Blood type 4 is a positive characteristic in women

Person's character

People with blood type 4 and Rh positive have character traits such as kindness and responsiveness. They are prone to creative thinking, emotional and sometimes too vulnerable. At the same time, they are completely unforgiving and very quickly forgive even deep grievances. People with positive blood type 4 have good intuition and rich imagination. This kind of blood flows in the veins of many psychics, fortune tellers and fortune tellers.

Negative personality traits include indiscipline, lack of concentration and lack of determination. Coupled with innate curiosity, these qualities make a person with 4+ blood a keen nature, falling in love (with people or activities), but quickly cooling down towards objects of passion.

Often, the self-esteem of people with blood group 4Rh+ is significantly underestimated. Because of this, they tend to constantly delve into themselves, looking for shortcomings, and worry about even the most insignificant reasons. At the same time, they romanticize the surrounding reality and firmly believe in universal justice and balance.

People with positive blood type 4 have good intuition and rich imagination.

People with blood type 4+ are very receptive and suggestible, trusting, flexible and gentle towards others. They can easily fall under the influence of deceivers and manipulators. Among such people there are many religious fanatics and irreconcilable and uncompromising fighters for anything (for animal rights, for the freedom of Tibet, and so on).

Holders of positive blood type 4 are creatively gifted and most often choose the appropriate professions: they become musicians, writers, poets or philosophers. This is due to the fact that the spiritual world is much more important to them than the material, earthly one.

Fourth positive blood group: characteristics of predisposition to diseases

Researchers have long noticed that people with the same blood type suffer more often from some diseases and less often from others, and their immunity is of unequal strength. According to scientists, this is caused by the presence or absence of antigens A and B.

  1. People with 4+ are predisposed due to antigen A to the following diseases:
  • Iron-deficiency anemia,
  • pyoderma,
  • Lyell's syndrome,
  • eczema,
  • hives,
  • jaundice,
  • salmonellosis,
  • various aneurysms (protrusions of blood vessels),
  • anacid gastritis.
  1. The presence of the B antigen makes them more vulnerable to the following diseases:
  • systemic lupus erythematosus,
  • systemic scleroderma,
  • periarthritis nodosa,
  • nuclear jaundice (severe complication of hemolytic disease of the newborn).

However, having a predisposition to a disease and getting sick are not the same thing. With a healthy lifestyle and a thoughtful diet, people in group 4 are able to live to an old age.

Characteristics of 4 blood groups with positive Rhesus, compatibility with other groups


  1. When organizing proper nutrition, people with group 4 should take into account that in most cases they have low stomach acidity. Hence the conclusion - it is worth limiting the consumption of meat and meat products, since with low acidity they are poorly digested.
  2. To avoid anemia, sea fish is useful.
  3. Low-fat fermented milk products are beneficial.
  4. Sea kale improves metabolism.
  5. Beans and corn are not the best choices. They can negatively affect the pancreas.
  6. If the diet is aimed at losing weight, it is not recommended to eat buckwheat and wheat porridge. They contribute to excess weight gain.


To improve health and treat certain diseases, people with 4+ are suitable for:

  • large-rooted alocasia,
  • marshmallow,
  • hawthorn,
  • black elderberry,
  • valerian,
  • oak bark,
  • Chinese ginseng,
  • figs,
  • birch,
  • white acacia,
  • cowberry,
  • burdock,
  • fern,
  • plantain,
  • chamomile,
  • Rowan,
  • lilac.


Characteristics of a blood group do not end with the determination of personal qualities. Specific health properties have also been well studied. People who have 4 positive blood type suffer more than others from low levels of immunity. Because of this, they often catch colds and catch acute seasonal viruses. Children with this blood type need special care: the body's defense mechanisms require regular support in the form of vitamin complexes, hardening and other health-promoting measures.

Often people with 4Rh+ blood have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This occurs due to the sensitive mucous membrane. The diet must be chosen especially carefully so as not to provoke deterioration.

Read also: How to boost immunity?

How to take a blood test for group and Rh factor?

What are negative calorie foods?

Human blood groups

For a hundred years now, one of the most important mysteries of our circulatory system has remained without a solution. We never knew why we have different blood types. However, the fact that groups really exist is beyond doubt - the groups are determined by special molecules (antigens) located on the surface of blood cells, these are the “balls” that blood consists of.

It is the antigens that determine the blood type , and if blood with a different type of antigen enters the human body, it will be rejected. If the antigens are different, then the body will recognize foreign red blood cells and begin to attack them. That is why it is so important to take into account group compatibility when giving blood transfusions. However, why is blood divided into types? Wouldn't it be simpler to have one universal group?

Blood is made up of these “pills” - red blood cells.

Of course it would be easier. But while scientists cannot answer the question of why many people have different blood types, it is impossible to create a universal group. Last year, scientists from the National Defense Medical College tested the first universal artificial blood on 10 rabbits. All animals were injured and suffered severe blood loss. During the study, 6 out of 10 rabbits survived and were transfused with universal artificial blood. Survival among rabbits transfused with normal blood from their group was exactly the same. At the same time, experts noted that no side effects from the use of artificial blood were found. But this is not enough to talk about the creation of some kind of “universal” blood.

So for now we are working the old fashioned way with different blood groups. How are they determined?


The eating behavior of people with 4 positive blood group must meet two postulates: balance and regularity. You need to eat at the same time, the food should be light, simple, but at the same time nutritious, rich in vitamins, minerals and beneficial microelements. Please note that we are not talking about a diet for losing excess weight, but about the correct nutrition for a specific blood type. It will help you avoid gaining unnecessary pounds and prevent gastrointestinal diseases.

If you have 4Rh+, a moderately mixed diet is ideal for you, that is, one in which you can combine almost all foods, but in limited quantities. So, among meat foods, turkey, lamb and rabbit should be present in the diet. For fish, it is best to give preference to sturgeon, trout and tuna. Be sure to include cereals in your daily menu - rice, buckwheat and millet. Don't forget about low-fat dairy products - cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir and fermented baked milk. Whole milk should not be consumed too often - it is difficult to digest.

Olive oil and nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits will be beneficial for your health and digestion. These products can be used to make delicious salads - for example, cucumbers, kiwis, apples, pine nuts and olive oil. This combination of products is valuable not only for its exquisite taste, but also for its successful set of nutrients and vitamins.

Linden tincture, weak black tea, and freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices are good drinks. It is recommended to dilute them with water so that the acids do not harm the delicate gastric mucosa. Occasionally you can drink coffee, but only natural coffee and best with the addition of milk or cream.

It is worth noting foods that are not recommended for those with a 4Rh+ blood group. These are legumes and corn, which slow down metabolism and lead to obesity, high-calorie store-bought sauces - mayonnaise and ketchup, hot spices. Do not get carried away with fatty meats - pork, bacon and lard, smoked meats. Doctors also advise avoiding seafood delicacies (including shrimp, crayfish and mussels), salted and pickled vegetables, fatty dairy products and strong coffee.

Fourth blood group (Rh positive): features of inheritance

The specificity of inheritance is subject to the laws of another Austrian scientist - Gregor Mendel. Group 4 can occur if both parents have a total presence of antigens A and B.

An accurate forecast is impossible. There are special tables that describe the probabilities of conceiving a child with a particular group, depending on the group characteristics of the parents.

However, we are talking about probability. For example, even if the father and mother have both AB, this will not necessarily mean AB blood type; the child may receive A or B.

As for Rhesus, in most cases (approximately 75%) Rh+ is inherited, even if one of the parents is Rhesus negative. People with 4 negative group are about one percent of the total number of people.


At the stage of pregnancy planning, all women must undergo certain preparatory procedures, regardless of blood type. It is necessary to improve the body’s health, cure acute diseases, and take preventive measures to strengthen the immune system. For those with blood group 4, this is especially important, because the resistance of their immune system to infections is lower than that of other women.

For pregnant women with blood group 4Rh+, there are no specific restrictions or lifestyle recommendations. You just need to adhere to generally accepted rules: eat well, get enough sleep if possible, don’t burden yourself with household chores, get more rest and be in a positive mood. Statistics show that women with positive blood group 4 are more likely to experience toxicosis (perhaps this is due to reduced immunity and a sensitive gastrointestinal tract system). You can get rid of nausea, vomiting, gas, heartburn and other unpleasant phenomena with water acidified with lemon juice, black bread crackers and frequent walks in the fresh air. The attending physician will adjust the diet, but generally, while carrying a child, a woman can eat whatever she wants, even if it is not the healthiest food, and refuse foods that cause disgust.

Among the advantages characteristic of pregnant women with 4Rh+, it is important to highlight the low risk of Rh conflict. Even if the father of the unborn baby has a negative Rh factor, which will be inherited by the fetus, the likelihood of developing a Rh conflict is very low.

People with 4Rh+ blood are talented and romantic, sometimes they can be touchy, but they always quickly let go of everything bad. Their character is contradictory, but this is their uniqueness, and this is why they arouse interest. As for health, it all depends on themselves. If you lead a correct lifestyle and follow a suitable diet, there will be no difficulties with your health.


In relation to the fourth group, the term “universal recipient” is used. What does it mean? In medical settings, transfusions of whole donor blood are performed extremely rarely; blood substitutes are more often used. However, there are situations when urgent replenishment of the volume of lost blood is necessary, in which case even direct transfusion is performed.

Pros and cons of transfusion
Blood group compatibility table for transfusion

First of all, a blood group compatibility test is performed. If the donor's blood and the victim's blood are suitable for each other, it can be used; if agglutination (clotting) of the blood occurs, the compatibility test has not been passed. Inappropriate blood transfusion can cause transfusion shock and lead to rapid death of the patient.

Each blood group can be given blood of the same group or with the corresponding antigen. In this regard, group 4 (AB) is universal; the first group is suitable for it, since it does not contain agglutinins that can cause coagulation. Blood group 2, containing antigen A and the third with antigen B. At the same time, the fourth blood group itself cannot be transfused to anyone other than the same one.

Rhesus factor compatibility is no less important. Blood without protein can be transfused, but not back. Because the body, which does not have its own Rh protein, perceives blood with its presence as a foreign agent and rejects it.

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