How to increase iron levels in the blood - medications, recipes and food
What is the importance of iron Iron is not synthesized by the body itself, so it is necessary to get it
Development of pathology
Causes of development and treatment options for hypertensive angiopathy
Due to hypertension, the human body wears out faster, as the constant increase in blood pressure in
Specifics of the test
What is a blood test for bladder cancer: indications for performance and interpretation of the results
Sexually transmitted diseases are becoming a horror for people, causing serious complications. One of these diseases is
The heart of the reason skips a beat. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of extrasystole
What is heart palpitations? Heart failure of a different nature at least once in everyone’s life
How does Corvalol affect blood pressure?
How many drops of Corvalol should you take for high blood pressure?
This medicine in the form of drops is probably present in most home medicine cabinets. It is drunk when
Why is the upper pressure high and the lower normal? Causes and treatment
Diagnostic methods If systolic pressure is higher than normal, the specialist prescribes several diagnostic methods: electrocardiogram; general
ABPM: what kind of examination is it, how is it carried out and can it be deceived?
Today I will tell you, dear Antikidok subscriber, a secret method for 100% slope in a year
Signs of heart failure in women: symptoms of the disease before 40 and after 50 years
5 / 5 (12 votes) The article talks about the manifestations of heart failure.
Thrombocytosis: causes, symptoms and treatment with folk remedies at home
Thrombocytosis in folk medicine
Thrombocytosis is a hematological pathology characterized by an increase in the number of platelets in the blood. The provoking factor is associated with
Rheumatic heart disease: causes and pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
© Author: Illarionov Andrey Alekseevich, therapist, bacteriologist, especially for (about the authors) Rheumatic disease
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