Among all cardiac diseases, 15% are cardiac arrhythmias. The disease is characterized by a pathological condition, with
October 19, 2018 Cardiology Yulia Lobach Negative symptoms caused by spasms are well known to everyone. Pain
729 0 One of the most common oncopathologies of early childhood is blood leukemia in children.
Bilirubin is the result of the breakdown of a complex blood protein - hemoglobin. This color pigment appears when
Place Name Characteristics in the ranking of TOP 10 best ointments for hemorrhoids 1 Proctosan Best effectiveness.
Causes of occurrence The mechanism of development of shortness of breath is due to the close relationship between the functioning of the cardiac and pulmonary systems. Her
Share this article on social networks: Hyperchromic anemia is a disease with a characteristic change in composition
Uveitis is not just one disease, but a whole complex of them. This pathology means
What it is? SFMK (soluble fibrin monomer complex) is an indicator of the level of fibrin breakdown in
Why is albumin needed at all? Blood is mostly made up of proteins, also known as