What is alpha amylase The term itself comes from the ancient Greek “μυλον” - “starch”. Its purpose
General information about the analysis for MCH The mch (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin) indicator in the analysis refers to
How blood clotting occurs The value of blood lies in its unique ability to deliver nutrition and
Red blood cells and their function in the body Red blood cells are a cellular unit of blood whose main purpose is
When a cardiologist orders a blood test for homocysteine, 8 out of 10
What is lymphopenia? A reduced number of lymphocytes in the blood indicates the formation of lymphopenia, which is not
The general condition of the human body directly depends on the health of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems. Among the significant
Features of decoding Deciphering of blood test indicators in adults and children is carried out to identify all
What is hemoglobin Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells. The
Metabolic disorders are found in the practice of endocrinologists and others. By nature these are the most