Ivan tea for hypertension and high blood pressure
Beneficial properties and composition of Ivan tea. A decoction of this plant affects almost everything.
You must first love yourself
Psychosomatics of low and high blood pressure in women
How to treat psychological causes of pressure It is better to entrust therapy for a disease based on psychosomatics
accumulation of lipoproteins
Dyslipidemia and cardiovascular pathologies
Symptoms This pathology refers to a syndrome that serves as a prerequisite for the development of diseases of the bloodstream system,
Distinctive features of hypertension
What to do if your blood pressure rises due to anxiety
Any emotional upheaval can be classified as stress. It doesn't matter if they wear positive or negative
Sclerotic plaques in blood vessels
6 nutritional rules for healthy blood vessels and a review of products to strengthen and cleanse them
Elasticity of vascular walls: general information Vascular elasticity is an important indicator of health. Arteries and veins
veins on the face are clearly visible
Cosmetological methods for removing rosacea on the face
Human skin in any area is literally permeated with small vessels, which normally do not appear externally.
Nitroglycerin and blood pressure
Nitroglycerin indications for use for high blood pressure
Nitroglycerin is not one of the drugs whose main function is to normalize blood pressure levels
Vegetative-vascular dystonia symptoms and treatment with folk remedies
Is there a treatment for VSD with folk remedies? No disease is accompanied by as many symptoms as
Description of symptoms and treatment methods for internal hemorrhoids of 2 degrees
Why is the disease dangerous? Every fifth inhabitant of the planet has a pathology of the wall of the veins of the anorectal zone.
classification of ACE inhibitors
What is better in treating high blood pressure: Lisinopril or Enalapril?
When faced with the need to select an effective antihypertensive drug, patients are often confused by the variety
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