the presence of an inflammatory process in the body), you will need a hematologist. This doctor will conduct a detailed analysis of biochemical and general blood tests and will confirm whether you have VSD.

Glycine has many proposed uses. Few of these purported uses have enough evidence to fully support the effectiveness of Glycine for VSD symptoms

When heart pills Glycine have little effect

If the effect of the Glycine tablet on the heart is clearly insufficient, then you need to immediately call an ambulance, and the need for this can be assessed by the following signs:

  • the pain attack does not stop, the syndrome does not become less pronounced;
  • shortness of breath bothers you even at absolute rest;
  • the patient complains of a feeling of numbness in the upper extremities (“goosebumps”, “pins and needles”);
  • the complexion becomes distinctly pale;
  • the patient cannot smile fully;
  • lips acquire a bluish tint;
  • cloudiness of consciousness;
  • fainting.

Such symptoms indicate the rapid development of a serious pathology not related to the psycho-emotional background. If you do not immediately resort to qualified medical care, then everything can end in death.


Glycine was prescribed to my grandmother, who is 62 years old. She has age-related hypertension, she often woke up at night because her blood pressure jumped to 270 to 130, and she had a terrible headache. When the doctor prescribed glycine, I was scared at first because I knew that it was prescribed for traumatic brain injuries and for alcoholics. My grandmother did not belong to either category. Having trusted the doctor, we did the right thing: within a week, my grandmother began to sleep deeply throughout the night, without pressure surges. It turned out, in her words, that she was worried and often thought who would plant a garden without her while she was in the city for treatment, and this thought emotionally unsettled her. It’s so good that we took the doctor’s advice. By dissolving the tablet before bed, the grandmother calms down and falls asleep peacefully, which allows us to hope for a good prognosis.

Nadezhda S.

Once, when I was young, because of personal problems, I went on a drinking binge with friends. If it weren't for my mother, I would have disappeared. I remember exactly when they pumped me out, the doctor examined me and prescribed these pills. After them, the tremor and withdrawal symptoms went away. So, regarding the removal of toxins after alcohol, I directly tested the effect on myself. Valid.


I don’t know about others, but glycine helped me. I have a very stressful job, business trips, stress. I felt like I was sewing up, exhausted. Only thanks to taking glycine I manage to be fit, efficient, and in a good mood.

How does glycine intake affect heart function?

Glycine is known as a good neurotransmitter that improves the conduction of nerve impulses in cells. Therefore, the drug has established itself, first of all, as a high-quality activator of protective inhibition in the central nervous system, a regulator of metabolism. It is often used in the complex treatment of various neurological diseases. But glycine is also important in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Because it stabilizes the emotional background and equalizes blood pressure, enhancing the effect of cardiac medications.

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