How cinnamon affects blood pressure, the benefits and harms of cinnamon


Cinnamon is considered one of the most popular spices in the world; it is included in many culinary recipes. This spice quickly both lowers and increases blood pressure.

It has a lot of medicinal properties, among which are strengthening the heart, cleansing blood vessels and improving blood supply to the brain.

Cinnamon and blood pressure are two compatible concepts; this spice effectively fights hypertension.

It is possible to lower blood pressure with the help of spices (as well as increase it) by adding it to various dishes and drinks, as well as by using it as a traditional medicine.

Composition and beneficial properties of the product

Most doctors answer patients' questions about whether cinnamon is useful or not for hypotension and hypertension in the affirmative. Cinnamon has a soft texture, a pleasant aroma, and a sweet or bitter taste.

The product contains:

  • slime;
  • resin;
  • starch;
  • eugenol;
  • brown aldehyde;
  • essential oil;
  • tannin.

In addition, this aromatic spice contains a large amount of vitamins and beneficial elements. It is considered the source:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • Selena;
  • manganese;
  • vitamins of group A, B, C, E, K and PP.

The benefits of this spice for hypertension were identified in ancient times. It has a beneficial effect on the entire human body and helps cope with various pathologies.

Patients often ask whether cinnamon increases or decreases blood pressure, and whether there are any contraindications to taking it. In fact, this spice is effective in treating both hypertension and hypotension.

It is useful because it has the following properties:

  • reduces appetite, therefore helps to cope with excess weight;
  • normalizes the concentration of glucose in the blood and helps prevent the development of diabetes;
  • restores normal functioning of the circulatory system;
  • improves brain functioning;
  • removes stones from the kidneys;
  • helps reduce or completely get rid of headaches, dental and menstrual pain;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties and helps strengthen the immune system;
  • accelerates wound healing.

Thanks to these properties, the spice is widely used to lower blood pressure, prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney and liver pathologies.

For high blood pressure, cinnamon can be used both in its natural form and as part of various dishes.

Can I use cinnamon?

With hypotension or, conversely, high blood pressure, rapid fatigue is noted, and the patient constantly feels sleepy. Cinnamon is often used for hypertension. The answer to the question whether cinnamon powder increases or decreases blood pressure has long been known. Normal pressure readings vary from person to person, on average they are 120 to 80 millimeters. However, there are a number of factors that provoke increased blood pressure:

  • diseases of the renal system;
  • pathologies of cardiac muscle tissue;
  • negative habits, such as drinking or smoking;
  • constant stress;
  • violation of the diet for hypertension, insufficient concentration of potassium and vitamins.

Important! Regardless of the provoking factor, high blood pressure increases the likelihood of a heart attack, stroke, and the patient’s quality of life suffers.

People suffering from hypertension need to pay attention to the treatment of pathology. Doctors strongly recommend purchasing a tonometer at a pharmacy and always carrying a medication that lowers blood pressure with you. The use of folk recipes allows you to get rid of pathology.

See also Pressure indicators during menopause

Poor nutrition

Cinnamon for high blood pressure

kefir and cinnamon

Cinnamon is considered a spice that, when used correctly, can quickly lower or increase blood pressure. Hypertension is a common disease that affects a person's quality of life.

A characteristic manifestation of the pathology is constant headaches, which reduce performance and make a person irritable. In addition, chronic fatigue appears, and pain in the heart area is constantly disturbing.

It is possible to cope with hypertension both with the help of special medications and traditional medicine. The benefits of cinnamon for hypertension are as follows:

  • brain activity is restored;
  • excess fat is burned;
  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • the concentration of cholesterol in the body decreases;
  • performance increases.

Consuming brown powder helps both increase and decrease blood pressure within a week after starting treatment. Experts recommend taking 1 teaspoon of spice every day for hypertension, adding it to various dishes.

Despite the fact that cinnamon is good for lowering and increasing blood pressure, you should not abuse this spice.

Hypertension and cinnamon

As many studies have shown, with hypertension and sudden surges in blood pressure, cinnamon can reduce the increase in indicators. Hypertension is quite common in the modern world; its symptoms are familiar to many and are easy to notice. Due to frequent headaches, performance is reduced, the person becomes irritated and aggressive. In addition, patients feel constant fatigue and chest discomfort.

Often the use of medications causes side effects and addiction, due to which doctors can prescribe treatment with folk remedies.

Cinnamon is used to reduce blood pressure, its effect is justified as follows:

  1. Improves brain function and blood circulation in the brain.
  2. Efficiency increases.
  3. The blood is cleansed of cholesterol.
  4. The pressure gradually normalizes.
  5. Body weight decreases.
  6. The cardiovascular system begins to work better.

Even after a week of treatment, changes appear, the pressure decreases by about 5 units. To obtain this effect, you need to use 1 tsp every day. cinnamon in different forms can be used during cooking. Often, hypertension begins to develop with atherosclerosis, due to which the entire vascular system suffers. In this case, the spice will be a folk healer, because the aldehyde prevents blood clots from appearing and is ideal for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

The benefits and harms directly depend on the amount of spice consumed. It must be used in doses, because abuse will only cause harm.

If the daily norm is exceeded, then the following may develop:

  1. Ulcers.
  2. Burns of tissues and gastrointestinal mucosa.

If heartburn occurs after eating cinnamon, you can neutralize the discomfort with a glass of milk.

For hypotensive patients

cinnamon spices

Cinnamon is good for raising and lowering blood pressure, so adding it to culinary dishes and traditional medicine is allowed in small quantities. With its help, it is possible to restore the normal functioning of the nervous system and relieve tension.

Cinnamon, affecting blood pressure, helps to narrow the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic and speeding up blood flow.

The effect of cinnamon on blood pressure also lies in the fact that it restores its normal levels and improves metabolic processes in the body.

If you urgently need to get yourself into working condition, it is recommended to simply brew coffee and pour a teaspoon of spice into it.

Is cinnamon good for hypertension?

In folk medicine, there are many remedies for diseases such as hypertension, and cinnamon is one of them. Cinnamon for hypertension, as well as for other diseases of the cardiovascular system, has a beneficial effect on the body.

Many people know that cinnamon is an excellent way to lower sugar and burn fat. But when it comes to the effect of cinnamon on blood pressure, many are confused and are often even afraid to use it, because they do not know what effect it can give.

In fact, you can and even need to use cinnamon for hypertension! In folk medicine, there are many recipes with cinnamon to lower blood pressure. You can learn more about the healing properties of cinnamon from our article.

Hypertension and cinnamon: how to take

Today, high blood pressure is not a rare problem. You can buy many drugs in pharmacies that can lower your blood pressure, but is it worth trying them on yourself? After all, there are no medications that have no side effects. Therefore, it is better to use folk remedies, for example, cinnamon for hypertension can perfectly normalize blood pressure.

If you suffer from the disease hypertension and cinnamon, in your opinion, may be useful for you, it is still better to consult with your doctor. Since the effect of cinnamon can be called not so much lowering blood pressure as normalizing, and in the presence of some individual characteristics of the disease, cinnamon can cause the opposite effect. That is why there is not much information about the use of cinnamon for cardiovascular diseases. In addition, in such cases, cinnamon is used not as an independent medicinal plant, but as an auxiliary one.

They say that to lower blood pressure you need to consume one teaspoon of cinnamon per day. It is best to divide portions and mix with weak tea, kefir, honey, porridge, yogurt or any other product.

If you decide to use cinnamon, then you need to take it every day until you get results. Taking cinnamon does not conflict with the use of other medications.

They say that Israeli scientists discovered this beneficial “compatibility” between hypertension and cinnamon during one of their studies. These scientists studied the effect of cinnamon on blood sugar levels; for this purpose, they divided the experimental subjects into two groups.

One group was given cinnamon every day, and the other was given a cinnamon-flavored placebo. After some time, it turned out that the sugar levels in both groups were the same, but the blood pressure of those who ate real cinnamon decreased significantly. This is how the hypotensive properties of cinnamon were discovered. There is no other evidence of such properties in the scientific world yet.

But from the above, we can conclude that cinnamon is best used for hypertension and diabetes. Then its action will definitely be useful. And, do not forget that not a single folk remedy will help on its own.

Reinforce the healing properties of the herbs and medications you take with proper nutrition, moderate exercise and walks in the fresh air.

Contraindications and restrictions

Despite the beneficial properties that cinnamon has for hypertension, there are some contraindications to the use of the spice:

  • for external and internal bleeding, since cinnamon has a blood thinning effect;
  • during menstruation, because spice can increase the amount of bleeding;
  • during pregnancy, since spice can trigger uterine contractions;
  • when breastfeeding, because cinnamon contains strong chemicals;
  • with hyperactivity and increased excitability of the central nervous system;
  • for gastritis with low acidity.

In addition, it is not allowed to take cinnamon products if the patient has kidney and liver pathologies. This is due to the fact that it contains coumarin, which has a negative effect on the functioning of these organs.

It is necessary to monitor how they work throughout the entire treatment period.

It is not recommended to combine medication with cinnamon treatment, as the spice can change the chemical composition of the drug, thereby causing harm to the body.

When taking the spice, swelling may increase and an allergic reaction may develop.

Despite the fact that cinnamon has many beneficial properties, it must be consumed in a certain dosage.

The spice contains a component such as coumarin, which can be harmful to the human body if the volume of the product consumed is exceeded.

There is a high probability of developing various liver pathologies and a deterioration in the patient’s general well-being. Excessive amounts of coumarin act as a poison on the human body.

It is recommended for an adult to consume no more than 30 grams of cinnamon per day, which must be divided into 2 doses. It is better not to introduce this spice into the diet of children under 12 years of age, and its dosage in the diet of a teenager is 10 grams per day.

The course of taking the spice as a remedy should not exceed 3 weeks; after the expiration of the period of use, you need to take a break for a month. To increase immunity, taking the spice is reduced to consuming a teaspoon of powder per day.


Cinnamon can be not only beneficial, but also harmful for hypertension.
Patients with high as well as low blood pressure should take the spice in small quantities. It is important to take into account all available contraindications:

Pregnancy period

Pregnant women should use this product with great caution. The spice causes contractions of the uterus, and therefore can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Cinnamon is especially dangerous during the first trimester. Critical days. Women who use spice for therapeutic purposes should exclude it from the menu during menstruation. Tendency to internal and external bleeding. The spice helps thin the blood, so it should be used with great caution.

If apathy and severe headaches appear, you should stop using the product or significantly reduce its amount. Cinnamon for hypertension really reduces the manifestation of many symptoms of the disease

It is important to take the spice strictly following the recipe - no more than 1 tsp.

per day. Exceeding the recommended dosage leads to serious negative consequences.

Treatment of hypertension with spice

cinnamon and orange

Patients suffering from hypertension are concerned about the question of whether cinnamon increases blood pressure or, conversely, lowers it. The spice can be consumed in the form of crushed powder in combination with honey, water, kefir and cottage cheese.

When used for medicinal purposes, cinnamon is useful for hypertension because it helps get rid of the symptoms of the disease and has a tonic effect.

However, adding spice to traditional medicine is allowed only if the patient has no contraindications to such treatment.

Cinnamon and hypotension

But the positive effects of cinnamon (whether it increases or decreases blood pressure) should be considered more broadly. Thanks to the support of blood circulation, it is also useful for low blood pressure; it can not only lower blood pressure, but also raise blood pressure levels. Consequently, the effect of the spice on blood pressure is both increasing and decreasing, i.e. normalizing.

Cinnamon for blood pressure levels below normal can be used in the following form.

Pour 200 ml boiling water over ¼ tsp. spices, ¼ tsp. licorice root powder. Cool slightly, add 2 tbsp. l. honey Drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Do not drink the drink before bed - since cinnamon in this form increases blood pressure (albeit insignificantly), you may have a headache or heart rhythm disturbances at night or in the morning.

With honey

cinnamon and honey

One of the most effective traditional medicine recipes is cinnamon with honey, which helps lower the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and cleanse blood vessels.

This effect can be achieved due to the amino acids and microelements present in the medicinal mixture. They interact with each other and help lower blood pressure.

To prepare a remedy from spices and honey, you can use several recipes:

  1. Dissolve 15 mg of ground cinnamon in 300 ml of boiled water, gradually add 40 mg of honey. Mix well until smooth. The prepared mixture should be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container and taken a tablespoon before meals. The duration of treatment with this remedy is 10 days, after which a break is taken for a week.
  2. To prepare honey tincture, you need to pour 25 mg of ground spice into 500 ml of boiling water, dissolving 50 mg of honey in the liquid. The prepared drink should be infused in a dark place for 25 minutes, after which it should be taken in the morning and evening, 1/2 cup for a month. After treatment, a break is taken for 3 months, then the course of therapy is repeated again.

In order to cure hypertension, it is recommended to combine honey and cinnamon with regular physical activity.

Choosing the right spice

It is very important to learn how to choose the right product in order to get a positive effect on the body. The spice is sold in the form of sticks or powder.

Various impurities are often added to the powder to increase volume, so it is recommended to purchase sticks. They will retain the aroma and all the beneficial properties. The following types of spices are distinguished:

  1. "Ceylon". This variety is the most popular and expensive. In terms of taste, this spice is the best.
  2. "Chinese". This variety does not have a strong aroma.
  3. "Malabar". This type of spice has a slightly bitter and pungent taste.
  4. "Cinnamon." This variety is characterized by a strong spicy aroma.

This spice is of Ceylon origin. You can independently determine the quality of cinnamon using iodine. If the cinnamon is of poor quality or a substitute is offered, a drop of iodine will turn the powder blue. You can tell how fresh a product is by smelling it. If it is sweet and strong, then the product is fresh.

Do not forget that everything should always be dosed. Excessive consumption of spices causes headaches, depression and other undesirable consequences. Cinnamon is an effective product that helps cope with high blood pressure. Before using traditional medicine recipes, you need to consult your doctor.

One of the infrequently found spices in the kitchen is cinnamon; the beneficial properties of this aromatic seasoning for blood pressure are not known to all hypertensive patients. But those patients who are familiar with them use folk remedies based on this particular spice in the treatment of hypertension.

With green/citrus tea

cinnamon with tea

Cinnamon is known to help both raise and lower blood pressure. Citrus tea with added spice has a lot of beneficial properties. This can lower blood pressure and reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

To prepare the product you need:

  1. Brew green tea and add orange zest and a pinch of cinnamon.
  2. Cover the mixture with a lid and let it brew.
  3. Take the product several times a day after meals for 10 days.

This medicine can be used both for the treatment of hypertension and as a throat-warming drink. It prevents the spread of infection in the throat and speeds up the patient’s recovery.

In addition, you can prepare a remedy with cinnamon and green tea. It is necessary to add 1/2 teaspoon of spice and a slice of lemon to 250 ml of freshly brewed drink.

The prepared drink is recommended to be taken in the morning and at lunch. It is not advisable to drink the product before bed, since green tea has a tonic and invigorating effect.

Kefir with cinnamon for pressure - method of application

Not in every kitchen, but quite often among housewives, cinnamon is found; the beneficial properties of this spice for high blood pressure are used by many hypertensive patients.

Kefir with cinnamon for blood pressure helps well at the beginning of the development of pathology. The method will work in advanced cases, but not so effectively.

To prepare the drink, a very simple recipe is used: in a glass of low-fat kefir, dissolve a spoonful of cinnamon powder and stir thoroughly. Take immediately after preparation, but 30 minutes before meals, morning and evening. The decrease in blood pressure occurs gradually.

There is another recipe for making a blood pressure-reducing drink with cinnamon. It is recommended to use it if a person does not like kefir, or if it is not on hand.

  • Pour warm water into a glass.
  • Put a large spoon (without a slide) of ground cinnamon into it and stir thoroughly.
  • Drink right away. The product helps to quickly reduce high blood pressure

Allowed to use only once a day.

The combination of kefir and cinnamon gives good results, and if you take the drink daily, you can achieve stabilization of blood pressure.

With kefir

cinnamon with kefir

It is especially useful for high blood pressure to consume cinnamon with various fermented milk products (especially kefir).

To prepare the drink, proceed as follows: 200 ml of kefir is mixed with ½ teaspoon of spice (until a homogeneous mass is formed).

It is recommended to drink this drink 2 times a day after meals for 10 days. During treatment with this remedy, you must follow a diet based on vegetables and fruits.

Controlling blood sugar and avoiding eating sweets is a must.

Additional recipes with cinnamon for hypertension

In addition to the classic cinnamon recipes discussed, you can use others. They will also be effective for hypertension.

You need to add liquid honey (300 ml) and cinnamon powder (2 small level spoons) to the curdled milk (200 ml). Mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Dosage regimen: 150 ml of drink once a day in the morning before breakfast. The duration of the course is two weeks.

To stabilize high blood pressure, you need to eat 3 spoons of cinnamon powder daily. The drug is recommended for increased blood pressure levels.

During breakfast, you should eat a piece of black bread, spread with honey and sprinkled with cinnamon. This not only helps lower blood pressure, but also helps lower blood cholesterol levels and also reduces the likelihood of developing a stroke.

To stabilize blood pressure, it is recommended to drink citrus tea with the addition of cinnamon. When consumed regularly, the drink helps remove all “bad” cholesterol from the blood. It is prepared as follows:

  • First you need to brew green tea;
  • then add orange zest and a little cinnamon powder;
  • cover the cup and let the drink brew for a while.

For breakfast, it is useful to eat porridge with a little cinnamon added to it.

With beetroot and carrot juice

juice jars

Cinnamon is a unique spice that easily lowers and increases blood pressure. A drink made from small beets, carrots, half a black radish, a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of spice powder is considered especially useful.

This cinnamon remedy helps quickly reduce blood pressure and improve the functioning of the immune system.

It is necessary to pass carrots, beets and radishes through a juicer. Add cinnamon and honey to the resulting liquid and mix the mixture thoroughly.

The prepared drink with cinnamon for blood pressure is infused for no more than half an hour, after which it is drunk throughout the day.

Recipes for hypertensive patients

The spice itself has a beneficial effect on the human circulatory system. But if you mix it with certain foods, you can enhance the effect of the spice and improve your health.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with several effective recipes from traditional medicine to lower blood pressure.

Cinnamon and honey

An excellent combination not only to combat elevated blood pressure readings, but also to improve your overall condition is cinnamon and honey for blood pressure. This recipe is very simple. Every morning, on an empty stomach, you need to eat a teaspoon of honey, adding a little ground cinnamon to it. The course of treatment is approximately 20-30 days. Then you need to take a break before repeating the course for two weeks. This method of treating hypertension acts gently, gradually, but soon you will be able to forget about the high numbers on the tonometer, get rid of tachycardia and improve your overall well-being.

Cinnamon and kefir

An equally effective way to normalize blood pressure readings is to take a mixture of kefir with cinnamon and honey. To do this, mix a glass of kefir with a pinch of cinnamon and add a little honey. If you drink such a cocktail before bed for a week, you can not only restore the functioning of the circulatory system, but also improve digestion.

Recipe with ginger

The combination of cinnamon and ginger effectively helps with hypertension. To do this, you need to mix one pinch of spices with a spoon of honey and take it three times a day before meals.

Treatment of hypotension with cinnamon

ground cinnamon

Many experts say that cinnamon can both reduce blood pressure and increase it. Consuming the spice in small quantities helps narrow the walls of blood vessels and speed up blood flow.

Its daily addition to food not only lowers or increases blood pressure, but also brings significant benefits to the entire body.

Natural coffe

coffee with cinnamon

The spice is known to be highly effective against high blood pressure and is used to treat hypertension. However, when asked whether cinnamon can lower blood pressure, most experts answer positively.

For hypotension, a drug prepared in a fairly simple way increases blood pressure. You just need to brew strong coffee, add a teaspoon of spice to it and mix well.

To increase blood pressure, you need to drink a prepared cinnamon drink, and the result will not take long to arrive.


cinnamon in a spoon

In addition to classical methods of treatment, it is recommended to use other recipes with cinnamon, which both increases and decreases blood pressure.

They are also considered effective in combating pathologies and help normalize blood pressure levels in a short time. Before starting treatment, you should check with your doctor about how cinnamon affects low blood pressure and whether it is effective for hypertension.

For hypotension, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of spice powder 2 times a day before meals. It should be washed down with boiled water.

Treatment with this remedy for a month increases the pressure by several notches. To obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to constantly take the drug, and the duration of therapy is at least 30 days.

To prepare a mixture of cinnamon and apple, you need to stir ¼ teaspoon of spice and 1 finely grated green apple in 500 ml of kefir.

It is recommended to drink this amount of drink throughout the day. With its help, it is possible to lower the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, cleanse the body and normalize blood pressure.

A drink made from 250 ml of kefir, 1/4 spoon of spice, 2 tablespoons of bran and prunes is considered especially useful.

It is necessary to mix all the ingredients and beat them in a blender. The prepared drink should be placed in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, and then drunk within 24 hours if the blood pressure is very low.

How does cinnamon affect blood pressure?

Tea with cinnamon and milk

Generally speaking, this spice turns out to be beneficial for the entire cardiovascular system, if we are talking about normal consumption of the product. Overdoses (more than 3-4 teaspoons per day) can cause high blood pressure, tachycardia, and gastrointestinal disorders.

Doctors note that after a single use, in hypertensive patients the pressure slightly decreases by several notches, and in many people there is no reaction at all. With constant intake of cinnamon, you can achieve a decrease in blood pressure. It is not uncommon for the body to get used to it, so it will stop responding to the active components after adaptation.

But hypotensive people should exercise some caution, since cinnamon lowers blood pressure, which causes their condition to worsen, however, when consumed simultaneously with coffee, this effect is neutralized. You can watch the video in this article to learn more about the effect of spices on the human body.

Recommendation. For those who do not want to specifically use the spice to normalize blood pressure, it is enough to periodically or regularly add cinnamon to various drinks or dishes. In this case, you can also get a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Methods of use

Cinnamon rolls

For people who have problems with blood pressure, it is advisable to obtain the recommendations of their doctor before using the seasoning for medicinal purposes, because in certain cases, instructions for using traditional methods (table) can cause harm.

Table. Recipes with cinnamon for blood pressure:

Second ingredientHow to prepare and take

Natural bee honey

Mix the ground spice with honey (preferably buckwheat or dark flower honey) in equal proportions. You can eat a few teaspoons a day on its own or mix it with 200 g of yogurt, consuming the resulting mixture in two doses. The duration of one course is 15–30 days, after which a break is needed


It is better to purchase the product secondhand at the collective farm market. Stir 1.5 tsp in a glass. cinnamon powder and drink the mixture at once half an hour before going to bed. For better results, you can take another serving in the morning on an empty stomach. Treatment lasts one month.

Powdered sugar (or sorbitol)

Mix cinnamon and powder in a ratio of 1 to 3. Take two tablespoons of the mixture at lunch (before meals). Another option is to add the mixture to tea, coffee or chicory root tea.

Important. Cinnamon should not be considered as a remedy for low blood pressure. Therapy should always be prescribed by the attending physician after the recommended diagnosis.

However, the spice can be used for health purposes without any special ingredients. It is enough to stir a teaspoon in a glass of mineral water and drink it all in one gulp.

In addition, if possible, it is recommended to add spice to sweet dishes and hot drinks, which not only diversifies their taste, but also turns out to be very useful.


Coffee cocktail with cinnamon

It is possible to effectively influence blood pressure indicators only by consuming a certain amount of crushed spice. In each specific case, the useful masses will be individual.

Below are the average acceptable standards:

  • one teaspoon – at the upper blood pressure limit of 160 units;
  • two spoons - if this indicator is higher.

The selection of optimal doses should be done slowly. There is no need to increase the consumed amounts by two or more times if the desired result is not achieved after taking it, because you can overdo it and harm the body, for example, undermine the health of the digestive organs.

How to choose the right cinnamon

In folk medicine for hypertension, cinnamon is very often used, the beneficial properties of which against blood pressure have been known to traditional healers for a very long time. But to get a good healing effect, you need to know how to choose this spice. The store may offer the buyer spice in the form of sticks or ground into powder.

But manufacturers can add various mixtures to powdered cinnamon to increase the original volume. Therefore, it is best to buy the spice in the form of sticks. In this form, it completely retains its original taste, aroma and all beneficial properties.

You can find the following varieties of cinnamon in the store:

  • Ceylon . The most expensive, but also the best variety in terms of taste;
  • Chinese . Does not give off a strong odor;
  • Malabar . Slightly bitter and has a sharp aftertaste;
  • Cinnamon . It differs from the others in its rich aroma. This is a spice of Ceylon origin.

To determine the quality of cinnamon powder, iodine is used. If the product is fake, a drop of iodine will turn the brown powder blue.

An indicator of the freshness of cinnamon is its smell. If the aroma is sweet and strong, then the product is fresh.

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