Causes of childhood venous disease If varicose veins in a child are a congenital defect, then the main cause
Exercise therapy for hypertension: a set of exercises and gymnastics The short-term and long-term prognosis of IHD depends on
In what forms of VSD do vascular spasms occur? Vascular spasms can occur in all types
Preparing the tincture To properly prepare the herbal infusion from aspen bark, you need to apply some skills
Greetings, dear guests and regular readers of Alexey Shevchenko’s blog “Healthy Lifestyle”. Surely
Action in case of rhythm disturbances The antiarrhythmic properties of Lidocaine manifest themselves mainly at the level of myocardial cells
The blood supply to the brain is a separate functional system of blood vessels through which the flow of
Causes of hemorrhoids Normal changes that occur in the body during pregnancy often become
Polycythemia ICD-10 45. (ICD-O 9950/3), 75.1, 61.1 ICD-9 238.4, 289.0, 776.4 Polycythemia vera (Greek.
If you experience the first pain in the legs and bulging veins, you should immediately contact