Blood pressure 120 over 70 (80): is this normal or not?

Today there is a lot of talk about the fact that blood pressure (BP) is an individual indicator that cannot be standard for everyone. That is why the boundaries of optimal permissible blood pressure values ​​today are so wide - from 91 to 139 mm Hg for systolic readings, and from 61 to 89 mm Hg for diastolic readings.

There are many reasons for such a variation in optimal blood pressure values ​​- the individual characteristics of the body, genetic predisposition to certain blood pressure values, lifestyle and special human conditions (for example, pregnancy in women). How should we today treat values ​​that were considered the norm for a whole century? Do the numbers 120 to 80 reflect the pressure that can be considered optimal?

What does a pressure of 120 to 80 mmHg mean? Art.?

First, let's figure out what the pressure numbers of 120 to 80 mean.

  1. As with any other blood pressure indicator, the first number - 120 mmHg - means systolic pressure, which is measured at the moment blood is pushed out of the heart into the artery when the heart muscle contracts - that is, during systole.
  2. The “lower” indicator is 80 mm Hg. Art. - this is the pressure recorded at the moment of diastole, relaxation of the heart muscle, at which the heart chambers are again filled with blood. The “lower” blood pressure is called diastolic.

Both the systolic and diastolic values ​​of the blood pressure in question are an example of the “gold standard” of blood pressure - 120 over 80, which means the absolute norm for most people.

Pressure standards

We will provide a table of blood pressure norms in connection with age-related changes:

Human ageNormal blood pressure for malesNormal blood pressure for females From birth to 2 years 60/90, 92/11545/55, 59/75 From 2 to 4 years 100/11355/75 From 5 to 8 years 100/12059/80 From 9 to 12 years 105/12871/80 C 13 to 18 years old 120/78117/73 From 18 years old to 28 years old 129/77121/6929-39 years old 131/82129/8040-55134/80140/8156-65144/82145/84 From 66 and older 140/81160/88

It should be remembered that in addition to your blood pressure, each person must also measure their pulse:

  • From 0 to 5 years – 135-139 beats per minute,
  • From 5 to 8 – 89-94 beats per minute,
  • From 9 to 20 years – 79-86 beats per minute,
  • From 21 to 58 years old – 63-69 beats per minute,
  • During poisoning - from 100 or more beats per minute.

It was the cosmonauts’ blood pressure that previously received all the attention, and their normal blood pressure was 120 over 80.

A girl has a headache

Is this normal blood pressure during pregnancy?

Can you be sure that 120 to 80 is the optimal blood pressure during pregnancy? Obviously yes. But what about those women who are not part of the majority and for some reason consider their blood pressure to be high or low, and can this even happen?

Let us consider in more detail the issue of the effect of pregnancy on blood pressure. As long-term observations show, the dynamics of blood pressure in pregnant women follows approximately the same rule:

  • in the first trimester, there is usually a slight decrease in blood pressure from the levels usual for a woman before pregnancy;
  • approximately by the middle of the second trimester, blood pressure gradually stabilizes or may increase slightly, which is also considered as the optimal response of a woman’s circulatory system to pregnancy.

At the beginning of the pregnancy, the pregnant woman’s body undergoes hormonal changes; the amount of progesterone in the blood increases, which helps relax the walls of the arteries, which sometimes leads to a decrease in blood pressure. If during this period a pregnant woman’s blood pressure is 120 over 80, what does this mean?

Most often, it is that everything is fine with the woman; much less often, it is that her blood pressure is slightly elevated (if she was accustomed to lower values ​​before pregnancy). Finally, it is extremely rare that these figures are low if we are talking about a woman accustomed to high blood pressure. This happens if the expectant mother is over 30 and her medical history consistently shows high numbers - up to 135 over 90 - it is clear that for her the pressure is 120 over 80 mm Hg. Art. may be considered slightly reduced, although still optimal.

By the middle of the term, the process of a gradual increase in circulating blood volume (CBV) begins, which is associated with the need for a woman’s circulatory system to work for two. As a result, by the end of the 6th month, the bloodstream may contain 2–2.5 liters of blood more than before pregnancy. Naturally, this leads to an increase in blood pressure. If in the second half of pregnancy the pressure is 120 over 80, what is it? Does this mean that the BCC is not enough and the fetus is experiencing a lack of nutrients and oxygen in the blood? Not at all, if the woman’s health is satisfactory and there are no health complaints.

Useful information about blood pressure monitors can be found in this article.

pressure levels

Blood pressure levels

How to lower or increase blood pressure to normal?

As mentioned above, blood pressure can change throughout life, but in some cases this can lead not only to headaches, but also to other sad consequences (hypotension, hypertension, stroke, etc.)

But there are methods with which a “golden mean” is possible without health consequences:

When low When high Rest Doctors strongly recommend following a sleep schedule, and it should be 7-8 hours at night, but overdoing it with sleep is also not advisable for human health. At the first upward surges in pressure, you need to lie down on the bed, sofa, and try to relax, breathe slowly, think about the positive aspects Exercises to stabilize blood pressure With constant light exercise, you can achieve good results: vigor, good mood, stable blood pressure with a “golden mean” Under stress, pressure rises very quickly. To do this, you should go outside, veranda, balcony - breathe fresh air, take 5-10 deep breaths. Procedures in the bath, shower. Take a warm bath (not hot) with oils for relaxation (lavender, chamomile, mint, etc.). You can also use a contrast shower, which will give you a little vigor. After this, you can lie down for a while to stabilize the pressure. Diet: Drink a small cup of strong coffee, fruit tea with 1-2 tablespoons of sugar, any herbal tinctures. For food you can eat cottage cheese, cheese, milk. You can eat a little chocolate. If your blood pressure increases frequently, you should include potatoes, legumes, nuts, herbs, garlic, etc. in your diet.

Control over your condition Think as much as possible about the good, enjoy even the little things, don’t look for a reason to be upset, control your emotions in any situation

In any case, if pressure surges are quite frequent and deviate from the norm by 15 or more units, then you should not self-medicate - be sure to consult a doctor!

Full sleep

What causes a headache at 120 to 80?

Let's try to figure out what causes a headache when blood pressure is 120 over 80 (normal pressure)? The fact is that a pressure of 120 over 80 is normal blood pressure for men 25–30 years old. For young women, lower values ​​may be optimal, even such as 92 over 60. That is, returning to the question of the previous paragraph, if before pregnancy the expectant young mother was hypotensive, we can say about a pressure of 120 over 80 that this is a slightly increased blood pressure for her .

Most doctors are inclined to believe that 120 over 80 is a pressure during pregnancy, and not only during pregnancy, that cannot cause a severe headache. That is, a person may experience a headache, but not as a result of a pressure of 120 to 80. Therefore, one should look for other causes of cephalgia (headache). In both pregnant women and other patients, the causes of cephalgia can be:

  • psychogenic factors;
  • sinusitis;
  • migraine;
  • cervical osteochondrosis, causing spasm of cerebral vessels;
  • colds;
  • intoxication;
  • diseases of the organs of vision, etc.

There are many reasons for headaches, as well as ways to get rid of them. Any doctor will consider that a blood pressure of 120 over 80 and a pulse of 80 are excellent indicators, which means that the cause of the headache should be sought among other factors. Therefore, you should not take medications without permission without finding out the exact cause of the pain syndrome.

Why does the resting heart rate increase at this level of blood pressure?

Increased heartbeat usually appears during physical overload, with sudden changes in blood pressure, due to stress. But it happens that the heart begins to beat faster even in a calm state, that is, tachycardia occurs.

Even with a pressure of 120 to 80, a pulse of 120 is a completely understandable phenomenon, for which there are many prerequisites. The prerequisites or provoking factors of tachycardia can be divided into physiological and pathological.

Physiological causes of tachycardia are much easier to eliminate, and in some cases, rapid heartbeat provoked by physiological factors simply goes away on its own.

Physiological tachycardia can occur:

  • due to overeating;
  • due to consumption of caffeine-containing products or energy drinks;
  • due to excitement, anxiety;
  • after being in a stuffy environment for a long time;
  • when exposed to heat for a long time or in high mountain climates;
  • at elevated body temperature.

Pathological causes are much more difficult to understand, since they are associated with certain diseases and require careful diagnosis. Their list includes:

  • various pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • endocrine disorders - thyroid disease, adrenal hyperfunction;
  • various anemias;
  • pulmonary pathologies - emphysema, silicosis (a severe type of pneumoconiosis - an occupational pulmonary disease);
  • intoxication;
  • neuroses, psychoses, states of passion.

Pregnant women often complain of tachycardia in a calm state, most often from the middle of the second trimester, which is explained by the increased load on the body due to the enlargement of the fetus.

Tachycardia in pregnant women can become permanent, which is associated with changes in hormonal levels and compression of the diaphragm by the enlarged uterus. Women in this condition should be under the supervision of their attending physician.

In order not to cause unnecessary concern in patients, let us remind you that a person’s condition is considered normal if the pressure is 120 to 80, the pulse is up to 90. We will consider what to do if the pulse is much higher.

How to measure blood pressure correctly

In order to find out whether your blood pressure is normal, you should remember some rules for measuring blood pressure at home:

  • A person should not smoke or drink alcohol, coffee, strong tea for 50-55 minutes before measuring blood pressure.
  • The person’s condition should only be calm, no physical activity,
  • If you have a desire to go to the toilet, but decide to do it later, do not delay this process. Every doctor will confirm the fact that with a full bladder, the pressure can be 5-8 mmHg higher or lower. Art.,
  • You need to measure blood pressure only under normal temperature conditions, in a calm state, without talking or moving during the process,
  • A person should sit and remain in a relaxed state for 3-4 minutes, only then can blood pressure be measured,
  • The person's elbow should be approximately at the level of the heart when the cuff is put on,
  • It is advisable to measure blood pressure several times, every 5-7 minutes.

Pressure is measured using tonometers - automatic (electronic) or mechanical (manual).

Is tachycardia dangerous at 120 to 80 and what to do in this case?

Tachycardia is usually called a condition in which a person’s pulse exceeds 100 beats per minute, and this is not associated with physical activity. A heart rate of 120 beats per minute indicates an acute attack of tachycardia. If the pressure is 120 to 80, the pulse is 120, what should you do in this case?

If an attack of tachycardia did not occur as a result of physical activity or emotional stress, in this case it is better to call an ambulance. A high pulse most often indicates a lack of oxygen supply to the tissues (and in pregnant women, to the fetus), so this condition is certainly dangerous.

Especially if it is accompanied by:

  • feeling of heaviness in the chest;
  • shortness of breath;
  • cold sweat;
  • dizziness;
  • fear of death;
  • numbness of the feet and hands;
  • cyanosis (blue discoloration) of the limbs or lips.

While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, you can take the following measures:

  1. Place the person in a comfortable resting position.
  2. Free him from tight clothing elements - belts, collar fasteners.
  3. Ventilate the room in which the patient is located.
  4. Wipe his face and chest with a damp, cool towel.
  5. Invite the patient to breathe deeply, holding the breath.

If there are no contraindications and the situation requires it (hysteria), you can give 3 tablets of valerian. The main thing in such a situation, no matter who it happens to, is to calm the person down.

What is considered low blood pressure during pregnancy and what can be done about it? Read here.

Pulse over 100

Tachycardia indicates the development of pronounced changes in the cardinal structure. A pressure of 110 over 80 with a pulse of 110 or 100 may indicate a malfunction of the sinus node, or a paroxysm due to blockade of the His bundles.

Recovery in this case is difficult. This option is very rare. Most often, people experience exactly the opposite process.

pressure 110 over 80

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