How appropriate is autohemotherapy for allergies and other diseases?

Features of the autohemotherapy procedure, indications, contraindications and all the nuances of manipulation - all this interests people who have learned about such therapy.

In most cases, autohemotherapy is indicated for patients undergoing complex treatment of pathologies associated with immunodeficiencies.

These are chronic infections, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, dermatological diseases, as well as ailments that arise due to age-related changes in the body.

The technique first began to be used at the beginning of the twentieth century. Experts noted the same type of clinical results, in particular the stimulation of protective properties, accelerated recovery after operations and injuries, and increased mental and physical performance.

Today the procedure has become widespread in medicine and cosmetology.

The essence of the method

Autohemotherapy is a therapeutic technique that involves injecting the patient with his own blood. In most cases it is performed intramuscularly.

In essence, this is a transfusion that enhances hematopoiesis and increases the body's resistance to all kinds of diseases.

Scientists believe that human blood circulating through vessels is able to “remember” the processes occurring in the body. After the secondary entry into the body, the cells independently identify sources of inflammation and pathogenic microorganisms, destroying them.

Autohemotherapy: indications for the procedure

Based on existing reviews from doctors, indications and contraindications, we can conclude that autohemotherapy is aimed at:

  • increasing the body's immune defense;
  • activation of hematopoietic processes and the hemostatic system.

After using the technique, there are usually no chills, joint damage, increased body temperature and other negative manifestations. The use of autohemotherapy is relevant not only for inpatient settings, but also for outpatient settings.

What is autohemotherapy?

An accurate and correct regimen for performing autohemotherapy should be prescribed by a qualified doctor on an individual basis. During treatment, the patient is injected under the skin or muscle tissue with fresh blood taken from a vein. If there are no indications, then it is not mixed with medications and is not subjected to additional changes.

There are certain situations when a doctor, after a thorough examination and diagnosis, may recommend that the patient perform autohemotherapy in combination with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs. Only a qualified specialist has sufficient knowledge to prescribe the total amount of blood that can be administered in one procedure. He will also establish the order of changes in blood volume during treatment, the frequency of manipulations, the location of blood sampling, the amount and features of further administration. All important indicators can change based on the individual characteristics of the body and the current condition of the patient.

A procedure such as autohemotherapy is practiced by doctors of various specialties. Absolutely all experts agree that the presented procedure has similar clinical results in the treatment of acne and other various diseases. The general clinical picture is as follows: administering the patient’s own blood helps activate the rehabilitative and protective functions of the body. The following list of important positive effects can be highlighted:

  • rapid healing process of various herbs and wounds;
  • postoperative or surgical intervention, the recovery process is much easier;
  • you can effectively solve skin problems;
  • human performance increases;
  • the current psychological state improves.

Autohemotherapy: indications for use

Subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of fresh venous blood has a beneficial effect on the entire body, strengthens protective functions, and suppresses inflammatory processes.

Among the indications for the use of autohemotherapy are the following conditions.


  • dermatological pathologies: acne, blackheads, furunculosis, eczema, pustules, neoplasms;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • prolonged pneumonia;
  • frequently recurring colds;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • various immunodeficiency conditions;
  • infectious, inflammatory lesions of the urinary system;
  • poorly healing trophic ulcers;
  • joint damage of an infectious nature;
  • internal and nosebleeds;
  • severe menopause;
  • infertility.

In the presence of any pathologies, the technique cannot replace other methods of treatment: taking medications, surgery. Autohemotherapy is indicated for use as part of complex therapy.

Dermatologist Samir Bashey

The procedure is also used for provocative and diagnostic purposes. Thus, it is relevant when there is a suspicion of hidden infections.

The latest research has proven that autohemotherapy helps alleviate the symptoms of bronchial asthma with an allergic nature.

In the field of cosmetology, the technique is successfully used not only to combat various dermatological ailments, but also to slow down the aging process of the skin.

Scheme of implementation

Under no circumstances should this procedure be performed at home, as the patient must be under the strict supervision of medical personnel. Only a dermatologist or hematologist can prescribe autohemotherapy. The presence of allergies or anaphylactic reactions to medications must be reported to the doctor before the procedure.

Blood is drawn from the veins of the upper extremities

Before the procedure, the patient undergoes a series of examinations, among which they must pay attention to the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells. If their number is below acceptable numbers, then autohemotherapy is postponed until these indicators increase

A week before the procedure, the patient must take a prophylactic course with an antibiotic (penicillin). There are other therapeutic schemes for transfusion of biological fluid:

  • Staircase or step. This method involves diluting blood taken from a patient with various medications depending on the cause of the patient's illness. If a person seeks help for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then anti-inflammatory drugs are added to the biological fluid. When the reason for autohemotherapy is intoxication or purulent diseases, it is mixed with adsorbent drugs. The mixture is administered to the patient in one session, usually under the armpit in the thigh area.
  • Using blood with ozone. This method consists of mixing the patient’s biological fluid with ozone, which increases the beneficial properties and improves the therapeutic effect of the procedure. Widely used in the treatment of gynecological diseases in women, as well as for the treatment of skin rashes. Some clinics practice injecting blood with aloe extract. The method activates the body's immune system and is used in gynecology and urology.
  • Autohemotherapy and acupuncture (biopuncture). In this case, the patient’s biological fluid is injected not into the muscles or under the skin, but into reflexogenic zones, which are actively used in acupuncture. For example, to points on the palms for the treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory system. Or to the plantar region for the treatment of epilepsy.
  • Blood transfusion with calcium gluconate. Widely used in dermatology to treat skin diseases. Only the attending physician can choose the correct dose to avoid seizures.

Contraindications (8 prohibitions)

Before using autohemotherapy, it is necessary to become familiar with the indications and contraindications.

Prick in the hand

It is important to identify and comply with the latter, otherwise serious negative consequences may occur. There are a number of restrictions on the procedure.


  1. malignant neoplasms;
  2. active tuberculosis;
  3. hepatitis and other liver damage;
  4. pathologies of the cardiovascular system, kidneys;
  5. severe mental disorders;
  6. heart attack in the acute stage;
  7. period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  8. age under 18 years.

When performing autohemotherapy, it is not recommended to administer large volumes of blood. This threatens the occurrence of side effects: chills, muscle soreness, fever. Such complications are included in the list of contraindications to the use of the technique.

Indications, contraindications and side effects

If you use autohemotherapy to get rid of acne, then this procedure has a huge number of positive properties , a minimum number of contraindications, and a complete absence of possible side effects.

Today, in most cases, the presented technique is used in the field of dermatology and cosmetology to eliminate acne or other skin problems. Scientists have proven that blood transfusions contribute to more effective and rapid treatment of the following list of diseases:

  • chronic forms of cytomegalovirus infection;
  • genital herpes;
  • inflammatory processes in the uterus and its appendages;
  • climacteric syndromes;
  • adhesions in the pelvic organs;
  • papilomatosis;
  • condylomatosis;
  • infertility.

There are a number of contraindications to blood transfusions , as well as serious restrictions. If this technique is used to solve skin problems, then the following important contraindications to the procedure can be identified:

  • arrhythmia;
  • heart attack;
  • epilepsy attacks;
  • the presence of cancerous tumors;
  • state of psychosis of different origins and nature of course;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

Every person must remember that only a qualified specialist can prescribe the frequency of autohemotherapy procedures against rashes and acne. Incorrect blood transfusion technique and non-compliance with the quantity always leads to side effects. It is for this reason that the progress of the procedure and further control is carried out by the doctor.

Side effects of autohemotherapy for acne include the following:

  • muscle pain;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • inflammation;
  • chills.

Doctors do not recommend that patients combine the autohemotherapy procedure with antibiotics. There are certain situations when a specialist may prescribe this treatment method.

Features of the procedure

At the first session, about 1 ml of blood is injected subcutaneously into the patient. Over time, its volume increases until it reaches 10 ml. After this, the amount gradually decreases.

Injections that are made under the skin can cause the development of inflammatory processes and other negative consequences. It is important to remember this when giving consent to use the technique.

Dermatologist Sanusi Umar

For intramuscular administration, 2 ml of venous blood is used. Injections are placed in the upper outer square of the buttocks.

A repeat session is carried out after 1 or 2 days with an increase in blood to 4 ml, next time - to 6 ml and so on.

Blood in a test tube

Based on indications, autohemotherapy is used according to the following scheme:

SessionQuantity of material introduced
48 ml
510 ml
610 ml
78 ml with further reduction in blood volume

The procedure is always performed in compliance with sterility standards. First, blood is taken from a vein, then injected under the skin or into a muscle.

Autohemotherapy treatment regimen

This procedure has exclusively positive and recommendatory reviews. Patients who used this method to treat acne were satisfied. There is a standard scheme for this. First of all, the patient is injected with 2 milliliters of his own blood from a vein , and after that, after three days, the blood volume increases by another 2 ml. The frequency of the procedure must be discussed with the attending physician.

The increase in the volume of injected blood can reach 10 ml, followed by a reverse decrease of every 2 ml per procedure. One course of autohemotherapy with a standard regimen includes about 10–13 procedures. The number of injections and blood administered varies depending on the characteristics of the body and individual tolerance.

In addition to the classic option of getting rid of acne using autohemotherapy, other treatment methods can be distinguished.

  1. Step-by-step autohemotherapy for rashes and skin problems. In this case, venous blood is diluted with homeopathic medicines , which are prescribed by a doctor after proper examination. At the same time, he takes into account the characteristics of the course of the disease and the condition of the body as a whole.
  2. Use of ozonation. This is mixing blood with ozone to increase its therapeutic qualities and enhance their effect. Most often, this treatment method is used to effectively get rid of acne and gynecological diseases.
  3. Biopuncture. In such a situation, small dosages of blood are used , which are applied only to pain, acupuncture and reflexogenic points. At the same time, the duration of treatment for patients is reduced several times.
  4. Autologous blood therapy. The patient's blood is first exposed to ultraviolet radiation, x-rays, frozen or treated with a special laser. Only after this can the effectiveness of autohemotherapy be increased several times in order to combat a variety of rashes and other common diseases.

Types of autohemotherapy (5 options)

Like any other therapeutic method, autohemotherapy is constantly being improved. In modern medicine, the following procedure techniques are used:

  1. Hemopuncture. Blood is drawn from a patient's vein and then injected in small doses into painful areas throughout the body. The technique involves the use of biomaterial in its pure form or with the addition of homeopathic medicines.
  2. Stepped. It is the introduction of blood enriched with drugs. Previously, antibacterial drugs were used for this, but later experts abandoned this method.
  3. Use of autologous blood. Before administering the patient's blood, various manipulations are performed with it. This can be ozonation, X-ray or ultraviolet treatment, freezing. This procedure can only be performed in specialized institutions where there is suitable equipment. The doctor must have sufficient experience in this field.
  4. Combination with ozone therapy. Autohemotherapy in this case is carried out in compliance with indications and contraindications according to the traditional scheme. The only difference is that the blood is enriched with ozone. There are minor and major ozone autohemotherapy. The latter option involves taking 150 ml of blood, adding ozone and injecting it back into a vein. Experts say that the procedure is aimed at eliminating signs of chronic fatigue.
  5. Combination with hirudotherapy. Leeches are placed on problem areas of the patient’s body, then their own blood taken from a vein is injected there.


What is autohemotherapy?

Autohemotherapy is a natural treatment method known since ancient times.
In this method, blood is drawn from the patient's vein, which is then injected into the muscle. This method is used mainly to provide a stimulating effect on the patient’s body, and in particular helps to increase immunity. The body reacts to the introduction of blood as to the penetration of a foreign substance, therefore its protective functions are activated. The reaction of the body's immune system is partly due to the presence of proteins in the injected blood, which affect the process of production of protective cells. These cells quickly recognize blood as “their own”, non-dangerous, therefore all their action is directed against the pathogens present in the body. The effectiveness of this method can be assessed based on the fact that after its use the number of leukocytes (white blood cells) in the blood increases. And this is a sign of a healthy immune system. Autohemotherapy is successfully used to treat allergic, inflammatory, and infectious diseases. Of course, it is not able to influence the degenerative processes that have occurred in the body. Scheme for carrying out autohemotherapy
Not for the first time, there has been a method for carrying out autohemotherapy, the scheme of which is quite simple. The essence of the classic procedure is that a couple of ml of blood is taken with a sterile syringe and injected intramuscularly, then this dose is doubled every 2-3 days. The course takes on average 12-15 sessions and for the last of them the injected volume of blood is 10 ml. In addition to the classical method, there is a method of stepwise autohemotherapy, which differs in that the blood is prepared by shaking and adding homeopathic medicines. Her course takes about 7-10 sessions.

Indications for autohemotherapy

  • Allergy.
  • Age-related ailments.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Depression.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Chronic pain.
  • Menopausal disorders.
  • Improved overall well-being.
  • Reducing the dose of medications taken.
  • Infection, hypothermia.

How is autohemotherapy performed?
A needle is inserted into a vein and 2-5 ml of blood (less than a teaspoon) is drawn into a syringe. The blood is mixed with sodium citrate, so that it does not clot, with hydrogen peroxide and a solution of table salt. If the blood was taken from a vein in the right arm, then it is injected into the left buttock and vice versa. The blood is injected very slowly so that the patient does not experience pain. During the procedure, the patient needs to relax - this will significantly reduce the pain.

Who performs autohemotherapy?

Carrying out autohemotherapy requires certain professional knowledge. To ensure that the procedure does not cause harm or cause serious complications, sterility and professionalism are necessary. Therefore, a doctor must carry out autohemotherapy. In addition, experience and medical knowledge are required in order to assess the need for this method and ensure patient safety.

Autohemotherapy is not a widely used treatment method. It can give good results, but traditional medicine does not support this method of treatment, and comparative clinical studies have not been conducted.

In what cases is autohemotherapy used?

Autohemotherapy has a stimulating effect on the body, so this method is recommended for diseases caused by weakened immunity. Autohemotherapy is used especially successfully in geriatrics, in the treatment of senile diseases and changes associated with age. Autohemotherapy helps enrich cells with oxygen and improves the elasticity of blood vessels. In addition, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases. Indications for autohemotherapy are sluggish protracted diseases (chronic pneumonia, furunculosis), viral diseases, narrowing of the blood vessels of the lower extremities.

Autohemotherapy for acne

In this branch of cosmetology, autohemotherapy is used most often. To cure problem skin, you need to achieve stimulation of the immune response, which is provided by autohemotherapy for acne. It is very easy to get rid of such skin problems by activating the immune system to foreign substances. Injecting the patient's own blood produces antibodies, which results in stimulation of the immune response. But this type of treatment for rashes does not always give a 100% result; sometimes, for the desired effect, this type of therapy must be combined with other treatment methods.

Autohemotherapy with ozone

To eliminate acne in cosmetology, autohemotherapy with ozone is often used.
It can be small or large: Minor autohemotherapy with ozone
In minor autohemotherapy, the classical method is used in combination with ozonation.
Fresh blood from the patient in the required volume is mixed in a syringe with an ozone-oxygen substance and injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly. This method, in addition to cosmetology, is used in urology and gynecology to stimulate the immune system, strengthening which helps cure various infectious and chronic diseases. Also in this industry, this type of therapy is used to treat sexually transmitted diseases. The autohemotherapy procedure, in addition to everything, helps in the fight against chronic fatigue, frequent overwork and lack of sleep, while increasing the patient’s vitality and performance. Major autohemotherapy with ozone
Major autohemotherapy with ozone is used for medicinal purposes due to the antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory immunomodulatory properties of ozone.
Today, there are many methods for administering therapeutic doses of ozone: intravenous, intramuscular, intra-articular and subcutaneous. Correctly calculated doses of ozone improve work processes in organs and tissues. Major autohemotherapy is a very painstaking procedure. It consists in taking blood from a vein in a volume of 50-150 ml. After this, it is placed in a special container with substances that inhibit blood clotting processes and mixed with an ozone-oxygen gas mixture. After 10 minutes, which are intended for thoroughly mixing the contents of the container, blood is administered to the patient intravenously. The amount of ozone is calculated for each patient strictly individually. Autohemotherapy with an antibiotic
Blood transfusion with an admixture of antibiotics increases the effectiveness of treatment, but this autohemotherapy is carried out with an antibiotic, which can only be prescribed by a doctor, after proper tests and a specialized examination.

This method will give more positive results in combination with procedures that help cleanse the skin: vitamin and cleansing masks.

This type of autohemotherapy is most effective if the cause of skin problems is some kind of infection. The antibiotic itself is selected by dermatologists based on the cause of the outbreak of the disease. You can find out how to do autohemotherapy at any cosmetology center that provides this service. Basically, this procedure is rarely any different from the classical method. A small amount of blood (2-5 ml) is drawn into the injection syringe. After this, it is mixed with drugs that have anticoagulating properties: sodium citrate, hydrogen peroxide or salt.

When carrying out autohemotherapy, it is worth observing the principle of eight. Its essence lies in the fact that blood from the arm is injected into the opposite buttock: from the right arm into the left muscle, from the left into the right. To protect the patient from pain, blood is injected slowly.

For each person, the treatment regimen is selected individually, but often the course of treatment lasts about 15 sessions, during which the patient’s task is to relax as much as possible to prevent pain.

Hay fever treatment

Another area of ​​application of autohemotherapy is various allergic diseases, for example, bronchial asthma. It is known that the cause of allergies is an active reaction of the body’s immune system, so mild immunostimulation with one’s own blood is completely justified and advisable. A necessary condition is knowledge of the allergen that caused the reaction. Blood taken from a vein is mixed with a small amount of the allergen before being injected into the buttock. Treatment of hay fever with this method must be carried out in winter, before the start of the flowering season.


successfully used in the treatment of certain mental and psychovegetative disorders.

Blood processing

Before being reinjected, the blood is subjected to ultraviolet treatment and hydrogen peroxide, a solution of table salt or allergens are added to it. However, blood that has not been treated with ultraviolet radiation can also be administered.

Contraindications and side effects for autohemotherapy

It is worth knowing about the possible dangers that autohemotherapy poses.
Contraindications and side effects are extremely minor, but they exist. Contraindications:

  • development of acute myocardial infarction;
  • the presence of various mental disorders;
  • severe forms of arrhythmia;
  • cancer;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • concurrent use of antibiotics;
  • menopause;
  • postmenopause;
  • types of herpes;
  • chronic inflammation of the appendages;
  • papillomas.

The side effects of autohemotherapy include the fact that the blood has a rather complex structure.
It is this feature that is the reason for its rather slow absorption in the thickness of the muscles. After injections, lumps may appear at the skin puncture sites, which are painful when pressed. Over the course of several days, these sensations may increase. Therefore, to eliminate this side effect, you can use semi-alcohol compresses, an iodine mesh, or use a folk remedy: apply a cabbage leaf smeared with honey at night. These methods promote accelerated resorption of the subcutaneous infiltrate.

If you do not adhere to a fixed volume, but introduce a larger amount of blood, this may cause fever due to the development of a local inflammatory reaction.

Question answer

Due to the peculiarities of the technique, it is not recommended to carry it out at home; it is better to do autohemotherapy in specialized institutions.

To understand that the method really works, you need to donate blood for analysis before and after using autohemotherapy. Typically, a course of treatment increases the number of leukocytes, which indicates an improvement in immune defense and a beneficial effect on the human body.

Negative manifestations are observed quite rarely. If any side effects are detected, honey compresses and iodine mesh must be applied to the injection site. If you experience a deterioration in your health or a significant increase in body temperature, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Autohemotherapy review

Since I have all this, I performed the procedure myself at home. Of course, it is much easier when someone else takes your blood from a vein, but I have never looked for easy ways. And with proper training and skill, almost anything is possible.

I want to say that the heating pad recommended on some Internet resources for resolving lumps after intramuscular injections is not a very good option. On the contrary, it is possible to activate pain sensations due to sometimes appearing infiltrates. Much better is a classic iodine mesh for injection sites.

I was satisfied with the effect of autohemotherapy at the implementation stage - my tone increased, my skin cleared, the condition of my hair and nails improved, and the number of acute respiratory viral infections that plagued me decreased. Now I want to repeat a similar course again, this time with an eye to alleviating allergies.

Autohemotherapy in gynecology

The procedure can only be used in a hospital setting in compliance with sterility standards. It can be carried out by a midwife or a qualified nurse.

Female body

The main indications for the use of autohemotherapy in gynecology include the following problems.

  • inflammatory pathologies: metritis, salpingitis and others;
  • formation of adhesions in the internal genital organs;
  • severe menopause;
  • infectious lesions of the genital tract: herpes, HPV;
  • inflammatory processes with purulent discharge;
  • infertility.

The use of the technique for the treatment of gynecological diseases is contraindicated in the presence of inflammatory kidney lesions.

If pure blood is used, 5 ml is drawn from a vein and injected into the gluteal muscle, in accordance with intramuscular injections.

At each subsequent session the amount increases by 1 ml. When the volume reaches 10 ml, there is a gradual decrease daily until the amount returns to 5 ml.

The course of use consists of 10 procedures, which are performed every day or every other day.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Marco Pelosi

In gynecology, hemolyzed blood is also used, that is, autologous blood mixed with sterile double-distilled water and subjected to various manipulations.

After autohemotherapy there are practically no complications observed. An increase in temperature and discomfort at the injection sites are possible, however, they are not contraindications to the use of the method.

To get rid of negative manifestations, the doctor changes the dose of the injected material or the method of influencing it.

When does the effect occur?

The principle of action of autohemotherapy is similar to homeopathy. In the first days after the manipulation, a deterioration in the condition is observed, which is explained by the development of an exacerbation of the pathology. The procedure activates protective mechanisms. After a week of health-improving activities, an improvement in well-being occurs, asthenovegetative syndrome (weakness, decreased performance, poor appetite) goes away.

Doctor's recommendations:

  1. During the period of manipulation, it is prohibited to drink alcohol or smoke.
  2. Additional use of medications and folk remedies negatively affects the composition of autologous blood.

Autohemotherapy in cosmetology

As mentioned above, this procedure is relevant for dermatological diseases. This includes acne, pimples, eczema.

Do not confuse autohemotherapy and plasma lifting. These procedures are different.

Test tube in the doctor's hand

Autohemotherapy helps speed up wound healing and eliminate acne. Experience shows that about 80% of patients who have undergone manipulation experience positive changes.

But the effect of the procedure will quickly disappear if a person forgets about home care.

There is also an opinion that with the help of such a procedure it is possible to rejuvenate the face, but there is no exact data, since research is only underway.

This procedure leads to increased immunity. As a result, the body fights infections better. That is why autohemotherapy will help get rid of the rash if its appearance is associated with pathogenic flora. If the cause is hormonal imbalance or pathology of the reproductive system, then the procedure will be powerless.

Dermatologist Ben Behnam

Fighting acne with autohemotherapy

In cosmetology, the autohemotherapy procedure is most in demand for solving acne problems. Some patients have to try many remedies before they can get rid of their acne. These are various preparations for external use - masks, lotions, creams and products that need to be taken internally - antibiotics, herbal medicines. Autohemotherapy is a modern alternative to tablets and ointments. With acne, it is necessary to stimulate a person’s protective abilities with the help of waste and toxins entering the blood, which in most cases are the main source of the problem. As a result of treatment, the patient’s immunity increases, which makes it possible to defeat pustular infections.

Autohemotherapy for acne

The effectiveness of the procedure is enhanced when combined with daily skin care activities. In 80% of cases, autohemotherapy has a positive effect on the patient's skin condition. In addition to acne, the indication for the procedure may be the need to rejuvenate the face and body.

In addition to quick results and a minimum of contraindications, autohemotherapy has another advantage over other methods of treatment - low cost. This makes the method accessible to any person without contraindications for whom other health options have proven ineffective. The procedure is widely used in many medical fields. The dosage of blood, the injection site and the number of injections are determined by the doctor on an individual basis.

Side effects

Even when indications and contraindications are taken into account, sometimes autohemotherapy can lead to negative consequences, as some patient reviews indicate.

This is usually due to the density, viscosity and other properties of the blood. After attending a session, patients may experience the following side effects:

  • formation of compactions at puncture sites, painful sensations on palpation;
  • the formation of inflammatory processes due to insufficient sterility of instruments;
  • rejection of biomaterial by the immune system.

Efficiency of the procedure

Prick in the hand

Some time after attending the session, you may notice positive changes. Among them are:

  • acceleration of wound healing, rehabilitation after injuries;
  • faster recovery after surgery;
  • healing and cleansing of the skin;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • improvement of well-being and psychological state;
  • increasing endurance, vitality, and ability to work;
  • removal of toxic substances and waste.

Results of the procedure

To determine the result of the manipulation, the patient is given a blood test before and after therapy. If autohemotherapy is carried out correctly, after treatment the level of leukocytes in the blood increases. This indicates the normalization of vital processes in the body and an increase in the immune system.

Improper manipulation can lead to the following complications:

  • high body temperature;
  • increased signs of the underlying disease;
  • joint and muscle pain.

If symptoms are mild, treatment continues. Another dangerous condition that autohemotherapy can lead to is the appearance of a hematoma in the injection area followed by suppuration. In the latter case, it is recommended to apply a warm heating pad to the problem area. It improves blood circulation. To minimize the degree of possible manifestation of negative signs, it is recommended to drink absorbents and probiotics before starting the course.

At the same time, hypoallergenic therapy is indicated. It is necessary to exclude sausages, smoked meats, and alcoholic beverages from the menu.

Price per procedure

After studying the indications and contraindications for autohemotherapy, you can contact specialists from public or private medical institutions and find out the price of the service.

The cost of manipulation will depend on the injection site and the appropriate regimen of use.

So, the traditional method will cost about 800 rubles, the stepwise method is more expensive, 1,500 rubles. The most expensive procedure is the one using ozone. Prices for it can reach up to 2000 rubles.

What is unique about the autohemotherapy procedure?

The method is based on the principle of homeopathy - “like cures like.”

Scientists have conducted research that the blood contains information about bacteria, and when administered again, it destroys the source of the disease as soon as it finds it. The breakdown products of protein components of the blood stimulate many important reactions of the body.

  • The course consists of 6-12 procedures, its duration depends on the disease. The dose is increased gradually under the supervision of a physician.
  • The course is prescribed by a specialist doctor individually for each patient.
  • The course can be carried out simultaneously with homeopathic medicines
  • The course can be carried out simultaneously with ozone therapy
  • The course can be carried out simultaneously with hirudotherapy



“For several years I suffered from severe symptoms of menopause.
My blood pressure was skyrocketing, I was often dizzy, I didn’t sleep well and constantly felt tired. The doctor advised me to undergo autohemotherapy and talked about the indications and contraindications of the technique in gynecology. At first it was a little scary, but then I decided to try everything.

After the course of injections, I noticed positive changes: more energy appeared, dizziness went away, and my ability to work increased. I recommend!"


“My main problem since adolescence has been acne, and what I haven’t done about it.
Still, ugly ulcers appeared on the face, and then they spread to the back and arms. It became completely impossible to tolerate this, and I went to a dermatologist, who prescribed autohemotherapy.

They do it for free at the clinic, and already halfway through the course I noticed an improvement in my condition. There are no side effects, the results can’t help but rejoice.”

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Deborah Longwill

practicing dermatologist-cosmetologist

The procedure cannot be performed efficiently at home. The technique is among the alternative treatment methods. Until now, its features have not been studied in detail by official medicine. Before going to the session, you must consult a doctor.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

Of course, autohemotherapy has many advantages.
But it is more of an auxiliary procedure. It can help fight chronic pathologies and infections, but it will not in any way affect the removal of toxins, the health of the nervous, endocrine system, etc. They are not referred for the procedure if a person urgently needs medication or surgical intervention. Autohemotherapy appeared at the beginning of the last century, but has not yet lost its relevance. With its help, you can get rid of many diseases, strengthen the body's defenses, quickly recover from injuries, and improve the appearance of the skin.

You should first consult with a specialist, undergo a medical examination, and only after that make a decision about the possibility of using the technique.

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