Coffee for VSD – can you drink it, what kind, how much?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia, VSD, is a diagnosis that domestic doctors make in approximately 80% of patients. And, despite the fact that VSD is not included in the world classification of diseases, this does not make it any easier for millions of people who regularly experience seizures and attacks. And they are forced to look for options on how to reduce the number of attacks, relieve internal tension and nervous panic. One of the most concerning questions for them is whether it is possible to drink coffee during VSD, since caffeine is a stimulant that has a fairly strong effect on the nervous system. How does it all work, and is it worth giving up your favorite drink completely? Let's look into it in detail.

The effect of coffee on VSD

The main cause of VSD is the imbalance that occurs between inhibition and excitation of the nervous system. Caffeine is a stimulant that artificially stimulates the autonomic nervous system. Increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, anxiety, nervousness, excitement - all this is experienced by a person after taking a dose of caffeine. Caffeine suppresses adenosine, a hormone that is responsible for relaxation and rest. Therefore, we feel cheerful and energized.

But the nervous system strives to return to balance, and therefore sends signals to the brain to synthesize more adenosine. When the effects of caffeine wear off, a person feels even more weak, dizzy, lost strength and apathy. This is how it works in healthy people too.

In patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia, all these “jumps” of the nervous system are even more aggravated. And caffeine, as a stimulant, increases both excitation and, accordingly, inhibition of the nervous system. In cases of stress, lack of sleep, weakness and other similar effects, the effect is observed faster, so it is even possible to develop a panic attack.

What's dangerous in coffee?

The main active ingredient in coffee is the alkaloid caffeine, which is widely used in both pharmacology and the food industry. According to the medical classification, caffeine is a psychostimulant - a substance that activates the central nervous system (CNS). Caffeine is both a dangerous and beneficial component of coffee. Doctors prescribe caffeine-containing medications for the following symptoms:

  • drowsiness;
  • decreased mental performance;
  • vascular type migraines;
  • depression of the central nervous system, respiratory and vascular systems;
  • low blood pressure.

Caffeine, like caffeine-containing products and medications, is contraindicated for:

  • insomnia;
  • increased excitability of the central nervous system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • glaucoma, hypertension and other diseases.

An overdose of caffeine results in: tachycardia, arrhythmia, tremor, convulsions, emotional overexcitation (agitation) and other symptoms that overlap with those considered VSD. Everyone can drink coffee - you just need to understand the varieties and use the coffee drink carefully.

What happens if you drink coffee when you have VSD?

Coffee and stress provoke panic attacks. Scientists conducted studies that involved volunteers who regularly suffered from attacks of VSD. Volunteers were asked to drink 4 cups of coffee per day. A few days later, the condition of all subjects deteriorated significantly. Everyone noted a rapid heartbeat, fear, periodic cold sweat, tremors in the hands, up to panic attacks, when there is not enough air, and it seems that death is already close.

That is, the level of anxiety increased significantly, patients became more nervous, and noted increased irritability and emotionality. After reducing the doses of coffee to the usual ones, the subjects noted that their condition improved and attacks began to occur less often.

You shouldn't stop drinking coffee suddenly. This needs to be done gradually.

Coffee as medicine

In some cases, caffeine is indicated as therapy. The positive effect of the drink on the body consists of the following properties:

  • relief from headaches due to hypotension, migraines;
  • increasing the overall tone of the body;
  • getting rid of weakness, lethargy;
  • diuretic properties;
  • activation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Coffee beans

The most caffeine is in coffee prepared immediately after grinding the beans.

At its core, caffeine is a psychostimulant; depending on the type of nervous system, each person has an individual dose of its permissible consumption. At the same time, scientists have established a connection between drinking coffee and panic attacks.

Caffeine addiction is called theism. With regular abuse, the nervous system is depleted even in a healthy person, especially in people suffering from dystonia.

How to give up coffee if you have VSD?

All experts warn: you don’t need to do this suddenly. Otherwise, withdrawal syndrome occurs, in which you feel increased depression, apathy, weakness - all symptoms of increased adenosine production. You need to reduce the amount of drink you drink to a minimum gradually, slightly reducing the strength, or drinking half a cup of the drink when you are used to drinking a full one. This way the body will get used to the new state, the nervous system will gradually return to normal, and the pattern of production of adenosine and other hormones will be restructured.

If you don't want to, you don't have to give up coffee completely.

Coffee, chocolate, vitamins and alcohol for VSD

A manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia is lability of blood pressure - it can either increase or decrease. Is it possible to drink coffee with VSD? In the hypertensive form of VSD, the patient should stop drinking instant coffee. You can brew and drink 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning. It is better to replace it with cocoa and coffee drinks. As an alternative drink, patients use coffee, which contains little or no caffeine. With a hypotonic form of VSD, which is not accompanied by tachycardia, moderate amounts of coffee and green tea are acceptable.

What can you drink if you have VSD? Freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, and vitamin drinks are useful. Patients with VSD should give preference to herbal teas, which include mint, lemon balm, and valerian root. Doctors recommend drinking at least 1.5 liters of purified water per day. Patients suffering from a hypertensive form of VSD should avoid chocolate. In the hypotonic type of vegetative-vascular dystonia, this product is useful. It increases blood pressure, improves brain nutrition and activates brain activity.

For VSD, doctors prescribe multivitamin complexes containing various mineral salts. Vitamins of group B, C, PP are especially useful. Vitamin B1 is found in the following foods:

  • cereals;
  • beef;
  • liver;
  • fish;
  • black currant;
  • sea ​​buckthorn

The human body receives a sufficient amount of vitamin B6 if the diet contains sufficient quantities of nuts, fresh cherries, and strawberries. Vitamin B12 is rich in seafood, cottage cheese, cheese, and animal liver. A lot of vitamin PP is found in mushrooms, yeast, peanuts, rose hips, and fish. Currant berries, citrus fruits, bell peppers, and sea buckthorn are rich in vitamin C.

VSD and alcohol are incompatible. Both strong drinks (vodka, cognac) and low-alcohol beer equally negatively affect the activity of the human nervous and cardiovascular system. The consumption of alcoholic beverages in itself is a powerful stimulus for the development of VSD. Even after small doses of alcohol, patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia develop a hangover.

Some time after drinking beer or cognac, patients experience increased heart rate, shortness of breath, and facial skin becomes red. Blood pressure rises, and a feeling of anxiety appears. The person becomes overly excitable. Doctors recommend that patients suffering from VSD limit themselves to a glass of dry red wine during a feast.

You can learn detailed information about lifestyle, nutrition, smoking, and drinking alcohol with VSD after calling the Yusupov Hospital. Psychologists will help you get rid of bad habits that lead to exacerbation of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

How to drink coffee with VSD?

Many people living with VSD sometimes allow themselves to drink a cup of their favorite drink without suffering from it. It's all about using it correctly and minimizing harm to the nervous system.

  • Try to drink no more than a cup a day, perhaps a cup of coffee every 2-3 days.
  • The best time for caffeine is not on an empty stomach, or even after a big breakfast. Doctors recommend drinking coffee during second breakfast, around 11 o'clock, along with cookies or similar food. So caffeine just stimulates vigor, and at the same time does not harm you. Don't drink coffee in the afternoon.
  • It is advisable to add cream, milk, and a little sugar to the drink. If you don't like this option, perhaps lemon will do; it also qualitatively reduces the concentration of caffeine.

Drinking coffee with water reduces the likelihood of an attack of VSD.

How and how much you can drink

When answering the question whether it is possible to drink coffee during VSD, neurologists advise patients to undergo examination. Quitting coffee and dieting will help eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Not all people can completely give up the coffee drink, so they need to follow the rules:

  1. If you have sleep disturbances or palpitations, this product should not be used.
  2. When treating dystonia, you should not drink coffee every day.
  3. There is no need to abruptly stop taking the product if you have consumed more than 3 glasses per day.

To drink coffee

You need to gradually reduce the number of cups you drink; you need to take decoctions of plants that have sedative properties.

If the disease progresses calmly, people can consume the product no more than 1 glass every 3 days. You should not drink energy drinks before bed. Patients need to drink coffee with milk. The highest caffeine content is in bean drinks and cappuccino coffee.

The minimum percentage of the stimulant is in the instant drink. After taking the drink, patients should monitor their well-being. If a drink gives you energy, you don’t have to give it up. If nervous tension occurs and your heart rate increases, then you should not use the drink.

When should you not drink coffee if you have VSD?

If you feel increased anxiety, stress, nervousness, and assume that a crisis is approaching, you should not drink coffee in the desire to somehow calm down and relax. Most likely, this will only bring the attack closer. It is best to calm down, raise your legs above your head, distract yourself with TV or something else, and provide a flow of fresh air. Until you feel calm and well, do not drink coffee.

During treatment for VSD, doctors categorically prohibit any stimulants of the nervous system, including caffeine. When fighting nervous anxiety, every effort should be made to achieve quick and long-term remission.

If you have drunk coffee and feel an attack coming on, try to drink more water, induce vomiting and lie down. You can take Corvalol, Valocordin and similar drugs for relaxation.

The effect of coffee on the body with dystonia

In order to understand whether people with dystonia can drink coffee, you need to know what symptoms are observed with this disease. The general picture is rapid heartbeat, pain in the heart area, dizziness, sweating, increased or decreased blood pressure.

With autonomic dysfunction, a person feels discomfort due to anxiety, especially if a crisis is approaching. According to doctors, dystonia is a consequence of neurotic disorders, so patients are often sent to a psychotherapist to undergo appropriate treatment.

Considering the symptoms, if you also drink coffee while nervous, the nervous system will be overly excited. A one-time dose of coffee is not as harmful as regular consumption - constant consumption of the drink leads to exhaustion of the nervous system over time.

Even a healthy person, after drinking a cup of strong coffee, will experience anxiety, which he may not be aware of. He will feel a surge of energy, and if a person has VSD, he will notice not just anxiety, but a state close to panic.

Not only brewed and instant coffee, but also drinks with caffeine can worsen the symptoms of a neurotic disorder, and with constant consumption of such drinks, nervous tension will accumulate, dizziness and rapid pulse will become frequent.

VSD and coffee?

Davydova Irina Vladimirovna, cardiologist, associate professor of the Department of Cardiology of P. L. Shupik National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, member of the Association of Cardiologists of Ukraine.

A cup of aromatic strong natural coffee... What could be better?

Did you know that a cup of aromatic strong natural coffee (for example, a large cup of strong cappuccino, 250 ml) contains as much caffeine as 1 tablet of a medicine (caffeine)?

Whether drinking coffee is harmful or beneficial is probably one of the most discussed topics. Each side has its own arguments. One or two cups of coffee a day is virtually non-controversial. But what if a person who suffers from VSD and low blood pressure drinks 4 or even 6 cups of coffee every day? And if there’s been a rush at work for several weeks, you have to work overtime for a long time, or you have to do mental work in the evening when you’re already completely tired, then 8 cups of coffee a day? What happens to our body when we drink so much coffee?

Coffee contains caffeine, this is a well-known fact. From a medical point of view, caffeine is a classic psychostimulant, i.e. it stimulates the nervous system, reduces fatigue, increases mental activity, eliminates or reduces drowsiness 1,2,3,4.

If you drink coffee that is too strong for you (i.e., you take a high dose of caffeine for your body), you may experience anxiety, restlessness, tremors (shaking hands), increased excitability, insomnia, tachycardia, headache, dizziness, sweating, etc. 1,2,3,4 Some time after drinking coffee, the “reverse” effect always occurs - even greater fatigue, drowsiness, loss of strength and mood. It is important to understand that constant long-term intake of caffeine depletes the nervous system 5,6 and addiction to coffee occurs, i.e. More and more cups of coffee are required.

How can you live without coffee if every morning you feel tired, lack strength and want to sleep? If you have been in this condition for a long period, consult a doctor. This is a stereotype that there is no diagnosis of VSD, and the doctor determines VSD if he cannot find another disease. Diagnosis of VSD follows a very clear list of diagnostic procedures.

If you have been diagnosed with VSD, it is important to eliminate the cause (imbalance in the functioning of parts of the autonomic nervous system), and not “spur” the nervous system all the time.

Why does the nervous system become exhausted if we “abuse” coffee?

Caffeine has the ability to bind to specific brain receptors - adenosine 1,2,3,4,5,7, i.e. adenosine, which plays an important role in promoting sleep, relaxation and suppressing alertness, is replaced by caffeine, which leads to the opposite, stimulating effect. Constant long-term intake of caffeine and the replacement of adenosine causes a response from the body - the formation of new adenosine receptors and the synthesis of a larger than normal amount of adenosine. Now the effects of caffeine have decreased, more caffeine is needed to replace adenosine in more receptors. This way you can “reach” up to 10 cups of coffee a day, this is the addictive effect, which requires large doses of caffeine to achieve the same stimulating effect.

If you suddenly completely give up coffee, which you have been taking for a long time and in large quantities, this can lead to adenosine replacing all the receptors. Strong inhibition occurs in the central nervous system. Lethargy, general depression, drowsiness, tachycardia, and nervous depression appear 2. Chronic caffeine intake depletes the nervous system 2,3,4,5,6. Thought processes slow down, willpower weakens, and self-doubt appears.

Consumption of caffeine (caffeine-containing drinks) leads to the formation of physical and mental dependence on this substance.

Often, coffee lovers who abuse the amount experience sleep disturbances - i.e. a person cannot fall asleep for a long time, and when he falls asleep, the sleep is not deep, the person often wakes up, and in the morning he does not feel cheerful and rested. The fact is that the half-life of caffeine from the body is about 4-5 hours (sometimes up to 10) 6 . Therefore, we consider further: if you drink a large cup of good coffee, which contains about 200 mg of caffeine at 18:00, then at 23:00 there will still be 100 mg of caffeine in the body. By four o'clock in the morning the body will still have 50 mg of this substance in the blood. Even if you do fall asleep, you are unlikely to have deep, quality sleep. And in the morning, the next day, a person experiences fatigue, severe drowsiness and again begins to drink coffee in large quantities. Is there life without coffee? Find out…

Coffee also has a diuretic effect and accelerates the leaching of calcium 2,3,4,5,6.

Recent studies have shown that after menopause and in old age, women who regularly drink more than three to four cups of coffee per day increase the likelihood of developing brittle bones - osteoporosis.

Can people with vegetative-vascular dystonia drink coffee?

I am not a doctor or a professional psychologist. I will not say what is possible and what is not. If in doubt, consult your doctor. It is advisable, including with a psychotherapist. I'm just expressing my opinion. Whether you agree with him or not is up to you.

I believe that coffee itself is not dangerous for people with neurosis. Especially if a person loved and drank it always. During an exacerbation of VSD, coffee causes exactly the same reactions in the body as before. But in the head of a person with a mental disorder, the perception changes. Most neurosics develop hypochondria. All sensations in the body are aggravated tenfold

And what previously went unnoticed is now recorded with attention

The problem is not in coffee or any other drink, the problem is in the head. In thoughts, disharmony, mental imbalance.

I believe that there is no point in giving up familiar foods if they suddenly begin to cause panic attacks. So, the situation is only getting worse. A conditioned reflex arises. The brain instantly records the situation if a person decides for himself that this or that product is harmful and dangerous for him. Next time the subconscious will automatically provoke PA at the sight of this product. Each time this connection will only strengthen. And in the end it will become more and more difficult to get rid of it.

You need to look for and eliminate the causes of your neurosis, and not get rid of foods and everything else that causes panic attacks. Otherwise, the situation will only get worse.

Properties of coffee

Several studies have been conducted that have revealed the positive effect of coffee drink on the functioning of the stomach.

The use of coffee affects the secretion of gastric juice, which has a beneficial effect on the health of people who have gastritis with low acidity. Due to chlorogenic and caffeic acid, the level of amyloid protein in the body, which causes stage 2 diabetes, decreases. When drinking the drink, the blood vessels of the brain dilate, which prevents stroke. It is also possible to prevent Parkinson's disease with the help of a drink.

But caffeine also causes tachycardia, insomnia and hypertensive crisis. Over time, people get used to the daily portion of the drink. Therefore, doctors have noticed that men and women who are prone to frequent coffee consumption feel sluggish without it. Doctors also note a negative effect on pregnant women: it flushes calcium from the body and can have a bad effect on the baby’s health. In general, with the addition of sugar or syrup to the drink, it will be extremely high in calories.

How to drink the drink correctly

Doctors recommend avoiding caffeinated coffee and tea altogether. Experts advise that if you are ill, you should drink herbal teas, juice-containing, fruit drinks and other drinks that are not able to affect the nerves, unlike caffeinated coffee and tea for VSD.

VSD is not a disease in the sense that we mean. This condition is often triggered by a panic attack. Nerve dysfunction occurs when drinking caffeinated coffee.

If a disease is present, then you should follow some rules to help stabilize the condition:

  1. If you can’t give up completely, then you should reduce the amount of caffeinated coffee gradually;
  2. When treating VSD, it is better not to drink caffeinated coffee, as medications help fight anxiety. But caffeinated coffee, on the contrary, helps suppress this restless state during VSD;
  3. A healthy person can drink one cup of aromatic caffeinated coffee per day, while patients with VSD are recommended to drink coffee once every few days.
  4. You should not drink caffeinated coffee before bed;
  5. Black coffee for VSD is consumed diluted with cream or milk;
  6. If your condition is not very stable, there is fear, heavy breathing and rapid heart rate, you should not drink caffeinated coffee;
  7. It is recommended to drink clean water in large volumes, which helps to increase blood pressure and a feeling of vigor;
  8. Patients with VSD should sleep for 10 hours, which will lead to the restoration of expended energy and strength. And you won’t have to drink caffeinated coffee in the morning;
  9. It is recommended to take daily walks during VSD. You can swim, walk, run, ride a bike. If you move actively, the organs will be better supplied with blood, and this will lead to an improvement in the patient’s condition;
  10. The use of a contrast shower, which will make patients with VSD more cheerful. Thanks to this procedure, strengthening of blood vessels is observed, relieving nervous tension after feelings of anxiety, cheerfulness and improving mood without consuming caffeine during VSD;
  11. Hypotensive patients with VSD should not get out of bed abruptly, as this can lead to fainting;
  12. You can massage the ears during VSD.

A little background on my coffee addiction

I became addicted to this drink very early, when I was 15 years old. My mother was and remains a big coffee lover, and every morning in our house began with the aroma of coffee beans. I have been living separately from my parents for a long time, but in my house the morning also begins with the aroma of coffee.

It has long been known that coffee is addictive. And I don’t deny at all that I have become a real coffee lover. I couldn't live a day without at least one cup of hot black coffee. Moreover, I have been drinking it without sugar for a very long time. It tastes better and more aromatic to me. I don't like sugar at all. I never abused the drink. On average, I drink 2 cups a day. By the way, my blood pressure is low, and coffee helps me feel in good shape. For the last few years I have been drinking only natural coffee.

If for some reason I can’t get my cup of coffee in the morning (this happened extremely rarely), then I actually feel “withdrawal.” I really want a drink and it’s hard for me to refuse it. I am well aware of my addiction, but I have never even thought about getting rid of it.

I am convinced that coffee in moderation is beneficial. There is quite a lot of information about this. No one will ever convince me of this. I don’t think coffee is harmful, I love it and I’m not going to give it up. Even now, as an NLP practitioner, I know that all products affect us exactly as we ourselves think about them. If you think coffee is harmful, it will be so.

Drinking the drink itself is a kind of ritual. This is not just physical absorption of the product, but several pleasant minutes during which I immerse myself in my inner world, resting my soul. And if you add a slice of dark chocolate to the ritual, then the level of happiness will go off scale.

girl with a cup of coffee

Treatment methods for VSD

Basic rules that a person with dystonia must follow in order to get rid of it faster:

  • Viewing negative television programs and feature films is strictly prohibited. A person must protect himself from quarrels and conflict situations, not overwork and sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Sufficient consumption of water during the day to regulate water balance and normalize blood pressure.
  • Engage in active recreation, which will help improve mood and blood circulation, thereby increasing the tone of the body.
  • The use of water procedures in the form of contrast or Charcot shower, which strengthens blood vessels and improves cardiac activity.
  • Relaxing massage and acupuncture.
  • Refusal of coffee, strong tea and cola.
  • Use of medications prescribed by a doctor: antidepressants, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, sedatives and nootropics. Such drugs are selected for each person individually.
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes.

Treatment with folk methods using medicinal plants is also successfully used to relieve anxiety in cases of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Motherwort, hawthorn, valerian, peony, mint and lemon balm - all these plants are effectively used in the form of tinctures to relieve nervous tension.

To improve your health and tone, regardless of whether you drink coffee or not, you need exercise. Therefore, to treat dystonia, you need a strict regimen that includes physical activity and sufficient time for rest.

The main solution to the problem of vegetative-vascular dystonia is for the patient to review his lifestyle, in particular, his diet. Thus, in addition to drug therapy, to completely get rid of the disease, you will need to follow a diet.

As you know, VSD affects parts of the nervous system, which controls the functioning of various internal organs of a person. If you do not resort to timely treatment, a person may face serious illnesses and dangerous complications. Therefore, when prescribing a course of treatment, any doctor, first of all, will advise his patient to review the nutritional schedule and use a dietary diet.

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