How do different alcoholic drinks affect blood cholesterol levels?

How does alcohol affect cholesterol?

It is believed that drinking alcohol with high cholesterol can reduce its concentration in the blood. This opinion is by no means groundless. Alcohol in moderation has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, being a powerful vasodilator. Due to this, the lumen of the arteries expands, blood flow increases, and some of the formed atherosclerotic plaques are washed out by the blood flow from the walls of the vessels. Regardless of gender - both men and women - this effect can only be achieved with small doses of alcoholic beverages. In excessive quantities, they increase the content of triglycerides, which harm almost the entire human body - the brain, liver, heart.

How does alcohol affect blood cholesterol?

At elevated rates

Alcohol with high cholesterol helps to increase the secretion and content of the beneficial type of cholesterol in the blood. Despite the fact that the indicators of its “harmful” type - LDL (low-density lipoproteins, which are the main cause of cholesterol diseases.) - do not decrease, there is a positive trend in the ratio of these two types of cholesterol.

With normal indicators

If cholesterol levels are normal in tests, drinking alcohol in certain doses also stimulates the production of good cholesterol. But in addition to the effect on the level of a certain fraction of cholesterol, the level of triglycerides in the blood increases by approximately 5.9%.

What does high cholesterol lead to?

If the level of cholesterol in the blood is elevated, this leads to the fact that it begins to settle on the inner walls of blood vessels. As a result, plaques are formed, which are commonly called “cholesterol” plaques because of their origin. This process is the beginning of the development of atherosclerosis, which without timely and adequate treatment can lead to serious consequences.

Cholesterol plaques reduce the lumen in blood vessels. As a result, their patency deteriorates, and this leads to disruption of proper blood circulation in tissues and organs. Plaques tend to quickly increase in size, which threatens to completely block the vessel. The body cannot cope with the problem on its own, so it cannot be done without medical intervention.

Elevated cholesterol levels, called hypercholesterolemia, cause the following diseases:

  1. IHD, heart attack. Plaques narrow the lumen in the coronary arteries. A person periodically begins to experience pain in the chest area, which is paroxysmal in nature (angina pectoris). If you do not seek medical help in time, the lumen in the artery will completely close, and this will lead to myocardial infarction.
  2. Stroke. In this case, plaques interfere with normal blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. The person suffers from constant headaches, memory and vision deteriorate. As a result of the fact that brain tissue does not receive enough oxygen due to impaired blood circulation, an ischemic stroke develops.
  3. Organ failure. The nutrition of any organ can be disrupted due to the presence of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. This leads to the development of functional failure. The consequences of such a process are very dangerous, sometimes leading to death.
  4. Arterial hypertension. One of the causes of this disease is considered to be high cholesterol.

The effect of alcohol on blood vessels

As mentioned earlier, alcohol is a powerful vasodilator. However, at large doses, ethyl alcohol changes its effect and can cause opposite reactions in organ systems. In rational doses , alcohol helps cleanse blood vessels of excess cholesterol, prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, increases the elasticity of the vascular wall, and stimulates the work of the heart muscle. With already developing symptoms of atherosclerosis, alcohol can even dissolve cholesterol plaques.

Beer and cholesterol: can you drink it, benefits or harm?

The intoxicating drink is loved by many for its light relaxing effect and pleasant bitter taste. Moderate alcohol consumption, according to most consumers, does not harm the body even with a high risk of cardiovascular disease. Is this really true, does beer affect cholesterol?

Nutritional value of foamy drink

What does the body receive when drinking 1 bottle (0.5 l) of beer:

  • 12-32 g of ethyl alcohol (with a drink strength of 3 to 8% vol.), which corresponds to 38-80 ml of vodka;
  • 17.8 g carbohydrates, 2.3 g protein (215 kcal);
  • Spectrum B vitamins (10.1% DV B4, 7% B2, 11.5% B6, 7.5% B9 (folic acid), 12.8% B3 or PP).
  • A number of trace elements: 5.4% potassium, 7.5% magnesium, 8.8% phosphorus, 5.5% fluorine and selenium.

Beer does not contain cholesterol, since this drink is a product of processing plant raw materials.

Does beer increase blood cholesterol?

Beer does not contain animal fats, but it does contain substances that have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels in the body. These include:

  • Choline. This vitamin regulates lipid metabolism, is responsible for the capture of LDL storage lipoproteins by cell receptors, that is, it reduces the amount of cholesterol that remains in the bloodstream and can turn into atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Vitamin PP. Nicotinic acid (B3, PP) regulates the level of sterol and blood triglycerides, reducing the risk of vascular diseases and heart attack. Doctors note the positive effect of this vitamin also with elevated sugar levels and diabetes.
  • Selenium. American scientists studied the effect of certain minerals on the lipid composition of the blood and found that sufficient consumption of selenium increases the level of “good” cholesterol - high-density lipoprotein HDL.
  • Magnesium. This trace element stimulates the removal of fats from the body along with bile.
  • Folic acid and vitamin B6 also take part in cholesterol metabolism. Their deficiency can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

A study was conducted in Spain in which a group of volunteers with high levels of total cholesterol drank 1 liter of non-alcoholic beer daily. After 1.5 months of the experiment, blood lipid parameters returned to normal in 38% of the subjects.

Excessive beer consumption, on the contrary, can increase the level of cholesterol - low-density lipoprotein LDL, which oxidizes and contributes to the growth of atherosclerotic plaques. Alcoholic drinks have a high glycemic index, so drinking them causes a sharp increase in insulin production.

In the long term, this leads to a decrease in tissue sensitivity to this hormone, the development of metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes. Metabolic syndrome is the main cause of hypercholesterolemia, a violation of the normal proportion of high and low density lipoproteins.

An additional danger is posed by snacks: fatty cheeses, meat, salted fish, seafood. Regular consumption of these products is fraught not only with obesity, but also with an increase in blood triglyceride levels.

The benefits and harms of beer drink

Despite its controversial reputation, beer has a number of beneficial properties:

  • Due to its diuretic effect, it prevents the formation of kidney stones and reduces swelling.
  • Some of its components have an antiplatelet effect, that is, they help thin the blood, reducing the associated risk of thrombosis.
  • Drinking alcohol in small quantities reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease. According to Spanish scientists, the effectiveness of beer is higher than that of some types of red wine. The risk of vascular disease with moderate consumption is reduced by more than 30%.

To get the maximum benefit, you need to choose high-quality varieties containing natural malt.

The famous philosopher and physician Paracelsus argued: “just one dose makes the poison invisible.” In other words, any useful product turns into poison if consumed without moderation.

Harmful properties of beer that appear with excessive consumption:

  • Effect on the kidneys. Regular consumption of large amounts of liquid puts stress on the kidneys and can lead to disruption of their functioning.
  • Impact on hormonal levels. Excessive beer consumption can lead to disruptions in the menstrual cycle in women and an increase in the concentration of female sex hormones in men. Hormonal imbalance occurs due to an increase in the fat layer, the cells of which produce weak estrogens.
  • Increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, stroke. A high glycemic index, as well as the habit of drinking alcohol with high-calorie, fatty snacks, lead to fat gain. Excessive consumption is fraught with the formation of microthrombi in the vessels of the brain, increasing the risk of stroke.

How much beer can you drink?

The positive effect is manifested when a safe dosage is observed - 15 ml of ethanol/day. This corresponds to 300 ml of beer at a strength of 4.5-5% vol.

However, for some diseases, beer is prohibited from drinking even in such a safe volume. These include:

  • alcoholism;
  • severe pathologies of the liver or kidneys;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • mental disorders, emotional instability;
  • pregnancy;
  • dysfunction of the central nervous system.

Non-alcoholic beer can be consumed by people who are contraindicated to drink alcohol.

Last updated: August 22, 2019


The effect of alcoholic drinks on cholesterol concentration

What kind of alcohol is good for cholesterol?

The relationship between alcohol and cholesterol levels differs depending on the type of drink consumed. Which one can you drink if you have high cholesterol levels? The main criterion is the quality of the chosen alcohol. According to research, the most appropriate and safe alcoholic drink for our patients is wine. Dry red is the healthiest variety. However, the abundance of types of alcohol prepared by a variety of technological processes poses an urgent question to us - how do its individual varieties and types affect high cholesterol?


The use of vodka for medicinal purposes for cholesterol in medical practice is minimal. The change in the balance of good and bad cholesterol is explained only by the direct effect of alcohol on the vascular system. Arteries and veins dilate, blood pressure increases and cholesterol is washed out of the vessel walls.


When talking about wine, you need to understand that only red wine is healthy. It is not for nothing that it is the most useful of all the products listed today. Grapes contain flavonoids and resveratrol. These antioxidants, entering the body, reduce inflammatory processes in blood vessels at all stages of atherosclerosis. A lot of microelements and vitamins - iron, magnesium, chromium, rubidium - strengthen the cardiovascular system, tone and stabilize the nervous system, help remove toxins from the body, increase immunity, improve the ratio of HDL and LDL, increasing the concentration of the beneficial type of cholesterol.


For high cholesterol, moderate doses of cognac are also considered beneficial, since cognac promotes the absorption of vitamin C by the body and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


Whiskey contains a strong antioxidant – ellagic acid. It is known that it is able to maintain youthful skin and helps the body get rid of free radicals. Therefore, it has an indirect anti-atherosclerotic effect.


Patients with cholesterol diseases should be careful with this drink. As such, it does not contain any beneficial properties in terms of cholesterol, and abuse of champagne is one of the risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis.

How does alcohol destroy the body?

How do alcoholic drinks harm the human body, and which organs are affected? Alcoholic beverages are primarily targeted at:

  • stomach;
  • liver;
  • intestines.

It all starts with the fact that alcohol, entering the oral cavity, provokes an immediate reaction of the stomach in the form of secretion of gastric juice. As a result, a person begins to feel hungry. This reaction of the body is a kind of conviction in the benefits of alcohol for those who claim that alcohol perfectly improves appetite, and a small amount before meals will not harm. But everything is not as simple as it seems. A large amount of juice secreted in the stomach contains hydrochloric acid with the simultaneous absence of pepsin (an enzyme), which is necessary in order to digest the foods eaten. As a result of prolonged exposure to hydrochloric acid, gastritis and catarrh of the stomach develop, and there may be an ulcer. These diseases manifest themselves as constant nausea, pain in the abdominal area, and sometimes vomiting.

It's not just the stomach that suffers from alcoholic drinks. No less harm is done to the intestines. Inflammatory processes develop in it, leading to enterocolitis, which manifests itself as a constant stool disorder. Hemorrhoids often occur in people who drink alcohol. Impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is the cause of a lack in the body of all the substances it needs (vitamins, minerals, microelements) that come with food, which leads to various pathologies.

The liver is another organ that suffers from alcohol. Its task is to neutralize all toxic substances that enter the human body. Even a small amount of alcohol can harm the liver. Such harm may be temporary if not for regular alcohol consumption, which leads to organ cell death, tissue damage and degeneration. As a result, chronic hepatitis, liver sclerosis and cirrhosis develop.

Is it possible to get rid of cholesterol with alcohol?

Despite many accolades and reviews, independent studies suggest that the benefits of moderate drinking for people at risk due to cholesterol exist, but are greatly exaggerated. The problem cannot be solved solely with the help of alcohol, regardless of its type and variety. The positive effect of alcohol on cholesterol, such factors in our daily life as the correct selection of foods, a normalized lifestyle, can help much more effectively in the fight against these diseases. Alcohol can be combined with the main complex anti-cholesterol therapy only on the basis of consultation with a competent doctor, in individually selected small doses.

Lowering cholesterol with alcohol

How to lower cholesterol without alcohol?

You can lower your cholesterol levels without drinking alcohol. All you need to do is adjust your diet and minimize the amount of junk food. This is especially true for fatty, fried and spicy foods, fast food, and foods high in carcinogens and chemicals. It is advisable that the basis of the diet be:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • nuts;
  • berries;
  • cereals;
  • low-fat dairy products

It is also recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle - spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, do exercises in the morning and give up bad habits.

What experts say

Doctors' opinions on this issue vary. Some of them believe that since alcohol affects only good cholesterol in the blood, and bad cholesterol is left unchanged, it should not be drunk even in moderate quantities. In addition, patients may experience negative consequences - increased blood pressure, increased triglyceride levels, damage to the liver and heart muscle, damage to the gastrointestinal tract and increased insulin concentrations. Other doctors answered the question “can you drink alcohol with high cholesterol?” will answer with an affirmative nod of the head, but with the caveat of different dosages for men and women and the use of strictly defined types of alcohol. In their opinion, this can improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels, and the body will be able to obtain the missing antioxidants, flavonoids and tannins.

What is cholesterol

When asked what cholesterol is, most people will answer without thinking that it is fat. In fact, being an organic alcohol, its appearance is more reminiscent of beeswax.

The human body produces at least 80% cholesterol, which is the basis of almost all hormones and an essential component of cell membranes. However, excess so-called “bad” cholesterol tends to be deposited on the vascular walls, clogging the lumen. This leads to strokes, heart attacks and other pathologies of the circulatory system.

There are two main types of cholesterol:

  1. high-density lipoproteins - or, as they are also called, “good” cholesterol. They connect and bring out the “bad”;
  2. Low-density lipoproteins are “bad” cholesterol. It clogs the walls of blood vessels, narrowing their lumen and causing atherosclerosis.

In laboratory conditions, it is important to check not only the level of total cholesterol (cholesterol), but also its varieties. This will allow you to choose a treatment strategy and choose a diet.

How does alcohol work in the presence of chronic diseases?

The interaction of alcohol and cholesterol is a dangerous combination for people with chronic diseases. It is strictly forbidden to use ethanol to lower sterol levels in the following cases:

  • Arterial hypertension. High blood pressure disrupts the vascular tone regulation system. Drinking even a small amount of alcohol dilates the arteries, followed by a sharp spasm. This can lead to a surge in pressure, a hypertensive crisis.
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys. Alcohol is harmful through direct toxic effects and causes disruption of organ function. The production of endogenous cholesterol by the liver increases, and its removal from the body slows down.
  • Chronic atherosclerosis. Deposits of cholesterol and calcium salts make the arteries dense and inelastic. Their tone hardly changes under the influence of the nervous system. Drinking alcohol increases blood pressure, which is dangerous due to rupture of inelastic vessels or critical narrowing of the lumen. The likelihood of developing a heart attack of the brain, liver, or heart increases.
  • Taking medications. The simultaneous use of alcohol and lipid-lowering drugs can cause an unpredictable reaction. For example, the combination of diuretics with alcohol greatly dilates blood vessels, and blood pressure drops sharply. The result is loss of consciousness, stroke, heart attack.

If in a healthy person ethanol somewhat equalizes the imbalance of lipoproteins, then it is impossible to predict its effect on a person with diseases of the internal organs, heart, and blood vessels.

Is it possible to drink beer if you have high cholesterol?

As you can see, you can drink beer if you have high cholesterol , since it does not contain any fats. It contains a number of chemical compounds, trace elements and substances that have a positive effect on cholesterol balance. Studies conducted by a number of scientists from Spain were designed to prove or disprove this effect of the drink on cholesterol in practice. A number of volunteers with high cholesterol consumed 1 bottle of beer daily. As a result, at the end of the experiment, in 38% of patients, the lipid ratio and their levels returned to normal.

It must be remembered that only moderate doses of this low-alcohol drink are beneficial for the body. With excessive consumption, as with any other abuse of alcohol, beer becomes an enemy of our body and can lead to alcoholism. In the context of today's topic, this leads to a faster onset of atherosclerosis. How much beer should you drink to avoid such consequences and to improve the health of our internal systems?

Health benefits of beer

Experts' opinion

Studies have shown that regular consumption of even small doses of alcohol causes the opposite effect - the level of good cholesterol decreases, and the level of harmful cholesterol increases.

Toxicologists argue that alcohol cannot be considered from the point of view of a lipid-lowering agent. Ethyl alcohol actually interacts with it, dissolves it, and washes it out of the vessels. However, arteries, arterioles, and capillaries have receptors that instantly respond to alcohol coming from outside. Under its influence, they sharply contract, which causes irreparable harm. They become inflamed, become fragile, and permeability increases.

If you are sick, forget forever the myth about alcohol, which cleanses blood vessels. The body is much more complex than a tube that can be cleaned with an ethanol solution or a brush. The human body's receptors react very sensitively to the intake of alcohol from the outside, especially in excessive doses. As a result, vascular spasms occur, which not only do not improve the condition, but also provoke blockage of the arteries.

For a patient with atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease, alcohol is a taboo. The best methods of self-medication in this situation are healthy sleep, a low-lipid low-salt diet and gentle exercise.

Is alcohol acceptable if you have high blood cholesterol?

An increased concentration of cholesterol has an extremely negative effect on the condition of blood vessels, because cholesterol plaques begin to form on their walls, impeding blood flow.
Everyone also knows about the negative effects of alcohol, which is quite toxic and difficult for the body.

But at the same time, there is an opinion that alcohol has an extremely positive effect directly on blood vessels, dilates them, makes them stronger and more elastic. In this article we will look in detail at whether alcohol and cholesterol are compatible, how it affects the body and what clinical studies say.

Alcohol intake and cholesterol

Are there healthy doses of alcohol? Sometimes drinking a small amount of alcohol actually improves the body's immunity and stabilizes its condition. Doctors sometimes recommend that their patients during the rehabilitation period after complex operations consume 30 g of strong drinks or 100 g of red wine daily. To dissolve excess cholesterol in the body, the same dose of alcohol is allowed.

When it comes to drinking in moderation, it is usually measured in servings. One serving is recommended for women, two for men.

A portion usually means:

  • 30 ml vodka;
  • 100 ml wine;
  • 250 ml of weak beer.

If a person suffers from hypertension (high blood pressure) and constantly takes medications, then alcohol is strictly contraindicated for him. The risk of side effects is extremely high.

Additional effects of some alcoholic drinks

In addition to ethyl alcohol itself, which is contained in alcoholic beverages in varying quantities, natural products also contain other components that can have an extremely positive effect on the condition of not only the cardiovascular system, but also other body systems. There are benefits from alcoholic drinks and this is a fact, but it is far from protection. They should be consumed in moderation, and as a pleasant medicine - strictly on the recommendation of a doctor.

It has long been known that red wine restores blood, or rather increases the number of red blood cells, increases hemoglobin, reduces blood density, increasing metabolism. Magnesium and potassium, found in red wine in sufficient quantities, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle. In addition, the benefit of the drink lies in its tonic and anti-stress effects, since after it enters the body, metabolism increases, sleep normalizes and immunity increases.


High-quality cognac is rich in tannins, which promote the absorption of vitamin C, improve the condition of the skin and blood vessels, and better resistance to infections. When taking the recommended dose, usually 20-30 ml, it helps normalize blood pressure.


The substances contained in this drink thin the blood, improving metabolism, and also prevent the formation of blood clots. Antioxidants contained in the cereals from which the drink is prepared slow down the aging of the entire body, including the cardiovascular system. In addition, the functioning of nerve cells in the brain improves and appetite decreases, which is extremely useful for people who are overweight, as well as people on a low-cholesterol diet.


What are the benefits of beer?

Moderate consumption of this alcoholic drink has the following positive effects on the human body:

  • protects against the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • reduces weight when replacing carbohydrates with beer;
  • has a stimulating effect on the digestion process due to the release of gastric juice and bile;
  • reduces the severity of pain;
  • calms during severe psycho-emotional stress;
  • slows down aging, prolonging life.

You should not drink alcohol more than three times every seven days.
The positive effect of drinking an intoxicating drink will be observed only if it is taken in doses. The norm for a person of average build is half a liter per day. It is worth remembering that regular consumption of alcoholic beverages provokes addiction, which is quite difficult to cope with. Therefore, it is worth limiting your beer intake to 2-3 times a week.

Consequences of alcohol

Despite the fact that alcohol dissolves fats, after neutralization of ethanol, toxic elements remain in the liver. Subsequently, the functioning of this organ is disrupted. Due to frequent consumption of fortified drinks, healthy liver cells are replaced by connective tissue. As a result, diseases of varying severity develop.

Ethyl alcohol also has an adverse effect on the kidneys. In this case, the urinary system is stimulated to remove toxic substances from the body obtained from ethanol processing. This provokes increased stress on the kidneys.

The ingestion of alcohol into the stomach causes a response from the body in the form of increased production of hydrochloric acid. The result is a feeling of hunger.

Alcohol abuse threatens the appearance of various gastric pathologies (gastritis, catarrh, ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane).


Also, if you drink strong drinks in excessive quantities, your intestines may suffer. Inflammatory processes developing in the intestinal region can lead to acute or chronic disorder of this organ.

People suffering from alcoholism often have hemorrhoids. Due to disruption of the functioning of the digestive tract, problems may arise with the absorption and assimilation of nutrients necessary for the full functioning of the body. Subsequently, diseases arise that are not directly related to alcohol consumption.

Alcohol negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system and brain. Long-term use of such drinks can lead to cell death, mental disorder, and subsequent degradation.

The effect of alcohol on the heart and blood vessels is ambiguous. In the first hours after the liquid enters the body, vasodilation occurs. However, after 3–4 hours a sharp narrowing of their lumen occurs. As a result, the vascular walls lose their elasticity, wear out faster, and their integrity is compromised.

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