SHBG hormone: what is it in women and men, the norm

Sex-binding globulin. hormones: main functions

First, you need to talk about what specific role globulin plays in the human body. There are four of them, but they are all very important. So they are as follows:

  1. Binds sex hormones, as well as medications and other substances.
  2. Globulin transports vitamins and other substances throughout the human body.
  3. Acts as a protector of the body from infections, toxins, foreign proteins, etc.
  4. Responsible for blood clotting.

sex-binding hormone globulin

As can be seen from the list, tying is gender. hormones is not the only task that the globulin protein performs. The functioning of many body functions directly depends on this protein. If any deviations from a given norm occur, disturbances in the functioning of not only the reproductive system are noted.

general description

Photo: hormone norms table

A blood test for hormones, the norm of which indicates a stable state in the body, is a full-fledged study of the concentration and presence in the composition of certain substances that are produced by the glands of the body.

It is worth noting that in comparison with other elements of plasma, hormones are found in the blood in small quantities, but despite this, they are actively involved in all important processes of the body. Moreover, there are no static “normal” indicators for this type of biological substance; their concentration depends on the gender and age of the person.

Depending on the glands that secrete active substances into the blood, the test results indicate exactly those hormones that are necessary to diagnose a particular disease. For this reason, the norm of hormones in the human body is different for each indicator.

The norm of globulin in a woman’s body

As mentioned above, this article will talk in great detail about sex-binding globulin. hormones in women. The globulin level depends on how old the woman is. When age is from 8 to 10 years, the norm should be 26-128 nmol per liter. From 10 to 12 years, the norm changes slightly: from 16 to 112 nmol per liter. Further, from 12 to 14 years, the globulin rate varies from 19 to 89 nmol per liter. And the last normal indicator for a woman from 14 to 60 years old is from 18 to 114 nmol per liter.

sex-binding globulin hormones are reduced in women
An increase in globulin levels may occur in a pregnant woman. The increase occurs during all three cycles of pregnancy. The highest level of globulin occurs in the third semester of pregnancy. The lower limit could be 16.80 and the upper limit could be 38.80. These values ​​are absolutely normal and do not pose any danger to both mother and child.

Of course, after a woman turns 60, protein levels increase, but not much. Basically, the increase is 1.2 percent per year.

These indicators are the norm for a healthy woman. Even the slightest deviation from this norm is unacceptable.

Decoding indicators

Women can take globulin tests on different days of the menstrual cycle. Sex hormone binding globulin has certain normal levels.

Globulin indicators without deviations are as follows:

  • in women of reproductive age it is considered 26.0-109.0 nmol/l;
  • during menopause – 14.0-69 nmol/l;
  • in a man, a hormone concentration of 14.4-48 nmol/l is considered acceptable.

Changes in globulin depend on the amount of sex hormones. Depending on a woman’s age, globulin levels may vary:

  • 8-10 years old, the norm is considered to be 26-127.8 nmol/l;
  • 10-12 years – 16-111.10 nmol/l;
  • 12-14 years – 19-88 nmol/l;
  • 14-60 years – 17-113.9 nmol/l.

They also use the general index of the presence of free testosterone, which varies from 0.8-11% for the fairer sex, and from 13.8-95% for men. Some deviation from the norm is allowed.

If the hormone is elevated, this is associated with the following factors:

  1. Increased estrogen levels.
  2. Hepatitis.
  3. Taking oral contraceptives.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system.

In the last stage of pregnancy, globulin levels may be elevated. Often, increased SHBG levels are influenced by hereditary factors. In some cases, deviations from the norm do not indicate pathology, but the individual characteristics of the body.

When SHBG is low, the following complications develop:

  1. Increased testosterone, prolactin.
  2. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  3. Nephrotic syndrome.
  4. Low production of thyroid hormones.
  5. Syndrome of non-responsiveness of cells to insulin.
  6. Diabetes.
  7. Cushing's disease.

The determination of SHBG levels may be affected by taking medications containing synthetic analogues of any hormones. A sudden appearance of pimples, blackheads, oily scalp and profuse dandruff - what could be causing this situation? Typically, such disturbances indicate a hormonal imbalance. A person can suddenly lose muscle mass or, conversely, gain excess weight, and apathy towards everything may appear. If the hormone is not used correctly, the mammary glands in men may become enlarged. In this case, it is necessary to take tests for globulin.

The level of SHBG increases or decreases not only from the amount of sex hormones produced in a person; its indicators are also affected by the condition of the liver, the functions of the thyroid gland, kidneys, and pituitary gland, which ensure the interaction of all hormones. If you are taking hormonal medications or are obese, your hormone levels can change dramatically.

  1. A test for sex hormones is a test for the levels of substances such as testosterone, estradiol and progesterone in the blood. Testosterone is responsible for the growth of muscles, bones and the development of reproductive organs. Its blood level should be in the region of 4.95-32.02 nm/l in men and 0.39-1.98 nm/l in women. The normal value of the main estrogens depends on the phase of the female cycle. So, in the first phase, estradiol should be in the amount of 199-285 pM/l, and progesterone 1.1-2.3 nM/l.
  2. Tests for thyroid hormones depend on the selected active substance, the norm for each of which is different: thyroxine (0.6-1.49 ng/dl), T3 - (2.5 - 5.8 pm/l), AT-TG – (0-4.12 U/ml).
  3. During pregnancy, tests are prescribed for the hCG hormone, which is produced by the membrane of the embryo already on days 6-10 after fertilization, which makes it possible to quickly identify pathological development of the fetus, if any. The level of this hormone increases until the 7th month of pregnancy, and then sharply declines; for this reason, hormonal blood tests are performed very often.
  4. A blood test for adrenal hormones relies on three hormones: cortisol, DHEA-c and aldosterone. For the first, the norm is 3-22 mcg/dL for children and 3.8-19.5 mcg/dL for adults, for the second – 3592 – 11908 nm/l, for the third – 36 – 351 pg/ml.

An AMH test is included in the list of mandatory tests at the stage of diagnosing a woman and preparing for in vitro fertilization.

Interesting fact: AMH itself does not affect a woman’s fertility or ability to bear a child. However, it is the AMH level that allows you to assess the chances of natural conception or the likelihood of success with IVF. AMH analysis - the price is acceptable even in private clinics.

Low globulin levels in women

Sex-binding globulin. Hormones in women may be below normal. But what could this be connected with? There are several reasons for such low globulin levels, namely:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  3. Incorrect functioning of the excretory system.
  4. Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  5. An increase in the concentration of androgens in the blood.

These are the main reasons why sex-binding globulin. hormones in women becomes lower than normal. In this case, it is necessary to immediately begin a course of treatment.

sex-binding globulin hormones is reduced in women what to do

As you can see, the main reasons for this are chronic diseases. This means that you don’t have to wait for globulin levels to start falling. It is necessary to undergo tests and consult with specialists regularly, at least once a year. Unfortunately, many people, due to laziness or lack of time, rarely turn to doctors, which makes it possible to detect the disease only when it is already advanced. It is important to understand that if a deviation from the norm is detected in the early stages, treatment can go faster and easier.

Treatment for Low Globulin Levels

In medicine, it is not uncommon for sex-binding globulin. hormones are lower in women. What to do? This question is often asked by many women who have been diagnosed with this condition. And you need to do the following. If sex-binding globulin. hormones are lowered in women, treatment cannot be delayed. To increase protein levels, doctors mainly prescribe so-called statins. There is no single treatment regimen in medicine. The reason is that the treatment approach depends on the situation, on how low the globulin level is.

sex-binding globulin hormones in women

In order for the treatment to be productive, doctors prescribe a detailed diagnosis of the woman’s body in order to identify the reason why the globulin level was lowered. Diagnostics will not take much time. It gives a complete picture of the state of a woman’s body. Treatment is usually prescribed by a general practitioner or endocrinologist, and in some cases by an oncologist.

How do you know when you need to get tested?

A change in the content of sex hormone binding globulin is manifested by a number of symptoms that both men and women will probably quickly discover in themselves:

  • Sexual disorders that men will probably feel first;
  • Decreased vital activity, performance, fatigue from less significant physical activity;
  • State of depression, bad mood for no reason, apathy, irritability;
  • Concentration disorder, absent-mindedness;
  • Periodic hot flashes;
  • Fragility of bones (development of osteoporosis, osteopenia), which makes them more brittle;
  • Resistance (immunity) to insulin in diabetic patients;
  • Rapid weight loss or, conversely, rapid weight gain;
  • Weakening of defenses (decrease in immunity);
  • Oily seborrhea (dysfunction of the sebaceous glands), hair loss up to baldness, acne;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary glands in men).

Meanwhile, the listed symptoms should force a person to seek medical help, and not act according to his own understanding. The analysis is prescribed by a doctor, usually an andrologist or reproductologist. Here the reader has the right to complain that such narrow specialists usually do not work in small localities. Such cases are provided for, so often a referral for research comes from an endocrinologist, gynecologist or urologist. People who are typically tested are:

  1. have problems conceiving;
  2. are nervous about impotence and indifference to sex;
  3. male pattern hair is found and menstrual irregularities are noted (women);
  4. approach the age of “male menopause.”

To the above, it only remains to add that the analysis for SHBG does not require special preparation; patients donate blood in the morning (peak hours are from 8 to 11 am). Otherwise, everything is as usual: don’t eat, don’t smoke, don’t work hard, don’t be nervous.

High globulin levels in women

Sex-binding globulin. hormones are often high. Various factors also contribute to this. The main factors are the following:

  1. HIV infection.
  2. Hepatitis.
  3. Thyroid.
  4. Taking hormonal medications that contain estrogens.

These are the main reasons why globulin levels can rise above normal. As with a decrease in globulin norm, its increase must be corrected. High globulin levels are treatable. Thanks to new drugs, this disease can and should be fought. The result of the treatment will not take long to arrive.

Deviations from the norm and possible pathologies

If after the studies it is determined that the amount of globulins deviates from the norm in any direction, the doctor will prescribe additional diagnostics. Indicators of substances in the blood, as well as other factors, will indicate a particular disease. Each fraction has its own pathological processes.

Alpha globulins are produced by hepatocytes. Their increase in plasma may indicate allergic reactions. In addition, there are other ailments in which the level of α-globulins increases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • necrotic tissue damage;
  • infections of any kind;
  • damage to the epithelial layer;
  • joint inflammation;
  • malignant formations;
  • taking male sex hormones.
  • kidney diseases.

Tuberculosis is a disease in which globulin is increased.
Deviations of the level of α-globulins from the norm to a lesser extent occur with respiratory failure and intravascular hemolysis.

An increase in the level of β-globulins in the blood often occurs in women during pregnancy, especially when taking steroid hormones - estrogens. A similar situation can also occur when:

  • malignant neoplasms:
  • advanced tuberculosis;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • anemia.

Often, an increase in beta globulins is associated with impaired fat metabolism and problems with the cardiovascular system.

A decrease in the amount of beta globulins in the blood occurs for the following reasons:

  • inflammation in the body;
  • cancer;
  • liver disease;
  • eating small amounts of protein;
  • increase in hormone levels;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland;
  • imbalance of the endocrine system.

Gamma globulins increase in almost chronic inflammatory processes, which are localized in the joints, gall and bladder, as well as in the renal pelvis. In addition, the reason for the jump in γ-globulins occurs as a result of:

  • toxic damage to liver cells or;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • advanced pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the pulmonary system;
  • AIDS.

A decrease in the amount of γ-globulins in the blood plasma is observed in the case of the development of acquired hypogammaglobulinemia, which develops with the following ailments:

  • HIV infections;
  • malignant tumor processes;
  • protracted infectious processes and purulent inflammations;
  • lack of protein in childhood due to poor nutrition;

In addition, a decrease in the amount of γ-globulins can be diagnosed during pregnancy and when taking glucocorticoids.

Indications for testing

A woman can get tested based on her desire. And it will absolutely not be a waste of time. Unfortunately, the percentage of such people who always take care of their health is small. As a result, women whose globulin abnormalities are visible to the eye come to see a doctor. Yes! You can understand that a woman may have problems with globulin with the naked eye. But there is no need to get ahead of yourself. We need to say everything in order. So, in medicine there are indications for testing for globulin content in the body. Indications for donating blood are as follows:

  1. Climax.
  2. Baldness or large amounts of dandruff.
  3. Decline in sexual desire.
  4. Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  5. Infertility.
  6. Menstrual irregularities.

sex-binding globulin hormones are reduced in women - normal

Knowing these indications and guided by them, the doctor must send the patient for tests, after which, if the diagnosis is confirmed, he will be able to prescribe treatment.

How to properly prepare for testing

To prepare a woman for sex-binding globulin testing. hormones, certain conditions must be met. These conditions are:

  1. Three days before the test, stop taking absolutely any hormonal medications.
  2. Sexual contacts should be avoided before taking tests.
  3. Blood is donated on an empty stomach and in the morning.

In addition to what is listed, drinking tea and coffee is also prohibited. You are only allowed to drink water. If you neglect these rules, there is a high probability that the test results will be incorrect. Basically, they are ready within a day after donating blood.

sex-binding globulin hormones in women when to take

It is worth remembering that only a doctor can decipher the tests! Treatment is also prescribed only by a specialist. Self-medication is unacceptable.

When and how to get tested for sex hormone binding globulin

Dry blood glucose analysis reveals the content of estradiol and testosterone in both women and men. Blood sampling only to determine the level of binding protein is rarely performed; it is combined with an assessment of the unbound testosterone index.

It should be understood that the CVS analysis is prescribed to representatives of both sexes for the following reasons:

  • with normal testosterone levels, the concentration of androgens is changed;
  • infertility;
  • progression of baldness;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • skin pathologies (acne, seborrhea).

You need to know that a blood test for dry eye syndrome is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. You should avoid alcohol, stress, smoking, overexertion and sexual intercourse the day before the examination.

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Remember that multiple SHBG test samples may be required in women, as each phase of the menstrual cycle affects the result.

In addition, men undergo this examination for sexual dysfunctions, decreased libido, and prostatitis.

Ladies are referred for dry eye test analysis if they have polycystic ovary syndrome, irregular menstrual cycles, lack of ovulation, or hirsutism. The result may be distorted if the preparation rules are not followed. Venous blood serum is examined.

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