Beef, milk, fish, eggs
Dietary nutrition for autonomic dysfunction
What should be avoided with dystonia VSD is a disease that is accompanied by disturbances in proper functioning
Medicinal herbs
The most effective folk remedies for treating cholesterol
Moderately elevated cholesterol levels can be normalized with the help of single-component infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants.
In case of arrhythmia, it is necessary to count the pulse within
Heart problems are increasingly being caused by stress. Strong physical exertion, as well as incorrect
effect of cognac on blood vessels and heart
How does cognac expand or constrict blood vessels, and can it be used for medicinal purposes?
The fact that alcoholic drinks are harmful to health is known to almost all people. However, rarely
An effective cure for dizziness and cerebral vascular spasms
Description of the disease Main symptoms of VSD: tinnitus; lack of air; panic, excitement; nausea; violation
Natural and healthy: plants for a healthy heart and blood vessels
As a preventive measure and additional therapy, patients with cardiovascular diseases are recommended to use non-traditional recipes.
Pulse 200 beats per minute at rest what to do
What to do during attacks of tachycardia? Tachycordia is an increase in heart rate. Heart muscle in an adult
What type of vegetative vascular dystonia can you avoid service with?
Complex form of VSD The decision to serve in the army is made by a special military medical commission. She's the same
Thromboembolism: how to save your legs and cope with the disease
Thrombosis of the arteries of the lower extremities is characterized by blockage of its lumen with a thrombus and insufficiency of local blood flow. IN
why are blood vessels blocked?
Vein blockage: development factors, localization, signs, diagnosis, treatment, prevention
Causes of leg vein thrombosis Thrombosis (vein blockage) is the process of formation of blood vessels inside the veins
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