What are the causes of increased heart rate and what to do if the heart beats at a speed of 110 beats per minute at rest
What are the causes of increased heart rate and what to do if the heart beats at a speed of 110 beats per minute at rest
Etiology of tachycardia The heart of a healthy person beats at a frequency of 60 to 85 beats per
Plaques in the carotid arteries are the most common cause of ischemic stroke
Do cholesterol plaques dissolve in blood vessels and in what ways?
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What do blood pressure readings of 110 over 90 mean and what to do with them, as well as the causes and pulse values
The secret of longevity is in the vessels. If they are clean and healthy, then you can easily live 120
'EVLK - endovasal laser coagulation in "MIFC"' width="400
Laser vein removal – endovasal laser coagulation
Endovasal laser coagulation (EVLC) of veins in Moscow Endovasal laser coagulation (EVLC) of veins is
High blood pressure in men: causes, signs. What to do if you have high blood pressure?
Risk group Regular high blood pressure occurs more often in men than in women. Arterial hypertension
Popular folk remedies for atherosclerosis: review of recipes and products
Changes in blood vessels during atherosclerosis When vascular atherosclerosis occurs, their lumen decreases. This narrowing
Ultrasound of the neck
Ultrasound of the brain - in what cases can this study be prescribed?
Characteristics Ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels is one of the most common today
Cholesterol plaques in the carotid artery and vessels of the neck
0 Author of the article: Marina Dmitrievna 2017.10.22 15,739 Vessels Due to an inactive lifestyle, harmful
Pressure 130 over 60 with thyroid diseases
Blood pressure 130 over 50 (60.70): what does it mean, reasons, what to do?
Normal or pathological Blood pressure 130 over 60 – what does this mean? Give an answer to
Why does blood pressure drop?
Causes, symptoms and treatment of a sharp drop in blood pressure
Norm and deviations Each organism is individual. The adaptive capabilities of every person are virtually limitless. The concept of norm
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