Diameter of the heart in children. The norm is the same as for aortic valve insufficiency, ventricular hypertrophy, stenosis
The weight of the human heart normally ranges between 250 g in women and 350
Diagnosis of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities
The most effective methods for cleaning the vessels of the lower extremities
Nowadays, diseases of the cardiovascular system are a very common ailment. Today there are more frequent
Bone tissue remodeling.
Osteocalcin is normal in menopausal women
Osteoporosis is a progressive disease of bone tissue, which is characterized by decreased density, destruction and fragility
Types of stroke
Heaviness in the chest, difficulty breathing and rapid heartbeat, what is it?
Causes of rapid heartbeat A rapid pulse may be a reaction to external stimuli or indicate
algorithm for collecting blood from a vein
Today it is impossible to imagine medicine without biochemical studies of serum or blood plasma,
Berries for blood pressure
Which berry increases blood pressure? Berries and fruits that are good for hypotension
The fruits of berry crops are a rich source of biologically active substances that are beneficial for the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Hematocrit during pregnancy
Low hematocrit in the blood during pregnancy
What are red blood cells? The state of the body in pregnant women compared to girls who are not carrying a child.
what happens if air gets into a vein
What happens if there is air in the syringe? Intramuscular injection into the buttock: learning to do it yourself
What happens if air gets into a vein? This question often arises among those
Examination of the heart and peripheral vessels
In order to make a diagnosis of heart disease, the doctor acts according to the following plan: a survey,
Vasorenal hypertension and atherosclerosis of the renal arteries
July 6, 2018 Cardiology Olga Simchenko Vasorenal hypertension is a hypertensive syndrome that is observed
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